It's Official, MSEP is back! but at DCA instead of DL starting July 4th!


Earning My Ears
Jan 30, 2001
This is no longer rumor, Disney has released a press release today. It's now Disney's Electrical Parade. They used the excuse that its what everyone wants. You know they would figure out something. I guess this will solve DCA's attendance problem, huh? This should be big news in CA tommorrow in the papers, Since it was suppose to go away forever.
I wonder what will happened to the current DCA parade - Eureka. We saw it twice and the first time alot of interaction and CM stunts on bikes and skates and all. A few nights later it practically ran by usand was over in half the time. It was OK but would not draw that many. Even Easter week we found prime spots on curb a few minutes prior!


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