Let's Play DCL Who Wants to Be A Millionaire!!


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
Sure, it's not for real money, but hopefully you'll think it's fun.
It's a Millionaire-style DCL trivia game that we just uploaded to www.castawayclub.com and www.disneycruiser.com
How far can YOU make it? Be careful...some of the questions are tricky!
Please let me know how you all like it, as this game is something that I am also planning to use at work in my web-based training programs. You can be the "beta testers." :D
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
Where's my MILLION? :teeth: I made it!

Very fun, Barb & Tony! :)
And I just noticed...run from www.castawayclub.com rather than the other URL if possible, as the other one is popping up ads. I'm not sure why, but it's very annoying! So stick with castawayclub till we get it resolved.
You didn't think the $1000 question was too tricky, did you?! :teeth:
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
NO, I knew that most people would forget something on that one... ;)
Originally posted by inkkognito
Sure, it's not for real money,

Since it is DCL based, shouldn't I win a cruise for getting to 1 million? :) I only had to reset once (Got the Wonder and Magic sail dates backward!). :)

Great fun! I'd love to know how you set that up!!

It is actually very easy. When you leave, a box pops up containing the website where the generator is located. You just go there, fill in your information, hit "Make My Quiz," and voila! Once it is generated, you do a "File, Save" in your browser, and then you have to put the files it generates onto a server. I was amazed at how simple it was, and totally free too. It's a very neat javascript program that works via arrays...I can see how it works when I go into the code, but I definitely wouldn't want to have to code it by hand. The person who runs the generator website has a wide variety of other games you can make for yourself too, like tic-tac-toe and battleship.
And interestingly, I never would have known the answer to the million dollar question myself if I hadn't overhead a very observant little boy one day on Castaway Cay.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com

That was great fun. I did make the million mark, but had to use the ask the audience for the $500,000 question (I think it was that one).

Thanks for making that - it was a lot of fun.
Great game Barb & Tony....I made it to the million mark!!!! Yeah!!!!

We always play the computer version of WWTB a millionaire and it was fun to play a cruise line version!!!!

That was great!! Good job Barb!
We need about 200 versions of that game, so I can sit and play that all day at work. Too much fun! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Everyone should practice this to be ready for the real version on the ship! An 11-year old girl (helped out by her dad - but not much!) won a 7-night cruise for 2 on the 4-night cruise ending 17 October. She went into the final question with the "ask the audience" lifeline left to use and double-checked with us on the spelling of Mary Poppins famous extra-long word......

Great game! It was tougher than I thought it would be and I even learned a few things...Good job!

I'm so glad you're all enjoying it! For some of them, it helps if you've bene on the cruise already, but if you can figure tem out beforehand it will give you some things to notice when you're there. We're leaving for WDW in a couple of hours, but hopefully I'll get a chance to chenk in during the conference. If not, "see" you all on Thurs!
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
I was only stumpted by the 500,000 question - I didn't go along with the "phone a friend" since they didn't seem too confident.


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