Larded and Loaded Tour: Food and Winopalooza 10/11-10/20 Complete! 3/9

Looking forward to hearing more.
Hey Briar!

I'm so excited to read your report. I completely forgot the dates you'd be gone (I knew it was in October) so I'm so glad to see you've made it home safely.

I'm sure I'll talk to you soon, my dear. ;)
Day 1 continued: Thursday, October 11:

So where was I? Yes, I just left the World's Smallest Check-in Desk at the Beach Club Villas, and I was ready to officially begin my trip! But before I do that, I forgot to mention that I had an observation that hit me like a ton of bricks while watching the welcome video on the Magical Express bus:

Donald is no longer the Disney Poster Child for narcissism. Stitch is.

[soapbox rant]
I've seen the signs for a long time. Ever since Stitch toilet-papered Cinderella Castle, he's everywhere. He's got to be plastered on tshirts with the Fab Five, and he's still the most annoying part of waking up at WDW. But when I saw the video, I noticed that Stitch seemed to be a huge part of it. I used to enjoy Stitch a lot more before they Pooh-i-fied him and put him everywhere. [/soapbox rant]

Ok, now that I did that, I feel so much better! Now I can tell you what I did once I left my stuff at the Beach Club Villas lobby. I had to activate my annual pass and pick up my Disney Dining Experience, so my plan of action was to go to the ticket booth just outside of the International Gateway. So I headed left when I exited the lobby, taking the "secret path" that winds around the Beach Club resort towards the bridge that leads to Epcot.

What was going through my mind as my steps quickened towards the gate to the bridge? Glad you asked. I had Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" going through my head, mainly the chorus:

Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
Don't stop me now ('Cause I'm having a good time)
Don't stop me now (Yes I'm having a good time)
I don't want to stop at all

Yes, I'm certifiable. :teeth:

It was my lucky day, as nobody was waiting for cast member Sally to help them. I handed over my AP voucher (pre-purchased a couple months ago), along with my driver's license, and soon I had my freshly fresh AP in my hands. But, I stopped to chat with Sally, as she was a very nice lady who was probably bored out of her skull with nobody needing help at her kiosk. So I chatted with her about the festival and food options at WDW in general. I made sure I didn't monopolize her in case someone was tapping their toes behind me, but nobody was.

So in the few minutes I talked to Sally, I actually imparted some wisdom I picked up here on the DIS about Victoria and Albert's. She said she couldn't get the Chef's Table when she called and booked the main dining room, and I told her that she could arrange to have the Chef's Table menu in the main dining room if she arranged it in advance. I didn't know we could do this until I read about it on the Restaurants board, and she didn't know, either! She thanked me and I was soon on my way into Epcot's turnstiles...I was hungry for some festival food!

It's 11:45 and I walk towards the UK and Canada. I stop and get the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup and the Maple Custard with Almond Crumble:


As you can see, they don't believe in full cups of soup, but if I had pushed the issue, I'm sure I could have had the cast member top it off for me. It was slightly too thick from sitting around too long, and saltier than I would have wished, but it still had the same Canadian goodness I remembered from Le Cellier. As for the maple custard, I would have liked 4 more of those babies and I would have gone to town all over that action. :cloud9:

I stopped at Peru next. I ordered the Causa de Cangrejo (potato patty covered in a crab salad) and Arroz con Pato (Rice with Duck). They gave me the hot item first, the duck:


This was delicious. Sure, there was some liquid on the bottom of the plate, but the duck and rice were hot and flavorful. Yum.

Next was the potato with crab:


This dish was not so good. The crab had tasted like an entire bottle of vinegar was dumped on it, overpowering it for me, and the potato cake was pretty hard to cut into. I did manage to eat a good bit of it, but I found this to be a big disappointment for me.

Turned off by the crab dish, I picked up a Festival Guide on the way to World Showcase Plaza. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 12:35pm, and the next Odyssey cooking demo was at 1pm. I thought I was getting The Flavors of the Levy Restaurants, but instead, I got Neil Connolly, of Doc's Restaurant in Orlando.

Here's Neil and Pam Smith, the MC for the event:

Neil told us some stories about working for the Kennedys, of course to promote his book about working in the Kennedy kitchen. We also found the recipe in front of us for what he was making:

Lobster Stew! :banana:


Jackpot, baby! Oh, you want a photo of the stew? Certainly...

This was not only fabulous and rich, but there were huge chunks o' lobster throughout. I can imagine paying $12 for this as an appetizer in a restaurant, but it was FREE! This is why going to the cooking demos can be rewarding. It certainly made up for the pungent crab I had at Peru! Instead of a too-bright overexposed shot of the lobster, I have a slightly blurry shot of a chunk on my spoon to give you an idea.


I was a bit thirsty so I stepped into Club Cool for free drinks. ;)


Before you ask, no...I didn't have the Beverly, but that doesn't matter. I'm immune to the allegedly awful effects. Seriously, I'd make a great shill for the unsuspecting, because I don't taste how awful it's supposed to be. And I skipped Mezzo Mix from Germany this time, too. I just wasn't in the mood for it. My favorite has to be the from Japan. China's is ok, but a little too sweet for me.

As you see, I'm slowwwwwwwly making my way towards the front entrance gate, because I have to pick up my Disney Dining Experience temporary card at the Guest Relations outside of Epcot. Before I do that, I stop at Pin Central to buy the Food and Wine and Epcot's 25th pins. I made sure I got the passholder, the DVC Member, and the Disney Visa cardholder exclusive pins. Once I was done, I discovered a nice photo op of Spaceship Earth and the Ratatouille cut outs for the festival.


Be sure to say a prayer for the Tomb of the Unknown Tourists. :rolleyes:
I will dance when the contract for those grave markers ends in what, 2020? If they bring back the lucite "Atari" statue that used to be on the fountain nearby, I'd be a happy camper. I'm also disappointed that there were no food and wine topiaries. I remembered that I've usually seen topiaries in the front entrance plaza and in World Showcase Plaza. This time, non-descript landscaping and a cheese topiary with the rat cutouts. :mad:

To give you some perspective, I've found and uploaded photos from my 2003 Food and Wine trip. These were farm themed topiaries in front of World Showcase Plaza 4 years ago:



Now you realize just how underwhelming the cutouts are. Sheesh, I need to get off my soapbox again!

Soon I was at the Guest Relations window outside of Epcot. I felt like saying "Walt Sent Me", because it seemed the cast member went in the back to get the "secret papers", aka the envelope containing my temporary card and a list of participating eateries. While I was down there, I saw Monorail Lemon, I mean Yellow, winding its way around towards the station. Imagine my surprise finding it still in the station! I was on a mission to get to the Magic Kingdom, and I was glad I could start my trip with the Monorail as my first use of Disney transportation!

Just for kicks, I debated using the Ferryboat to the Magic Kingdom instead of the monorail. I wanted to have two forms of Disney transporation done before having to get on a Disney Bus. And again I had good transportation karma, as the boat was just coming into the dock area. :banana:

I went on the second level for the open air and a beautiful view of the Magic Kingdom and its resorts. Here's a few of my views:

Polynesian Resort:

Grand Floridian Resort:

And the Magic Kingdom. Hey, there's a monorail going by!

I could tell as we were getting closer that the Magic Kingdom was decked out in Halloween glory. I could see the bunting draped along the train station. Unfortunately, I didn't take photos of any of the Halloween stuff. My goal was to see the Haunted Mansion in it's shiny new glory, as it's my favorite attraction. While I was in line, I was handed this red card attached to a lanyard:


This was the first time I've been the wait time person, so I thought that was pretty cool. :) Let me just say that I loved all the changes! I don't miss the giant day-glo spiders at all! And the new bride is creepy! As I was leaving the Mansion area, I saw a beagle as a service dog. Being the nosy Nelly that I am, I asked what the service dog was trained for. She was trained to recognize the signs of a diabetic seizure. I was pretty impressed by that, but the poor dog looked like she needed a big bowl of water. It was a hot and sticky day.

Did I go see some other things new to me since my last trip like the Pirates add-on with Captain Jack or the Monster's Inc. Laugh Floor? No. I aimlessly wandered into Fantasyland after riding the Haunted Mansion, and I had a few looks of envy at the chocolate soft serve ice cream I picked up at Mrs. Pott's Cupboard. Apparently these people had tunnel vision and didn't realize they could have gotten a cone ten feet away. :laughing:

Since most of Fantasyland had ride wait times were well past my comfort level, I made my way to the TTA, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. It's the perfect spot when I feel hot and tired. I did a back-to-back tour of Tomorrowland, then I aimlessly wandered back to Main Street to pass through the shops on the way out to get some air conditioning. It was just after 4pm, and I noticed a lot of the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party guests were arriving. I was glad to be heading back to Beach Club Villas to get my room.

Next: Getting into my villa and my Raglan Road review
Hey Briar!

I'm so excited to read your report. I completely forgot the dates you'd be gone (I knew it was in October) so I'm so glad to see you've made it home safely.

I'm sure I'll talk to you soon, my dear. ;)

I almost IMed you, but I had a trip report to write! ;) As it is, my picture limit made my latest update split up into two. :rolleyes:
Day 1 (Final installment): Thursday, October 11:

I really need to keep tabs on those picture limits! I've split my posts to be sure to get everything in. When we left off, I was just leaving the Magic Kingdom to take the bus back to Beach Club.

My 1 bedroom villa was actually in a decent location. You know that elevator near the pool? Go up to the third floor, and just behind the elevator, you'll find our villa, 366. It was very convenient!

I found Mickey waiting for me on my bed:

And the views from my balconies? Not too shabby...

Empty space due to the corner location

Hello, pool!

Doesn't the canal look pretty, too?

I showered and changed because I was meeting my friends Bruce and Marta (RADP friends) for dinner at Raglan Road, which was new to me. I always like having a "new to me" place to eat at WDW, and I've covered most of the restaurants at least once because of this. Needless to say, I was excited. I couldn't believe how big a crowd there was, and we still waited about 25 minutes after my ADR time. They sat us right next to the band's stage, and I was secretly hoping to avoid the entertainment. I was afraid it would be too loud, as it was already loud in the place.

I started out with the Four Provinces beer flight. Sorry, all the pics were somewhat blurry due to low light levels. The dessert pic came out best because I switched up the way I took the photo. ;)

Murphy's Red, Harp, Smithwick's and Guinness

I had Murphy's there before, (didn't say I haven't had a beer there, I just haven't eaten there!), but Smithwick's and Guinness were actually new to me. I was always intimidated by dark beer, but who knew I actually liked Guinness! I won't be afraid to order that at the Rose and Crown pub!

I had the Paddy's Pork, which our server said was the best item on the menu.


This was delicious, and the leeks and potatoes complimented it perfectly.
The slightly sweet glaze made the dish. Here's the aftermath:


Marta had the Pie in the Sky (chicken and mushroom pie)

That looked awesome, and I might want to try that next time.

Bruce had the Keen Eye for the Shepherd's Pie:

Sorry for the horrid photo. In hindsight, I'm really glad I didn't order this, because this dish will come back in a surprising way later in the trip!

They shared the calamari appetizer and later, these trio of Panna Cotta desserts:

That didn't spark my interest. I had my eye on the bread and butter pudding I heard so much about. Normally, I like getting desserts with chocolate, but I made an exception this night, and I'm glad I did. I loved the sauces for the pudding, and I couldn't finish it. It was pretty huge:


Isn't that a thing of beauty? It arrived hot, and it was probably illegal in 36 states. The server said it's the most popular item on the menu, and I can believe it. I saw servers walking many of these babies around the restaurant while we were eating our dinners. I have to give Raglan Road a :thumbsup2 for a great meal. And I've heard plenty of stories about tortoise-slow service, but our server was quick and friendly.

I left Bruce and Marta to park myself at the Adventurers Club for the evening, and I closed the place at 1am. Improvgal/Amy (here on the DIS and a RADP friend as well) was there, and she was staying at the Swan, so we both had the same bus back to the Epcot resorts. The driver made a point of asking us what resorts we needed, and as there were only two of us, I thought he'd bypass the Dolphin and Yacht Club, but he didn't. He told me after he dropped Amy off that he needed to make a stop at the resorts just in case people needed to get back to Downtown Disney to switch to another resort or their cars.

Well, I thought it was completely pointless to ask me in the first place where I needed to go, because I was smart enough to pick the correct bus. Anyway, as I got off the bus, irony reared its head. The bus pulled away just as a woman who had just walked up to the Beach Club bus stop needed to return to Downtown Disney, and he blew her off. I guess he didn't see her approaching, and it was too late to flag him down. I knew the busses would still be running because Pleasure Island didn't close until 2am, so I knew she wouldn't be stranded.

Ok, that's the end of my first day, and I was very willing to crash, as I had set a wake up call for 7:30am. I didn't get to bed until around 2am. I am in Disney, I have no time for sleeping!

I hope you don't mind that I'm throwing my food reviews in with my trip. Most of the pictures I took were of the food!
I am enjoying your trip report/food porn.:) Thanks!
WooHoo I cant wait to go to Raglin Road.;)
I HAVE to get that bread and butter pudding one day. I'm a vegetarian, so I'm pretty sure it's the only thing on the menu I can eat. Except for maybe a plate of chips.
Hey Lori! You are my kind of Disney tourist! Food comes 1st! :thumbsup2 What a great day. If the rest of your days are anything like this, we are in for one heck of a TR! OK, I agree about the lack of topiaries in Epcot... but I do love my Remy. :hippie: Man, that Lobter Stew looked good. I didn't get to do any free seminars on my trip. :sad1: I'm glad you liked your BCV room. The location looks great. I've got to stay there someday. We always end up at BWV 'cause I'm too lazy to try and switch at 7mos. LOL! :rotfl: What a night at Raglan Road & PI!!! :banana:

Can't wait to read more! popcorn::

P.S. I just saw your picture on Denise's website from the RADP meet! :goodvibes
Hi Lori!

Jay and I just got home a few hours ago and I wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was to meet you and how very much I enjoyed your birthday wishes. I wish we would have had an opportunity to share a drink or two in a cool, air conditioned lounge somewhere ... oh well, hopefully we'll have that chance at a future F&W festival. :goodvibes

BTW - Jay just told me yesterday that you had returned my phone call from the 17th. My memory loss issues are hormonal ... I wonder what his excuse is? :rotfl2:

I've enjoyed reading about the first day of your trip and am so glad to hear that you enjoyed RR - we were supposed to go back there on this trip, but like many things I had planned, that got dumped by the wayside due to a combination of bad luck and ill health (Jason this time not me).

And ... I totally agree about the cardboard cut-outs at Epcot. Tacky and uninspired - surely Disney isn't so hard up for $$$ that they have to use the F&W Festival as a marketing gimmick for a movie that was released four months ago? Bring back the shrubberies!!!
As saliva drips from the corners of my mouth down onto my keyboard I write this post!!! I think I've decided that Bread Pudding from Raglan Road will be my first stop!!!!

Thanks for sharing!!!!
I am enjoying your trip report/food porn.:) Thanks!
WooHoo I cant wait to go to Raglin Road.;)

I think you're going to be the first one starting that bandwagon about Raglan Road. Read on. ;) And I wasn't sure if my food porn would be appropriate, but I'm going to put it in my report anyway!

I HAVE to get that bread and butter pudding one day. I'm a vegetarian, so I'm pretty sure it's the only thing on the menu I can eat. Except for maybe a plate of chips.

I think I saw a vegetarian entree on the menu, but I can't remember what it was. Stay tuned for when I post my Sunday. I think you'll be in vegetarian heaven. :cloud9:

Hey Lori! You are my kind of Disney tourist! Food comes 1st! :thumbsup2 What a great day. If the rest of your days are anything like this, we are in for one heck of a TR! OK, I agree about the lack of topiaries in Epcot... but I do love my Remy. :hippie: Man, that Lobter Stew looked good. I didn't get to do any free seminars on my trip. :sad1: I'm glad you liked your BCV room. The location looks great. I've got to stay there someday. We always end up at BWV 'cause I'm too lazy to try and switch at 7mos. LOL! :rotfl: What a night at Raglan Road & PI!!! :banana:

Can't wait to read more! popcorn::

P.S. I just saw your picture on Denise's website from the RADP meet! :goodvibes

Food has to come first when I name my report the Larded and Loaded Tour, don't you agree? :laughing: The lobster stew was pretty amazing. And I really lucked out on my view at BCV. I usually get stuck in the last room at the end of the endless hallway with a view of the service road and trees. And egad, I haven't even seen Denise's pics yet, and you've already seen me! :eek:

Hi Lori!

Jay and I just got home a few hours ago and I wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was to meet you and how very much I enjoyed your birthday wishes. I wish we would have had an opportunity to share a drink or two in a cool, air conditioned lounge somewhere ... oh well, hopefully we'll have that chance at a future F&W festival. :goodvibes

BTW - Jay just told me yesterday that you had returned my phone call from the 17th. My memory loss issues are hormonal ... I wonder what his excuse is? :rotfl2:

I've enjoyed reading about the first day of your trip and am so glad to hear that you enjoyed RR - we were supposed to go back there on this trip, but like many things I had planned, that got dumped by the wayside due to a combination of bad luck and ill health (Jason this time not me).

And ... I totally agree about the cardboard cut-outs at Epcot. Tacky and uninspired - surely Disney isn't so hard up for $$$ that they have to use the F&W Festival as a marketing gimmick for a movie that was released four months ago? Bring back the shrubberies!!!

LOL! Welcome home! I talked to Jay for quite a while when you must have been in the shower. That night would have been a good night to meet for a drink. Oh well. Glad you enjoyed my birthday surprise. It's going to be making an appearance later in my report. ;)

I don't find it inappropriate to see Remy and his movie promoted. The DVD is coming out soon, and his movie's theme works for the festival. I just want my shrubberies back. :)

As saliva drips from the corners of my mouth down onto my keyboard I write this post!!! I think I've decided that Bread Pudding from Raglan Road will be my first stop!!!!

Thanks for sharing!!!!

Wow, I guess my photo really made a lasting impression! Everyone seems to want that pudding now. :banana:

Now I wish I had gotten the bread pudding.

See? I'm sorry you missed your pudding opportunity, Meli. :lmao:
I think I saw a vegetarian entree on the menu, but I can't remember what it was. Stay tuned for when I post my Sunday. I think you'll be in vegetarian heaven. :cloud9:

You are correct! We just got back from dinner, where I had the portabella and cheddar burger with chips, and it was AWESOME. I almost died when I are the bread with the guiness dip. If only I did not have nervous pre-race stomach (we were out there to pick up our packets for tomorrow's inagural Tower of Terror run right next door at Motions) I would have gone for the bread pudding. I saw one going by the table, and it looked amazing. Sigh.

Can't wait for the veg-fest ;)
we were at WDW at the same times. love your TR so far. keep it up. oh yeah, did you goto any of the NSSHP?s thanks
we were at WDW at the same times. love your TR so far. keep it up. oh yeah, did you goto any of the NSSHP?s thanks

Yes, I went to the Halloween party, but I really didn't get photos. And I
left early, and later realized I could have stayed a bit longer due to my
own stupidity. ;)

I'll work on another update soon. :)
Day 2: Friday, October 12:

Oy. I had to slam the phone down on Stitch's "GOOD MORNING!" wakeup call. It's difficult to close down the Adventurers Club and do a 7:30am wakeup call, but I managed. I got myself ready and I was at the bus stop around 8:30am bound for Animal Kingdom. Unfortunately, our bus was stuck at a gate because the sensors were acting temperamental. Normally, the bus would cross through the linked areas between Yacht Club and Beach Club, but some convention decided to put a big honkin' white tent in the way.

Anyhow, the bus did come, and we were on our way to Animal Kingdom. The plan was to meet the RADP group at 9:30am at the Safari, but to grab a FastPass at Expedition Everest first. I hot-footed my way over to Everest, and I was impressed by everything they've done to it. The last time I saw Everest, it was still a work in progress, so I was very excited to ride it. I met the group near the standby entrance, and we waited a bit for any stragglers. I have some photos of the RADP peeps, but I'm not going to post them. ;)

We soon got on the Safari, as the standby line at this time wasn't terrible. Later in the trip it was excruciating, but I'm saving that for later. As usual, we had lots of animals and the ubiquitous "butt shots" of animals who I think turn their backs on us on purpose. They are the Garbo of the animal world, I guess. I did see a giraffe who was up close and personal, and the baby elephants and rhino were just too cute.

The most giggle worthy moment was seeing the guy who sat in the row in front of me later as we got off the ride. I hate to be the fashion police, but he was wearing shorts, black socks that came up mid-calf, and what appeared to be brown dress shoes approximately looking like this:

At least I spared the guy the embarrassment of taking a photo. ;)

Soon it was time for Everest! I really enjoyed all the eye candy in the queue, and I was very excited to ride it. The biggest surprise was the sensation of going upside-down as we went backwards. I didn't expect that all all, and it was fun! The unfortunate thing was that the Yeti, I later found out, was broken. He was supposed to move, and because he wasn't, they flashed a strobe light on him. So if you see strobe on the Yeti, it's not a good thing. :sad2:

We went through the Maharajah Jungle Trek, and I noticed they had Plexiglas covering the bat room windows. Usually, the windows are just the wooden beams between the windows. The cast member explained that they had some younger bats brought in recently, but they grew enough that it was almost time to remove the Plexiglas. The tigers were sleeping, as they usually tend to do. It's great when you can catch them moving around, though. We spent time in the aviary finding the birds that love to hide on the ground, under the cover of foliage. Every time I tried to take a photo, it came out blurry. :headache:

We stopped for a bite to eat at Flame Tree BBQ, and I didn't take a photo of my beef sandwich and baked beans. Just know that I found them both tasty. :thumbsup2 After lunch, it was time to wait for the Finding Nemo musical, which I was looking forward to seeing. The theater is huge, and they really pack in a crowd! We sat in the far right, about second row of the "cheap seats", but it was really a good view. I killed time waiting by bringing out my electronic 20 Questions game. Shawna (RADP) was able to stump it a few times. :)

Soon the show started, and I must say that I thought the show was awesome! While I think the Festival of the Lion King is a different type of show experience, I think Nemo is more along the lines of show quality as the Aladdin musical in DCA. Both shows have a full plot, and pretty impressive staging and production values. I highly recommend seeing the Nemo musical, and my favorite song had to be the song by Crush. The guy who played Crush has an amazing voice.

After saying goodbye to the RADP friends, I wandered a bit in the shops and left Animal Kingdom to take a long, hot soak in the jacuzzi bathtub in my villa :cloud9: and clean up a bit for the South African Wine Event later that evening.

Up next: South African food and wine :)
The most giggle worthy moment was seeing the guy who sat in the row in front of me later as we got off the ride. I hate to be the fashion police, but he was wearing shorts, black socks that came up mid-calf, and what appeared to be brown dress shoes approximately looking like this:

At least I spared the guy the embarrassment of taking a photo. ;)

Those are Otis T. Wren's shoes. At least he doesn't wear them with shorts.


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