Larded and Loaded Tour: Food and Winopalooza 10/11-10/20 Complete! 3/9


<font color=blue>Creator of Tag Fairy Haiku:<br>Cl
Mar 7, 2002
Ok, looks like my pre-trip and my full trip reports were merged! Therefore, here's the link to my first page of my report (which has an index of all days thereafter):

Link to Start of Trip Report (not pre-trip)

Don't want to read the entire pre-trip report? No problem! Index time!


Cast of characters (and tentative plans)

How Not to Book Airfare
Food and Wine Festival Tips
List of Dining Events I Wanted to Book...
And the Events I Actually Could Book
The Importance of Being Earnest about Checking Flight Schedules
The Surprise Last-Minute ADR for Epcot

It's happened. I caved in, jumping in and writing my own pre-trip report. It was bound to happen. For many years I had been in various Disney fan sites, newsgroups and message boards, and I'm no stranger to trip reports. (I've got a couple posted on Mouse Planet, but most were posted to the RADP newsgroup.)

In the RADP world, there was a group called Trimobius Disney Cabinet, or TDC for short. We had our own titles, respectfully submitted for approval from a member of the Trimobia Royal Court. ( ) This is a list of titles that were requested over the years. It's probably not current, but my title is:

TDC Briar Rose
Princess of Picking Berries, Defender of Trip Report Addicts

Yes, I have a history of enjoying trip reports, yet... I gave up writing trip reports due to stubborn laziness. I've done reports for WDW and Disneyland, solo trips, trips with friends, you name it.

Here's a brief history of my visits:


I was just a kid, and WDW was just a stop on the Big Fat Roadtrip that most families take. Back then, WDW was only as far as World Drive leading up to the Magic Kingdom archway to the TTC. I remember viewing the topiaries from the monorail, the A-E ticket books, and how scared I was of flying out of the Space Mountain ride vehicle. My favorites were Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, and It's a Small World. (Give me slack, it was and still is a Little Girl Mecca.) The Main Street Electrical Parade was brand new, with that Elliot character from that new movie that summer, "Pete's Dragon".

Ok, fast-forward to:


Senior year of high school. While my peers wanted to go to Ft. Lauderdale or South Padre Island,
my best friend and I wanted to go to WDW. I was so excited to be able to see Epcot for the first time, and little did I know back then I'd have to remember most of it as Epcot's Yesterland. Walter Cronkite hosted Spaceship Earth. It was "fun to be free" on World of Motion. And Horizons...what could I say? I loved the orange scent, the giant "Omnimax" screen, and the pick-your-own ending.
My friend and I stayed offsite at a Days Inn with a shuttle that dropped us off in the morning and picked us up at night. Oh yeah, it was also the 15th anniversary year at WDW, so I won a pin in the random turnstile "your a winner" thingie. I wish I could remember where I had put that pin...


Five years later, the same friend from my 1987 trip and I went during the 20th anniversary of WDW.
What was new since our last trip? Oh, a new theme park and nighttime entertainment district. I loved the new Disney-MGM Studios, and I got picked to be a participant for Superstar TV. I remember going to the Adventurers Club for the first time, and Pleasure Island was PACKED with people. It was very funny to mention that the mid-area stage was being used for a Right Said Fred mini-concert one night. Yes, the "I'm Too Sexy" guys. We saw them. And it was New Years Eve every night. With confetti. But the biggest milestone of the trip: My first stay at a Disney resort. We stayed at Port Orleans. (Not French Quarter, just Port Orleans, thankyouverymuch!) We were so excited to stay there, on Disney property, with FREE transportation. Yes, it was a big deal to us!
We felt spoiled.

Hmm, so far, I've managed to hit a trip during the 15th and 20th anniversary celebrations. Will I hit the 25th? Yes. Many times. And I'll have the first of a few "week-long" birthday trips, as well as my first solo trip!

Fast-forward to:


It's January, and I discovered this thing called the Internet. Back then, I was on Prodigy dial-up.
I found a bunch of Disney fans on that ISP who posted to the BB. We had decided that a few of us would go to WDW together in November, and oh was the birthday for a couple of us. I was also a cast member at The Disney Store, so I was getting discounts for the room, meals and souvenirs. Life was good. Oh, and I managed to convince a friend that he wanted to do the Chef's Table at Victoria & Alberts with me. This birthday trip rocked my socks.


Hello? What's this? Suddenly, I'm not waiting 5 years to pass between trips. But do I have the 20/20 hindsight to buy an annual pass? NO. Which kind of bites considering I went again in May, 1998. Sigh. I was younger and less seasoned, then. But this is a milestone trip. This October 1997 trip was my first solo trip to WDW! And, as luck would have it, I stumbled upon the Food and Wine Festival for the very first time. Let's just say that I noshed my way around World Showcase for lunch or dinner (or both!) on various days of this trip. Also, the food demos were on location at the food kiosks. I saw the chef at the France booth cook escargot. The recipes for the festival were free, on cards that you could grab at each kiosk. Did I grab some? Yes. Not all. Do I still have them? No. I'm an idiot. I also didn't know that the festival had some special dining events, so the noshing part was as good as it got as far as I was concerned!

So I took trips in 1998, 1999, get the picture. I bought my first annual pass in 1999, and I unfortunately let my renewal lapse in 2006 due to no trips to WDW at all this past year. That's ok, because I'm sure going to make up for it on this trip coming up! I didn't even know about the food and wine dining events until 2003, and I've been hooked ever since! Now, come summertime, I look forward to The List of the events, and I will carefully plan my time and budget around which events I want to book. I've discovered that they sell out as fast as a princess breakfast, so I prioritize accordingly!

Enough about my history, let's get to the pre-trip info!

Who - aka Cast of Characters:
Me, Lori - 37 and single. :wave2:
I might have some Special Guest Stars make appearances, as I may or may not have friends stay with me. Some from the DIS, some from the VMK forum here.

What - aka The Motivation for the Trip:
Epcot's International Food and Wine Festival, baby! :banana:

Where - aka The Place I Rest My Head at Night:
Beach Club Villas. I bought into DVC in 2002, love it. I have not had a trip to WDW in 2006, so I banked my points (all 150 of them) and splurged for a 1 Bedroom Villa. Use 'em or lose 'em!

When - aka The Dates I'll be at WDW:
October 11-20, 2007

Do I really need to put a "how" in there? By plane, frequent flyer miles! :banana: I am very happy that I'm not doing the DVC Point Stretch this trip, as I'm very familiar with splitting my stay. Even before I bought DVC, I would often resort hop, staying at up to three resorts. After I bought DVC, I would conserve those expensive weekend points by booking weekdays at DVC and weekends at Pop Century.

2006 was the first year since before the Millennium Celebration that I did not have or renew my annual pass, but I believe that's going to change. I intend to get my DVC discount on a new AP, starting up again on having one. I buy standard and the Pleasure Island AP, as well. I don't visit waterparks, as I'm perfectly happy with Stormalong Bay, but I will go to the Adventurers Club every night of my trips.

But the main reason for this trip is the Food and Wine Festival or F&WF for short. I stumbled upon the Festival on a trip I took 10 years ago, and the only thing I knew about were the food booths! :faint: I had no idea about the special dining events until about 3 years ago or so, and I've been hooked ever since.

It used to be that the Festival didn't start until October, ending in mid-November just AFTER my birthday, so I would combine a birthday trip with the F&WF. However, in the past couple of years, when the festival started the last weekend in September, the ending dates were often ON my birthday, so that stunk. I had to bump my trip back to October. My last F&WF was in October, 2005.

I won't have much to report until July or so, because that's when the special dining event schedule will be released. It's a frantic rush to plan what you want to book, in which order you want to book it, because some events sell out faster than a princess breakfast! I have to factor the cost and date of the event into my schedule. I don't want to book a Food and Wine pairing on the same day as an Exquisite Evening at Epcot. There's not enough time to digest one meal before heading into the other. (Although I call it, the Excrucriatingly Expensive Evening at Epcot. I went to one, and it was great, but ouch, the price!)

Here's a photo of the Sea of Wine Goblets at the EEE from Oct 2005:


This year, I intend to focus my dining budget on Food and Wine Pairings on as many days as I can get my first choices, plus the Party for the Senses. In 2006, the schedule was VERY revamped, eliminating events I loved, replacing them with newer events they've never had before. I will have to wait and see if they are offering the same events or tweaking the schedule again.

Anyway, this is only the beginning. I can go on and on about the festival, or as my friend Mickey likes to call it, the "Larded and Loaded Tour". I love her nickname for the festival better than my Food and Winopalooza Trip title.

While my trip will be a Salute to All of WDW, but Mostly the Food and Wine Festival, I will be out and about in the other parks a little bit. I also am thinking about booking the Segway Around the World tour again, as I had a great time doing in a couple of years ago! I was a Nervous Nellie at first, but by the time I was going back to Future World as World Showcase was opening to the public, I was in a Zen state, at peace with my Segway. :hippie:

My trip is very food-centric, so I'm sure a lot of it will end up on the Dining Review board, too.

Hmm, we shall see, won't we? :scratchin
Well, it looks like we're gonna miss each other by a couple of days! :sad2: We're leaving the 9th. (...unless I extend our vacation, which has been know to happen once or twice! :rolleyes1 I might try out the new AKV for a few days, but we can't book it until May.)

Your pre-trip TR is off to a great start!!! I can't wait to read more!

Well, it looks like we're gonna miss each other by a couple of days! :sad2: We're leaving the 9th. (...unless I extend our vacation, which has been know to happen once or twice! :rolleyes1 I might try out the new AKV for a few days, but we can't book it until May.)

Your pre-trip TR is off to a great start!!! I can't wait to read more!


I just saw that they are starting to take AKV bookings soon, too. But I
can't justify switching over to that location during the F&WF! However,
those concierge rates are lookin' SWEET!

Sure, extend your trip. I won't tell anyone!

There really isn't much planning going on. I know that I'm going to apply
my Disney Rewards towards my AP purchase (woot for DVC discounts!).

Please, stop me before I start raiding Home Depot for Disney paint chips
or get that Baggalini I've spotted in lime green

Oh, what the heck, I'm a member of the DIS Borg Collective. I've been
assimilated. Resistance is futile. ;)
I changed the title of my pre-trip report to pay homage to my friend, who
goes by the name of Mickeymom at times, or just "Mickey" to most of us. :)
She's the one who came up with the nickname for the festival a few years ago.
She's one of my partners-in-crime when it comes to drinking quite a bit of Bunratty
Honey Mead, other wine samples, more mead... and then riding Journey Into Your
Imagination with Figment. If any of you were on the ride with us...

I'm sorry for any obnoxious behavior. :rolleyes1

There are also new plans. Many of the December meet people I know from
the RADP newsgroup are going to be around the weekend of October 13.
There will be meets, going on attractions together, hanging out at times,
having fun.

And I intend to ditch everyone if I have a food and wine dining event booked. :banana:

I'm also cohosting Spaceship Earth Roulette, a game created by a friend I
met through RADP. She made the game, I gave it its name. She dissected
the ride into scenes, giving the scenes a title. There were 27 scenes in
all, including "ride does not stop". Every player will choose a scene from
the list she composed before we ride. My friend and I will act as the
roulette ball, and wherever we are if and when the ride stops will determine
a winner.

In the past, we've had winning "ride does not stop", but we've also had
players who won their scene pick. I would bring some small Disney prizes,
and it's a lot of fun to hope the ride stops in your "scene". :)

There are other plans I'm considering during this trip, too. I'm planning on
trying Todd English's bluezoo or Raglan Road as a "new to me" restaurant.
I figure that even though I am probably going to nosh my way around the
Food and Wine Festival, and I might have several events booked, I should
have room to book a meal here and there not tied into the festival.

I might even revisit Bistro de Paris because it's NOT on the DDP. I'm not
doing the dining plan, and I would like to be able to make an ADR without
stressing about it at the 180 day mark. :)

And I've been reading and answering the Segway tour thread. I took the
tour maybe a couple of years ago? I was very timid at first in the training
room, but I gained my confidence by the time we were in World Showcase.
It's been a while since I did this tour, but I think I would enjoy doing it again.
I'm thinking of booking it for Tuesday, October 16th.

And speaking of October 16th, I am going to book the MNSSHP (Mickey's
Not So Scary Halloween Party) for that night. I am going solo. Last time,
I went there solo at the beginning, and met up with katypop from the DIS.
I enjoyed it enough to go back this year.

I have quite a way to go before I can book any of these things. I'll just sit
in the corner twiddling my thumbs in the meantime. :rolleyes1

:laundy: Oh, and do more laundry. :rolleyes:
I had to come find your pre-trippe - love the Larded and Loaded title!

I know what you mean about those special took us a while to discover those, too, and then we still had to figure out how to book them, and plan them and pay for them..yadda yadda yadda.

We are definitely planning on Party for the Senses this year and maybe a Signature Dinner, depending on the choices and our travel dates. Have you ever attended PFTS - what were your impressions?

I thought the Food & Wine Pairings were a great value and hope to try a few more this fall, too.

Looking forward to reading about your plans and I hope to pick up some good tips, too!

Brenda :goodvibes
I had to come find your pre-trippe - love the Larded and Loaded title!

I know what you mean about those special took us a while to discover those, too, and then we still had to figure out how to book them, and plan them and pay for them..yadda yadda yadda.

We are definitely planning on Party for the Senses this year and maybe a Signature Dinner, depending on the choices and our travel dates. Have you ever attended PFTS - what were your impressions?

I thought the Food & Wine Pairings were a great value and hope to try a few more this fall, too.

Looking forward to reading about your plans and I hope to pick up some good tips, too!

Brenda :goodvibes

It appears that the RADP crowd I'm meeting up with will have quite a few peeps attending Party for the Senses. (Or Senseless, as the night wears on and more samples are consumed). I enjoyed PFTS the three times I've gone to this event. I never even use the perk with the Eat to the Beat seating. I'm all about getting there early, checking in, and run with the bulls when the curtain opens to garner a spot at a centrally located table.

Don't have any sprinters in the group? No worries, just head to the far end of the room when it opens. And I do mean FAR end. There are larger tables there, and those large tables are usually not crowded until the party gets going. The stations are color-coded under what I call "Rainbow Jellyfish". Yes, stay with me on that. The artfully draped material coming from the ceiling has a jellyfish vibe going on. And Cirque had shows going on periodically in the middle of the venue, on a stage set up for this event. I've heard my favorite "La Nouba" song, "Liama" being sung while an aerialist performs. Very cool.

Ok, enough PFTS talk. I agree that the Food and Wine pairings are the best value. I intend to book those heavily, but my plans are going to be up in the air until I find out if my mother and sister actually decide to crash with me for a few days during this trip. There are pros and cons to this. The pros are that they really deserve to go to WDW. They haven't been as nuts for Disney as me, and they haven't been to WDW since our family's big road trip vacation in 1977.

Yes, I know....30 years. They missed EVERYTHING since the Magic Kingdom was the only park. The cons are...they probably want me to play tour guide. Who knows? I know that I always wanted to show them Epcot, and now I'll get the chance. What better time than during food and wine? I might even get them to an event or two. If not, at least they'll keep eachother company while I attend events. ;)

Between the festival, the RADP group having meets, and the possibility of having family newbies joining me, I have a feeling I might need a vacation from my vacation. Stay tuned.
Heh. I'm replying to myself again.

I updated the first post with some of my WDW trip history, bits and pieces
of things, really.

And one other bit of news:

Looks like my mom and sister will not be joining me for this trip, so I'm back to planning just for me. That's a lot of pressure off of me. I was stressing thinking about how to make this a great trip for them, and how it might be more "commando" than I like at this time. Now, it seems that Mom wants the girls to have a trip for my sister's birthday, maybe in Las Vegas.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

I could live with that. ;)
Heh. I'm replying to myself again.

I updated the first post with some of my WDW trip history, bits and pieces
of things, really.

And one other bit of news:

Looks like my mom and sister will not be joining me for this trip, so I'm back to planning just for me. That's a lot of pressure off of me. I was stressing thinking about how to make this a great trip for them, and how it might be more "commando" than I like at this time. Now, it seems that Mom wants the girls to have a trip for my sister's birthday, maybe in Las Vegas.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

I could live with that. ;)

First of all, thanks for the great information on PFTS - I think it's going to be really helpful come October.

And in regard to your recent post - I totally agree. I felt so much pressure last year with my parents along, trying to be sure that they were having a good time and that they'd like the choices I'd made. I'm much happier that this year is just about Jason and me again - it's a lot easier. ;)
looking at calendar to make sure it's still March...good, my halloween costume isn't done yet

You'll need some stuff to help keep the thread going!


looking at calendar to make sure it's still March...good, my halloween costume isn't done yet

You'll need some stuff to help keep the thread going!



OMG! There are times I am really glad I know you. This is one of those times. I am going to put that in my signature. Forget that VMK thingie. I'm going to put this in my siggie.

If you manage to get to WDW for one day during my trip, you're getting a sissy drink, my treat. :banana:
That was exciting for a pre trip report, I like to follow along on these. Going to Disney on a solo trip must feel really empowering, I'm co dependant on others to help entertain me, I plan to one day eat at a nice restaraunt by myself, but I could never do Disney alone. Kudos to you!!!!
That was exciting for a pre trip report, I like to follow along on these. Going to Disney on a solo trip must feel really empowering, I'm co dependant on others to help entertain me, I plan to one day eat at a nice restaraunt by myself, but I could never do Disney alone. Kudos to you!!!!

It's a lot of fun to have the freedom of being on your own schedule, but
there are times you experience the magic and wish you had people with you
to share the moment.

I often dine alone and go to the movies alone, so going on a solo trip wasn't
that daunting to me. But, as I've written in earlier posts, I'm going to be
meeting up with some friends, so my trip won't be completely solo. :)
I'll be missing you by about 6 days- darn!

SSE Roulette sounds hilarious!

Yeah, yeah. Everyone will be missing me. I was almost going to go
to the MNSSHP with the DIS group until the date was changed to
October 5th. :rolleyes:

SSE Roulette is hilarious with a large group. When the ride slows down,
you can hear an, "Ahhhhhhhh........!" going through the crowd, hoping the
ride will stop. I remember the first time the ride actually stopped, the
"roulette ball" (the two of us co-hosts) was in the Egyptians scene.
There was a lot of "The Egyptians won, pass it back..." ;)

All things considered, I definitely won't be lonely during this trip. I'll have
plenty of socializing opportunities.
When you have time would you talk a little more about the Segway Tour?

Jason and I have been considering this for October but I'm such a kultz and I'm a little nervous about maintaining balance, seeing that I have none. How is for first-timers?

When you have time would you talk a little more about the Segway Tour?

Jason and I have been considering this for October but I'm such a kultz and I'm a little nervous about maintaining balance, seeing that I have none. How is for first-timers?


Gee thanks, you must have jinxed me. I fell down outside my house after
putting the garbage bin back. I tripped where the sidewalk meets some
grass....and down I went. My dignity is killing me!

Anyway, as a klutz, I have to tell you that I enjoyed the Segway Around
the World tour. I was a Nervous Nellie at first, making the classic mistake of
trying to balance the Segway under me rather than letting it do all the work
for me!

Let's start at the beginning. Our small tour group met at the Guest Relations
inside the park, about 15 minutes prior to the tour starting time. Once the
cast members rounded us up, we were escorted to their super-secret
training lab inside Innoventions, where we had to listen to the trainer discuss
safety and some operational basics. Be sure to pick out the smallest
helmet, even if you think your head would be medium. It's not. ;)

Then you go through a bit of training. You learn to do manuevering and
turning, as well as going up and down an incline. The first time you try the
incline, it's very scary! The trainer saw lots of lovely tension on my face,
so she kept telling me that I need to smile, as I'm "having fun" here.

But, after we bonded with our Segways, we were finally allowed to play
outdoors. We had two tour guides, one in the front to lead, and one in the
back to be sure everyone is comfortable and safe. Then the fun part begins!
You get to do a little obstacle course in some of the countries, and even I
managed to get through the first few countries without falling.

Well, I managed to get through ALL the countries without falling, because
after a while, I suddenly had a Zen Moment where I was in a blissful state
of being One With the Segway. It got to be freaky feeling that the Segway
was starting to become intuitive to my thoughts.

That's when I realized that I could see myself riding one again and NOT
acting like such a Nervous Nellie. And that's why I want to do this tour
again! I did the 9:30am tour, which became the Segways on Parade
once they opened World Showcase. We were ready to leave World Showcase
and head back to the super-secret room in Innoventions.

I was thinking of doing this tour maybe on Monday the 15th or Tuesday the
16th. The 9:30am one was a good time to do it, but I can't remember if
I was staying at BCV or not (meaning whether I needed to haul booty to the
far side of the park from the International Gateway entrance).

Ever since they've made Norway a princess breakfast, it's not usually a
problem to find a cast member near the turnstiles with a clipboard to check
in people for the breakfasts or those on tours.

Yes, I know I could probably get to Guest Relations by 9:15am if I wait for
the turnstiles to open, but I hate feeling rushed. Asking to enter a few
minutes early isn't going to make a huge difference. Except all those people
you just "cut" in the Security line will think you're some hoity-toity snob
who needed to get past the Great Unwashed into the park first.

Well, that's what I would think if I saw someone doing that. ;)
Lori, thanks so much for the detailed Segway description. Jason is sold so now we just have to figure out which day we want to try to schedule it...I'll figure that out once I know where the food stops are going to be!! ;)
I want to play SSE Roullette, that sound like so much fun...
I want to play SSE Roullette, that sound like so much fun...

Funny you should mention Spaceship Earth Roulette...

I've seen you chatting it up on other pre-trippies that I've been poking
my nose into, and the creator of this game is none other than TDC Nala.
She created it, and I gave it a name, and she allows me to cohost it with
her when we "officially" get a game going.

I believe we're having it on Monday Oct 15, but I'm not exactly sure what
time it will be. I know I'll host it, but I don't think TDC Nala will be around
to cohost it with me that weekend.
Play along at home!

As a fabulous parting gift, you can now receive the personal version of Spaceship Earth Roulette. Before boarding the ride, simply choose one of the 27 scenes:

1 A Slow Moving Ride
2. Jeremy Irons Speaks
3. Caveman Diorama
4. Cave Paintings
5. Egyptians
6. Phonecians
7. Greek Theatre
8. Glory of Rome
9. Ashes of Rome
10. Religious Scholars
11. Renaissance
12. Michaelangelo
13. Stop the Presses
14. Telegraph
15. Telephone
16. Radio, Cinema & TV
17. International Teen Chat
18. Neon Globe/Psychedelic Light Show
19. Space Dome
20. News of the World
21. Future School
22. Milky Way
23. World Wide Telecommuting
24. Emerald City/Groovy Fiber Optic Net
25. Spaceship Earth: Cable/Globe/Crazy Wavy Lines
26. Exit
27. Ride Doesn’t Stop

For added suspense, make a bet with yourself or whoever you're riding with(i.e. if I win the next thing I do will be to walk up to France and buy one of those alcoholic slushy things; OR the "losers" have to buy the "winner" an alcoholic slushy thing...or a cup of Beverly if you're cheap. Or the losers have to drink a cup of Beverly. Whatever). If your ride vehicle stops at the scene you picked, YOU WIN! (If I'm playing on my own, I don't ever pick Ride Doesn't Stop...YMMV)

The official list has my notes on where I've decided each scene begins and ends...this is for the official annual game which usually has 35 to 40 players and I serve as the "roulette ball" (that's why there are so many scenes in the first place, I play with two sets of scenes and there can be two winners). Unfortunately my friends have decided this year to have the traditional meet at one of the few times in the year that I won't be in WDW (was it something I said?). So I think it's time to encourage year-long roulette playing at Walt Disney World.


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