jet blue?

I participate in a number of air travel forums and have read nothing but rave reviews about JetBlue. Be sure to compare prices though, because they are not always the cheapest.
They are great! The only down side for us is having to change planes in NY. And thats just a personal bias.:cool:
I was browsing the Transportain board and had to post this. Last week I was at the Millionaire show at MGM and one of the questions was "What's JetBlue". Stupid me, I didn't know, but on our way home at the airport my son pointed out the airline to me (the rest of my family got it right!!). I guess I better start paying attention more!! LOL!!
My dad used Jetblue in March and loved it. Each seat is leather, and has it's own t.v. with direct t.v. 21channels!! The price is so low because they don't serve food and they only go to a few different destinations. It explains in all on their site. We will most likely be using them in Sept.($430 round trip non stop from N.Y. to Orlando, 2 adults 1 child) Can't beat that price!:)
I flew jetblue from L.A. to NY in Jan. I enjoyed it very much. The only drawback was the lack of food, but they do serve blue potato chips. I loved the T.V's! I was able to watch the History Channel for 5 uninterrupted hours!
Unfortunately for a discount airline, the fares to MCO in July are not particularly competitive.

I've never heard of it. Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it out now.
I have never used JetBlue but will be for the first time in 2 weeks... I live in Staten Island so it is definitely easier for me to go to Newark Airport but we got great times and rates when I booked it months ago. I have afew co-workers that have flown with them and I have also heard nothing but great news about them. I hope I feel the same way.....

Check them out...

We flew on Jet Blue last week and it was great. They had a play area set up to keep the kids busy at Kennedy Airport.The t.v at every seat makes flying with children a lot easier. The thing I liked most is the channel that shows a map that lets you know where you are.It also tells you how fast the plane is going and how high you are.
because you are weakening my resolve to go Delta! Jet Blue sounds wonderful, but for my dates of travel, I only save about $20 by using JB, and I really want to take advantage of Delta's huge number of flights-- I want to airline that can get me to Orlando at the earliest possible hour on my first day and leaving at the latest possible time on my last day. So far, Jet Blue's flight schedule can't compare. :(

I have also heard nothing but wonderful things about them, though.
Another COOL thing about 'em. Is there website. Its great for wheen you need to pick someone up from the airport

It has a feature with the just like the channel with the planes location and altitude and speed- except IT WORKS FOR ANY FLIGHT- ANY airline. So when you call America west or someone else who routinely lies about their planes status, you can go to the jetblue site and see EXACTLY when the plane left, where it is currently, and when will it land. ANd the times are REAL not the lies you frequently get by checking on the phone.

Sorry- totally unrelated to their servie, but i couldnt help but share.


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