Jamie's Journal (comments welcome please!)

Hi Jamie!

I hope that the dinner party/ice cream cake situation had a happy resolution! You are doing very well and making some great choices, I hope i can do as well getting my water in!

Hope that your day is going well!
Hi Jamie!!!!! Just wanted to pop in and see how you're doing! Gotta run, though. I'll be back.
Hi everyone.

I love riding my motorcycle.....in nice weather!!! Friday we rode to work and by the time we got home there was a terrible storm and we rode home in it! Got soaked. Oh well though right!!!! I used to ride on my BIL and I loved it...but at that time I never really wanted one until my DH bought me one. Crazy I know!

As for my weekend night out. It actually went better than I had planned. We bought the ice cream cake at Baskin Robbins and took it with us. By the time we had dinner and then messed around outside it was too late and everyone was too full to have any. So they kept the cake. I told my DH that I didn't want it in the house...I don't know if I could have stopped myself. I LOVE ice cream! I probably could have though, I just found out that the cake itself was chocolate and I don't like chocolate!!! So I would have been fine either way I guess!

Okay on to the food for Saturday:

B at 6:30am less than 1/2 cup cereal with a little more than 1/4 cup milk
S at 9:30am 1 nature valley granola bar
L at 12:45pm turkey and cheese sandwich with 1/4 cup chips...not the best but I was out of goldfish!
S skipped...I was not hungry :sad2:
D at 8:00pm 1 grilled chicken breast, small baked potatoe with 1/2 biscuit.

I didn't get in hardly any water Saturday. I got in about 48 oz. Not very good. But I did better on Sunday. I exercised Saturday morning for 20 minutes on the elliptical.

B at 9:00am (Slept in late...very unusal!) Two waffles, no butter, very little syrup
S skipped
L turkey and cheese sandwich with goldfish crackers
D at 6:15pm potatoes

I got in about 76 oz of water....YAY for me!!!! :cool1:
I didn't exercise in the morning, I decided to take a rest day. However yesterday I did mow the lawn again...See what I mean? My yard grows like crazy so that was my exercise for the day.

WEll I am off to work again....I hate it when I have such a busy day that I don't get to anything here!!!! :goodvibes

Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning,

Hope everyone had a wonderful evening. It was hot here in but that was nice!!!!

So yesterday was overall a pretty good day. I didn't know what to cook for dinner and we had to have something pretty quick so dinner was not a good meal for me. I will make it better today!

I never really thought about it until yesterday, but I am doing more exercise than I am posting on here. Never really thought about this as exercise...why? I don't have a clue! But I walk from my parking garage to my office ever morning. I would say that it is a little less than 1/2 mile one way. Plus I walk the stairs, I don't take the elevator! YAY for me!!!! So I will be adding this to the exercise that I do daily. Not sure why I didn't think of it before.


B at 5:30 2 waffles with no butter and very little syrup
S at 8:30 1 nature valley granola bar
L at 11:45 3 small corn cheese enchillada's with a cup of rice
S at 3:00 1 nature valley granola bar
D at 6:00 3 slices of tombstone frozen pizza....not a good choice :sad2:

I did exercise 20 minutes on the elliptical and I walked the almost 1 mile to and from my office to the parking garage. And I walked the dogs for about 20 minutes. What a night! I have so much more energy that it is wonderful. I didn't get in nearly enought water though. I think it was only about 48 oz. Not good. But I will make up for it today. I am really thirsty today and I don't know why!

Well I better get back to work. Have a great day!!
Hi Jamie!

You are off to a great start!!!! :Pinkbounc Keep up the good work and you will make your goal! :cheer2: Go Jamie!!!! :cool1:

Have a great day! :sunny:
Hello! I am new to these boards (see AmyT's journal) but I enjoy reading everyone's progress! Keep up the good work! I do have one suggestion that you might find helpful - have you tried using Splenda instead of sugar on your peaches? I bought a batch of strawberries a couple weeks ago that were anything but sweet, so I sprinkled a little Splenda on them and YUM!!!!! It was delicious! Even my son (who usually won't eat strawberries) loved them. It only takes a little tiny bit of Splenda to really bring out the sweetness. :)
HI All,

Thanks for the kind words. I was just telling someone here at work about this board and how motivating it is! She too is overweight and really wants to get things under control. I don't know if she will join or not but I wanted her to know what keeps me going. Anyways we got to talking about weight and I told her that even though I have only been following my plan faithfully for about 2 weeks, this last weekend I put on some shorts and I felt wonderful. It was great. I know this may sound silly but I really did feel good. I normally don't like to wear shorts because of my weight, but I thought I would. I put them on and they were a little big, and I felt good. That is the first time in a long time that I have felt that way! Good for me! :cheer2:

LovinAZ, I have never really thought of using splenda....I may have to try that. The peachs that I had, some were really sour and I was thinking that if I could put sugar on them that may help. But I resisted the urge to do that!

Toystoreduo- thanks for the kind words and encouragement. They mean a lot. That is what keeps me going!!!!

So here it is for yesterday

B at 5:30 two pieces of toast with very little butter, water to drink
S forgot at home :sad2:
L at 12:00pm turkey and cheese sandwich with 1/2 cup goldfish. I probably has less, but I think that is what it was
S forgot at home :sad2:
D 2 chicken soft tacos on fahitta (?) size shells with low fat cheese

I exercised 20 minutes on the elliptical, I think Monday I am going to kick it up a notch and go for 30 minutes. I walked to and from the office to the parking garage, about a mile. Did pretty good I think. My water intake was not soo good. I had 48 oz.....I just could not get it down yesterday. I am off to a better start today though!

Well I am back to work......Have a great day!
Hi Jamie!

Glad to hear that you are doing good. That is a great experience you shared about your shorts! (Out of context that could sound weird! hehe) I can't wait to hear how you made those 30min with no problem. :flower: Hope that you're co-worker will check out the Dis WISH!

Have a great day!
Let me know how you like the Splenda! A little bit goes a LONG way. I usually just sprinkle a little bit on the fruit and 1 little packet lasts for 3-4 servings!

Do you have anywhere to store snacks at your work? That way maybe you can take a week's worth of stuff on Monday and not have to worry about having a healthy snack available. I know if I don't have an afternoon snack I would definitely overeat when I got home! Who am I kidding, I overeat even after having an afternoon snack :confused3 But not anymore, that is my biggest challenge to overcome and that is why I am here on the WISH boards!

Do you have your own elliptical? If so, I am so jealous. I have to go to the gym to work out... Keep up the pace, you can do it!
Hi Jamie! :wave2:

Thanks for stopping by my journal with your words of support and encouragement! :goodvibes

Keep up the good work! You are doing a great job!!!! :cool1:
Well I blew it yesterday. Oh man did I blow it. I started to feel bad/guilty just like I used to and then I stopped that. I knew that I could start over today. And that is what I did!!!! I started over today. Yesterday started out great. I got up and did the elliptical for 20 minutes. Had breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Then after dinner, I had some cake and ice cream :sad2: Bad me. Oh but did I pay for it! I so didn't feel good last night after I did that. I don't know if my body just didn't like that since I have not had anything like that in a while, but I felt it! But on today. It is going to be a much better day. I can feel it!!!!


B at 5:30 two waffles with no butter and very little syrup
S at 8:30 1 nature valley granola bar
L at 11:45 2 fahitta size chicken enchillada's
S at 3:00 1 nature valley granola bar
D at 6:30 1 cup HC chicken noodle soup
S at 8:00 ice cream and cake

Like I said I got up and exercised for 20 minutes, plus walked to and from my office to the parking garage. I didn't take the dogs for a walk though, bad weather. I didn't do good on water either...I had about 24 oz. Not good.

But I am off to a better start today. I exercised and I have had almost 24 oz already of water.....

Well I am back to work. Will check in later.

Have a great day everyone!
lovinaz said:
Let me know how you like the Splenda! A little bit goes a LONG way. I usually just sprinkle a little bit on the fruit and 1 little packet lasts for 3-4 servings!

Do you have anywhere to store snacks at your work? That way maybe you can take a week's worth of stuff on Monday and not have to worry about having a healthy snack available. I know if I don't have an afternoon snack I would definitely overeat when I got home! Who am I kidding, I overeat even after having an afternoon snack :confused3 But not anymore, that is my biggest challenge to overcome and that is why I am here on the WISH boards!

Do you have your own elliptical? If so, I am so jealous. I have to go to the gym to work out... Keep up the pace, you can do it!

I do have somewhere to store my snacks here at work. One lady that I work with used to be overweight, she lost like 80 pounds 7 years ago and has kept it off, but anyways, she keeps her snacks here. She puts them in the little cubbie in the fridge with a note that says not to throw anything away. I have been thinking of doing that too. She said she would share her cubbie. I also have my desk that I can put stuff that does not need to be cold.

Yes I have my own elliptical. We bought one because my we wanted something for cardio. However my DH has never used it! Well I won't say never. He got on and did about 7 mintues and then he was done. He says that he wants to get back on but never does. So I am the one that uses it all the time. Which is okay. That way we are fighting over it!!!!! Not that we would but ya never know!

I checked out your journal today and you did fabulous yesterday. Keep it up and in no time we will all make our goals!
Eeyore, you didn't blow it too bad with the cake & ice cream! Just consider it a treat. Find something to celebrate! You know that one treat is not going to completely ruin all of the hard work you have done up to this point. You have the right mindset about not dwelling on it and getting back on track. You've already exercised for the day, so that is a major accomplishment!

And wow, what a great opportunity you have to talk to your co-worker who has successfully lost weight and kept it off for so long. Good for her! I bet she has some excellent tips for you.

Hang in there and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
Hi Jamie,

I agree with lovinaz! You did not "blow it", you just took a misstep and can now get back on your path. I have faith in you!

sounds like you have a good plan to work out your snacks at work too. That is awesome! I know I need to work on getting my lunch made in the morning so I am not doing what I am today, ie. waiting til I am home in 30min to eat! hehe

I hope you have a great healthy weekend!
Well I really think that the ice cream did a good one on me the other night. I felt terrible all day long yesterday. I exercised and thought that I felt better. Then I tried to eat breakfast....nope still didn't feel right. So I stopped. Then I tried to eat my snack, did okay. Tried to eat lunch, I think I got down 1 1/2 corn tortilla's and that was it. I could not eat. I didn't eat dinner....not smart, but I just felt awful.

So here it is, what little it is!

B at 5:30 tried to eat a waffle - no go
S at 8:30 1 nature valley granola bar
L at 11:30 1 1/2 tortilla - that was it.
S at 2:45 tried to eat 1 nature valley granola bar - no go
D skipped
I didn't get in but 12 oz water. Not a good day for me at all. I think that I will steer clear of ice cream and cake for good.

I laid on the couch and feel asleep and didn't wake until 10:30 when the dogs wanted their treat. Little too late for them! I went straight to bed and got up late this morning. I didn't have the energy to exercise on the elliptical today. I am sure that it is because I didn't eat yesterday. I do feel better today though. I have eaten all my meals, breakfast, snack, lunch so far.

I get to meet my nephew for the first time this weekend :jumping1: (I have two sisters, one has 7 kids that I know and the other sister only has 1, this is the one that I meeting. He is a year old the end of this month) so I don't know if I will make it to the journals or not. I will keep track of what I eat and when so I can post when I do get here. If If don't pop in to say hi, everyone please have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!

Take care
Hi Jamie!

I hope you have a wonderful, safe, healthy, and happy 4th of July weekend! :goodvibes Take care!

Whew what a weekend. Hope everyone had a safe and happy, healthy weekend!

My sister came into town on Friday night and I got to meet my nephew....What a cutie. We got to spend the whole weekend together. That was nice. They left yesterday morning. It is always nice to have company and I love my sister, her husband the baby, but it is always nice when they leave. I don't have children of my own so have a baby in the house was a little new to both my DH and I. He is really a lot of work. We didn't really do much, we shopped and took the baby out. That was pretty much it. My sister's husband has family here too so when they were not with us they were at BIL's dad's.

I think I did okay for the weekend. I didn't get any exercise in on the ellipitcal....however I did chase a 1 year old around a lot ;)
I got in tons of water. I don't even know how much. But everytime I turned around I was filling my 32 oz cup. So I know it was a lot!

So here is everything from Friday! Sorry it is so long.

B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 8:30 1 nature valley granola bar
L at 11:45 3 corn cheese enchillada's with 1/2 cup rice
S at 3:00 skipped. I was not hungry
D at 6:15 2 turkey hotdogs
I didn't exercise...as I was way too tired. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I didn't feel well Thursday and didn't really eat.

B skipped....I got up late and then we went out.
L at 12:30 chicken sandwich with a fee french fries...less than 1/2 the box from Sonic. Gave the rest to the little guy!
S skipped, not hungry. Lunch did me in!
D at 6:00 2 turkey hotdogs...I hate to cook when it is hot!


B at 7:00 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 9:30 string cheese
L at 12:30 turkey and cheese sandwich
D at 6:15 two corn tortilla's with lowfat cheese


B at 7:00 1/2 cup cereal with 1/4 cup milk. I didn't realize I needed more milk until afer I poured my cereal!
S at 12:30 handful of goldfish crackers
D at 3:15 two corn tortilla's with lowfat cheese. Left overs from the night before!

I did do a ton of yard work this weekend when my sister was not at the house. I had weeds to pull....I hate doing that. I have been pushing my DH to get my flower garden done so that I can replant my flowers and we finally did it yesterday. So I was carrying bricks, and moving soil, and pulling weeds and running back and forth from the garage to the kitchen. I can say that my legs hurt this morning from being up and down all day yesterday.

I got in a ton of water. I don't really know how much, but it was a lot. I filled the 32 oz glass that I have numerous times. So I did good on the water.

Now on to today. The fourth is over, my sister is gone, and we are ready to get back on track!!!

Well enough about me, I am going to start on others journals. I will try and get to as many as possible.

Have a great day!!!!
Hi Jamie!

Sounds like you had a great weekend!!! I'm sure it was exercise keeping up with your nephew. Very cool that you got to see him!!
Congrats on keeping making those healthy choices for yourself, that is awesome too! I bet the water and the yard work helped a lot. :flower:

I see you went to Sonic, that is one place I am happy we do not have around here. I see their commercial for their milkshakes, smoothies, icees, etc. and I want to dive into them! hehe! I am definitely a milkshake guy so thank goodness they do not exist here or I would pitch a tent in their parking lot! hehe :goodvibes

Have a great day!
jamie...super job lately....and all that chasing a 1 yr old IS EXERCISE that's for SURE!!! ;)

just watned to pop in and say hello, wish you a WONDERFUL :goodvibes day AND MORE WEIGHT LOSSS OF COURSE!!! :teeth:

keep on keepin on!!! :fish: SWIM, SWIM, SWIM!!! :fish:

Jen :)


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