Jon and Kate Plus 8. Official Thread!!

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Does anyone have the link to the people mag. article??!!!!!!!!!

I have the actual magazine. I don't know if it's online yet or not. It's the October 13th issue with Paul Newman on the cover.
Does anyone have the link to the people mag. article??!!!!!!!!!

I'm thinking because it's not on newstands yet, it's probably not up on the website.:confused3 I have a subscription also and should be getting mine tomorrow!

I thought they decided against the adoption for some reason, not that they were turned down.

I thought that too - they had changed their minds.
The family is going to be on Live with Regis and Kelly tomorrow too. Maybe the baby question will come up there. I remember reading on one message board that Kate snubbed Kelly at a TLC party. :rolleyes: Can't wait to see if there is tension between them. :rotfl2:
The family is going to be on Live with Regis and Kelly tomorrow too. Maybe the baby question will come up there. I remember reading on one message board that Kate snubbed Kelly at a TLC party. :rolleyes: Can't wait to see if there is tension between them. :rotfl2:

Thanks for the heads up!:thumbsup2
I thought they decided against the adoption for some reason, not that they were turned down.

I thought I remembered reading that, too. Like they just decided it wasn't right for them at that time, or something? Also, I think it might have been before the twins?
The family is going to be on Live with Regis and Kelly tomorrow too. Maybe the baby question will come up there. I remember reading on one message board that Kate snubbed Kelly at a TLC party. :rolleyes: Can't wait to see if there is tension between them. :rotfl2:

Thanks for the heads up, I'll set the dvr! I don't usually watch it because Kelly is just too dang skinny and I just want to fed ex her a cheeseburger or something!!!
My kids have been obsessed with watching Jon & Kate plus 8. Can anyone tell me if they ever "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak?;)

They have the Christmas episode TIVO'd and I won't let them watch it until I have seen it first (just in case...).
You didn't expect them to adopt a yucky boy did you? ;) They tried to adopt from Korea before the sextuplets (I think I have the time right), but were turned down for being too young, and already having two kids.

I'm sorry to post again but I must correct that.
They did not try to adopt from Korea and they were not turned down.
Kate was offered an unwed Korean womans baby that she helped deliver at work and she turned the woman down. That is what Kate meant by a "rare circumstance".
My cousin who saw Jon and Kate at a speaking engagement said they both confirmed Jon does not work outside of the home. His working for Beth's husband, who is a developer, "fell through." The show is their job (and life as indicated on their website)! He is their official website consultant or something. Whatever works for them.

Jon never worked for Beth's husband.
And Bob Carson is not a developer he is in publishing.
The Robert Carson who is a mall developer is 55 yrs old and Beth's Bob is in his 40s.
I'm sorry to post again but I must correct that.
They did not try to adopt from Korea and they were not turned down.
Kate was offered an unwed Korean womans baby that she helped deliver at work and she turned the woman down. That is what Kate meant by a "rare circumstance".

Actually no you are wrong.

They were turned down by an agency/agencies for being too young.

I also believe the private adoption they almost went through with was a patient or connected to a patient at the dialysis clinic. I don't believe she was working OB/delivery at the time.
Yep.....but I think I find the total Kate bashers a little more disturbing since they seem to have such burning hatred for someone they don't even know!!

Hhhmm! Well in the past 2-3 weeks the Sheeple have triggered themselves a police investigation by trying to threaten people who speak out!

As for disturbing behavior?
Remember that Selena, John Lennon, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Rebecca Shaffer, Bjork, Andrea Evans, and many many more celebrities have been killed, hurt, and stalked SOLELY by fans!
In the case of Jodie Foster's stalker, John Hinkley, he shot 4 people and the President of the United States for Jodie.
Critics of celebrities never stalk or hurt them because critics aren't emotionally involved as fans. Critics do not get so involved with people that they sew clothing and presents to send to kids, they don't get so involved with celebrities that 50 yr old women become FANGIRLS and post posts like, "What kind of cars do you all think the Gosselin's children will get when they are 16?"
And they do not contact Jon and Kate by phone like fans, or threaten people who tell the truth about Jon and Kate's lies.

So please do not call Gosselin's critics disturbing when it is the fans that do all the disturbing things.
Actually no you are wrong.

They were turned down by an agency/agencies for being too young.

I also believe the private adoption they almost went through with was a patient or connected to a patient at the dialysis clinic. I don't believe she was working OB/delivery at the time.

No you are wrong. You do not know what I know, or who I know.
I read the new People magazine today, my hairdresser had the copy.

Jon was quoted as saying, that the last couple of months, everything that has gone on, it almost, "almost" pulled them apart. But they pulled through and this is why they decided to renew their vows. It had nothing to do with how many years they were married. Then Jon and Kate both had quotes. Jon said he isn't going anywhere, I can't remember what Kate said.

Just watching the show and Jon's body language last year, I bet he did have thoughts about leaving.

I haven't been on the thread in a few weeks, but did you guys discuss Kate's tips in the Parade Magazine last Sunday?
Hhhmm! Well in the past 2-3 weeks the Sheeple have triggered themselves a police investigation by trying to threaten people who speak out!

As for disturbing behavior?
Remember that Selena, John Lennon, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Rebecca Shaffer, Bjork, Andrea Evans, and many many more celebrities have been killed, hurt, and stalked SOLELY by fans!
In the case of Jodie Foster's stalker, John Hinkley, he shot 4 people and the President of the United States for Jodie.
Critics of celebrities never stalk or hurt them because critics aren't emotionally involved as fans. Critics do not get so involved with people that they sew clothing and presents to send to kids, they don't get so involved with celebrities that 50 yr old women become FANGIRLS and post posts like, "What kind of cars do you all think the Gosselin's children will get when they are 16?"
And they do not contact Jon and Kate by phone like fans, or threaten people who tell the truth about Jon and Kate's lies.

So please do not call Gosselin's critics disturbing when it is the fans that do all the disturbing things.

Once again, I will watch and enjoy the show and then go on with my life, while you will apparently stalk the internet for any positive remarks about Kate so you can prove us all wrong. Have fun with that!! :goodvibes

With that said I stand by my feeling that hate is an ugly emotion and HATING a stranger is very disturbing to me.
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