"Keep Calm and Carry On" April 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

1. I am grateful every day for the health of my loved ones.

2. I am going to call my sister in law today for a good chat. We live in different states, but we get together least once a month. I miss her terribly!

3. Well, if you saw my hair lately you would definitely see some “letting go” there! I’ve been wearing it in a knot on top of my head or in a ponytail (maybe not the best look for someone over 60).

4. I get outside every chance I can get. Maybe it’s sitting on the deck or going for my walk, but I have made that a priority.

5. I brought my old balance ball downstairs tonight. Tomorrow I will watch a show I have recorded while sitting on it and using my weights.

6. I follow the actor Patrick Stewart on Facebook so I can hear him read a sonnet aloud everyday. I highly recommend this! Just wonderful!
Then I found one of my new windows leaking 😖
Then I got a text from my neighbor that her roof was leaking over their new kitchen addition. (Ok, so my window leak seems pretty minor comparatively) 🙂

Do you know if it was the same contractor or business that did both your window installation and the neighbors roof. If it is I would work together with your neighbor to file a complaint with your state or local area. Also I would check to see if there are complaints from others and how they were resolved.
Completely different installers. She had a new addition put on and the leak was where the new roof met the old roof. So contractor is coming back out to see what happened, but we had severe winds along with heavy rains. So damage due to the storm could have happened too. I’m not sure what happened with our window. They were replaced about a year ago and it’s only the one that leaked and it is on the side of the house that the wind was blowing into. We have someone coming tomorrow to look into it. Wasn’t horrible. Things could always be worse...
Completely different installers. She had a new addition put on and the leak was where the new roof met the old roof. So contractor is coming back out to see what happened, but we had severe winds along with heavy rains. So damage due to the storm could have happened too. I’m not sure what happened with our window. They were replaced about a year ago and it’s only the one that leaked and it is on the side of the house that the wind was blowing into. We have someone coming tomorrow to look into it. Wasn’t horrible. Things could always be worse...

My roofer uses extra roofing nails or staples to help secure due to the amount of wind we get here. We literally joke that a 15-20 MPH wind is just a breeze. My house is a ranch syle open floor plan modular that the comes to a point along the two long sides of the rectangle which face N and S. Most of our wind comes out of the West, NorthWest (those are the cold ones in the winter and usually have to nastiest storms) and straight out of the N (tend to be more in the winter but for some reason don't have the storms accompaning them) with a rare one out of the South and East or the SouthWest those tend to happen more in the summer months and have more of a chance of a hailstorm or severe thunderstorm especially out of the SouthWest. Knowing that information our entire N side has 8 with the same on the Western half to 2/3 might be 3/4 of the Southside and the remainder has 6. He was also able to get us a great deal on 30 year F3 tornado (we rarely get them here and when we do they are F1 for the most part our last F3 was in 2013 and before that it was in the 1956 (the only reason I can remember is my mom tells of her grandmother sending her to the back bedroom with instructions to take the pillows and the quilt off the bed climb under it and wait while grandmother stood at the door of her house and watched the storm the early summer my mom was 6 and since my mom's birthday is in late summer it is easy to know the year) there was a small F1 in my county in the early 80s that touched down and did any damage though we did have a few in the early to mid 80s where a few touched down in a corn field in a southerly direction from the house I grew up in yards from my house and later touched down in a northly direction from the airport in a field (where today it would do damage because that area has been developed and includes a high school) wind speed and hail resistant shingles. We had to replace our original ones that the modular builder and the company that set the house on our foundation finished up with and only were secured on the corners after the 2013 tornado. At that time we went with a 30 year F1 tornado wind speed. In 2016 when we got hit with a severe hail storm we had to replace our shingles due to pitting in them though not a one was lost off the roof. In 2013 we noticed that we had a problem when we discovered leaking in the hallway between the bathroom and what was now 15 year old's room. Luckily when our roofer who also does some general contracting checked inside the crawl space there was not any damage to the roofing or ceiling structure. I love knowing we were able to get a better rated product even though it cost more than regular in the long run we will be able to save money plus in the meantime we get to save on our homeowners insurance. It does help that our roofer not only goes to one of our sister churches but is now married to a friend that I met through a homeschool group and I was putting feelers out for every lead I could to help her find a place to live after her abusive ex put things that she ended up homeless, she was told if you get a place large enough for the kids you will get them as well but he had already put things in place that he would end up with at least primary custody if not full custody with her having limited if any visitation (he got full and she gets visits if and when he feels like giving them under the circumstances that she is supervised-her new husband the roofer is allowed to be a supervisor though). I was able to get a lead through the pastor of the sister church that the roofer had a rental and here is his name and phone number so since I knew when my friend would get off of work at the job she just got I made an appoinment for her to go see the place and since she had no transportation the girls and I drove her out to see it. They were married not even 2 years later. She has 2 kids who I give them till they are 18 and graduated from highschool because the next morning they are packing their personal items up and moving out of their dad's house and will refuse to have a relationship with him unless it stops them from having a relationship with siblings still at home. Since we ok I introduced them he makes sure he treats us well when we need roofing or other work done on our house for areas that he is licensed to work on.
Daily Questions Sticky.jpeg
  1. Grateful for sunshine after yesterday's awful weather.
  2. Checking in with my aunt, because hopefully there will be news from my cousin about a new baby!
  3. Letting go of normal errands. - In another lifetime, I would have run by the bank today. I'm not sure I really need to go though.
  4. Taking the cat for a walk. I know it sounds silly, but she goes around the backyard on a leash.
  5. My normal treadmill routine, probably watching Imagineering on Disney+.
  6. I think I'm going to work on some custom Zoom backgrounds.
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1. I’m grateful the rain has stopped, the birds are singing and the sun is shining!
2. I just checked on my sister. She’s off to work and was told yesterday that she only has to do well visits for kids 2 & under at this point. I’ll also be checking in with my students and my grade level partner.
3. We can’t have a normal birthday party for my mom tomorrow. So today my sister, brother & I are planning how to celebrate.
4. I’m hoping to go for a bike ride. If not, I’ll go for a walk.
5. Trying to get myself out of bed to go do a Liift4 workout.
6. Crafting lessons for my students. And I set up a speaker in my office so I can list to happy music while I work.
Oh no :hug: This is a really hard time. There are days when I think I'm doing ok but then it catches up with me and I will be freaking out at the kids to wash their hands more and for longer (lets face they aren't that great at it - and I think the early messaging has the younger ones thinking it isn't such a big deal for them). All of my kids work in takeout food places - and they are still getting shifts - so our level of potential exposure is still up there a little. A couple of weeks ago when I had to have the discussion about moving to work from home as a vulnerable person with my boss - I just ended up crying.

Since Thursday I have had a bit of a scratchy throat - at first it was in the afternoons/evening/s morning - but for most of the day it wasn't there - then yesterday it lasted all day - by last night I was convinced I had it and was going to go to a drive through test centre today - I almost dissolved into tears when talking with DS19 but fought it back (I know he worries about me alot - so I was trying to be ok for him) but then this morning it has improved. I just feel so on edge all the time - any little twinge of difference in how I feel my mind is racing. Yesterday - I just climbed back into bed around lunch time, had a sleep and then read a book. I feel like today is going to be another day of feeling a little down and overwhelmed

Yes, Nick is the worst at washing his hands or taking a shower. Elizabeth on the other hand is a bit of a germaphobe though. She is not horrible though. Guess which one gets sick the most. Yep Elizabeth.

I understand how you feel. I got a sore throat last last night and my first thought was I have the virus. Then I had to think about it. It is the normal sore throat I get when I have sinus drainage, which I have right now. Even when Elizabeth got sick on Sunday, even though I know vomiting is not a sign of the virus I still had to look it up because I was worried. Hang in their. I hope you feel better.

1. I am grateful that my family is healthy
2. This group and people at work
3. Being able to do and go where I want
4. My SIL's birthday is today and her sister put together a drive by parade to say Happy Birthday. We also might go for a walk though it is like 32 degrees here today.
5. Maybe a walk. If not I need to do something in the house. I really wish I had a treadmill.
6. Hmmm. I am not sure. Watching the last season of Schitts Creek.
I am grateful that my sore throat seems to have resolved
My sister called today and we had a chat and a laugh about worrying about symptoms and how everyone reacts with that 'look'
I let go of normal expectations and had a nap on the couch this afternoon - and got DS19 to drop and pick up twins from their work shifts today. I also let go of making dinner - DS19 and DD16 made themselves a frozen pizza, DS16 arrived home from work with KFC (he works there) and I had homemade soup from my freezer :)
Outside was harder today .... I hung the clothes on the line this evening haha
Today I really did NOT move my body but if the throat stays good .... tomorrow I will go back to a walk on the beach.
Beauty cultivation - I will listen to another sleep visualization tonight.

I did get a bit of headache this afternoon - hence the nap after taking some panadol.

Speaking of the sleep visualization - Chris Hemsworth's voiced meditation and sleep visualization loaded into his Centr website this weekend - Kind of fun listening to "Thor" - he does have a nice voice to listen to as you drift off to sleep ;):rolleyes1 They were designed for kids but the messaging is still good for us stressed out adults at the moment...

Okay - its super late for me - I need to go and get some of that sleep!
1. Grateful... for the beautiful sunny weather we've been having.
2. Checking in... here to see how y'all are doing: I have a couple text sessions going, one with family and one with co-workers who are also on furlough: and my next door neighbor and I have been chatting every couple of days.
3. Letting.go... of shopping. I knew I was over consuming, but have come to realize that it has been addiction shopping and it feels good to have stopped. And I have a house full of some pretty good stuff that I'm finding/using.
4. Outside... I did quite a bit of gardening yesterday and today will finish cleaning up a flower bed that I thought I would be working on all week.
5. Moving... I gave myself permission to not walk yesterday, and that felt good, but today I will get going again.
6. Beauty... Sunday I clipped a bunch of tulips and daffodils in the yard and brought them in the house.
1. I am grateful that we did not lose power from yesterday's storm, and there doesn't appear to be any damage on our property.
2. I am checking in and connecting with my out of state and out of country cousins.
3. I am not going to the now-cancelled hair appointment that I had scheduled for highlights and a haircut. I have let go of the normal maintenance of my hair.
4. I can't go outside because the air quality is not healthy for allergy/asthma sufferers today. It doesn't help any that my neighbor is mowing the lawn, and I am deathly allergic to cut grass.
5. Not sure how I am moving my body beyond normal housework and going up and down the stairs.
6. Beauty I am inviting in: I just went on a virtual museum tour of American Fashion 1740-1895 at The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
1. I am grateful that we did not lose power from yesterday's storm, and there doesn't appear to be any damage on our property.
2. I am checking in and connecting with my out of state and out of country cousins.
3. I am not going to the now-cancelled hair appointment that I had scheduled for highlights and a haircut. I have let go of the normal maintenance of my hair.
4. I can't go outside because the air quality is not healthy for allergy/asthma sufferers today. It doesn't help any that my neighbor is mowing the lawn, and I am deathly allergic to cut grass.
5. Not sure how I am moving my body beyond normal housework and going up and down the stairs.
6. Beauty I am inviting in: I just went on a virtual museum tour of American Fashion 1740-1895 at The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Thank you for sharing this! Loved the virtual tour and have shared with friends.
I am woohoo my sister. I know I give her a bad rap here and most of the time she deserves it but last night she did something awesome. I am a huge survivor fan for like 20 year. I just started letting Nick watch it last season and he loves it as much as I do. I just wish he would stop talking through it but I love having this time with him. So back to my sister. She asked Nick on Easter how his favorite player was this season and he said it was Nick. I thought she was just asking because she loves the show too and just having a conversation with him. Well last night she texted me to get this Cameo app. I was very skeptical of this as I have never heard of it and I don't like getting apps to much on my phone but I did it. Here she set up for Nick from Survivor to record a happy birthday message to my Nick and though a shout out to me as well. it was really cool and made Nicks day. We recorded his reaction and sent it to my sister so she could see it too. My Nick thought it was the coolest things. It wasn't a pre recorded message with a generic happy birthday message either. It was something that was just recorded specifically for Nick. He talked about what he remember about being 14 and the video games and stuff. Seriously the coolest thing ever.
Mine is pretty simple as well-we mastered online shopping and got groceries delivered yesterday. It was through Wegmans, so I was comfortable with their people picking fruits and vegetables (not picking my own is another thing I’m letting go!). We received nearly every thing on our lists with only a few glitches-getting one banana instead of a bunch and caffeine free Diet Coke instead of regular. So we’ll probably do it again.

Today looks beautiful, so will get out for my walk soon.
I am woohoo my sister. I know I give her a bad rap here and most of the time she deserves it but last night she did something awesome. I am a huge survivor fan for like 20 year. I just started letting Nick watch it last season and he loves it as much as I do. I just wish he would stop talking through it but I love having this time with him. So back to my sister. She asked Nick on Easter how his favorite player was this season and he said it was Nick. I thought she was just asking because she loves the show too and just having a conversation with him. Well last night she texted me to get this Cameo app. I was very skeptical of this as I have never heard of it and I don't like getting apps to much on my phone but I did it. Here she set up for Nick from Survivor to record a happy birthday message to my Nick and though a shout out to me as well. it was really cool and made Nicks day. We recorded his reaction and sent it to my sister so she could see it too. My Nick thought it was the coolest things. It wasn't a pre recorded message with a generic happy birthday message either. It was something that was just recorded specifically for Nick. He talked about what he remember about being 14 and the video games and stuff. Seriously the coolest thing ever.
Piglet, that is so cool! My husband is a big Survivor fan (and I watch with him) and I am going to remember this for his next birthday! And Nick is one of our favorites as well. Growing up poor and losing his mother to opioids at a young age-that he put himself through law school and works as a public defender is such a great story.
Looking forward to tonight’s episode!
I am woohoo my sister. I know I give her a bad rap here and most of the time she deserves it but last night she did something awesome. I am a huge survivor fan for like 20 year. I just started letting Nick watch it last season and he loves it as much as I do. I just wish he would stop talking through it but I love having this time with him. So back to my sister. She asked Nick on Easter how his favorite player was this season and he said it was Nick. I thought she was just asking because she loves the show too and just having a conversation with him. Well last night she texted me to get this Cameo app. I was very skeptical of this as I have never heard of it and I don't like getting apps to much on my phone but I did it. Here she set up for Nick from Survivor to record a happy birthday message to my Nick and though a shout out to me as well. it was really cool and made Nicks day. We recorded his reaction and sent it to my sister so she could see it too. My Nick thought it was the coolest things. It wasn't a pre recorded message with a generic happy birthday message either. It was something that was just recorded specifically for Nick. He talked about what he remember about being 14 and the video games and stuff. Seriously the coolest thing ever.
That is cool. Also love Survivor and this season has been awesome.

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