Jane E.'s Fitness Journal

Hi Jane! You are doing a really good job exercising and making healthy choices while dining out! Well, except for the alcohol, but I do it too so I can't say anything about that! :flower:

Have you tried the NoCarb AZ iced green tea? They make a blueberry that is REALLY good. They have another flavor that is also good, but I love the blueberry. Keep up the good work!
Congrats on the good job you are doing. Keep up the work!!!!

Um, and just eat one piece of chocolate - :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: - yeah, sure, okay. :) I just leave it alone and I'm much better off!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
:cheer2: I lost another pound!!!!! :cheer2: I weighed myself today and couldn't believe another pound is gone. I'm now at 163. Almost to the 150s & size 12!

Thanks for stopping by Chris. I see I'm not alone with my chocolate cravings!

Amy, I bought some of the blueberry tea but I haven't tried it yet. Ds may have gotten to it. I bought two of the smaller bottles just so we could try it. Ds & I both love the green tea with ginseng but its hard to get. I went to the grocery store & they had one gallon. Everything else was diet. At Walmart it was worse - all black tea and diet green tea.

breakfast: I was so busy getting stuff done around the house & doing errands that I didn't eat breakfast until lunch. My mother and I went out. We ended up at Ruby Tuesday's where I had the veggie burger wrap with water & I got to try the smashed cauliflour, but I just had 4 bites 'cuz I didn't know if it was fattening or not. At 11:30am it was just a bit late for breakfast.

snack: mango peach sherbet

lunch: LC cabbage rolls, fudgesicle, water with lemon

snack: fudgesicle

dinner: Arizona green tea, homemade steak fajitas (yum - I always cook up extra peppers and onions.) I ate one fajita & was stuffed. I grilled everything outside on the grill. Delicious - with enough leftover for tomorrow. My fajita had steak meat, tomatoes, green peppers, yellow peppers, onions, cheese & salsa. For dessert I had a piece of Smart Ones carrot cake.

My mother & I went shopping today. I've gotta get clothes to wear for my anniversary next week. We went to Sears & Penney's and nothing thrilled me. Last week we went to Ross & I couldn't find anything. I don't want to spend alot of money for a dress I'll just wear once. So, in the end, I've decided to wear my own clothes: a size 16 black skirt - which is loose on me with a size 14 top I bought at Burlington Coat Factory a couple of years ago. It'll be good enough for one night. They look nice. I'll probably get a new pair of black shoes - with a new small black purse at Payless to round out the outfit. If I had made it down to size 12, I think I would have splurged but I don't want to spend any extra money on size 14. Its funny I have lots of casual clothes in size 14 but nothing dressy.

I'm still hoping to get in a walk with dh before going to bed. Today's been crazy! I dropped a bottle of soda on the floor - big plastic bottle & my ceramic tile cracked it. After washing the floor 3X, its still sticky. The cat looked hilarious trying to walk on it right after I washed it the first time.

Got in 30 minutes of walking today! :banana:
I got in my workout first thing. Did a Firm Cross Trainers: Firm Cardio plus 5 minutes of physical therapy exercises.

Breakfast: 1 C strawberries, LC sweet & sour chix, water

Lunch: 1 steak fajita, water

Snack: 1 fudgesicle

Dinner: 1 bagel with lowfat cheese, 1 peach, 2 fudgesicles, Arizona iced green tea

Ds put a pizza in the oven. I felt myself getting tempted so when they were ready to eat it, I took the dog for a 30 minute walk. Thankfully, my temptation was gone when I returned. I got in extra cardio & didn't eat!
Woo hoo, another pound gone!!! :banana: :banana: Isn't that a great feeling? You are well on your way to your Size 12's!

I don't blame you for not wanting to buy clothes when you KNOW you are not going to fit in them for much longer! Sounds like you can make it work with what you have and save the real splurge for when you can comfortably fit into the size you want!

Those fajitas sound really yummy. As for the chocolate, the stuff that is good for you is actually the dark, unsweetened chocolate. If you can choke down more than one piece of that, you really ARE a chocoholic and should seek professional assistance... :rotfl: Keep up the good work, all that healthy eating and exercising are really paying off!
JANE you're doing so awesome!!! :fish:

almost sz 12's...I can't imagine!! I'm so happy for you, just keep swimming you'll be in those 12's in NO TIME FLAT!!

Jen :fish: ;)
Amy & Jen thanks for your words of support! These journals sure help me stay on track. Everytime I eat I think twice because I know that I'll have to record it online. Its always in the back of my mind. ;)

Yesterday we had a going away party for ds. He's left for the rest of the summer. I hadn't ordered pizza in ages - usually buy the frozen kind for him. We used to order pizza every week. Anyway since he was leaving I ordered Pizza Hut & we had several of his friends over to say goodbye. I almost wasn't going to order pizza but he loves it so much I decided to go ahead. I knew I would eat some but decided to deal with it.

breakfast: 1 C watermelon, bean burger on bun with mustard and peach relish

snack: 2 fudgesicles

lunch: LC sweet & sour chix, carrot cake, iced green tea

snack: fudgesicle

dinner: 3 slices of pizza, one iced cinamon stick, 30 M&Ms

snack: 1 glass of milk & 2 iced cinamon sticks

Today's menu

breakfast: bean burger on a bun, oj

lunch: iced green tea

dinner: 2 slices of pizza & 30 M&M's - as you can see we still have party leftovers

A year ago I would buy pizza every week. I would eat much more than 2 or 3 slices. I would eat about 5 slices of pizza at each meal, so I've cut my pizza eating in 1/2. However, I hadn't ordered pizza in several months - I'd been buying the frozen stuff when ds wants it because I'm not so tempted with that.

From all the running around & buying stuff for ds that I've done I just feel drained. I spent yesterday updating his wardrobe. I was in and out of stores all day. With him out of the house I slept the best I've slept in years. I went to bed and didn't wake up until morning. Since he's 17, he's in and out alot, spending the night at friends, or having friends over. And sometimes his friends will call his cell phone at 2am!!!!! or 6am! Usually I'll go to bed at 11pm. On the weekends he'll come in at 1am and I always wake up. Plus a couple of his friends have loud cars - and I always worry that they'll wake up our neighbors. As a result I spend most nights either getting woken up or worrying about getting woken up! After we dropped ds off, dh & I were estatic to have the house to ourselves for the first time in a long time.
Hi Jane! Excellent job cutting down on your pizza intake! And I notice you are rationing out your M&M's - good for you! See, you CAN survive by eating a few at a time and not the whole bag! ::yes::

Enjoy your quiet time while DS is away. Mine is 9, so I have a ways to go before I send him off for any length of time. ;)

Have a great weekend and keep those portions under control!
Good job Jane!!!!! And I was worried a bit about pizza too but I was able to keep it to 3 pieces and I was full too - it's amazing what our minds do to us!!!!

And congrats on the pounds off - way to go. Enjoy the quiet house!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Amy, you're fortunate you have awhile yet with ds. Once they hit 12 the time flies by. 5 years ago we were still going to the movie theater & beach together, now I can't get him to go to the mall with me to buy new shoes!

Chris, good job on the pizza! I was really amazed that 2 or 3 pieces was enough for me. We're hangin' in there!

30 minues of yoga first thing this morning & in the afternoon a 30 minute walk.

breakfast: 2/3 c of fresh fruit with strawberries, peaches & cherries (I never eat cherries but dh washed them off so I'd try one and they were delicious. I just thought I didn't like 'em.) 4 slices of thin sliced turkey with one wedge lowfat cheese, oj

lunch: bean burger on a bun, grape juice

Ok now here's the bad part. :confused: I went nutz on Milk Duds. I was hungry when I went to the grocery store & purchased them which is always a bad sign. I came home & ate half the box, then threw it upside down into the garbage can.

Thats my day so far!
Oh man, I love milk duds... But, I'm on a cracker jack thing right now... I hate when I get in modes like this... But, I'll be out of it soon, then onto something else (hopefully more healthy, eh?).

Just wanted to stop by and say "hi!" And, you're doing GREAT! Keep it up!

Happy Sunday! :sunny:
At least you threw the rest of them out when you were done with what you wanted!!!! Good job! I would have eaten the whole danged box.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Good job on exercising control over those milk duds!

Sometimes I'll find myself eating something I know I shouldn't and I either try to throw it away or throw it out the window while I'm going down the highway (yes I know it's littering but if a whole pack of creme horns rides for too long in my car there will be no survivors :rotfl2: ). I'm sure the people riding behind me probably think I'm insane, throwing out a box/bag/container of food onto the road! :crazy:
I love Milk Duds too - at least you threw away half right!! That is an accomplishment in itself! :)
Made it thru the weekend!
Jaynee, thank God I don't like cracker jacks - when I was a kid I'd buy them for the prize. I have problems enough with regular candy!

Chris, you notice I threw the Milk Duds in the garbage UPSIDE DOWN - that way I couldn't get them back!

Zela, ROTFL!!! Thats hilarious! Watch out or you'll get a ticket & thats a whole other reason to overdose on candy!

V, Thanks for your support. It seems that whenever I binge on Milk Duds I have a recurring dream that my teeth are falling out. I had it the other night too & in my dream I was panic stricken to get to the dentist. I've gotta quit eating those darn milk duds! That by itself should be enough motivation.

We had a busy weekend. Sunday we went to see War of the Worlds. Dh loved it - it was pretty good - lots of action. (Better than Star Wars.)

breakfast: bean burger on a bun with strawberries, oj

lunch: iced tea (I was at the movies during lunch time.)

dinner: Dh & I went out for dinner. We split the jumbalaya - sooo good!!! I also had the sourdough bread & butter, 2 cosmos

snack: cinamon red hots - a big handful, pretzels & 2 wedges of lowfat cheese - I usually don't eat pretzels and they sure got salty - ate about 12 of them

As always I drank a ton of water. :sunny:

Monday: Lean Pocket Bacon Egg & Cheese, OJ

Lunch: LC cabbage rolls, 5 cherries

workout after breakfast was 50 minutes of weights & exercise ball & 15 minute walk

Dateline had a special on brides losing weight for their wedding which I tivo'd & watched this morning while doing my weight workout. I also watch that celebrity show on VH1 - where they are all losing weight. Gary Busey, Jackee', Willy Ames etc. are on the program. I love that show. I try to watch ANY weightloss or exercise programs. I'm so bad I even watch the infomercials all the time. I don't know why but it does motivate me.

I hope I'm off of my candy binging for awhile.
I did notice that, and please don't tell me that if they would have landed right side up you would have gotten them out and finished them - please don't tell me that!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: I have to tell you this - when my brother was about 4 or 5 years old my mom had cleaned his room. She had found some M&M's on the floor and threw then in the garbage. His can didn't have a bag in it and it was a metal can (this was about 30 years ago mind you). He went to his room later in the day and found the M&M's in there. So he took them out and ate them (there wasn't anything else in there). When mom went to go empty the garbage can on garbage day she noticed they were gone and asked him where the M&M's went. His response was something like - but mommy I was hungry and you can't throw candy away. I vaguely remember him saying that part but don't remember the rest and I remember my mom leaving his room because she was laughing so hard (I was 7 or 8). It's been a running joke with he and I for a very long time.

Glad you had a good rest of the weekend and looks like you are off to a good start for the weekend!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Jane! Good job on the Milk Duds! I would not have been able to throw them away, I would have finished the whole box so I wasn't wasteful... That is why I don't even buy that kind of stuff anymore! I was at Walgreens this weekend and I saw that Junior Mints has a caramel variety now! :eek: That almost made me go right off my cheat-free streak and try some. But I didn't!!! Plus I was with DB and my kids and I didn't want to freak them out too much by cramming about 20 in my mouth at once, making weird noises and salivating! :scared: :laughing:

We are going to see War of the Worlds this weekend, I can't wait! Better than Star Wars? No way...

You are doing a great job, pretty soon it will be 2nd nature to not even by that stuff in the first place, OR eat a couple and put the box away! Keep it up!!
Chris, had to laugh about your brother. Kids love their candy!!

Amy, usually I try not to buy candy either but this past week I went nuts over it. This afternoon I threw out the cinamon red hots.

I weighed myself & am now 4.5/5!!!!! Yes!!! I don't know if I'll get to lose that extra .5 to meet goal this month. We're leaving on Thursday for Disney to celebrate our wedding anniversary. AND, I am not watching calories for our dinner.

Yesterday, I found a dress I liked at Sears, so I splurged & bought it. Today, I decided to try it on to make sure it fit all right, & it was a good thing I did. That ink thing was still on it. I could just imagine walking into Victoria & Alberts with that ink thing attached to the side of my dress. So, in a rainstorm I jumped into my car & went back to Sears. They were very apologetic. That happened to dh once when he bought a shirt. LOL! I wasn't home so he ripped the ink thing off!! He found out thats definately NOT a good idea.

to finish yesterdays food journal

snack: tomato/basil veggie burger on a bun with mustard, peach juice

dinner: LC thai chix, peach mango juice

snack: peach mango juice & a big handful of cinamon red hots!! OUCH! They are officially garbage canned - I threw the rest of the bag out today.

Today's food journal
Workout: 20 minutes of yoga and 10 minute walk

breakfast: oj

lunch: Went to Quizno's and got one of those chix, tomato, cheese subs that they advertise on tv - I need to check their website & found out the calories/fat grams - ate 1/2 of a regular - saved rest for dinner., peach mango juice

dinner: 1/2c watermelon, 1/2 quizno sub & peach mango juice

I tried L'Oreal's new microdermabrasion product but wasn't happy with it. Its a scrub & those crystals hurt my face. I just couldn't help thinking that it can't be good for me. I've had one microdermabrasion with an ethtician & it didn't hurt at all. So, thumbs down on this product. I'll try it one more time & then use it on my feet!

However, I've been using their Glycolic product & love it. I bought it several months back, used it 2X a week for 4 weeks. Rested for one month & then did the same thing. I think that product helps my face. I was resting from the glycolic when I decided to try the microdermabrasion product.
Yay for you! You are so close to your July challenge! And even if you don't lose that extra 0.5 lbs, you did GREAT!!!!!!!

Don't worry about splurging on your anniversary, that's what special occasions are for. I'm sure you'll look great in your new dress (without the tag) and have a blast.
Amy, thanks for your encouraging words! I'm so glad I had that dress out; otherwise it would have been a rude awakening.

food journal from yesterday:
dessert: 2 fudgesicles

11pm snack: bite of BBQ, 2slices of bread with spreadable lowfat cheese
mango peach juice

At 11pm while we're watching Seinfeld, dh got the BBQ pork out for a midnight snack, heats it up and starts eating it with chips. Now, I'd finished my dinner at 6pm so it made me so hungry. :guilty: I can't believe he did that. When I asked for a bite he kept asking, "is this on your diet, are you allowed???" well why in the heck did he heat it up when he knew I'd be hungry. Nuthin' smells like BBQ when you're hungry. If he had just eaten chips & dip, I wouldn't have felt hungry at all. I ended up toasting 2 slices of bread and putting lowfat cheese on them. Then dh kept asking me, "why are you eating, are you allowed to eat at night?" NOOOOOO I"m not supposed to but how can I resist when you heat up BBQ 5 hours after I've finished eating! So I was angry at him & at myself!
I know I went over with my calories.

Workout this a.m.

The Firm: Maximum Cardio Burn PLus Abs - got this from Netflix - its much easier to follow than the other two workouts I've gotten. I liket his instructor better.

Breakfast: LC sweet & sour chix


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