Let's share info about kids clubs

I have heard of kids taking a trial run with the age group that is just above or below them in age. To me, a 'trial run' means that they will let the child move back to the original age group that they would normally be in??? I see that they do not like to let the kids move back and forth... But, how can it be a 'trial run' if the kid is then locked in to the older or younger group? I was thinking about possibly putting DS in with younger group, but want to be assured that he can return to his original age group if we want...

Anybody started younger or older, then switch back to the group for their childs actual age? ( just the one switch, not switching back and forth....)
My kids really enjoyed themselves on our 4 day Wonder. I wouldn't say they loved it, and I think my DS (almost 4) was a little bored with the "babyish" activities in the 3-4 age group. But, he has always done everything his 5.5 sister has done and is used to very organized activites (been in Montessori full-time since 2.5 years old and loves it!)
The counsellors in the club are great! My kids loved Brian, Blessing, Tab, to name a few. They loved the time in the lab the best, as they are both science freaks. They loved doing the experiments. And my son loved being in the same room as Buzz Lightyear.
We never had a problem signing the kids in or out. We even interupted dinner and were allowed to take the kids out. We never got attitude from any leaders and I was very impressed how they always asked us for the "password" (this doesn't always happen at the resorts in the Caribbean).
The only other disappointing thing for us was (other than the "babyish" activities in the 3-4) that our kids wouldn't fall asleep there, and are miserable if they don't get to bed by 9:00. The first night we popped in just before 10:00 (after our late seating) hoping to see them asleep and they were wide awake watching the movie. So, we always got them before 10:00 the following nights, and never got to go to the adult activities. Hopefully they will do better on our 7-day in 2003!
Great Thread!

I'm debating which age group to put DD in for the 1/23 AP cruise. She will turn 5 two weeks after our cruise. She is accustomed to being in daycare/preschool and has always enjoyed the kids clubs at WDW. She is the oldest in her class at preschool and seems to like that -- but she also likes to hang out with older kids. Has anyone moved a 4 year old up?
My DS will be 5 two days after our cruise, so I was planning on registering him in the 5-7 year old group with his brother (7). Will this only be on a trial basis, or can I just register him there for sure since he is only a few days shy of 5.

Also, by looking at the 5-7 year old room pictures, it still seems kind of babyish, things to climb on etc. Am I looking at that right, or is that the section for the 3-4 year olds. My DS (7) is in first grade, will he be bored in the 5-7 group? I realize he can't move up as he just turned 7, but I would like him to go to at least some activities? Also, he can be very active, likes to run around a lot, what kind of activities do they have that get them exercise, or are physical things that get them moving?
I was also worried that the club looks like a preschool. But, the 5-7s are in the lab a lot. On our 4-day Wonder, I would say my daughter was in the lab half the time. He will have fun!
Originally posted by Wishing on a star
I have heard of kids taking a trial run with the age group that is just above or below them in age. To me, a 'trial run' means that they will let the child move back to the original age group that they would normally be in??? I see that they do not like to let the kids move back and forth... But, how can it be a 'trial run' if the kid is then locked in to the older or younger group? I was thinking about possibly putting DS in with younger group, but want to be assured that he can return to his original age group if we want...

Anybody started younger or older, then switch back to the group for their childs actual age? ( just the one switch, not switching back and forth....)

I think this would be really hard to do. We were on the 9.28. DS8 (then 7 years old, just turned 8 this week) is developmentally disabled. I had him in the 5-7 group. As long as they were on the ship, it was GREAT!!! But, we were on the Hurricane Cruise and ended up at CC twice, including on the first day. We had dropped the kids off at the club for a couple hours on Scuttles Cove, and I immediately (after dropping off) thought this was a great chance to see how things were going. I spied from behind a tree (LOL), and it broke my heart. The 5-7s were involved in competitive activities involving racing and sand castle building. DS simply doesn't have the cognitive or motor skills to do that kind of thing-- he looked miserable. I immediately went to fetch him, and asked if just for the day he could hang out with the 3-5s who were doing general sand play--- not to mention his little sister was there and they would have a blast hanging out!! They said I could, but not just for the day. He'd be locked in the 3-5s for the rest of the week. Which was too bad--- in non-competitive, non fine motor activities he's perfectly fine with his age group. Pirate lessons, dancing, singing, the movies, the Lab, computer games, etc. are all right up his alley. It wasn't worth having him lose all that he was looking forward to just for a beach day. So, we decided that he simply wouldn't go to Scuttles at all at Castaway. (A major problem as he is TERRIFIED of water, which meant we could really hang out on the beach either--- and we went to CC twice on our trip).

I think it would have been nice if that small accomodation could have been made, but I do understand the paperwork hassle. And he certainly was safe and welcome at CC in the 5-7s--- he just was overwhelmed and was feeling out of place. It didn't seem fair to have him do that on his vacation. He has PE at school in his regular class to do that-- this was vacation!


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