Labor Day Weekend, a labor of love?

Purchase Update #4


I just thought these were so cute and super cheap so why not? I am not sure now. I think I still need a bag since these have NO compartments. They each have a little coin purse and an inside pocket that zips (that is super tiny) but I kinda like compartments so I can put things in separate areas.
Personal Update

It was nice to take a moment today to look at Disney related items. I have been so busy with work and kids that I have not had much time to breath.

So personally and aside from working lots of hours, here is what is going on.

Zoe had to go in to the hospital. I mentioned that she was born with a birth defect, so she is always under the care of a specialist. So our trip yesterday was a fairly routine visit. Left the house at 5am and didn't get home until 7pm. It was a LONG day. She has will require a pretty big surgery in the not distant future. The doctors want her to have some control in when it happens. They want her to be ready. She will require 2 months to recover, part of which will be in hospital. I talked to her about it and she is not ready right now. Jokingly (and, well...maybe a bit seriously :laughing:) I told her as long as it wasn't before we go to WDW in September I will support her decision. :rotfl: I am just glad the doctor didn't say. "oh and yes, we will schedule it for August so that she is on track for school." I think I would have cried.

My oldest son, Zach is enlisting with the military. I dropped him off today for his pre-enlistment testing. I hope he does well. It all makes me nervous, and sad and worried.

Kira is working more, getting ready for our trip and trying to plan for her wedding. It is a slow process.

My youngest son, Alex is trying to wrap up this school year at a virtual academy and get ready to start back to public high school in the fall. It will be a big change!

So there is what I am trying to juggle. I look forward to the summer being a little less demanding of my time.
I recently signed up for the Disney Visa because it had an offer that after the first use you got 200 points that could then be redeemed for a $200 Disney Rewards Card. As I understand it, it is like a gift card and can be used in the parks. I hope to use it at the restaurants and shops.

You are right though, I had not mentioned it. I guess I should have added it to my PTR since it definitely was a step in my planning (specifically budgeting). The deal with dh was I could make this trip happen if I could pick up extra hours at work (or somehow earn/pull from the budget the extra) to cover anything over what we agreed on could come from savings. I do plan to have a yard sale for spending money still, but in order to cover the trip I needed only 5 hours extra a week at work. Well, my hours have been more like 20 hours extra a week. Additionally, Zoe is not going to require her tuition payments to be in the budget any longer. The idea of getting the dv for the rewards originally was to apply that to the balance of the trip. Now, I don't need to. :woohoo: I had tossed around the idea of even upgrading to a moderate with it. (it wouldn't cover all of the upgrade, but a good chunk of it) However, now I have done so much reading about Pop and even joined a fridge swap that I don't want to jump to a different resort. I decided that an extra TS meal oop would be a better splurge. That is why I booked Ohana. Ohana will cost more than our breakfast at Tusker so even though that is the one I added, I will pay oop for Tusker now and use our TS credit for Ohana.

That's a great deal! I am so excited for you! I wondered about the rewards card because I am cashing in my mypoints account to get a gift card to take on my trip. It isn't very much but it's still something. I can either get a $25 Visa giftcard or a $50 Rainforest Cafe giftcard. I will probably get the Visa giftcard since I am not very fond of RC. I was not impressed with their food when I ate there on my last trip. It wasn't awful, just so-so. I'm kinda picky when it comes to my WDW food. Since there are so many good options to choose from, I don't want to pick a so-so place.
I have tried some of them, but not all.

Mama Melrose's
Coral Reef
Tusker (lunch/dinner)
Le Cellier

Tusker (breakfast)

How is Mama Melrose? I have been debating about trying to change my 50s PT to MM but wasn't sure. I love PT but something new might be a nice change. I will also be trying Kona dinner for the first time. I've already tried breakfast there and loved it. I am hoping I will love the dinner just as much.
Purchase Update #4


I just thought these were so cute and super cheap so why not? I am not sure now. I think I still need a bag since these have NO compartments. They each have a little coin purse and an inside pocket that zips (that is super tiny) but I kinda like compartments so I can put things in separate areas.

Cute bags! I love them. If you don't mind me asking, where did you find them?
Personal Update

It was nice to take a moment today to look at Disney related items. I have been so busy with work and kids that I have not had much time to breath.

So personally and aside from working lots of hours, here is what is going on.

Zoe had to go in to the hospital. I mentioned that she was born with a birth defect, so she is always under the care of a specialist. So our trip yesterday was a fairly routine visit. Left the house at 5am and didn't get home until 7pm. It was a LONG day. She has will require a pretty big surgery in the not distant future. The doctors want her to have some control in when it happens. They want her to be ready. She will require 2 months to recover, part of which will be in hospital. I talked to her about it and she is not ready right now. Jokingly (and, well...maybe a bit seriously :laughing:) I told her as long as it wasn't before we go to WDW in September I will support her decision. :rotfl: I am just glad the doctor didn't say. "oh and yes, we will schedule it for August so that she is on track for school." I think I would have cried.

My oldest son, Zach is enlisting with the military. I dropped him off today for his pre-enlistment testing. I hope he does well. It all makes me nervous, and sad and worried.

Kira is working more, getting ready for our trip and trying to plan for her wedding. It is a slow process.

My youngest son, Alex is trying to wrap up this school year at a virtual academy and get ready to start back to public high school in the fall. It will be a big change!

So there is what I am trying to juggle. I look forward to the summer being a little less demanding of my time.

I will be praying for your family and Zoe with her upcoming surgery :hug: With the girls being born so young, I know how scary and worrysome it can be.

Zach's choice is a brave and honorable one and I hope the best for you and your family. My closest cousin enlisted when he graduated high school. He is a few years younger than me. With everything that has been going on the past few years, I worried about him constantly but he has done well and is very happy with his choice. I also have a close childhood friend who enlisted and is also very happy and successful.

When is Kira planning to get married? You have may have mentioned it earlier but I don't remember.

What grade will Alex be going in to? And what is a virtual academy? Sorry near heard of one before. I can understand about trying to juggle everything. Haylee and AJ should be starting 7th grade/Middle School in the fall. I say should be because we're still not sure as to AJ's status. She's been rebelling a bit more this year than usual and at progress report time things weren't looking so good. Hopefully she was able to pull her grades up and pull through. She did good on her EOGs so I'm hoping that helps. I should know in the next week and a half when they mail out the report cards. We know Haylee will be going to 7th grade in the fall and will be starting middle school band. She has previous experience with middle school band at her previous school. We moved in the middle of the year this past school year so she went from a middle school to an intermediate school where band wasn't offered. At her old school she was in Orchestra and played violin. In the fall, she will be playing the French Horn. She has band camp in a few weeks. It's only a week long and it's more like a day camp so she just goes back and forth from home everyday.
Purchase Update #4


I just thought these were so cute and super cheap so why not? I am not sure now. I think I still need a bag since these have NO compartments. They each have a little coin purse and an inside pocket that zips (that is super tiny) but I kinda like compartments so I can put things in separate areas.

Aww those totes are cute. Is one for you and one for Kira or are they both for your girls? I like bags with a lot of compartments too, but sometimes it's nice to just have 1 large bag, it less of a hassle to figure out which zippered pocket you left your sunglasses in, LOL! Maybe you can just get a few see-through zippered pouches to put smaller items in so they are not scattered around? :)

Personal Update

It was nice to take a moment today to look at Disney related items. I have been so busy with work and kids that I have not had much time to breath.

So personally and aside from working lots of hours, here is what is going on.

Zoe had to go in to the hospital. I mentioned that she was born with a birth defect, so she is always under the care of a specialist. So our trip yesterday was a fairly routine visit. Left the house at 5am and didn't get home until 7pm. It was a LONG day. She has will require a pretty big surgery in the not distant future. The doctors want her to have some control in when it happens. They want her to be ready. She will require 2 months to recover, part of which will be in hospital. I talked to her about it and she is not ready right now. Jokingly (and, well...maybe a bit seriously :laughing:) I told her as long as it wasn't before we go to WDW in September I will support her decision. :rotfl: I am just glad the doctor didn't say. "oh and yes, we will schedule it for August so that she is on track for school." I think I would have cried.

My oldest son, Zach is enlisting with the military. I dropped him off today for his pre-enlistment testing. I hope he does well. It all makes me nervous, and sad and worried.

Kira is working more, getting ready for our trip and trying to plan for her wedding. It is a slow process.

My youngest son, Alex is trying to wrap up this school year at a virtual academy and get ready to start back to public high school in the fall. It will be a big change!

So there is what I am trying to juggle. I look forward to the summer being a little less demanding of my time.

Wow, I am amazed how you stay so positive. I wish your family and esp Zoe all the best with the surgery coming her way. I think after the fun she has in WDW, she may be ready after that. I think WDW has a way of putting you at ease, doesn't it? :goodvibes

Your son, Zach, is doing an amazing, courageous thing. I wish all the best to him and your family too. It must be so hard to see him enlist. BTW, I have always loved the name Zach or Zack. If I ever have a son, that's what I would like to name him!

Kira must be excited to be planning her wedding and especially her disneymoon! It's such an exciting time in her life.

Ooh, what is a virtual academy? Is that like learning on-line? Sounds neat.

You sound like a fantastic supermom! I can't imagine juggling working and all these issues in your daily life. I hope planning for your WDW trip brings a little joy to you (sounds like it does!). Sending good vibes your way! :goodvibes
Aww those totes are cute. Is one for you and one for Kira or are they both for your girls?

I was planning on one for Kira, but now that you mention for Zoe (or my mom) might be a good idea. They may make for excellent "on the plane" bags. They were both so cheap I just couldn't decide. I may have to keep my eye out still for another bag.

Wow, I am amazed how you stay so positive. I wish your family and esp Zoe all the best with the surgery coming her way. I think after the fun she has in WDW, she may be ready after that. I think WDW has a way of putting you at ease, doesn't it? :goodvibes

That is sweet of you to say. I know Zoe will do fine. She always does. As a mom though, it makes me sad to think of any struggles she may have. Most of them will come from social issues since kids in school can be cruel. So far so good though...she makes friends easily and doesn't let her physical limitations bother her or come between her and her friends. She is asking about sleep overs now though, and I think that is going to really push her towards her next big surgery.

Your son, Zach, is doing an amazing, courageous thing. I wish all the best to him and your family too. It must be so hard to see him enlist. BTW, I have always loved the name Zach or Zack. If I ever have a son, that's what I would like to name him!

It is hard to see him enlist, but I know it is the right path for him. I am nervously waiting to hear how it has gone. BTW, I think Zach/Zack is an great name to name your son! ;)

Kira must be excited to be planning her wedding and especially her disneymoon! It's such an exciting time in her life.

Exciting and stressful! She will get through it though. I just hope I do as well. :rotfl:

Ooh, what is a virtual academy? Is that like learning on-line? Sounds neat.

It is online learning. He transfers out of our local school district to another district in the state that "hosts" the online school. All of his instructions and classes are online. He has an actual teacher. It has been a great program. I just think it is time for him to get out of the house and be around people/kids his own age.

You sound like a fantastic supermom! I can't imagine juggling working and all these issues in your daily life. I hope planning for your WDW trip brings a little joy to you (sounds like it does!). Sending good vibes your way! :goodvibes

Thank you for the compliment. The planning does in fact bring me joy. I think it is funny cause...really the trip is only a week long. With all the planning time though, it really has given me a substantial amount of time to enjoy it.
I can either get a $25 Visa giftcard or a $50 Rainforest Cafe giftcard. I will probably get the Visa giftcard since I am not very fond of RC. I was not impressed with their food when I ate there on my last trip. It wasn't awful, just so-so. I'm kinda picky when it comes to my WDW food. Since there are so many good options to choose from, I don't want to pick a so-so place.

$25 is nothing to shake a stick at... and really, $50 at Rainforest Cafe doesn't buy you as much as maybe $25 anywhere else. The $25 would give you more flexibility on where to use it as well.

How is Mama Melrose?

Last time, it was my favorite. The service and atmosphere were not great, but I had the tuna and a hazelnut cheesecake for dessert that was AWESOME. They also had a bunch of flat bread choices that looked good.

I will also be trying Kona dinner for the first time. I've already tried breakfast there and loved it. I am hoping I will love the dinner just as much.

This will be our first time trying Kona too. I am wondering if it is too much like Ohana though..and that maybe I should change to something else. :rolleyes:

Cute bags! I love them. If you don't mind me asking, where did you find them?

I got them at Walmart. They are on clearance so not every store has them. I know the store nearest me sold out before I bought any. I just happened to be somewhere else yesterday and saw them. Just $7! I couldn't pass that up. They sparkle too. I am not sure if you can tell in the pictures.

I will be praying for your family and Zoe with her upcoming surgery :hug: With the girls being born so young, I know how scary and worrisome it can be.

Thank you. I am sure you know how it can be scary. Zoe spent time in the NICU...I am sure your girls did as well, right?

Zach's choice is a brave and honorable one and I hope the best for you and your family..

Thanks so much. I know he will do fine. He is a good kid. I am starting to get word that things have gone well for him at MEPS. I am still waiting though....

When is Kira planning to get married? You have may have mentioned it earlier but I don't remember.

She is getting married next may or june depending on when we get a place. Surprisingly, her much of her focus has been the honeymoon in WDW.:rolleyes:

What grade will Alex be going in to? And what is a virtual academy? Haylee and AJ should be starting 7th grade/Middle School in the fall.

Alex will be going into 9th grade at the highschool. The virtual academy is the K12. Most states participate. Ours was WAVA (Washington virtual academy) We sign on to K12 though...and it has been the best thing for Alex. He was not doing well with middle school. He just didn't understand how to study. He didn't bring things was a mess. This program is awesome. He was sent all the materials...all paid for through public school funds. Since there is no brick and mortar more of the funds go for NICE materials/supplies. Plus everything was right here...he had no "I forgot my homework" excuses. Socially too he escaped all the middle school drama. I just hope that going back at the highschool level will be good for him.

It sounds like you have a lot to think about with the girls starting middle school. I assume when you say that AJ might attend it is because she may be held back? Here they refused to do that with Alex. They just kept pushing him through even though he was falling further and further behind. I wish you luck cause middle school is a hard time. Some kids get through it, and adjust to the change just fine and others really struggle. I am very glad that we found K12 to fall back on. I think that Alex has a real shot at having a good high school career. He would not have had he continued in our local middle school.
Feeling Like a Change is Necessary

So I have been looking over our plans thus far. It all looks pretty good, but there are a couple of things that make me wonder if I should do a change.

First there is the restaurants. Reading the Disney Food Blog, Chef Mickey is a must do, yet we have never gone. We do have a character breakfast scheduled at Tusker, but I am wondering if I should drop Boatwrights and add Chef Mickey. Neither are in the park, but I believe that Chef Mickey would be easier to get to and from MK. I just wonder if the food is really that good or if it is just the fact that you dine with Mickey. Boatwrights has such a yummy looking menu and is different from the other ADRs we have. I had wanted to eat there when we stayed at POR, but didn't. I would love input on this!

Second there is the times we are schedule for both Boatwrights and Kona. Both of those two days, we plan to go to MK. Our ADR for Boatwrights is at 5pm. We want to be able to make it back to MK in time for Spectromagic Parade at 9pm. I hope we are not spending too time traveling back and forth...and that we don't end up missing Spectro. The next night, we plan to do Kona at 5pm, but it is not EMH so we won't be staying at the park late that night. I am wondering if I should swap days. Go to Boatwrights after we are done in MK. (so no traveling back and forth) and then do Kona on the night we are hoping to make it back in time for Spectro. Does that sound like a better plan?

I worry for my mom and her stamina. I know Kira will be raring to go until midnight after having been there all day. My mom is another story.

On another note, I think I need a different bag.:rotfl: I went to target last night. They had some great bags. I didn't end up getting one. I had thought I really wanted a disney themed bag, but now I am not so sure. I think the ones I got are not exactly the fabric that will hold up well and be resistant to water. I think the ones I got may work much better for the girls.
Feeling Like a Change is Necessary

So I have been looking over our plans thus far. It all looks pretty good, but there are a couple of things that make me wonder if I should do a change.

First there is the restaurants. Reading the Disney Food Blog, Chef Mickey is a must do, yet we have never gone. We do have a character breakfast scheduled at Tusker, but I am wondering if I should drop Boatwrights and add Chef Mickey. Neither are in the park, but I believe that Chef Mickey would be easier to get to and from MK. I just wonder if the food is really that good or if it is just the fact that you dine with Mickey. Boatwrights has such a yummy looking menu and is different from the other ADRs we have. I had wanted to eat there when we stayed at POR, but didn't. I would love input on this!
Oh no, have I started a trend since I introduced you to the Disney Food Blog? :rotfl: Hope I haven't caused you to re-think every meal!! However, I think I personally would do Chef Mickey's rather than Boatwrights based on a few decisions:
I've been looking up recent reviews of Boatwrights and other restaurants on and Boatwrights reviews are just not that high compared to some others. It seems very hit or miss. However, I still think you should go with what you want to do, and you shouldn't let a few negative reviews completely steer your decision. Some reviews are also quite good.
Second, Chef Mickey's is only a monorail ride away from MK so it's easier to go there, then back to MK to get a shuttle to Pop. So travel-wise, it's easier for you too!

Let us know what you decided to do regardless, and I am sure you will be happy with either decision.

Second there is the times we are schedule for both Boatwrights and Kona. Both of those two days, we plan to go to MK. Our ADR for Boatwrights is at 5pm. We want to be able to make it back to MK in time for Spectromagic Parade at 9pm. I hope we are not spending too time traveling back and forth...and that we don't end up missing Spectro. The next night, we plan to do Kona at 5pm, but it is not EMH so we won't be staying at the park late that night. I am wondering if I should swap days. Go to Boatwrights after we are done in MK. (so no traveling back and forth) and then do Kona on the night we are hoping to make it back in time for Spectro. Does that sound like a better plan?

I worry for my mom and her stamina. I know Kira will be raring to go until midnight after having been there all day. My mom is another story.

I would probably switch the Boatwrights and Kona so that you'll be able to get back to MK easily in time for spectro! However, if you decide to go to Chef Mickey's then it shouldn't be an issue either way! Mom will probably appreciate the ability to ride the monorail back and forth!

On another note, I think I need a different bag.:rotfl: I went to target last night. They had some great bags. I didn't end up getting one. I had thought I really wanted a disney themed bag, but now I am not so sure. I think the ones I got are not exactly the fabric that will hold up well and be resistant to water. I think the ones I got may work much better for the girls.

I think getting something water-resistant would be a good idea! Esp on Kali River Rapids! You can probably find cute nylon bags everywhere. You know my obsession with Lesportsac, so I highly recommend those. I also like canvas totes from and as they are sturdy, water resistant, and last forever! Another cute nylon bag is Envirosax. They are these totes you can roll up and take along with you, and they come in the cutest patterns. I always have a few when travelling as you never know when you'll need another bag. Best part is that they are less than 10 bucks a pop. However, they don't have any pockets or compartments in them.
Oh no, have I started a trend since I introduced you to the Disney Food Blog? :rotfl: Hope I haven't caused you to re-think every meal!!

:rotfl2: Yes, that blog is EVIL! Such nice pictures along with the articles. You have introduced me to something else to help keep me busy.
For the most part though, I am happy with our choices..I just want to make sure not to miss something. I have to keep in mind, this is my mom's first visit. I have been to Coral Reef and could probably pass on it this time...but my mom has not been there and I think she will get a kick out of the aquarium. I do like the idea of the monorail and Chef Mickey's, but Kira is pretty sure she would prefer Boatwrights. I did look at the reviews. Seems like there isn't a lot of recent ones. If we do go there, I will have to write a review...and hopefully it would be a good one. There is still a bit of time to decide though. I know when I checked there was availability, but who knows how long that will last.

I would probably switch the Boatwrights and Kona so that you'll be able to get back to MK easily in time for spectro! However, if you decide to go to Chef Mickey's then it shouldn't be an issue either way! Mom will probably appreciate the ability to ride the monorail back and forth!

I think this would make more sense.. Kira doesn't. :rolleyes: :rotfl: I am so glad that my dd is opinionated. Good grief. Kira is hoping to stay at POR for her honeymoon, so she wants extra time to explore the resort. I guess that makes sense. Course, the day that we are going to AK we are going to go to DTD at night and maybe a trip to POR then would be a nice boat ride. Hmmm, now I will have to look at that. MAYBE, we do Boatwrights that night!:rotfl:

I think getting something water-resistant would be a good idea! Esp on Kali River Rapids! You can probably find cute nylon bags everywhere. You know my obsession with Lesportsac, so I highly recommend those. I also like canvas totes from and as they are sturdy, water resistant, and last forever! Another cute nylon bag is Envirosax. They are these totes you can roll up and take along with you, and they come in the cutest patterns. I always have a few when travelling as you never know when you'll need another bag. Best part is that they are less than 10 bucks a pop. However, they don't have any pockets or compartments in them.


So I decided today while I was out to pick this up from Target. I think this will work well for me. It is a little smaller than I normally use. It is however a much better fabric (nylon) It has tons of pockets and came with the little pouch. Yay! I am much more excited about this. I think Zoe and Kira can use the other ones. :)
:rotfl2: Yes, that blog is EVIL! Such nice pictures along with the articles. You have introduced me to something else to help keep me busy.
For the most part though, I am happy with our choices..I just want to make sure not to miss something. I have to keep in mind, this is my mom's first visit. I have been to Coral Reef and could probably pass on it this time...but my mom has not been there and I think she will get a kick out of the aquarium. I do like the idea of the monorail and Chef Mickey's, but Kira is pretty sure she would prefer Boatwrights. I did look at the reviews. Seems like there isn't a lot of recent ones. If we do go there, I will have to write a review...and hopefully it would be a good one. There is still a bit of time to decide though. I know when I checked there was availability, but who knows how long that will last.

Chef Mickey's seemed like a pretty large venue so it looks like turnover is pretty high. Maybe you can decide when you are there. I also read somewhere that September is pretty dead at Disney relative to the rest of the summer. Although the FD may up the attendance a wee bit, I still think getting an ADR wouldn't be an issue. If your heart is set on Boatwrights, then I think you should go! I think it would be nice if Kira ate there before her honeymoon, then she could figure out if that would be a place worth spending part of her honeymoon at too. :cutie:

I think this would make more sense.. Kira doesn't. :rolleyes: :rotfl: I am so glad that my dd is opinionated. Good grief. Kira is hoping to stay at POR for her honeymoon, so she wants extra time to explore the resort. I guess that makes sense. Course, the day that we are going to AK we are going to go to DTD at night and maybe a trip to POR then would be a nice boat ride. Hmmm, now I will have to look at that. MAYBE, we do Boatwrights that night!:rotfl:

That seems like a good idea. I think AK closes early right? So you could def make a dinner ressie at Boatwrights.

So I decided today while I was out to pick this up from Target. I think this will work well for me. It is a little smaller than I normally use. It is however a much better fabric (nylon) It has tons of pockets and came with the little pouch. Yay! I am much more excited about this. I think Zoe and Kira can use the other ones. :)

Super cute! I love the brown with the pink flowers. It seems really versatile too. Fun! I love Target!! :love:

Kira has told me that I can't book this far in advance any more cause I want to tinker too much. :lmao: While this may be true, I am having an awful lot of fun doing it. And why not? Instead of just a one week fun filled vacation, I get to drag out the fun over several months.

I am still keeping an eye out for a change on the 2pm Le Cellier ADR so I HOPE I can change that still.

Unless I decide we have to have something additional and pay oop, I am pretty sure everything else is set.

After really thinking about Boatwrights, I decided I did in fact want to keep it. I did however change it to a different night. This will mean two TS for us on the one day but I think it works out much better than how I had it originally.

So here is how it looks now.... the changes are in red.

-Arrive at MCO 5:16pm
-Take ME to Pop Century and check in.
-Take bus to MK.
-Time permitting browse down Mainstreet.
- Take Monorail to Polynesian Hotel
- ADR for Ohana at 8:40pm, hopefully getting to see Wishes from restaurant.

-Take Bus to DHS for opening
- Lunch at Staring Rolls
- ADR for Mam Melroses at 3:10pm for the Fantasmic Package
- 8:30 Fantasmic

-Take Bus to Epcot for opening
-Lunch at Sunshine Seasons
-Back to Hotel to Swim or Rest
-Back to Epcot
-ADR for Coral Reef at 7:50pm
- Unsure of how late we will stay since Epcot is open till midnight.

-Take Bus to AK for opening
- ADR for Tusker House at 2pm for the Nemo Package
- 4:45 Finding Nemo Show
- Bus to POR
- Explore POR before dinner
- ADR for Boatwrights Dining Hall at 7:10pm
- Take Boat to DTD after dinner
- Take Bus back to Pop after shopping at DTD

-Take Bus to MK for opening
- Lunch at Pecos Bills/Golden Oak Outpost/ El Pirata y el Perico
- Back to Hotel to swim/rest
- Dinner at Pop Century
- Take Bus back to MK

- Spectromagic at 9pm
-Wishes at 10pm
- MK is open until 1am, so I am not sure just how late we will stay.

9/6 -
- Breakfast at Pop
- Take Bus to MK
- Lunch at Columbia Harbor House
- Take Monorail to Polynesian Hotel
- ADR for Kona Cafe at 5:05pm
- Take boat back to MK (I think that we can catch the boat across the lake, right?)
- Stay in MK till closing

- Take Bus to Epcot
- ADR for Le Cellier at 2pm
- Dinner at some place in World Showcase. (my vote is for the Moroccan place - Tangerine Cafe?)
- Illuminations 9pm

-Take Bus to AK before opening
-ADR (paying oop) for Donald Safari Breakfast at 8:15am
- Back to Pop Century by 3pm
- Leave MCO at 6:25pm

Kira has told me that I can't book this far in advance any more cause I want to tinker too much. :lmao: While this may be true, I am having an awful lot of fun doing it. And why not? Instead of just a one week fun filled vacation, I get to drag out the fun over several months.

After really thinking about Boatwrights, I decided I did in fact want to keep it. I did however change it to a different night. This will mean two TS for us on the one day but I think it works out much better than how I had it originally.

Yay for plans working out! Now you can still keep your first choice restaurant and still make Spectro!

So here is how it looks now.... the changes are in red.

-Take Bus to Epcot for opening
-Lunch at Sunshine Seasons
-Back to Hotel to Swim or Rest
-Back to Epcot
-ADR for Coral Reef at 7:50pm
- Unsure of how late we will stay since Epcot is open till midnight.

Oooh, Epcot is open until midnight? That is sweet. Our flight doesn't get in until 10pm though, so I am thinking I may miss the EMH. Hmm would it be even worth it to try? LOL. Wondering if I should keep the extra day on my park hopper. It's a 12 dollar difference. Probably will get rid of it though as I highly doubt that it will be used that night. :laughing:
Oooh, Epcot is open until midnight? That is sweet. Our flight doesn't get in until 10pm though, so I am thinking I may miss the EMH. Hmm would it be even worth it to try? LOL. Wondering if I should keep the extra day on my park hopper. It's a 12 dollar difference. Probably will get rid of it though as I highly doubt that it will be used that night. :laughing:

LOL, this was my problem too...night we come in there is a good chance that we will not use our extra day park ticket. The night we come in, it is only open till 9pm. I thought about taking off the 8th day ticket, but I figured it was not a huge difference in price. ($12 for us too) and so I just have kept it. Now it looks like we may just spend a bit of time shopping on mainstreet prior to our Ohana res.

Epcot does have EMH until midnight on 9/3. I don't know though...with a 10pm flight arrival, you might get to just hit the park for a little bit.
The Lull

So there has not been much to report. We have our days picked out, our ADRs set. Tomorrow will mark the 10wk point. At this point, there isn't much to do other than shop.

For me, I will really need some warm weather jamies. Here even in the summer, with a window open, it is chilly enough to wear warm pj's. I suspect that in September the heat and humidity will make it so a tank and short combo would be better than what I have now.

Zoe has been going through a growth spurt, so I suspect that she is going to need summer clothes not only for summer (should it ever actually arrive here) but for the trip.

Kira is going to need some better shoes for the trip. My mother and her wear the same size, so my mom has been searching for shoes for Kira. LOL, not sure how well Kira is going to like them..but it is the thought that counts.

My mother does not have a cell phone currently so I am going to have to make sure we get her one before the trip. I know there will be times that she heads back to the hotel alone. If I have no way to touch base with her, I am sure it will make me worry. I don't want to worry while on vacation! She needs a phone for every day too. Since she lives on the other side of the state, I need to be able to check in with her and her with me.

After we get all our shopping done, I do plan to subscribe to ridemax. I wish I had just paid for the year subscription back in February...but just like every other was going to be our last. :rotfl: so, I did not bother with a year. This time I will since I know Kira will want it for her honeymoon.

Once I get ridemax, I will be at the computer "tinkering" with our schedule.

After that...packing. How soon is TOO soon to start??? :laughing:
The Lull

So there has not been much to report. We have our days picked out, our ADRs set. Tomorrow will mark the 10wk point. At this point, there isn't much to do other than shop.

For me, I will really need some warm weather jamies. Here even in the summer, with a window open, it is chilly enough to wear warm pj's. I suspect that in September the heat and humidity will make it so a tank and short combo would be better than what I have now.

Zoe has been going through a growth spurt, so I suspect that she is going to need summer clothes not only for summer (should it ever actually arrive here) but for the trip.

Kira is going to need some better shoes for the trip. My mother and her wear the same size, so my mom has been searching for shoes for Kira. LOL, not sure how well Kira is going to like them..but it is the thought that counts.

My mother does not have a cell phone currently so I am going to have to make sure we get her one before the trip. I know there will be times that she heads back to the hotel alone. If I have no way to touch base with her, I am sure it will make me worry. I don't want to worry while on vacation! She needs a phone for every day too. Since she lives on the other side of the state, I need to be able to check in with her and her with me.

After we get all our shopping done, I do plan to subscribe to ridemax. I wish I had just paid for the year subscription back in February...but just like every other was going to be our last. :rotfl: so, I did not bother with a year. This time I will since I know Kira will want it for her honeymoon.

Once I get ridemax, I will be at the computer "tinkering" with our schedule.

After that...packing. How soon is TOO soon to start??? :laughing:

I am feeling the lull, too. Maybe you could have mini disney celebrations like disney movie nights and themes to countdown your days. We are going to start doing that and hoping it helps to pass the time since it seems to be going so slow since we are so close.

As for shopping, I still have a good bit to do. For your pj situation, I'd check out Wal-Mart. They have some cute disney t-shirt and shorts combos and I've also seen disney tank and shorts combos and disney short sleeve sleepshirts.

As for when to pack, I am thinking I will start around the middle of July since that will be about a month before we leave. I won't put in what we use all the time but just kind of start sorting things and getting them set. That way I won't be freaking out at the last minute trying to get everything together. This will be the first time I have packed for 4 people for that amount of time. Normally it's just me and the trips I have taken with the family have been short so this one will take a lot more planning.

I have a question for you cause it's something I keep thinking about and can't seem to come up with a decision. What size shampoo are you taking on your trip? It seems to me that taking the little bottles would not be enough for the time we are there. So should I take the big bottle or a bunch of little bottles? I mean it all seems to add up to be the same price either way. Just wanted someone else's opinion.

So I decided today while I was out to pick this up from Target. I think this will work well for me. It is a little smaller than I normally use. It is however a much better fabric (nylon) It has tons of pockets and came with the little pouch. Yay! I am much more excited about this. I think Zoe and Kira can use the other ones. :)

I love your new bag and the print is so cute! I think you will be very happy with your choice. :goodvibes

Kira has told me that I can't book this far in advance any more cause I want to tinker too much. :lmao: While this may be true, I am having an awful lot of fun doing it. And why not? Instead of just a one week fun filled vacation, I get to drag out the fun over several months.

I am still keeping an eye out for a change on the 2pm Le Cellier ADR so I HOPE I can change that still.

Unless I decide we have to have something additional and pay oop, I am pretty sure everything else is set.

After really thinking about Boatwrights, I decided I did in fact want to keep it. I did however change it to a different night. This will mean two TS for us on the one day but I think it works out much better than how I had it originally.

So here is how it looks now.... the changes are in red.

-Arrive at MCO 5:16pm
-Take ME to Pop Century and check in.
-Take bus to MK.
-Time permitting browse down Mainstreet.
- Take Monorail to Polynesian Hotel
- ADR for Ohana at 8:40pm, hopefully getting to see Wishes from restaurant.

-Take Bus to DHS for opening
- Lunch at Staring Rolls
- ADR for Mam Melroses at 3:10pm for the Fantasmic Package
- 8:30 Fantasmic

-Take Bus to Epcot for opening
-Lunch at Sunshine Seasons
-Back to Hotel to Swim or Rest
-Back to Epcot
-ADR for Coral Reef at 7:50pm
- Unsure of how late we will stay since Epcot is open till midnight.

-Take Bus to AK for opening
- ADR for Tusker House at 2pm for the Nemo Package
- 4:45 Finding Nemo Show
- Bus to POR
- Explore POR before dinner
- ADR for Boatwrights Dining Hall at 7:10pm
- Take Boat to DTD after dinner
- Take Bus back to Pop after shopping at DTD

-Take Bus to MK for opening
- Lunch at Pecos Bills/Golden Oak Outpost/ El Pirata y el Perico
- Back to Hotel to swim/rest
- Dinner at Pop Century
- Take Bus back to MK

- Spectromagic at 9pm
-Wishes at 10pm
- MK is open until 1am, so I am not sure just how late we will stay.

9/6 -
- Breakfast at Pop
- Take Bus to MK
- Lunch at Columbia Harbor House
- Take Monorail to Polynesian Hotel
- ADR for Kona Cafe at 5:05pm
- Take boat back to MK (I think that we can catch the boat across the lake, right?)
- Stay in MK till closing

- Take Bus to Epcot
- ADR for Le Cellier at 2pm
- Dinner at some place in World Showcase. (my vote is for the Moroccan place - Tangerine Cafe?)
- Illuminations 9pm

-Take Bus to AK before opening
-ADR (paying oop) for Donald Safari Breakfast at 8:15am
- Back to Pop Century by 3pm
- Leave MCO at 6:25pm

I think you will be happy with your changes. I have done two ADRs in one day and it worked out very well. I also think the QS day will be great since you will be able to eat when you want at both times so you get that freedom of eating when you're hungry instead of having to make it to an ADR time.


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