It's My Birthday & I'll Disney if I Wanna! ~ A Dec 2015 PTR - COMPLETE!

DD21 is mortified that I will be wearing them, but would be mortified if I was limping along and unable to keep up with the tour, so Zero. Craps. Given.

Ummmm... these are adorable! Why would your DD be mortified by them?:confused3 Oh well... zero. Craps. Given. :rotfl2:
Will do replies soon, but I just have to say...

You guys are starting to make me wonder if the title of my eventual Trip Report for this trip should be something like:

"ZERO. CRAPS. GIVEN... A December 2015 Trip Report!"

I wonder if the DIS admins would let me get away with it? :rotfl2:
You guys are starting to make me wonder if the title of my eventual Trip Report for this trip should be something like:

"ZERO. CRAPS. GIVEN... A December 2015 Trip Report!"

I wonder if the DIS admins would let me get away with it? :rotfl2:

Yes. That will be the title of the TR. Official decision.
Love that title. In fact, I may have used that expression once or twice since reading it in your last PTR lol. Check out the Sanuk sandals too though :))
How do I keep falling behind?? UGH! I'm all caught up now! I love that your ADR Day falls during your Staycation!! worries about having to get to work should there be any issues (but I'm sending you tons of pixie dust so you won't have any problems!!)

I feel your pain about the plus size Disney Shirts...they do run short which drive me crazy!!! UGH! I need to check out some of those iron-on cute!!
Got all caught up with your report. You are so close to ADRs! :cheer2:

I like your spreadsheet. I have to do one next time.

I love the idea of buying the inexpensive shirts and bedazzling them yourself. :thumbsup2
Yep, and that's why we always take a ton of photos - to help jog the memory a bit. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any pics of the CP! :o
Yeah, the last two trips I tried to rely on just my photos to help me write my TRs when I got home. And it worked fine at first, but then after a week or two passed, it got harder and harder to write and remember details. So for this next one, I'm going to try to force myself to take actual notes, at least about things I want to not forget for the TR!

Wow... I'm envious! Two weeks is just not enough to spread out over an entire year, especially since I use one for Christmas!
Yeah, it's nice... When I can actually get away from the office and use it. :P As you see by how many hours went into Use/Lose status for me this year, I generally don't take enough time off to use them up before they start threatening to expire on me!

Billie you were right upthread about the seating in American Gardens, bench-style. I didn't notice at the time if wheelchairs/scooters went in first or had a certain area but I'll bet they did! That would hopefully cut down on your wait somehow? Definitely look in to it ::yes::
Hmmm! :scratchin Very interesting! Looks like I'm off to the DISabilities forum here to see if those fine folks have any advice for me! Thanks!

WOOHOO for vacation related shopping sprees!! :woohoo: I'm working on getting a swimsuit (eek) for our trip in September and also some shorts and t-shirts. I LOVE the iron-ons you chose and what a great idea!
I'm all set on t-shirts now, and I have a swimsuit (though I wear it so rarely that it actually got lost in my dresser for a few years, I discovered it when I was packing for my April trip). I have shorts too, but I am thinking of picking up a few pairs of capri pants to take with me too, just in case it's chillier in the evenings that I like, so that way I can either wear them all day, or change into them during our midday break. (Historic temps for that week in Orlando are an average of 75 degrees, which is PERFECT to me, but I'm certain it dips lower in the evenings.)

Yes! I hate too-short t-shirts. I just saw an advertisement for Duluth Trading's longtail shirts (the ad is hilarious...), and I have to get a couple so that I don't expose myself while I lean down to tend my child (and sometimes I just don't care, like at the Target check-out the other day when my daughter pulled my v-neck down and I didn't notice until we were out of the store!).

Cute iron-ons, though! You'll have to share once the work is done. I have never had luck!
I saw those ads too! I actually have good luck with the length of the Just My Size tees in the Women's Section at Walmart. They're cute and they're plenty long enough, without being so long that I feel like I'm wearing a nightgown! :blush:

LOVE the iron ons, i think they are going to look amazing! I love the HP one, i know its the 'dark side' around here but I LOVE HP too!

I hate shirts that are too short, so frustrating, i don't get that style at all!
I'm a big old Potterhead, and it turns out that my Aunt & Uncle are too. I originally wasn't going to head over there on this trip, but they are dying to see the Wizarding World stuff, so... Off we go to Platform 9 and 3/4! :thumbsup2

I love your HP shirt from Etsy! Have fun with the shopping!
I loooove shopping. It's a sickness! :rotfl:

Good shopping finds! I'm only 5'3, and I STILL find that Disney Store shirts are too short. They really need to do something about that!

I can't wait to see how the iron-ons turn out!
Imagine how they fit on me... I'm 6'0". :laughing: It's awful!!!

OMG I LOVE that sparkly iron on...I may have to copy that idea lol...I really wanted something black and simple and to get matching for DD and I...and I think that would be perfect....and I'm so NOT crafty...but I figure even "I" MAY be able to handle and iron on lol I will go check that out.
Let us know on your PTR if you buy any! There was a LOT of cute ones on Etsy! :cutie:

Also - want to tell you...I can't handle flip flops either and I have those crocs...they are awesome.
These Cleo sandals are my bestest friends. I love them to death.

But in case you are interested...I recently bought at pair of these shoes at DTD actually and they are the first pair of between the toes shoes I've ever been able to wear...I wouldn't wear them all day for theme parking...but I find they look a step up from Flip flops and are actually very comfortable...I don't want to get in trouble for posting a link lol...crap...can't figure out how to show you a picture...but check out the Yoga Sling 2 sandals at (am I allowed to do that?) Not a link..not my site lol...I'm paranoid now. The soles are made from recycled Yoga mats lol....anyway...moving on.
Those are interesting, how they wrap around the foot! They look comfy! :eek:

You are SO close to making ADR day!! I hope to ONE day plan a trip enough in advance to be able to make ADR's on that day...and be able to hopefully get my pick of everything!! I hope it all goes well for you as planned!!
I"M SO NERVOUS! Just this morning I went into the system and looked up my choices for as far out as the system will currently let me look, and NOTHING was available for ANY of my restaurants! I know it will different when I go to do mine because I'll be on at 6am exactly 180 days out, and I'll get the +10 benefits, so I'm probably just freaking myself out but even looking now... But IT'S SCARY DUDE. :scared: I'm trying to psyche myself out now, as to not have a total mental and emotional breakdown if I go to do my ADRs next weekend and nothing is available. :sad:

Your iron ons are too cute (love the Harry ones!)!! I've always had great luck with any iron ons I've done. Super easy and so fun. You and mom will make some super cute shirts!!!
I've never messed with iron-ons at all, but I remember my mom doing some stuff with them when I was a kid. And she's just better at that kind of stuff in general. YAY MOM! :cutie: I just repay her by fixing up her computer and tablet and iPod and other electronics for her, so it's all fair. :thumbsup2

Cute things! It's always fun to buy things for Disney! That totally reminds me though, I will need some more tanks before we go! :)
Pre-trip shopping is the BEST, isn't it? :goodvibes

I'm glad I could maybe help :)

I love your iron on idea and especially like the rhine stone design, I'm not one for wearing character tees but that does look cute :goodvibes I also hate that shirts just aren't long enough any more!!!
Yes, I'm the same, I'm not usually big on character tees. I made an exception for the MVMCP shirt, though. And the rhinestone Minnie Mouse was just too cute for me to pass-up! ::MinnieMo

I enjoyed your dining report so much I'm hopping on for your PTR. :flower3:
Hooray! I'm glad you're here! :welcome:

Hi Billie!!!!!!!
OMG! You're back! :hug:

First off - YAY for being under the 200 day mark! :hyper:
I know, right? FINALLY!!! :eek:

I love your ADR wish list!!! :thumbsup2
Me too!!! :cutie:

I also like what you did crowd levels and EMHs. I ended up wishing I had paid better attention to those myself (I mostly did, but ended up mixing up some of my plans because I just couldn't deal with the crowds).
Yeah, I'm happy I am planning accordingly for it. The only day I'm concern about is Magic Kingdom day, because it has EMH that night too. But there's just no way to break that one up and do something else during the day. I mean, I could do it, but if I do, it'll be mean missing the Festival of Fantasy parade. :sad2: Not happening! So that day, we'll just have to tough out the crowds! According to EasyWDW, the overall crowd level for that day is only a 4, so I'm hopping it won't be too bad!

LOVE the idea of the iron-ons! That way you can customize and get the exact shirts you want anyway! Although I do technically own an iron... I'm in the same camp with you there. Ain't nobody got time for that!

First, thanks for the 411 on the military discount. Gonna call tomorrow to see if I can get a better rate than the ap one we already have.
Hooray! Let me know how it works out for you! Good luck!

And second not so thanks to you for driving me to etsy to check out iron owns ; ). Never thought of this before but I only like v necks and have trouble finding options with characters. Of course I'm in the anti iron club too so go a have to figure that out
I'm the same, I HATE crew neck tees with a passion. I'll only wear scoop-neck or v-neck shirts. I hope you find some cute stuff on Etsy to make your own v-neck shirts, though! :cutie:

First, going to admit I find ironing relaxing, I iron my DS's t-shirts, and I do get made fun of for it by friends and family :blush:
What's your address? I'm happy to drop my ironing off to you anytime. Anything to help you relax. What are friends for, right? :D

Second, love your iron-ons! I enjoy wearing Disney themed shirts but the Disney store ones never fit me right :sad2: I bought some iron-ons for our trip last year, and promptly burned them when trying to put them on the shirts......SO not good at stuff like that! This trip I'm going with some custom ears from Etsy and giving up on shirts, except for a few that fit well from Hot Topic and the parks themselves. Post pics of the shirts when mom finishes them!
Haha, I'm terrified of burning mine! That's why I'm letting Mama handle it, she's WAY for gifted with that kind of stuff than I am! :thumbsup2

So, what I used to do when I was in grad school and didn't have Excel on the computer I used at school was do everything in Google Docs, which you can access from any computer with internet, and then if I needed it in Excel on my home computer, you can download files into Excel, or you can upload pre-existing documents into Google Docs. I actually do that with my phone now - all of my planning spreadsheets are in Google Sheets on my phone.
Hmmm! I'll have to look into this! I know you've mentioned it before, as have others I know, but I've never really explored Google Docs before. I'm going to have to, especially if it means being able to access them on my phone in a pinch! :scratchin

Yay! My favorite thing in the world!
I love all the iron-on images!
I figured you would be happy that I'm clothes shopping! :laughing: I hope the tops turn out cute! I'll find out next month!

I own an iron and don't use it. Really, that's what mothers are for!
SERIOUSLY! :rotfl:

Oh no! Fell behind!
It's okay! I fall behind on your TR all the time! :hug:

I'm sorry that I'm no help on the CP. I would do it 100% if I didn't have 3 wild boys in tow. If I ever make it down on a solo/adults only trip during the holidays I would do it. It seems like a really special experience! Do you have a Biergarten ADR - I think that's included in the CP package?
Yeah, I'm going to just book a regular ADR for now, and once the narrator for that night is announced, then I'll decide if I want to attempt to change anything. ::yes::

I love the idea of iron ons! Customized shirts!
Yes! I'm excited! I might get a second one for the Christmas shirt, I'd love to put the text "Merry Christmas!" on it somewhere, either underneath Mickey & Minnie, or maybe across the back of the shirt. :santa:

I'm so hopeless with an iron. We do own an iron/board but I would guess it's been at least 5 years since I used them! How great that your mom will be helping out! And fun Disney shopping spree!
My mom is a lifesaver with stuff like this, I tell ya! :cutie:

ADR day is getting close...
I knowwwwwww, OMG OMG OMG! :hyper:

Yes!! I love guilt-free shopping! (it's for the TRIP!) My husband says I have fuzzy math but here's what I think: if something costs $5 and you wear it 5 times, it's like you only paid $1 a day BUT if you wear it 6 times... its basically free!
I approve of this logic. ::yes::

Those tshirts are going to be so much fun and look so cute on you! Love the earrings too!
Thanks! I'm excited to see how they turn out! :goodvibes

My new favorite: Zero. Craps. Given.
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

So smart! Love the bling - I may have to do some Princess shirts up like this for January, especially if I can find some bling!
They have lots of blingy princess ones on Etsy! The seller I bought my Minnie blingy iron-on from had princessy ones, and I almost got one of those instead! princess:

I once had some very comfy Birkenstock sandals that I wore a lot, but when I wore them to Epcot, for some reason they turned into absolute bricks. I was hobbling within 10 minutes for the entire day of Food and Wine, it was awful. I then bought some comfy Clarks, but the strap stretched out so much that if I'm not careful they actually fly off my foot as I am walking. When I was solo last November I spied a lady with super cute "rainbow" Crocs, so I came home and searched for them online and ordered them. I am going to try them out in Ireland if it is warm enough. DD21 is mortified that I will be wearing them, but would be mortified if I was limping along and unable to keep up with the tour, so Zero. Craps. Given.

Those are SUPER adorable!!! :eek:

Me too. I don't know, do they run out of material? Seriously.
That's what I'm saying! It's terrible! :sad2:

what does this mean?
Civilians who work for the US Department of Defense.

Ohh Love the Iron Ons!!! so CUTE!!! AND i love the tee with the beautiful colors!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO on 66% off! AMAZING!
THANKS!!! I love the blue tee, I thought it was so pretty!!! :cutie:

Ummmm... these are adorable! Why would your DD be mortified by them?:confused3 Oh well... zero. Craps. Given. :rotfl2:
I agree totally! ::yes::

I vote YES!!!!!!! :rotfl:
I knew YOU would. :laughing:

Yes. That will be the title of the TR. Official decision.
So it is written, so it shall be done. :P

Love that title. In fact, I may have used that expression once or twice since reading it in your last PTR lol. Check out the Sanuk sandals too though :))
Ha! I'm glad to hear it! :rotfl:

How do I keep falling behind?? UGH! I'm all caught up now! I love that your ADR Day falls during your Staycation!! worries about having to get to work should there be any issues (but I'm sending you tons of pixie dust so you won't have any problems!!)
It's okay! I keep falling behind on your PTR too! :hug: And YES, I love that my ADR is at the beginning of my Staycation. VERY convenient!!! :woohoo:

I feel your pain about the plus size Disney Shirts...they do run short which drive me crazy!!! UGH! I need to check out some of those iron-on cute!!
It seems like Disney just makes their plus size shirts wider, without any consideration for the fact that we need the extra LENGTH too! :confused3 But if these iron-ons work out, I'll just start making my own Disney (and other fandom) shirts from now on! :thumbsup2
Got all caught up with your report. You are so close to ADRs! :cheer2:
Not close enough! The next 12 days needs to hurry up so I can stop stressin'! :scared:

I like your spreadsheet. I have to do one next time.
Let me know if you want a blank copy of mine, I'm happy to send you the template! :goodvibes

I love the idea of buying the inexpensive shirts and bedazzling them yourself. :thumbsup2
I was trying to avoid it since I'm not very crafty myself... Mama to the rescue! :laughing: I wouldn't be doing it this way, if I didn't have her help!
So, love the shirts ideas! I am with customs, but need to buy my own shirts because I am so picky about the way they fit. I also do not like crew neck shirts...V-neck or scoop for me. Have you seen the Creative Design thread on the boards here? :scared1: They are awesome...I can hook you up with a place to get some really good iron me if you are interested. I used to do a lot of them, just my printer hates me now, so have not done any in a while.

Matt has been trying to get me to use Google Docs too...I honestly just forget about it and have MS Office stuff just ingrained in me...he tried getting me to use it because I kept "tweeking" the plans and he could never figure out if he was looking at the most current one. It looks fairly easy to is just getting my older brain to remember it!

I'm sure at least most of your ADR's will be available. Are there really THAT many people that get up early on their 180 day to make ADR's?? Don't answer that lol. But really...hopefully you will be ok. And also, I'm sure you have back up choices right in case you don't get all your top pics??
Love the iron ons. Mom would be doing mine, too. The shirt from the Avenue is pretty too, so cool and comfy. I have one in my closet. I love the colors.

The ADR's will open up...never fear.
The hubs is catching the Disney fever when a friend sent him a family photo in front of a crowd free castle and he said, "can we do that?" So guess who has a pre park opening breakfast at BOG? 25 more days for us. Your TR will help me get through my post Disney depression.
Ok, I have to ask, cause I googled it and still don't understand (it may be the sleep deprived cold medicine induced stupor I am currently in...) but what the heck is the significance of Zero. Craps. Given...
Finally caught up after the long weekend :-)
I love the iron on's, would have never thought of that! Pre trip shopping is one of my favorite all time activities. My DH thinks I book trips just so I can have an excuse to buy new stuff, which almost always involves new shoes. :rolleyes1
Ok, I have to ask, cause I googled it and still don't understand (it may be the sleep deprived cold medicine induced stupor I am currently in...) but what the heck is the significance of Zero. Craps. Given...

It's her catch phrase! And the best one ever!

And, hold up, is there a princess club forming here? Tell me the password, secret knock, whatever--I want in!!! Is wearing a tiara required?!!? Oh please tell me it's required!

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