june 18-22 crowds???


DIS Veteran
Dec 29, 2000
we are thinking about making a trip to dl and dca june 10 thru 23!! are we crazy? how crowded will the parks be at about this time? are calif. schools out by then? i know they don't let out till june, but i don't know when in june? the last time we went to dl in the summer months, it was on the week of july 4th. should we expect the crowds to be about the same or less? :eek:
Hi scanmom. Guess what? We're going to be at Disneyland from June 18th to June 23rd! Don't worry too much about the crowds. We always go in June, and it's never been that bad. You just have to be willing to get there early so you can do a lot before ALL the people start coming in. That's when you take a break at your hotel. ;) Then come back in the evening. There are usually minimal lines in the late evenings, especially during Fantasmic. I'm not sure how DCA will affect the crowds, though. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but I'd be happy to be at Disneyland anytime! :D I hope I put your mind at ease--you're going to have a great time

<font face="cac one seventy"><font color="green">"...always let your conscience be your guide."
<font face="cac one seventy"><font color="blue">
WDW: December 2000
Disneyland: 1981, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001
gee, thanks, you made me feel a little better!!I see you are from Norman, OK. I am in Muskogee!!!! Have a great trip! I am like you, I love DL no matter what or when!!! :D
we are going to DL for 3 days... After a business trip to SF. We will be there 6/17-6/20 i hope we can get it all in. We are staying at the GC concerige. I hope we won't be disappointed we stayed most recently at the Dolphin and Poly Concerige at WDW. I hope the crowds aren't huge- too little time with so much to do....

Honeymoon 10/82
Wyndam Palace 3/91
Dixie Landings 3/91
Swan 7/91
Wyndam Palace 3/95
Disneyland 3/98
Magic Cruise 5/00
Poly Concerige 6/00
Swan 12/00 including New Years
Dolphin 3/01
Disneyland 6/01
Magic Cruise 6/02

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