-It Takes People To Make The Dream A Reality- DCP Summer 2018 Highlights Trip Report! (COMPLETE 6/6!)

Sounds like a great end to your day! Love all the photos and that last video of Mickey is PRECIOUS!!! :lovestruc
The Day Started Off... Weird...
7/16/18: Incredible How A Day Can Turn Around

It was your regular day before work kind of adventure. Except not really. Because this is what awaited me after I bypassed the gates.

Click to watch!

The park was PACKED. There were so many people. The next day was Disneyland's 63rd and it was a Monday. How does it make sense? I thought tomorrow would be my tough day, but apparently it was today. Great. I tried to keep it out of my mind but you know it lingers.

I went about my day per normal. I went into the Hall to say hi to my princess friends and maybe some hosts.

Nothing to talk about. It was an ok visit. Again, the day wasn't feeling great. I didn't get it so the mental preparedness I had for the day was not nearly enough. I decided it was better to get out of Disneyland since that seemed to be the park that had the most people in it.

I hopped on over to DCA. Remembered to get my ticket pic over there.

I first decided to stop and visit Black Panther and Black Widow. I'd only met them once and while it was fantastic, I thought I'd see them again. The line was long per usual, but I hopped in before they had come out so I thought maybe I had avoided any possibility of getting stuck there forever.

Click to watch!

It wasn't the best wait. A lot of people hopping in and out of line to get with their families or to plan with them and I just kinda stood there awkwardly. No fun for me, but I thought maybe it would be fun once I got inside to see the Wakanda King and the former Russian assassin turned Avenger.

It really wasn't any better. It was very awkward. I kinda drove the conversation asking about the vibranium that was inside. T'Challa did send me on a mission to make sure that all the vibranium in the park was safe, but it was so tossed at me. I didn't even really interact with Natasha. All so strange. I said goodbye feeling weird about everything once again.

I'm not sure what I did because I definitely stayed. I think I wandered, checked out Incredicoaster, saw the waits on both ends were ridiculous and found no reason to stick around so back to Disneyland I went. Not a fun time in that regard considering how monstrous the lines were. They had died down significantly from when I was first in the park but it was still not the most exciting wait.

I considered going back in the Hall so I went over to Fantasy Faire. However the line had jumped significantly since I was there. HOWEVER, Flynn was out on his own so I went to see him instead.

You can't go wrong with a handsome ruffian for sure.

After him, I noticed Gaston was out taking photos and such so I followed his crowd. Many were just kinda running up and taking selfies, but when I ran up, we ended having conversation. I kinda was being a bit of a troll with him per se, just challenging him on all his thoughts on Belle and himself. It was pretty hilarious and went on for quite some time. It was back and forth and we were both enjoying it equally. It was great. Everyone around him who had started to form a line due to how long we were talking were all entertained. Definitely the most fun I had had yet that day. Eventually, the conversation kinda died out and I also felt bad I was there for so long so we took some selfies.

He left me with a "Good to see me" and I giggled my way off. A mother in line grabbed me and said that it was so entertaining watching us. Always a good feeling when someone else enjoyed your wild interactions as much as you did.

I checked the Disneyland app and saw that Aurora might be out or coming out now. I ran over and the app was correct. She was just living her best life by the Wishing Well. Our M&G started off nice and proper, but was quick until she asked about the photo. I then asked if we could maybe make a wish for my magic mirror in the well. She loved that idea and I asked the host if he could take a video. He was a bit thrown off but I explained it to him with Aurora's support. He wasn't so sure what was going on but figured it out and I got this cute little vid to remember the day.


I took some screenshots of the cutest moments.

My favorite had to be us going into wishing pose at the exact same time. We were literal telepathic twins in that moment, which is my forever dream with Aurora. It was such a lovely M&G in the end. I said farewell and skipped off feeling a lot better about the day.

I checked the time and my little pre-work fun was about to be cut short since it was almost time for me to clock in. I thought one last visit with someone would be best. I checked and saw Tink was letting Fawn take over the Hollow so I decided I would say hi to my animal talent friend. She had little wait so it was almost a no-brainer.

She was very excited to see me and even let me help pick what we were gonna do for a photo. I thought one with the mushroom would be fun. Unfortunately, it was BURNING so we couldn't really touch it leading to a kind of awkward posed photo. We hugged goodbye, but only for next time. Tink was often needing her to watch over the animals in the Hollow.

And I headed out to Harbor Pointe to go get ready for my day at Pixar Pier...

But the day doesn't just end here. I assure you.

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Love your wishing well moments with Aurora, just beautiful!! And so much fun meeting Gaston! At least there were some bright spots to a day that started off weird.
Like, why can't Flynn just be casually out meeting in WDW? Ugh!

My thoughts exactly.

That sounds like such a fun moment with Aurora!

It was! Such a special moment too.

Love your wishing well moments with Aurora, just beautiful!! And so much fun meeting Gaston! At least there were some bright spots to a day that started off weird.

True that. Gaston and Aurora definitely made up for a lot, but it didn't stop me from feeling off unfortunately.
Quick update in regards to the DCP and such!

As some of you know or I previously mentioned, I also applied to a ton of Professional Internships alongside the DCP. Most I just got an NLIC from. However, one I did get a phone screen, but that was two months ago and I was only down to that as well as two other PI applications that are currently under review. I didn't expect much and thought that was that.



I got an email yesterday asking for me to schedule a time for a phone interview with one of the leaders for that PI and now I'm scheduled for my second phone interview for that PI tomorrow afternoon!

I was SHOOK. So shook that I forgot to give the recruiter that emailed me some information about it. But WOW, I might be having a change of plans this summer. The PI is in Disneyland so it looks like I'll be making that return to Anaheim I so hoped for. It will require a bit more labor and effort to make it happen than Florida but I'm ready to do it and have tons of support.

So stay tuned... will I be returning to Florida or California?

Anyways, back to the update at hand!

...And The Day Ended... I N C R E D I B L E
7/16/18: Incredible How A Day Can Turn Around

As I mentioned today I was working at Pixar Pier. I traded shifts with someone to ensure I had the day off for the Walt's apartment tour. No way was I missing it so I did everything I could to leave the suggested day open. Or was it another reason? I don't know, I just know this was a traded shift and I thought it would be an ok day but with the crowds, it was destined to be nuts. When I clocked in and went to go get my assignment, I ended up being put as a sweeper. As part of the new system they had only just started, you'd get assigned an area either as a trasher or sweeper and you stayed with that the whole day whereas before you kinda picked up where you were needed and would switch with others in your area. So yup, I'd be sweeping all day. Kind of a relief since it meant I wouldn't be trashing until it hurt, but it got really boring.

Nothing was happening and I just walked in circles, sweeping where I could, using the picker. Trying to find as much as I could do in two and three hour gaps of time. It was monotonous. My lead eventually told me to help the trasher in my area (I was covering everything between Mania and the Incredicoaster fyi) because... well, there was another reason I was happy to be in the Pier: the special Incredicoaster event tonight!

As part of celebrating Disney's birthday and the opening of the Pier, they were having a special event for CMs to ride the Incredicoaster as much as they wanted that night, hence also why I wasn't bummed about not riding it that day, it's better at night anyways. Even though I wasn't having all that much fun, I was pushing through for that. Also, part of why I was asked to helped the trasher since our lead wanted us to finish up early so we could ride the Incredicoaster when the event started.

As the day pressed on and we got to closing, I found the Incredicoaster trasher to ask what he needed help with. I ended up getting to him too late and he didn't seem to want help which I expected (trashing with multiple people is... difficult) so I did what I could in the queue line and prepped cans for him, but it wasn't helpful. I was clocking out pretty early so I did that then got ready to bump myself out. After I clocked out, the lead intercepted me saying to come with him since they were going to try to get us on the ride before the crowds since we had been working the Pier that day and he felt it right to let us on first. So we all went over with him to the entrance and after they had made sure all trains were empty and ready for the event, we were let on in to ride it first.

Of course, today was the day I was in Pier with nobody else that I really knew so I kinda just got shoved with whoever. I was still gonna have a good time though, no mistake about that.

And the best time ever was being had.

I ended up riding the Incredicoaster four times that night.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

First time was all Pier Custodial then we took a photo underneath the Incredicoaster arch. I would post it, but it's really not that great a photo tbh (minus me hamming it up in a corner). It's also with co-workers I never worked with again nor did I want to (not a fun bunch). I thought I would be one and done and stood around for a moment then decided, well heck with it! And rode again. I ended up with the trasher I helped and his friend. They didn't talk to me but I ended up right behind them in a row to myself so yeah I was with them lol Also, the ride photo was working for the first time this round, BLESS.

I decided to go again and this time I made some friends while in line, some attractions CMs who were also CPs. And I got THE FRONT ROW. I made sure to pose PERFECTLY for that.

They kinda disappeared after, but not before telling me how great my pose was. Or the guy behind me's. I ended up seeing the girl next to me again when I was working in Hollywood when she was on GSO for Paint the Night and another time where she was on her day off and spotted me. I didn't immediately recognize her either time WHOOPS. Never got her name or a way to stay connected, she was super nice. Wish I did as I do with most.

After them, people started leaving but I decided to ride for a fourth time which was when I got the selfie vid something that became a tradition later on with my rides. And nope, NEVER dropped my phone.

Wish my Disney point had been more pronounced but such is life. After that ride, I decided to head out. I went backstage to grab my stuff and then on my way out with the event still happening took some photos.

And I went out, feeling so so happy. I had had one rough day not too long before that I'm not gonna go into in detail but it left me needing a lot of magic and today was just the dose I needed. I definitely slept well that night because it was officially Disneyland's birthday! 63 years old and I was for sure going to live it up like it was the 60th because the FOMO ("Fear Of Missing Out" for those not familiar with the term) was real for that and I was gonna make up for it.


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Quick update in regards to the DCP and such!

As some of you know or I previously mentioned, I also applied to a ton of Professional Internships alongside the DCP. Most I just got an NLIC from. However, one I did get a phone screen, but that was two months ago and I was only down to that as well as two other PI applications that are currently under review. I didn't expect much and thought that was that.



I got an email yesterday asking for me to schedule a time for a phone interview with one of the leaders for that PI and now I'm scheduled for my second phone interview for that PI tomorrow afternoon!

I was SHOOK. So shook that I forgot to give the recruiter that emailed me some information about it. But WOW, I might be having a change of plans this summer. The PI is in Disneyland so it looks like I'll be making that return to Anaheim I so hoped for. It will require a bit more labor and effort to make it happen than Florida but I'm ready to do it and have tons of support.

So stay tuned... will I be returning to Florida or California?

Anyways, back to the update at hand!
Oooh exciting! Fingers crossed it all works out best for you!
So stay tuned... will I be returning to Florida or California?
There were a lot of acronyms I don't recognize in that intro, but THIS I understand!! :) I hope everything turns out the way you hope!!

After them, people started leaving but I decided to ride for a fourth time which was when I got the selfie vid something that became a tradition later on with my rides. And nope, NEVER dropped my phone.
I love that you can hold your phone and video a ride without losing it.....while I could not put my ears on and exit Rock'n Rollercoaster at the same time without dropping mine into the depths :( ...never did get it back either. So sad.
Fingers crossed that the opportunity works out for you!

Sounds like a great time getting to ride the Incredicoaster so many times!!
Oooh exciting! Fingers crossed it all works out best for you!

Thank you! I think the best thing about this is it's win-win. I still am going back to working at a Disney park come the summer.

There were a lot of acronyms I don't recognize in that intro, but THIS I understand!! :) I hope everything turns out the way you hope!!

Thank you! Either way with that situation, it'll work out in the positive for me.

To help you with those:

DCP - Disney College Program
PI - Professional Internship or Phone Interview, depending on context
NLIC - No Longer In Consideration (essentially being denied from the DCP or PI)

I love that you can hold your phone and video a ride without losing it.....while I could not put my ears on and exit Rock'n Rollercoaster at the same time without dropping mine into the depths :( ...never did get it back either. So sad.

Oh no! That breaks my heart. Just to give you a comparison, I once lost my phone on Star Tours and it was IN my pocket so... trust your hands more than anything I guess because never lost it on Incredicoaster holding it the whole time lol *knock on wood*

Fingers crossed that the opportunity works out for you!

Thank you! Either way, I will be happy with my life changes come summer.

Sounds like a great time getting to ride the Incredicoaster so many times!!

It was! Truly a great event for Cast Members to celebrate Disneyland's anniversary.
To help you with those:

DCP - Disney College Program
PI - Professional Internship or Phone Interview, depending on context
NLIC - No Longer In Consideration (essentially being denied from the DCP or PI)
DCP I knew. I was close on my guesses for the other two LOL Thanks for clarifying!
Hi Timmy!! I was finally able to look through your TR. Wow! What a great experience at DL in the Alumni DCP. I love all your character meets, especially the ones with all the Alice in Wonderland friends, Peter Pan, and Captain Hook. Those were definitely my favs.

I bet you are super excited to be going back to Disney World. I know my son, Timmy is. He's counting down the days. He just found roommates. Now, he's just waiting to see where he will be located (He's hoping for Main Street again)...

I hope you 2 get a chance to meet!!!! He's a good kid and he LOVES everything Disney!!!
Hi Timmy!! I was finally able to look through your TR. Wow! What a great experience at DL in the Alumni DCP. I love all your character meets, especially the ones with all the Alice in Wonderland friends, Peter Pan, and Captain Hook. Those were definitely my favs.

I just woke up and saw 38 NOTIFICATIONS! WOW, I can't believe you went through the whole thing.

Hello Jenny! :welcome: Glad you could join! And yeah, it really was. I had so much fun with all my friends and character friends. Those three I definitely had some very memorable meets, but don't worry there's plenty more to come hahaha

I bet you are super excited to be going back to Disney World. I know my son, Timmy is. He's counting down the days. He just found roommates. Now, he's just waiting to see where he will be located (He's hoping for Main Street again)...

Oh I am! Granted, there's a possibility I might be heading back to CA instead. I try not to count the days because it makes me so anxious and I have enough stress to deal with leading up to arrival. Thank goodness I have more than enough roommate possibilities lol

Omg I'm so ready to find out my location. I want to be back at MK too (or DAK, I love DAK), Emporium or Fantasyland to be specific lol (I just want to be able to pixie dust or wear the cute Emporium costume).

I hope you 2 get a chance to meet!!!! He's a good kid and he LOVES everything Disney!!!

I love any and all Disney people so HOPEFULLY. I've been in and out on the Facebook group, both Summer Alum and Fall pages, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's come across my posts lol
Timmy's Disneyland Diamond Celebration 2018
7/17/18: Disneyland's 63rd Birthday

I woke up more excited than ever because...



When I was in Florida on my first CP, I was able to be around for the 45th Anniversary of the Magic Kingdom and all of Disney World, which was pretty cool and fun. It was even cooler that I was working in the Kingdom at the time. And now I'm on my second CP and get to be there for Disneyland's 63rd birthday. While not as milestone-ish as MK's 45th (and not working at Disneyland), the day was still quite exciting for me. Birthdays are big deals around Disney Park so it would be fun. I mean, all the special events they had for CMs (like the previous night's Incredicoaster event) were enough for that. Today, the special things were photo ops backstage (which they had had earlier in the week at DCA), free food from food trucks and a few other things I'll get into later. Either or, it was gonna be a magical day! My own Diamond celebration in a way hehe


I got to the parks a bit earlier than normal as I assumed it would be pretty packed today. I mean, who wouldn't want to be at Disneyland to celebrate its birthday? When I got there, the park was pretty dead, but you could tell the festivities were out in full force. Cast Members seemed more cheerful than normal (myself included). So so magical!

Obviously, my first destination was directly to the castle!

I wanted Walt and Mickey in the background so I decided my first photo of the day would be at the Partner's Statue. The Photopass there was very amped up and getting everyone excited about the day and doing poses that made them look good. He was a bit more mellow with me since there was only one of me but he got fabulous photos and was more than happy to get them exclusively on my phone. We love a Photopass who understands and made sure I looked good in all my shots.

Adorable. Four keys card to the first Photopass of the day!

After I was satisfied with my photos, I went to my usual first stop: the Royal Hall!

There was actually nobody in Fantasy Faire at all since the shows hadn't started so I basically walked right on in.

I spent most of my time with Ariel. Shocker. I talked with all three of them about how it was a birthday. Ariel and I went as far to talk about how they needed to have a special pool or moat out for the day so we could swim and cool off in it. It also would help with inviting Flounder or Sebastian. We even mentioned how it would be nice to have them in the Hall. This actually inspired our photo since Ariel told me Flounder usually just stares at her and follows her most of the time so we re-enacted that. I don't remember what Snow and I talked about, she wasn't super talkative. Cindy and I really got excited about the day and I told her about how I was there for the anniversary of her kingdom and we talked about that for a bit. It was really sweet then we took our usual photo. Overall, a fairly nice stop in the Hall, but quicker than expected when it was so dead around there.

I decided after that I had to go see my fave bayou princess, Miss Tiana. I checked the times and she was gonna be on the boat in just a moment so I booked it over to New Orleans Square and managed to catch her just as the boat arrived and she was getting on. Nobody was around on the boat and nobody was going to talk with Tiana so I basically walked right up and said hi. We didn't talk too long, but it was long enough I was able to get a mirror selfie with my girl. Look at this glamourrrr.

After I just let her do her thing while I did some exploring and relaxing around the Mark Twain. I love exploring and they had the top deck opened so I was able to explore up there too. I realized later this was an opening day attraction so it was just so perfect I got to spend as much time as I did on its birthday too just wandering about. Such fun.

Eventually we were back at the Frontierland landing, ending our voyage around the Rivers of America.

Click to watch!

When I got off, I went into NOS to see if Redd was out. Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the most iconic attractions and while I probably wouldn't ride it on this day (the line was already super long), I'd at least say hi to my Irish Pirate cousin but she wasn't around so I left NOS and went back into Fantasyland, the crowned jewel of Disneyland especially in its original heyday. Walking across the Hub towards the Matterhorn, who did I come across but ONE OF THE JOLLY HOLIDAY PENGUINS FROM MARY POPPINS!!!

I had met one of them once before at World with Mary, but never on his lonesome. No one was really saying hi so I thought I'd go give him a warm birthday hug.

Precious little angel. The absolute sweetest. I don't remember what happened but GAH what a cutie. I said goodbye to him, wishing him the jolliest of holidays and continued on into Fantasyland. Ending up by the Small World Mall, I saw that Aurora was out. Unfortunately, her line was cut off and she was about to head out. I waited around to see her off in case I didn't catch her later AND to just enjoy the adorable classic-ness of Small World

I ended up getting her right as she was heading off to make sure the fairies weren't fighting over the birthday cake again.

Click to watch!

Ah, angel.

I was feeling pretty hungry and the crowds were starting to come in so I decided to go head into Downtown Disney for some quick snackage before I continued with my celebration. On my way out, I passed by some musical chairs outside Coke Corner. Wish I had stopped during one of these occasions to see if I could play (and win).

Click to watch!

BUT I had work later so food was definitely in order after playing around all afternoon. And I had the perfect idea for what I needed. A classic would be PRIME on this day.

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Again, super cute pics. I think DL has much better character meets than DW...It seems like they have a lot more characters out and a better variety!!!
Again, super cute pics. I think DL has much better character meets than DW...It seems like they have a lot more characters out and a better variety!!!

Thank you and yeah tbh they do. They are more randomized and have lots of pop-up characters regularly. Not to mention, they have the Marvel characters who are all SOOOO much fun.
I had met one of them once before at World with Mary, but never on his lonesome. No one was really saying hi so I thought I'd go give him a warm birthday hug.
Awww, so precious :) These pics are adorable, AND is that a Peter Pan hat you're wearing?! I just spotted the feather in the pic where you're hugging him.

On my way out, I passed by some musical chairs outside Coke Corner. Wish I had stopped during one of these occasions to see if I could play (and win).
...and knock small children down if necessary.
What a great start to your day!! Love the PP pics! And your time on the Riverboat sounds so peaceful. And YAY for meeting a penguin- so cute!


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