DIS Veteran
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- Aug 21, 1999
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I have been trying to get different rates for March and April and trying to compare....this will decide when we go.
Well....being a DC member I called the 800 number.
First I got this gentleman that was obviously new and I felt I had to try and walk him through in order to check on rates. I was trying to get AAA rates.
Then after about 25 minutes.....I am proud of myself for not slamming the phone down on him!!!......I finally got AAA rates for 6 nights in April......
Then I asked about March and told him I had a code...
Well, I think he knew he was in over his head. He told me he would have to have someone else help me.
Thank goodness he gave me to someone who knew what they were doing!!
But then I called today to check for DC or AAA rates in April at another resort. .....oh yea, the 25 minutes was spent just checking on one resort!

Okay, another new person, this one barely speaking English. Checked on DC rates, gave me rack rates and insisted these were the discounted rates. I just said I would call back and speak to someone else.
So anyway, another new person, but not as bad.
BUT....and here is when it got confusing for me!!!
After checking DC, I asked for AAA. She said I would have to speak with the AAA person. She said there was no way she could do that!!!

First time I ever heard of that!! So, again, I was transferred to someone else.
This one seemed to know what she was doing. But some of the the dates I wanted were blocked out from AAA. So....this is where I started to get a headache.........I told her I wanted to check a couple other dates using DC!!!!! YIKES! I thought for sure she was going to send me back to the other girl.
But, she said she could check for me!! YIPPEE.
She said the DC operators could not check AAA, but the AAA operators could check DC....

Okay, so now after about 45 minutes on the phone I reserved using DC.
OMG......what is going to happen when I try to change using a code or AP rate when they come out!!!!

How many people will I have to talk to????
Anyone else have this happen to them?????? Being flipped back and forth between operators?????
What is up with that????
What would happen if I just called the regular 407 # ???
I just don't want to rack up long distance calls, and I am not sure my cell phone's battery would last that long!!! LOL
Sorry so long....had to vent a little.