Latest "Would You Rather" - 150BW resale or 80 Riviera direct

Frugal Fairy Tales

points are just points
Sep 14, 2021
Would you rather buy 150 resale Boardwalk points expiring 2042 for $19,500, or 80 Riviera points expiring 2070 for $17,000 ??
Personally, I'd go for Boardwalk as I'd rather stay there and 80 points at Riviera would not be enough for the stays I prefer. What are your criteria?

I would agree, Boardwalk would be more useful, 80 points aren't enough unless you plan to add-on more later. But if you plan on only getting / owning 80 points total, you will get frustrated unless you only plan on doing very few short stays once in a while only. It really depends on your plan.

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I agree that 150 BWV points would be more useful than 80 RIV points. The 150 BWV points could be used everywhere except RIV and would be able to book more nights/larger villas at BWV and the other resorts.

BUT if RIV is where you want to stay most of the time, then those 150 BWV points might not feel so “useful” to YOU.
Wherever you want to stay more. But I’d buy RIV In 19 years is will still have value if you want to sell. and BWV will not.

It will also allow to stay beyond that.
I’m seeing resale RIV at $125 pp range now. The restrictions are hammering that resort. I’m cautious about saying value when mentioning that resort unless you are 100% in for the long haul.
It depends on how you intend to vacation.

If you are looking to go every year, then 150 at BWV will go a lot farther than 80 points at RIV. Just look at the point chart and you’ll see that 80 points will only get you 4 nights a year at RIV, which is one of the more expensive (in terms of DVC points) to stay at.

Conversely, BWV Standard View rooms (which are probably the best bargain in all of WDW) have much lower point requirements.

Still if you only plan to go every other year, then RIV is the way to go since, in 20 years, it will still have value.
If you already own DVC and these are just to add on, either one would be a good choice IMO. 80 points at Riviera would be good for short trips and will give you 11 months booking and the option of lower point rooms, 150 at BWV has a great point chart and great location.
We're BW owners since 2000. IMHO, buying now, with an expire date of January 42 would only make sense to me if you are "in a certain age group". If you're a young person, the 2070 date gives you more years to enjoy your membership. BW has a better point price per night, RR has restrictions. BW is is in a great location but RR really isn't much further from EPCOT/BW area with the skyliner.

Both are beautiful resorts, RR much newer and with more updated bathrooms and kitchens. We just stayed there and it's a gorgeous resort. I think it's a personal decision. The only thing that would deter me from buying now at the BW is the end date. Other than that, it would be the better choice (again just IMHO). As above poster mentioned, if you already own and are looking to add on at RR - well, that would be optimal.

Good luck with your decision and happy planning.

Would you rather buy 150 resale Boardwalk points expiring 2042 for $19,500, or 80 Riviera points expiring 2070 for $17,000 ??
i think your numbers are incorrect - 80 pts at $17.000 total would be $212.50pp. Without any incentives, RIV is 207pp.

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