Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 5

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Ok I am new here but thought I would make a few suggestions:

1. You would have to send it to one person so that you made sure everyone got a little of something.

2. You would receive the same amount of fabric you sent. For example if you sent 5 different fabrics, you would receive 5 different fabrics.

3. You would probably need to seperate them into to different groups. And by that I mean you could have several different people doing the exchanges. Each person would receive a different group. Like, One person would receive only Disney fabrics, one would receive winter, sheers, etc. That may be easier to sort through than one person trying to do everything!

I don't know these are just ideas! just trying to help!:scared:
Oh my!!! I just looked back at a few posts and saw some STUNNING creations!! I haven't had a ton of time to myself lately (means no computer :() so I missed a bunch - I love all of them Disney, fall/pumpkin and christmas/snowmenr! Great job all!
wanted to qlarify, it is the fabrics we already have and know we will not have a use for anymore. some of us have amassed a huge collection! Ihave 2 "trunks" and8 huge rubbermaid containers of fabric! it is overwhelming sometimes.

Or the scraps from projects already done. Like I did a purple Ariel outfit and have lots of scraps I can cut up into like 6-10 inch pieces (as long as there's some good images in each piece) and distribute them to others who either want to do a general Disney quilt (like me) or someone who wants to do just girlie disney characters. Or just boyish, or some non Disney fabric. We'd just have to specify when signing up. I guess?

I also never got to a Nemo outfit, so I have tons of Nemo, I can cut up and distribute.

I couldn't find the Disney characters quilted jacket in the photo bucket was very recent, though. That's what inspired me. It was AMAZING!

We can either send our pieces to one person to distribute or we can send our pieces ourselves to each of the participants. One 10 inch piece of fabric shouldn't add too much postage (times X amount of participants) might be kind of fun to check our mail every day to get new pieces!


Maybe this can be our January Project??? It'd be fun to work on "together" and show our finished projects. Mine won't have the fancy applique, but I can imagine how creative some of us will get!

Here is Lauren's Halloween strip twirl skirt. This picture was taken a few weeks back when it was freakishly warm here in New England (I think it was close to 85 degrees the second weekend of October). She wore this skirt this AM with an orange shirt decorated with "Halloweeny" things and a light-up skull (the lights flash whenever she moves). Now I have people asking me to make things for them and they will actually pay me for it - WOW!

PS - She always wears sunglasses outside. If she forgets them (or more likely Mommy forgets them) she starts screaming "Too Bright! Too Bright!"
I hope someone has some experience with this and can explain it using simple words for us newbies. It seems a bit complicated but it also seems like there are several ways this could work. I'm in.:thumbsup2
This fabric exchange sounds really fun. Whenever it gets figure out, I'm in!

Here is Lauren's Halloween strip twirl skirt. This picture was taken a few weeks back when it was freakishly warm here in New England (I think it was close to 85 degrees the second weekend of October). She wore this skirt this AM with an orange shirt decorated with "Halloweeny" things and a light-up skull (the lights flash whenever she moves). Now I have people asking me to make things for them and they will actually pay me for it - WOW!

PS - She always wears sunglasses outside. If she forgets them (or more likely Mommy forgets them) she starts screaming "Too Bright! Too Bright!"
She is just tooo cute:cutie: and I love the outfit!:love:
Pumpkin Patch Pictures!!

DS didn't get a custom this time around, but he still had fun. Why do I sew, you ask... DD got half a dozen comments
(at each of the 3 places we went) about her outfit. She was very proud. When we were leaving the pumpkin patch she was holding my hand. She looked up at me and said, "Thanks for my pretty dress mom, I love it!! You're the best, mom!!" That's why I sew!!

Wow this is adorable. I love that fabric.
Great memories and have a Happy Halloween!
With the fabric exchange, I like the suggestion of groups. I.E. A Disney group, Holiday group, Everyday group, Boy group, etc. Limit each group to 5-10 participants. You could then sign up for which ever, and how many groups you'd be intrested in. (there could always be two groups of the same category if one fills up fast and there is more intrest in that group) I'd suggest fat Quarters. Each participant mails to everyone in thier group. That way everyone gets 5-10 different FQ's for each group they sign up for. Does this make sense? I've done this with borders for scrapbooking before. It's fun seeing what evreyone sends. I'd be happy to try to organize this.
OK I am going to come back tonight and catch up but here's this past week. The girls were in a costume I didnt make their costumes :-)rolleyes: fresh off the rack) and then all three girls in their pumpkin skirts (I did make those) at the Octoberfest.


So your little girl's name is Parker? I'm glad to have a name to go with her face because she makes me giggle everytime I see her! She has the best "pose face" that I think I have ever seen. Your pics crack me up because she always has her "cheese" on and it looks like she just stops when you point the camera at her and no matter what she's in the middle of makes her face!!!!

You're gonna have to get her into cheerleading when she is a teenager!

She is a little "cheesy" girl! She loves to be in front of the camera and behind it taking the pictures (sometimes she even takes descent pics).

She would absolutely loooooooooove to be a cheerleader right now. Her brother is playing t-ball right now and flag football is usually playing as well at the same time. She always has to go and watch the cheerleaders!!! I was cheering when I was her age, maybe next year. I would also love for her to be a cheerleader too, something I know a lot about -- I was a cheerleader from the time I was 2 up until age 20 (preschool all the way through my last year of college!)!!
I have the brother and love it!

I sew for all of the above reasons too. But I just made my sewing corner in my bedroom (behind closed doors, I'm a sewing sLoB!) where I have a daycare child napping. Thus, I can't sew till after "work".

I just want to do winter dresses (for Norah and me), hoodies, and sleep pants for the whole family. BUT, I REALLY want to collect fabric to do a Disney Eye-Spy quilt! We should do an exchange of some kind to share our scraps :rolleyes: Heyyyy, there's a great idea! :idea: I vote Heather and Theresa can be in charge of that...

I have access to some cheap Bambi fabric :flower3:

Jacob says: Please Wendy with the diet Pepsi, post the pictures of the Pokemon trainer costumes.

I want some Bambi fabric!

Just wanted to post a few things I've made recently.



I did the snowflake applique in a brushed felt material. It turned out ok, but I will not ever use this fabric again. It was a major pain to deal with!

I love the ruffled tree! How creative! The snowflake is cute too. I vowed to never use tulle again, but somehow I get sucked back in because it's so pretty!

So cute! She looks adorable and if I saw you in the mall I would want to stop you and have you make something as well!
OK I am going to come back tonight and catch up but here's this past week. The girls were in a costume I didnt make their costumes :-)rolleyes: fresh off the rack) and then all three girls in their pumpkin skirts (I did make those) at the Octoberfest.



Your girls are tooo cute!:cutie: And my daughter has that same barbie cheerleading costume! She loves it, however she is tall for her age and it is a little short!:scared:
I like the idea of a fabric exchange. I would love to join.

I am in a "coupon train" that works well. Maybe some of those principles will work for this. It could be like a "fabric train" :cool1: A cool name helps :) My current train has no name, but the first one I was in was "The Buck to Blue Choo Choo" since we mail from Ohio to Michigan and back. My DH thinks I am nuts!

Our train works like this:
We have a list of about 10 people. The first person on the list mails to #2, #2 to #3, #3 to #4 and so on. Eventually the train goes full circle and everyone gets a little bit from each person. What we do is add whatever coupons (in this case we would use fabric cut to a specified size) you do not need. The person who receives your envelope would take what they wanted and replace what they took with at least the same amount. We all mail on Tuesdays so everyone receives an envelope around the same day each week.
To start the train we all mailed to the person below us on the list the first week. We also check in on Tuesday after we mail, so your partner knows to expect something.

After a few weeks it was really fun to see what was coming. I always look forward to my envelope. I usually only get bills, so getting coupons in the mail makes me happy. It doesn’t take much to excite me :laughing: My DH teases me that I am a cheap date since I always have a coupon.

Anyway I think something like this will work if someone could come up with the details and be in charge of the list.
I hope someone has some experience with this and can explain it using simple words for us newbies. It seems a bit complicated but it also seems like there are several ways this could work. I'm in.:thumbsup2

I'm just trying to figure it out. I got a helper, SpongeMommie if it gets too crazy.

What I'm wondering is, should we just send our fabric to each of the participants? Would that be easier?

But, say one person just wants boyish Disney fabric or just girlish, or any Disney, we can kind of custom pick our scraps (or is that too complicated) I know I have lots of characters so I can totally give boy or girl fabric scraps.

Spongie is good at this kind of thing, I'll see what she thinks...she DID willingly volunteer ;)

I thought it would be fun to see what the mail brings each day. How many of us want to do this?
QUOTE=teresajoy;21519016]LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!!!!!!! I have a REALL TAG!!!!!! OH BOY!!!!! The tag fairy likes me, she really likes me!!!!!!
Congrats....the new tag looks great!!! ;)

Question for you all! Why do you sew? I guess it sounds totally vain to say that I sew because I want my DD to stand out in the crowd. I LOVE the oohs & aahs that come when she is wearing something that I have created for her. I find it extremely gratifying. I love responding to the question, "where did you get that?" with "oh, I made it!" So, how vain is that?
We got more the
point that I started to really feel guilty:rolleyes1 , on the skirts I made. Yikes. My olderst daughter felt embarrassed cause of it. :rotfl: But generally I sew cause I love it and I love to dress the girls up while I can....which isn't much longer for my oldest! I hope they feel special and loved too! :love:

I finally started on Zoe's Halloween costume.
Wow I love the colors! Great start...will she model it for us when you have it completed???

I finished Tessa's Cinderella pumpkin dress!!
Wow I just love the costume! Tessa has such beautiful eyes and hair so she really makes the fairy come alive! great job :thumbsup2

QUOTE=tnmom25;21519515]These are two of my Thanksgiving outfits.
For dd2:

For dd7:
AbbyTgiving.jpg the combinations! :cutie:

QUOTE=HeatherSue;21519769]It's finally done!!

That is just amazing! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Love it! :love:
I am interested in a fabric exchange but I don't quilt, so if you do a yardage fabric exchange I am in. let me know
I like the idea of a fabric exchange. I would love to join.

I am in a "coupon train" that works well. Maybe some of those principles will work for this. It could be like a "fabric train" :cool1: A cool name helps :) My current train has no name, but the first one I was in was "The Buck to Blue Choo Choo" since we mail from Ohio to Michigan and back. My DH thinks I am nuts!

Our train works like this:
We have a list of about 10 people. The first person on the list mails to #2, #2 to #3, #3 to #4 and so on. Eventually the train goes full circle and everyone gets a little bit from each person. What we do is add whatever coupons (in this case we would use fabric cut to a specified size) you do not need. The person who receives your envelope would take what they wanted and replace what they took with at least the same amount. We all mail on Tuesdays so everyone receives an envelope around the same day each week.
To start the train we all mailed to the person below us on the list the first week. We also check in on Tuesday after we mail, so your partner knows to expect something.

After a few weeks it was really fun to see what was coming. I always look forward to my envelope. I usually only get bills, so getting coupons in the mail makes me happy. It doesn’t take much to excite me :laughing: My DH teases me that I am a cheap date since I always have a coupon.

Anyway I think something like this will work if someone could come up with the details and be in charge of the list.

Ack! It looked like I ignored your input, sorry! I would love to get cool fabric pieces in the mail (besides bills!) Would the cost get to be too much for the further people as the weight of the package gets bigger as we all add to it?

Is this how it'd be? ((If there was 20 of us who wanted to participate)):
For Example: say I was #1 and I send off my 20 pieces of Nemo fabric to #2. #2 takes one Nemo and adds 20 Minnie Mouse fabric pieces and sends all the rest of the Nemo and Minnie Mouse to #3 who takes one Nemo, One Minnie and adds 20 Tinker Bell fabric pieces and sends the whole thing to #4...Is that what you mean? Then it keeps going around till every one has one of each fabric?

How long would it take if we only mailed once a week? I kinda wanted to get started with this after Christmas.
I'd be in for the exchange. I haven't amassed a huge collection cuz' I just started sewing. But I do have some extra pieces- So I guess I would be in for scraps. I have some cars, nemo, and mickey flannel. I have a ton of snowman fabric that I bought for a quilt that never got made.....
Sounds like fun!!!!
With the fabric exchange, I like the suggestion of groups. I.E. A Disney group, Holiday group, Everyday group, Boy group, etc. Limit each group to 5-10 participants. You could then sign up for which ever, and how many groups you'd be intrested in. (there could always be two groups of the same category if one fills up fast and there is more intrest in that group) I'd suggest fat Quarters. Each participant mails to everyone in thier group. That way everyone gets 5-10 different FQ's for each group they sign up for. Does this make sense? I've done this with borders for scrapbooking before. It's fun seeing what evreyone sends. I'd be happy to try to organize this.

Would You???? I'm not very good at organizing my thoughts! I think we should start a thread for this to sign up. I'd love to help, but not be "in charge of"...

:hug: Thank YOU!!!!!
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