Jillian and Michael's Disney DREAM Wedding PJ

Omg, Jillian!! :worried: I'm so sorry to hear you were in a car accident! Thank goodness that you're okay. I was in a bad car wreck about 6 years ago, so I know how those kind of things can really shake you up! Things will work out okay with the insurance though. I'm sure it is quite stressful to deal with on top of everything else, but to echo the other ladies, just try to put it out of your mind as much as possible. You've worked so hard and spent a year of planning on these next few days, so definitely focus on that and enjoy it! :cool1:

Your bachelorette day sounds like it was so fun!! A massage and mani/pedi to boot! Heavenly! I bet your nails look lovely! I feel ya about work cramping your hand expression, haha--don't know if that sentence made very much sense, but hopefully you get my drift. Yeah, for vet, we're not supposed to have fingernails that extend past our finger tips. I totally understand the reasoning behind this, but it's kinda a bummer if you want to do something fun with your nails.

Glad to hear you were able to get your 'blonde bumped' to your satisfaction :) That's a super cute saying by the way. I can totally understand wanting your hair to look perfect in photos, and hair color is a huge part of that.

The bachelorette party at Jellyrolls sounds like it was a lot of fun! I've never been to Jellyrolls, but I've heard amazing things about it! I think it's great you did an atypical party. The bachelorette party should be customized to what the bride envisions. I had the very typical bachelorette party, and while I had a blast, I know that's not for everyone. I've been to a bachelorette party that consisted of mani/pedi's and midnight bowling as well as one that involved going to a haunted house--both were fun. So it's truly to each their own :goodvibes

Finger crossed that all goes well with the transport of your favor bags. I'm sure it will, but I can imagine that it would be a little nerve wracking to move them around. I can't wait to hear how much your guests love them! :)

I wish you and Michael the best, Jillian!! I've so enjoyed following along with your plans this year, and it's been a pleasure getting to know you a little bit through the DIS :goodvibes I hope you have a joyful, fabulous and fun cruise, and a lovely wedding. Will be thinking of you and sending happy thoughts your way :flower3:

Happy Legal Ceremony Day!!!! :yay:
Hi Jillian,

Happy legal ceremony day! WooHoo.

Sorry to hear about your car wreck. I am so glad you are ok. I hate it when things like that happen, always at the WRONG time!! Try not to think about it this week, just enjoy your cruise and wedding.

Looking forward to hearing all about it. Congrats and sending you wishes, prayers, and pixie dust!
Hi Everyone-

My best friend is on the cruise with Jillian and saw them at the terminal. Here's a pic:


Jillian-Happy Legal Ceremony Day. You guys look great. Wishing you and Michael all the best. Enjoy everything and relax!!! The rest will still be waiting for you.

Can't wait to read all about it and see pics.
Thanks Fivepin for posting that pic your friend took of Michael and Jillian at the port! They look fantastic and so ready to be married :lovestruc Happy Legal Ceremony Day you two!
Love that you were able to post that pic of them at port. They look great. Can't wait to hear all about it once the Mr & Mrs get back and are all settled in.
Oh wow, Judy!! What a fantastic photo your friend captured!! That's so awesome you were able to post that for Jillian! I'm sure she'll be tickled pink to see it!! :goodvibes

Jillian, you and Michael look too fabulous for words! Such a cute couple!! I LOVE your outfits, and hope you have a lovely legal ceremony. Have a wonderful cruise!!
MANY THANKS for the kind words, everybody!

Everything was wonderful and BETTER than I'd anticipated! I was thoroughly pleased with the way they had arranged the D-Lounge- we were the FIRST wedding that they'd tried this layout on! Gorgeous! We had Captain Henry marry us ("If you're here, who's steering the boat? Oh yeah, we're docked!") and we had Laura, but only because the person who was SUPPOSED to be our coordinator got appendicitis! And it was just as I suspected... 3 night cruises are just WAY WAY WAY too short! Michael and I hardly had ANY time to relax, it was just GO-GO-GO the whole time! On our CC day we took some beach photos (until we were way too sweaty!) then had breakfast at Cabanas, sat in the hot tub for about 30 minutes, then took a 2 hour nap! We finally left the boat again to get a couple Konk Coolers and go shopping, but after the first drink (and sitting with my new brother-in-law) they started closing everything up on the island! We didn't even make it over to Serenity Bay! But that was pretty much our only "relaxation" time the entire cruise! It was great having so many friends and family aboard with us! My photographers were fantastic and we took about 10+ hours of photos total! I am DYING with anticipation- hopefully she'll give me some teaser pics before the next 3-4 weeks when I get all of the images! I'll give you a full trip report sometime during the week, but for now I'll just give you a few teaser pics that friends have posted on FB Enjoy!!!

After the Legal Ceremony (most of my friends were "Sauced"!)

After being pronounced "Husband and Wife"

With my Brothers and Sisters-in-Law

A good peek at my flowers

Nom Nom Nom, Champagne!

First Dance (We totally high-school danced in a circle pattern!)

Sitting on the ground with the Flower girls! My new nieces are SO darling! (I need to find this photo from another angle, lol)

You look so beautiful. I am so happy everything turned so good for you. You are right a 3 night cruise is way too short. I'm worried about that as well. Captain Henry will be the Captain of our cruise as well....wonder if he'll be the one performing the ceremony.

I can't wait to see more pic and read your trip report!!
Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!! So Excited!!! :hyper: You're married, Jillian!!!! Where did the year go??!!

I am so happy to hear that your wedding was everything that you hoped it would be and more. :cloud9: You and Michael are just the cutest couple. In everyone of those photos, you both look so excited, happy, and in love... and really, that's what it's all about. We, as brides, worry about all the details and that everything will go okay, but that's not really the stuff that really matters. I sincerely wish you both every happiness, and I'm so excited you "found your lobster!" Gotta love Friends ;)

Your photos look awesome!! I cannot imagine how fantastic the professional ones will be!! So excited for those!! 10 hours!! Wow!!! You look so gorgeous, Jillian! On both the legal ceremony day and the wedding day!! Your blue flowers and shoes were are great pop to you darling white dress! And on your wedding day, oh my word (as we like to say in Alabama), you look stunning!!! Your dress, tiara, necklace, hair... it was perfect. You and Michael together just look so regal :goodvibes

Disney did an amazing job with your flowers also!! They are beautiful!

Haha, I love that you all did your first dance high-school style. I have a feeling that Timmy and I will be doing something similar :) The D Lounge looks really pretty from the little I could see in the photos! I'm so glad to hear they set it up well, and that you were happy with it as a venue.

So looking forward to your TR and seeing more photos! But in the meantime, hope you're getting to enjoy a well deserved rest!!

You look so beautiful. I am so happy everything turned so good for you. You are right a 3 night cruise is way too short. I'm worried about that as well. Captain Henry will be the Captain of our cruise as well....wonder if he'll be the one performing the ceremony.

I can't wait to see more pic and read your trip report!!

We had Captain Henry on our last cruise and really wanted him to perform our ceremony when we first met him! Then comes along this cruise and he's still around and was standing right behind my groom in our venue! :woohoo: Michael jumped the gun and kissed me during a pause in the program BEFORE he was instructed to by the Captain! :rotfl: He was just THAT excited! I'll send you wishes that you have him too!

P.S. I'm so glad your friend sent you that picture! They were sitting by my mom (also DIS) and she's like "She knows someone in your DCL Bride thread!" so I instantly knew who she was! My family was all taking photos of us, so she just hopped in line! My mom instructed her to send it to you before we left so you could post it here! :rotfl:

You look beautiful, I can't wait for the full report & more pics!

No worries, there will be COUNTLESS photos for you to sort through! Oh my, I counted it up, and we took 11 hours of professional photos. ELEVEN! :rotfl: I started getting ready at 11 AM, one photographer with me and the girls, one with the boys. We took pictures continuously until just before dinner at 8 PM, that's 9 hours. Then we took photos on the CC day for 2 hours. If you consider that I only paid a small amount more than what DFTW/DCL would've charged me, and I got two shooters for 11 hours instead of one photographer for 1.5 hours! Yeesh! Plus I loved my photogs, they're both gorgeous darling british girls and were so much fun to work with! <3 I was worried that since we didn't have an engagement shoot that it would be hard to relax and take direction, but it all flowed really well! It was definitely "Knot-worthy"!

Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!! So Excited!!! :hyper: You're married, Jillian!!!! Where did the year go??!!

I am so happy to hear that your wedding was everything that you hoped it would be and more. :cloud9: You and Michael are just the cutest couple. In everyone of those photos, you both look so excited, happy, and in love... and really, that's what it's all about. We, as brides, worry about all the details and that everything will go okay, but that's not really the stuff that really matters. I sincerely wish you both every happiness, and I'm so excited you "found your lobster!" Gotta love Friends ;)

Your photos look awesome!! I cannot imagine how fantastic the professional ones will be!! So excited for those!! 10 hours!! Wow!!! You look so gorgeous, Jillian! On both the legal ceremony day and the wedding day!! Your blue flowers and shoes were are great pop to you darling white dress! And on your wedding day, oh my word (as we like to say in Alabama), you look stunning!!! Your dress, tiara, necklace, hair... it was perfect. You and Michael together just look so regal :goodvibes

Disney did an amazing job with your flowers also!! They are beautiful!

Haha, I love that you all did your first dance high-school style. I have a feeling that Timmy and I will be doing something similar :) The D Lounge looks really pretty from the little I could see in the photos! I'm so glad to hear they set it up well, and that you were happy with it as a venue.

So looking forward to your TR and seeing more photos! But in the meantime, hope you're getting to enjoy a well deserved rest!!

OH MY GOSH! The year went by sloooowly (there were several months where I didn't put any thought or effort towards the wedding!) and then REALLY quickly! But everything was perfect (Except that I forgot my "Mrs. Pariona" hanger at home! I didn't even realize it until we were driving home today!) and I'm so incredibly relieved that it's over!

Well, gosh, Thanks! (You made me blush!) I think you and Timmy make one handsome couple as well! From your sneak peek of your engagement shots, I can't wait to see what Jessica can do with you two and the DREAM! We took some family shots just before and just after the wedding, along with one "EPIC" photo with everyone... We stood in a crowd in the atrium and Lora took the photo from the second floor! After that was flower girl photos and wedding party photos, then we went off for 3-4 hours. Deck 4 outside, Decks 11 and 12 outside (try doing these photos last... the wind/humidity is KILLER on your hairdo!) The District, some Port holes, the Atrium, we did grand piano shots with the reflection of the chandelier in the piano! Goodness Gracious! I'm seriously DYING to get even a "sneak peek" whenever they get the chance!

I think that we brides worry about the details as much as we do so that on the wedding day we can just "let go" and enjoy all of our planning! I was definitely tense and a little anxious beforehand -not about GETTING married, but because it got REALLY real REALLY fast! Suddenly I go from taking photos with friends and family to being placed in my brother's arm to be walked down the aisle! After listening to Captain Henry and reciting the vows, exchanging the rings, and KISSING, I was so much more relieved and ready to have fun! The days leading up to the cruise were incredibly stressful from packing everything (and re-packing) to keeping track of all of our guests travel plans, to getting everybody ONBOARD! Yeesh, I had a MOUNTAIN RANGE of acne that popped up on my brow-line overnight! I've never ever ever had acne like that before! Ugh! So glad I bought a good concealer!

Goofy Michael wore the Mickey Top Hat I made him during the ceremony and I think a LOT of the photos too! :rolleyes: I would've gotten a REAL top hat and I would've made it a LOT more aesthetically pleasing if I'd known he was going to do that! I thought it was just a cute prop for entering/exiting the cruise!

I adored my bouquet! I had 5 crystal Mickey's in them... Not worth $9 each, it would've taken me MAYBE a dollar to make each one (but probably not that much!) but I wouldn't have been able to insert them into a pre-made bouquet the way they did. They even had a little "Mickey" on the ribbon so you knew which way the "front" of the bouquet was! I took all of mine with me! After ALL of that posing, picking up and setting down my bouquet so much, it got a little worn down. It lasted for CC pictures, luckily- as did Michael's boutonniere! OOOH, We also sprayed it with a little hairspray and sprinkled pixie dust on it! So pretty!

Ugh, getting discombobulated! I still have remnants of "wedding brain"! We had a long day today! The thrusters woke me up at 5 AM while we were docking, after breakfast and disembarking we drove back to orlando, picked up family, went to Mickey's retreat (park/recreation area available for cm's to rent) then had dinner at Friday's, all with my *NEW* family! Gosh, I want to kidnap my nieces/flower girls sometimes- they're SO darling! Anyways... Promised I'd maingate them into the parks and get them strollers at 9 AM! Ouch, no sleep for me this whole week!
Yay! I'm so glad everything turned out great in the D-Lounge, I know you were a little worried! You're MARRIED!! Yay! You're pictures are gorgeous!:goodvibes

You made Michael's top hat! I did the same thing for my DH for our honeymoon since he wanted one so bad and they don't make them anymore! So neat that someone else did that too!

I sometimes wish I had my bouquet still, but like yours, mine got beaten up pretty bad and the orchids and lilies don't last as well as roses do. Are you going to preserve it?

Congrats again! :cool1:


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