Just back from Aulani! A few unique (I think?) tips and a light trip report

If I don't sit here now and write about our excursions, I won't get around to it later, so here goes!

While we LOVED the resort, 3/4 of us had never been to Hawaii and we couldn't justify staying put the entire trip. So we rented a car for the entire stay (8 nights/9 days), b/c it was cheaper to do that and pay for parking then pay for a day at a time and airport shuttling for 4. Had a great deal from that discount Hawaii car rental site, about $300 for the entire time in a small SUV from Alamo. We ended up with a Jeep, which was fun, and also useful on the return to the airport b/c the road was flooded (I think a fire hydrant issue). DH was gleeful to take that thing through flooded roads.

Traffic: it sucks. I am not used to quiet small-town traffic. College and almost my entire adult life was in the Baltimore/DC metro area until we moved to Phoenix last summer. I have family in Chicago and have driven through rush hour there more than once; I have driven through LA rush hour more than once. So every time I read about the Oahu traffic, I thought meh, can't be that bad. Sadly, it was! We were on the road at 3:00pm from the airport and it took us 45min to go the first 5 miles. Not pretty. Traffic is better on the weekends, but even attempting to only drive mid-day on weekdays is unpredictable. Accidents abound. We hit traffic b/c of accidents on practically every trip away from the resort - along the North shore, coming back from Honolulu, coming back from Pearl Harbor, even coming back from Safeway on a Saturday evening (that took us more than 30min!!). Assume every trip is going to take 20-30min longer than you expect, and if there isn't an accident - pleasant surprise that your journey wasn't awful! Perhaps we had terrible luck with all the accidents, who knows. I meticulously planned to avoid weekday rush hours (both AM and PM) and it just didn't matter. Just be prepared mentally for it to be bad, and have snacks and water in the car for the kids. The kids hated hated hated the traffic and it provoked a fair number of near-meltdowns for the 7yo.

Having said that, I'm glad we did all that we did away from the resort. I purchased the 3-day Go Oahu card and was determined to get more than our money's worth out of it. It saves A LOT of money if you use it wisely, highly recommend if you want to save money. I think we would have spent about twice as much out of pocket otherwise.

Day 1 on the Go Oahu card: jungle jeep tour at Kualoa ranch, then Byodo-in Temple, then Sea Life Park with the dolphin encounter. (Note: at this point, the Go Oahu card has just about paid for itself, and 2 more days remain - so serious savings!) The drive to Kualoa is amazing; words can describe the green mountains you drive through. If you have a Jurassic World fan in your family, the jeep tour is perfect; you drive through the indominus rex enclosure movie set. DS was thrilled beyond the telling, and everyone in the jeep went "OOOH" as soon as we drove up to it. Very cool. Lots of other movie/TV filming info from the guide, plus general site/area/Hawaiian history. Highly recommend. Next we drove to Byodo-in, which was on the driving route from Kualoa to Sea Life park. We picked up Subway across the street from the cemetery and picnicked out of the Jeep. It was serene, lovely, kids got to hit a giant gong, and we thought driving through the giant cemetery was cool (it's segmented by religion/culture). It's not out of the way at all if you're going to Kualoa, so in general, I would recommend it if you are going to Kualoa; probably not worth the drive to get there just for that, though. Then we continued south to Sea Life. Again, gorgeous drive, and the coastline as you approach Sea Life is amazing. I have mixed feelings on Sea Life Park; it's not nearly as impressive as the National Aquarium in Baltimore, and it's slightly sad, but the animal caretakers seem very happy and genuine and love their animals. We elected to go there b/c DD really wanted to meet a dolphin up close and DS was apprehensive (which is not his norm) when we talked about doing a wild dolphin snorkel tour out of Ko Olina. The 3 day Go Oahu card offered the dolphin encounter as one of the 3 premium activity options, and that was more "controlled" than wild dolphins, so we went with it. Thank goodness we didn't pay $500 for the wild dolphin snorkel tour, b/c DS ended up refusing to get in the water with the dolphins and sat to the side on a bench. Sigh, can't make everyone happy! DD, DH and I loved it, got to pet, kiss, "dance" with one of the dolphins from 50 First Dates. It wasn't a waste of an excursion for DS, b/c he did love the sea lion show and the hammerhead sharks. Would I recommend Sea Life? I don't know. Without kids, probably no... go see the local wild dolphins and turtles in a natural environment they're meant to be in (like I said, mixed feelings on this one!). With kids who want to see dolphins up close? Yes, but not if you paid full price out of pocket at $130pp. That's crazy expensive.

After a couple days at the resort, we had a short day off-site planned. In order to maximize the Go Oahu card, we needed to do the swap meet and USS Arizona tour on a separate day from the paid Pearl Harbor stuff. I decided it wasn't that stupid, b/c parking is free there anyway, and if we did the USS Arizona first, it was kind of like focusing on the beginning of US involvement in WWII one day, and during/end-of-WWII the next. Not saying I recommend doing this to everyone, but it did work for us, and the kids got more out of Pearl Harbor when we spaced it out. That will depend on your kids, of course. If you are a true history buff adult, I can't see how you can do ALL of Pearl Harbor in a single day, so I would also space it out this way for those who want to see absolutely everything in depth. So we did the swap meet late in the morning, followed by 2pm pre-scheduled timed tix for the Arizona. The swap meet was fine, as expected, nothing I would purposely drive to buy if you weren't already headed in that direction. The kids got jewelry/trinkets cheap and were happy. FYI on the Arizona: they want you there an hour early, but they don't mean at the ticket booth an hour early. We got to the booth 30min early and it was fine. You don't actually need to be present at the departure zone until 15min before. An hour is smart though if you want to see the free exhibit next to the Arizona departure area first.

The next day was day 2 on our Go Oahu card: paid Pearl Harbor stuff followed by 1pm Makani catamaran ride. This didn't allow nearly enough time for the paid Pearl Harbor stuff, really. We skipped the aviation museum b/c we had the good fortune to have been to the DC area Smithsonian Air and Space museums enough that the kids weren't interested. (I'm sure it's not the same, but there was no point in dragging anyone to something they had no interest in!) We did the entire Bowfin experience, which the kids enjoyed. Note to older/taller folks: this may not be a good idea for you. You have to climb through the air locks. I'm 5'10" and the whole time I kept thinking that my 6'5" dad (now in his 60s) would have a really hard time with it and would have whacked his head about 20 times on equipment. I would tell my claustrophobic mom to skip too. There is a museum with the Bowfin, at least, if you don't want to go in the sub itself. Then we headed to the Missouri. We should have eaten at the Bowfin eatery first. The Missouri food truck line is long and slow; food sounds good but yikes, who wants to take 30min out of your touring time to stand in a food line (and this was 11am, not even 12 or 1). We pushed through with snacks until we returned to the main visitor area. The shuttle bus ride itself was very informative! You need at least 2 hours to tour the Missouri thoroughly, which we didn't have, but we hit the main parts at least. My dad, even skipping going into the sub itself, would have needed a full 8 hour day to see the Missouri, Bowfin museum, and aviation museum with a stop for lunch. Adding the Arizona (with exhibit) would have pushed the limits of time. I wanted to make a point of saying this to anyone who really enjoys WWII history and is visiting for the first time (um, without kids, probably!). The Makani catamaran ride was a good follow-up, b/c we could relax and sit there after walking around all morning with the kids; one drink pp is included. The boat was nice, had big viewing nets you could sit on, wasn't too crowded at all. I didn't see anyone get seasick, but I had prepared by taking meds (and giving it to the kids) just in case. We saw a pod of wild dolphins, lots of fish, and a sea turtle, and the route took us from Ala Moana past Diamondhead... this is the best way to see Waikiki: without traffic, ha! I'd definitely recommend it on the Go Oahu card, but maybe encourage people to find something closer to Ko Olina if you don't have one. Traffic was not fun heading back to the resort.

Our last day on the Go Oahu card: big plans to go to Waimea Valley and PCC and possibly stop at Dole on the return for whips. Somehow we got a late start (I think this was the day no one was awake until 8:30). By the time we approached Dole, I knew we were never going to make it to Waimea without an early lunch (despite the late breakfast... have I mentioned how much my kids eat??), and Dole was right there... so we just stopped. I got in line for train and maze tix, DH got in line for food. The food was actually pretty good, surprisingly, but it was a busy place. After eating, the line for the train was a bit tedious. I noticed when we left, the lines at the ticket booth and for the train were much much shorter, so aim for Dole post-lunch rather than morning/lunch time if possible. We rode the train, did part of the maze, skipped the plantation garden tour. Regarding Dole in general: it's a bit of a tourist trap, as expected. If you have little kids, they'll like the train, the maze and the pineapple photo op... but if you have teenagers or only adults, I would only stop if you want a "true" Dole whip float (made with fresh juice) and are passing by. Once was enough for us, wouldn't make a point of going back there again. We stopped in Haleiwa to toss the frisbee that came with the Dole kids' meal then drove along to Waimea. For $10pp, you can take a shuttle up and down to the falls, otherwise it's about a 30min walk unless you book it. Could definitely be longer if you pause to look at the various things along the path (a craftsman making things, shrines, etc). We didn't swim, but that was available, with a lifeguard who played the guitar for tips, and mandatory life vests. My ungrateful kids said "that's it? that's a tiny waterfall" but we grown-ups loved the walk up and down. I think they were more enchanted with the peacock who strolls around the restaurant/store/parking lot area. And at this point we have thoroughly given up any notion of going to PCC b/c the kids are done!!

All that we did would have cost $1130 at the booths, and we spent $600-something on the Go Oahu cards. We didn't even hit the aviation museum, or go on the plantation garden tour at Dole, so I'm not including those in the cost (purely including what we did), so savings could have been greater. Doing PCC instead of Waimea and/or Dole would save more b/c it's pricey.

Whew, that was a lot, but I'm glad I got it all down before I forgot bits of it! What will we do next time? Well, we've seen a lot of Oahu, so we'll island hop for sure. We'll start on one of the other islands (that have much less traffic!!) then end with maybe 4 days at Aulani so we can relax and thoroughly enjoy everything the resort has to offer. We'll probably try to take a single day to go to PCC and maybe stop in at Kualoa for a different tour, b/c we loved seeing that part of the island so much. We won't rent a car for the entire time, just one day.

Family favorites from the whole trip:
DS7 - Uncle's Mo'olelo fire pit story telling and the sea lion show at Sea Life Park, followed by the Kualoa jungle jeep tour and making sand creations on the beach
DD11 - Makahiki character breakfast, animation classes, and meeting the dolphins at Sea Life, followed by the catamaran ride
me - the drive to Kualoa, walking around Aulani after dark, and sipping on a cocktail made from Hawaiian coconut vodka and passionfruit/guava/orange juice on our balcony or the beach
DH - at work, will have to ask him later. ;)

Love all the info!!! Thanks so much! Sounds like you had a blast. Couple of questions if you don't mind. We are going to Kualua Ranch Monday at 8am horseback ride. What time do you suggest we leave Aulani? Next, my DD11 loves art and would love the animation class. Can you please tell me how I sign her up? Is it on a particular day? $??
Thanks Kathy
The traffic you will have to go through to get to Kualua Ranch in the morning will be terrible, slow and bumper to bumper along the H1 on any day except Sunday. Rush hour in Hawaii starts at 5:30 am or earlier some days. It will be pretty bad until you get to the H3 and then you will finally be heading in the opposite direction of the traffic. We had friends that had 8 am tickets for Pearl Harbor and they didn't leave Aulani until 6 am and they almost missed their tour. Good luck.
The four seasons had a soft opening while we were there. Meaning they had only a few guests and only one restaurant open. During the day they had security making sure non guests could not enter. My husband and I walked over one night and walked in and around. It's lovely and sedate. Lots of white marble and modern fixtures. A store was open. Fell in love with a purse...$500 and a pair of sandals...$300. So you can see why rooms will start at about $500. Next year we hope to try out their restaurants. They have blocked off the way to the little snorkeling beach on the other side so that you have to walk on the rocks on ocean to get there. Kind of funny to us...the beach has lovely chairs and constant wait staff offering towels and water and such. But all beaches have to be open to the public. So on our last day there a local family had come to the four seasons end of the lagoon and basically camped out with umbrella, chsirs, children, etc. right in front of the fancy lounges. Must have driven management crazy![/QUOTE]

UGH!!! We were there in February, and it was also my 4th trip there (we are DVC and it's our home resort). I love the "secret cove" and was disappointed to find the path gone. I went over the rocks in my flip flops and it wasn't fun. I figured the path would eventually re-open, so I'm bummed to hear that it won't.
The animation class is free. You have to,sign up the morning of the day you want to attend, and there are about 40 spots. Not much when you consider whole families go. Not offered everyday but offered most days. You can check the Iwa the night before (or up to a week ahead online) to see when it will be offered. Lines to sign up open at 8am daily at Pau Hana room, but you need to get there early. Some days, even 745 was way too late to get in to it. We finally got it on our third try because I lined up,at 730am. We were on the cancellation list one day, and waited around but the class didn't have enough no-shows to get to us.

Regarding the drive into town, we left at 7am for PH one Wednesday morning. Traffic was typical rush hour on H1. We used the HOV lane since there were 4 of us. We did have to go a little past PH (HOV won't let you exit until the airport, but it's the next exit to the east of PH so no big deal). This saved tremendous time, even with having to turn back around and go back one exit to PH. Got to PH about 750 and found easy parking. Not sure if this would work for you but you can check the map.
Can you explain what the 8 o'clock thing is with the chairs? Thanks!
Sure! Sorry, I assumed it was a generally known thing at this point! Aulani instituted a policy that you are not allowed to "save" chairs by throwing your stuff down on them before 8:00am. Before, people got up crazy early just to toss a towel or something on a chair (or usually, a few) well before the pools even opened. People that came down to use the pools at normal times couldn't find any/many free. Now you can sit on the chairs before 8 all you want, but if you leave something and walk away, a CM will remove it. Once you hit 8:00, you can start saving chairs, but the CMs will monitor unused belongings and take them away if you just leave your stuff there all day but never actually USE the chair. The 8:00am rule essentially reinforces to the guests that the CMs are serious about you not hogging groups of chairs you never use. In my experience over Memorial Day weekend and the following week, not letting people save chairs whatsoever until 8:00am means that many more are free throughout the day. I never hunted for, like, 4 chairs to lounge around at 11am, and that certainly isn't going to be something you luck into - but if you want a chair to put your towels and flip-flops by while you're all swimming, you'll find it. Hope that makes more sense! :)
UGH!!! We were there in February, and it was also my 4th trip there (we are DVC and it's our home resort). I love the "secret cove" and was disappointed to find the path gone. I went over the rocks in my flip flops and it wasn't fun. I figured the path would eventually re-open, so I'm bummed to hear that it won't.
Yeah, we had to use the Paradise Cove parking lot path to get there. I was a bit bummed myself!
Can you explain what the 8 o'clock thing is with the chairs? Thanks!

Getting pool chaise lounges at Aulani was difficult as people would come down starting at 5am and save chairs for the family. One person usually stayed. Others would throw personal items around on chairs like magazines, flip flops (one per chair) and then either go back to bed or go to breakfast. This is not really allowed but since the CMs don't start until 8am, there was no way to stop it. Now, the policy is that chairs cannot be saved until 8am when the towel area opens to get your bracelets. If anything is on the chairs before 8am, the CMs remove them. Life is fair again.

I haven't experienced this new method, but other have and have commented on it functionality on the DIS. When we went and since we were from the east coast, getting up the first week was not bad at all. I took the boot camp exercise class and tried to "save some chairs" but all the beachfront chairs were taken. And that is at 6:30 am going downstairs. We finally were able to get the beachfront lounges one morning near the end of the two weeks as I got up at 5:30am, but could only get two and not four. The guy next to us said he was there for almost two weeks and is up every morning at 4:30-5am. He comes down with coffee and a book and saved 6 front row chairs for his family and another family they met there. To me that is crazy. All the other mornings we chanced it. We all have to remember it IS a vacation.

BTW, the casabellas on the beach are pretty cheap and well worth it. We did that one day and told the kids that it was going to be a beach day, LOL.

Cannot wait to head back next July or August. Doing WDW for two weeks this summer, but have already started the Aulani fund. My DD12 has already said she's not sure if she wants to take all her spending money she saved to WDW this year and is thinking about putting it towards her Hawaii fund. She loved it last time, but said she wished she had more money to spend.
Yeah, we had to use the Paradise Cove parking lot path to get there. I was a bit bummed myself!

Darn. The path from the lagoon was perfect. We went through that way and did our vow renewal there at sunset.
Love all the info!!! Thanks so much! Sounds like you had a blast. Couple of questions if you don't mind. We are going to Kualua Ranch Monday at 8am horseback ride. What time do you suggest we leave Aulani? Next, my DD11 loves art and would love the animation class. Can you please tell me how I sign her up? Is it on a particular day? $??
Thanks Kathy
To be honest, I purposely avoided scheduling anything that involved rush hour traffic, b/c it is awful. It took us close to an hour without traffic to get to Kualoa from Aulani; maybe 50min? This was on a Sunday, late morning, b/c I didn't want to make that drive on a weekday. You probably have to be there at 7:30am, I guess? In which case, you probably are stuck with leaving at 5:30. You *could* get there from the north (driving up to the north shore, east along the coast, and down south to Kualoa), which isn't the fastest route w/o traffic but may be quicker than trying to get past Honolulu at rush hour. I recommend using google maps driving directions app, which gives you the fastest route, even it's longer, distance-wise. It offers faster travel options mid-route, too, and that happened to us a bunch as we drove around the island. You can actually plug in your route from Aulani to Kualoa on regular googlemaps on your computer now, and tell it what time you want to leave - and it will give you historical averages/predictions for that time of day.

I didn't have as much trouble as the PP with animation classes. 3 of us did it one day, DH and DD went back and did it a second time. Both times, I got in line at 7:45am and was maybe the 4th person the first time, and maybe the 5th the second time, and not everyone was trying to sign up for animation. Both times, there were only a few people behind me in line. I have 8 of our 'Iwas sitting next to me (what happened to my 9th?? LOL!) and it was offered 6 of 8 of those days, always 12-1pm. It is really fun! Drew Stitch the first day, sorcerer Mickey the second; you can paint cells after that - Mickey, Minnie, or Stitch. The CMs that lead the class change, so this gives a wide range of characters to draw, but the cells appear to always be those 3, which probably means 3 times is about the max an individual would want to do this activity.

Btw, the only other "free" pre-sign-up activity any of us did was the ukulele lesson. DH and DD did that. That wasn't as good, for my crew, anyway! DH liked it, but even though they asked if either was left-handed (DD is) at sign up, they didn't have enough left-handed ukuleles ready. I'm not sure if other people forgot to tell them they had a lefty or what, but DH said DD and another kid stood around waiting while they strung instruments for them b/c the only lefty was already claimed. By the time they were ready, they'd missed some of the lesson, and it threw DD totally off, and she didn't enjoy it. It was a bummer b/c she'd really been looking forward to that, and we SO enjoyed animation.
What would be the best time to schedule an activity at Kualua Ranch to avoid rush hour traffic
What would be the best time to schedule an activity at Kualua Ranch to avoid rush hour traffic
It's on the opposite side of Oahu, so it's best to try to schedule it on a Saturday or Sunday. Weekend traffic is much better than weekday traffic. If you have to go on a weekday, schedule it for late morning or mid-day, and try to get going on the drive back around 3pm. We generally did not have issues leaving the resort mid-morning (10ish) and heading east on weekdays, but we inevitably ended up in traffic coming home. There is maybe a sweet 5 hour window that avoids the worst of the traffic (barring accidents, which are unfortunately extremely common), but it's pretty difficult to get all of your excursion AND driving time to fit within that frame, so expect to have to deal with some small amount of traffic no matter how well you plan.
I will say that a bridge on 83 is down to one lane (and will be until august, I think) so they only let 10 cars through one direction, then 10 from the other direction. This is past Waimea falls, if you are driving from Aulani. It was a brief delay at 0730am when we were heading to Kahoku to go zip lining at Climbworks, but took 30-45 on the return in the afternoon. Traffic was dead stopped all the wat back to Turtle Bay resort!!
I will say that a bridge on 83 is down to one lane (and will be until august, I think) so they only let 10 cars through one direction, then 10 from the other direction. This is past Waimea falls, if you are driving from Aulani. It was a brief delay at 0730am when we were heading to Kahoku to go zip lining at Climbworks, but took 30-45 on the return in the afternoon. Traffic was dead stopped all the wat back to Turtle Bay resort!!
I guess I'm glad we never went further east than Waimea! Going north from Aulani to Waimea, there are at least 2 ways, if one is backed up. We didn't originally plan to stop at Dole on the way up, but it was just right there, so we did. Then we were planning to stop at the coffee place near Dole on the return trip down... but unbeknownst to us, googlemaps sent us a way that didn't go past Dole and the coffee place.
Great report!! I keep wondering what my boys will do with the time change! I keep imagining them up at 4AM! :eek: They get up between 6-7 in CA. My DH keeps telling me not to assume they will get up early.....but I am prepping for that! If they sleep in, fantastic!!

Thanks for the beach freebies tips, we plan to hit the pools early and hit the beach in the afternoon and I know my boys will want beach toys. Might get them some at the ABC store.......;)

Besides the bugs at Ama Ama, did you need to use bug spray at all during the trip? I am glad our reservation is early for Ama Ama! I am so sorry that happened to you!

Thank you for sharing!!

We had a problem with bugs by the small family pool. I hadn't thought about it so we didn't bring bug spray. We had small tiny black things that bit and big black flies all the days we were there this past week. We didn't have any problems at Ama Ama with the bugs, and we were there 5:30-7:30...too long.


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