It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year – an offsite, non-Disney, Christmas TR

December 20th, continued....

Arriving at the IDrive360 complex, we easily found a spot on the 2nd level of the garage, and once again found ourselves marvelling at the fact that it was really very quiet for the weekend before Christmas. We had been expecting massive crowds but were finding quite the opposite :thumbsup2. As I think I mentioned in our May trip report, (and is worth reiterating here) we are BIG fans of the parking garage which sits immediately adjacent to the Eye/Sea Life/Tussauds building. Large, clean, easy to access and free, free, FREE! :cheer2: Parking should be this painless everywhere. It really is quite marvellous and convenient.

On the grassy area outside of the Orlando Eye, as part of their “Frostival” promotion (which featured a variety of upgrades and special events for the holiday season), they had a large “ice” rink where you could go skating while Christmas tunes were piped throughout the courtyard.

I use the word “ice” in quotes as it was not comprised of frozen water at all…..the rink was a synthetic, plastic-type rectangle that was put together like a jigsaw puzzle (the joints of the rink didn’t all lay perfectly flat either, so I wondered how people would get their skate blades caught on the uneven surface and fall flat on their bottoms). The cost to partake was $12 per person (I believe there may have been a max time limit….30 minutes maybe?) and included your skate rental (figure skates with toe picks only, even for the guys….girls skates were white, men’s were brown or black). We didn’t see anyone utilizing the rink on this visit, though we did see a couple of guests trying it out when we were there later in the week for our flight on the Eye.

When we visited in May on their opening week, the fountains had been turned off due to some sort of malfunction that was resulting in impromptu spraying of unsuspecting guests. This time, however, the waterworks were all running perfectly and it gave a nice effect to the very well landscaped grounds. One recommendation, though…..on a windy-ish day, be careful where you choose to stand….because functioning properly or not, a good soaking could still be possible! (I speak from experience, having a gust of fountain water blow squarely onto the lens of my camera ... d'oh! :headache:)

We took a tour around the grounds before heading inside to the attractions, just to see what new stores and restaurants had cropped up since the May grand opening. There were quite a few new additions since the spring, and the whole area now feels very full and complete. We stopped by the gift shop at Skeletons: Animals Unveiled to show Jake some of the interesting items inside (since he was quite taken by our photos from that attraction in May), and this new guy holding the door outside made me giggle. I thought it was the perfect touch to this unique little store! :)

The elephant skull also still sits proudly displayed on the exterior walkway, drawing in lots of curious visitors.

With our mini tour of the complex out of the way, we headed into the main concourse to begin our adventures of the day. They had a large Christmas tree just outside the entrance, and while it looked marvellous and festive by day, it was even lovelier all lit up at night (pics of that will have to wait until later in my report).

We had decided to visit both Madame Tussaud’s and Sea Life on this particular afternoon, so I left it to the guys to decide which one they wanted to do first. They surveyed the lines outside both attractions, and since Tussaud’s looked the quietest (though there were no “crowds”, per se, at either) we opted to start to our left. We had already pre-purchased tickets our tickets in advance, so we were able to skip the regular line and go straight to the dedicated pre-purchase ticket agent who scanned our barcoded printouts and sent us merrily on our way.

Just inside the attraction, we were stopped for a posed picture by a very energetic team of Tussaud’s photography staff in a room designed to replicate a Florida swamp.

They gave the “Captain” (which turned out to be me, apparently) a barcoded wristband on which all the photos from the day would be stored, then proceeded to take a couple of different pictures of us posed on an airboat. These pictures were available for viewing and sale (both digital and hard copy) as you exited the attraction before you proceeded into the obligatory gift shop (more on that later).

Once past the photo crew, the attraction began with a notable figure from Florida history books: Juan Ponce de Leon:

Before I go much further, I will note… thing we really, REALLY liked about this particular Tussaud’s is that all the exhibits were designed to be interactive. Much different than the style of the older and more outdated Madame Tussaud’s in Niagara Falls, Ontario. You were encouraged to sit, stand, pose, and even use props (provided) with the various wax statues here at the Orlando Tussaud’s….and it made the experience quite entertaining ::yes::.

We continued through the section that focused on notable people in American history. I sat down and had a nice chat with Abraham Lincoln in his study:

Steve walked on the moon with Neil Armstrong, and lo and behold, he even made it on TV! (I think my grandparents had a console television that looked almost exactly like that one)

Steve graciously waved to the crowd with an excellent representation of Martin Luther King Jr….

…..and the whole family chilled for a bit in the Oval Office with President Obama himself :

(this was another of the attraction photo stations, and available for purchase as you exited)

Uncle Sam made an appearance, and Steve did his best to muster an authentic “I WANT YOU!” face :p:

Once past the American history section, there was a very fitting tribute to Walt Disney. He looked right at home, as he should…..let’s face it, no one has had a bigger impact on Orlando than the man who created an entire empire with a cartoon mouse.

The next section featured notable folks throughout the ages whose inventions had changed the world. People like Albert Einstein:

There was Thomas Edison, Andy Warhol, and Steve Jobs (to whom Jake owes so much appreciation…cue the iPhone picture :teeth:):

There was even a wax figure of Madame Tussaud herself, toiling diligently on one of her amazing creations: and as part of her dedicated exhibit, you could purchase your own wax hands as a souvenir.

We were off to a great start, but the really cool exhibits were yet to come. Stay tuned!
Thank you, Gina! I'm going to show my DH the map when he gets home from work. He knows the area pretty well, so I'm sure he'll have an idea where it is. Thank you so much! :goodvibes

You guys got a lot of great photos at Madame Tussaud's! That looks like a really fun place to visit. :thumbsup2
Thanks Gina for your feedback about Universal. I will have my husband read your comment and it might convince him to go... :hyper2:

When our neighbors back home (who own a house in St. Augustine) come to visit us at our rental house it takes them 2 1/2 hours from St. Augustine-not a bad drive.
I blinked and there were suddenly six pages! So excited to be caught up. I love your reports, Gina. You guys enjoy everything so much it makes me want to go try our local Steak n Shake just to see if your enthusiasm is contagious! Can't wait to see how things develop. Looks like a good time is well underway! I'll be taking some serious notes. (And in seven short days I will be leaving for my first trip to Universal since 1992!)
The photos from Tussauds are great, so realistic, I especially like the Obama one and Steve with grandad Einstein! I thought Steve was looking not his cheerful self but think it must be his mood poses for the photos :goodvibes
Great pictures!! I laughed a little at the skating rink. Doesn't hold much appeal for the Canucks paying thousands to escape ice and snow, does it?:laughing:
Though I can see why it's a draw for those who don't spend 5 months of the year trying to stay warm.

And those palm trees!! I knew I missed Florida but the pictures with the palm trees just did me in. I can not wait to see them again!

Love the Tussaud's pictures as well. I think my kids would really enjoy that. DD especially who seems to be constantly on the prowl for a good selfie opportunity. ;)
Oh Gina, I so love your trip reports! They are so detailed and full of fun facts.

Our 2017 trips are going to be US/IOA and other offsite attractions (no WDW other than DTD) so I've been taking notes on your reports as to what our kids might enjoy.
Enjoying following along. When I saw you had started a new TR I may have said a little woohoo out loud :) Sounds like you had quite a bumpy start to your trip. I would have been so frustrated with the hotel situation, I think I would have turned into a bit of a momma bear and scared the front desk..haha. But seriously, some people are inconsiderate and just down right stupid, glad it eventually got taken care of and you guys got a little bit of rest. You have made it official, I will continue to check Dollar and Alamo. (they seem to have the best rates for our February trip anyways) I do wish that they had free additional drivers so I could possibly go the the outlets during one of the baby naps or in the evening. I might need to check out Nike as well.

Your resort always looks so nice. How would yourecomend finding a rental there? We have stayed at several different places we have found on vrbo but wouldnt mind adding Vistana to the list.

Its too funny being from Ohio I have had easy access to Cicis or Steak and Shake and you have me wanting to eat at both of them now. It has been years since we have been to Steak and Shake after our last experience was less than stellar with an oreo shake that basically just had basically had oreo dust..haha. I may just give them another chance sometime, I know our little guy would be in onion ring heaven.

With free parking we may need to check out IDrive 360 area new restaurants!
Thank you, Gina! I'm going to show my DH the map when he gets home from work. He knows the area pretty well, so I'm sure he'll have an idea where it is. Thank you so much! :goodvibes

You guys got a lot of great photos at Madame Tussaud's! That looks like a really fun place to visit. :thumbsup2

It was GREAT....much better than we expected, to be honest (not that we anticipated it would be bad .... it just wasn't something we were super excited about). The conclusion to our Tussaud's visit is coming up next :thumbsup2 .

Thanks Gina for your feedback about Universal. I will have my husband read your comment and it might convince him to go... :hyper2:

When our neighbors back home (who own a house in St. Augustine) come to visit us at our rental house it takes them 2 1/2 hours from St. Augustine-not a bad drive.

2.5 hours is not a bad commute in Florida at all.....not when you never have to worry about freezing rain or blowing snow. I could get in the car, crank the A/C, and drive all day with the blue sky above and the palms along the roadway!! :car:

I blinked and there were suddenly six pages! So excited to be caught up. I love your reports, Gina. You guys enjoy everything so much it makes me want to go try our local Steak n Shake just to see if your enthusiasm is contagious! Can't wait to see how things develop. Looks like a good time is well underway! I'll be taking some serious notes. (And in seven short days I will be leaving for my first trip to Universal since 1992!)

Woohoo! 7 days to go! (well, only 6 now I guess :woohoo:). I can't wait to hear about your adventures at Universal!!

The photos from Tussauds are great, so realistic, I especially like the Obama one and Steve with grandad Einstein! I thought Steve was looking not his cheerful self but think it must be his mood poses for the photos :goodvibes

I think he was looking so mellow because he was so unbelievably full :rotfl2: . I dare say my big guy could have used a nap after that meal ::yes:: . You're right though, he was definitely showing his serious side!

Great pictures!! I laughed a little at the skating rink. Doesn't hold much appeal for the Canucks paying thousands to escape ice and snow, does it?:laughing:
Though I can see why it's a draw for those who don't spend 5 months of the year trying to stay warm.

And those palm trees!! I knew I missed Florida but the pictures with the palm trees just did me in. I can not wait to see them again!

Love the Tussaud's pictures as well. I think my kids would really enjoy that. DD especially who seems to be constantly on the prowl for a good selfie opportunity. ;)

My gosh, Tussaud's was selfie heaven. More pics coming up, probably those that your DD would squeal over. Channing Tatum....yum :blush: .

Oh Gina, I so love your trip reports! They are so detailed and full of fun facts.

Our 2017 trips are going to be US/IOA and other offsite attractions (no WDW other than DTD) so I've been taking notes on your reports as to what our kids might enjoy.

Thank you Gr8t Fan! I am glad to have you reading along :goodvibes . So happy to hear you pick up some useful little tidbits from my ramblings. Sometimes I know I tend to ramble on....I have been referred to more than once as "verbose" :rolleyes2 .

Your 2017 vacation plans sound right up my alley! There is so much to do outside of the major parks!

Enjoying following along. When I saw you had started a new TR I may have said a little woohoo out loud :) Sounds like you had quite a bumpy start to your trip. I would have been so frustrated with the hotel situation, I think I would have turned into a bit of a momma bear and scared the front desk..haha. But seriously, some people are inconsiderate and just down right stupid, glad it eventually got taken care of and you guys got a little bit of rest. You have made it official, I will continue to check Dollar and Alamo. (they seem to have the best rates for our February trip anyways) I do wish that they had free additional drivers so I could possibly go the the outlets during one of the baby naps or in the evening. I might need to check out Nike as well.

Your resort always looks so nice. How would yourecomend finding a rental there? We have stayed at several different places we have found on vrbo but wouldnt mind adding Vistana to the list.

Its too funny being from Ohio I have had easy access to Cicis or Steak and Shake and you have me wanting to eat at both of them now. It has been years since we have been to Steak and Shake after our last experience was less than stellar with an oreo shake that basically just had basically had oreo dust..haha. I may just give them another chance sometime, I know our little guy would be in onion ring heaven.

With free parking we may need to check out IDrive 360 area new restaurants!

Aw, you guys are all so kind with your compliments. Thank you :goodvibes .

Additional drivers are something we don't ever consider (no way am I driving in Orlando traffic)....but I can see where that poses an extra challenge when booking a rental. It was always nice to know we had the free extra driver as an Alamo Insider, until they discontinued that perk. We never once used it, but know it was there if needed was really reassuring.

For a Vistana rental, I would recommend either Skyauction (my first go-to place) or getting a week from an owner. For the latter, you'll generally stay in the range just above the cost of the yearly maintenance fees, as many owners just want to recoup their yearly output and get it rented (rather than lose their MF's and see their week go to waste). There are several listings on the TUG marketplace (Timeshare Users Group) and also on My Resort Network for around $1000 for the week.

I have seen 2 bedroom villas at SVR go for as little as $470 for the week on Skyauction. That's where I would try first. Anything under $900 (even with their date surcharges) is a GREAT price, as our maintenance fees for 2016 are $936.

Sorry to hear about your diluted milkshake. I think that the Orlando chains all have to work pretty hard to keep quality up when there is SO MUCH competition. That's my guess, anyway....or we have just been REALLY lucky so far!
Madame Tussaud’s…..continued :coffee:.

Continuing through Tussaud’s, the next section of the museum featured a variety of famous athletes from a wide selection of sports. Beckham was bending it…

In a nod to neighbouring Daytona, Dale Earnhardt Jr. was sitting around on a neatly stacked pile of tires next to his car:

Steve donned one of the many available props in the attraction, and challenged Mohammed Ali to a boxing match:

Dan Marino was poised to toss the ball:

Jake did his best to deny Shaq, but alas…..that height difference was just too much:

Steve, the only one in our house who appreciates a good game of tennis, was excited to see Ms. Williams (I can’t remember if it was Serena or Venus):

Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter and Tiger Woods were all featured as well. Probably a few more, too, that I am forgetting to mention as I flip back through all my photos!!

After the sports area, we moved into a section which was dedicated to the music stars of the current era. Well hello, Taylor Swift :):

I had to have my photo taken with Pharrell Williams, “because I’m happy”!! :music:

The boys got their Pitbull faces on:

Steve posed with the gorgeous Rihanna:

MJ was cutting a rug:

…and the boys didn’t pass up a chance for a pic with Beyonce:

The big names from TV were all present and accounted for in the next dedicated section of the attraction. Jimmy Fallon was preparing for that evening’s edition of the Tonight Show:

Oprah invited me to be a guest on her show :banana::

….and apparently it was being broadcast back home on TV! ;)

We were SUPER excited to see the AMAZING statue of our beloved Sheldon Cooper….huge Big Bang Theory fans that we are. My Steve-o played it cool for the photo, but he was a bit giddy when he first spied Jim Parsons just sitting around, apparently waiting for us to get there :).

Jake enjoyed a ride in Shrek and Fiona’s onion carriage:

….and Steve busted a move with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John (lol….I wasn’t supposed to post this picture in my report, so if you’re ever asked, you’ve never seen his before :ssst:….wink wink, nudge nudge ;)).

Jake found himself in a restricted area in Jurassic Park:

….and I climbed aboard Elliott’s bicycle for the ride of my life:

We saw classics like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, the unforgettable and amazing Stephen Spielberg, Katniss from the Hunger Games, Jennifer Lopez, Channing Tatum, and even the Royal Family (who of course got an entire, elegantly decorated room all to themselves):

We rounded out the Tussaud’s experience with some all-time favourites, including Johnny Depp (Steve wouldn’t let me get beside him for a photo….he thought my drool might melt the wax :rolleyes2 :laughing:):

…..Samuel L. Jackson (Jake is a HUGE fan!!)…..

…..and Will Smith.

Not surprisingly, one of the world’s most famous love triangle…..Jennifer, Brad, and Angelina…..were some of the final statues before we exited to the gift shop. They are forever all over the tabloids, so they might better be at Tussaud's, too.

I have to say…..this attraction exceeded our expectations: by A LOT ::yes::. Had the three-attraction deal through Merlin (The Eye, Sea Life, & Tussaud’s) not been so crazy cheap at $35 per person (each individual admission is $25 per entry), we probably wouldn’t have bothered with tickets to this venue in the first place. Since it was significantly less expensive to buy the 3-attraction pass versus tickets to the two places we really did want to visit (Sea Life and the Eye), it was a no brainer to buy the multi pass and give Tussaud’s a try. It turned out to be a genius move, ranking as Steve’s favourite among the three venues and #2 for both Jake and myself (and a “close #2”, for that matter).

Next up: our adventures at Sea Life Aquarium :fish: :fish: :fish:.
Madame Tussaud’s…..continued :coffee:.

Continuing through Tussaud’s, the next section of the museum featured a variety of famous athletes from a wide selection of sports. Beckham was bending it…

In a nod to neighbouring Daytona, Dale Earnhardt Jr. was sitting around on a neatly stacked pile of tires next to his car:

Steve donned one of the many available props in the attraction, and challenged Mohammed Ali to a boxing match:

Dan Marino was poised to toss the ball:

Jake did his best to deny Shaq, but alas…..that height difference was just too much:

Steve, the only one in our house who appreciates a good game of tennis, was excited to see Ms. Williams (I can’t remember if it was Serena or Venus):

Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter and Tiger Woods were all featured as well. Probably a few more, too, that I am forgetting to mention as I flip back through all my photos!!

After the sports area, we moved into a section which was dedicated to the music stars of the current era. Well hello, Taylor Swift :):

I had to have my photo taken with Pharrell Williams, “because I’m happy”!! :music:

The boys got their Pitbull faces on:

Steve posed with the gorgeous Rihanna:

MJ was cutting a rug:

…and the boys didn’t pass up a chance for a pic with Beyonce:

The big names from TV were all present and accounted for in the next dedicated section of the attraction. Jimmy Fallon was preparing for that evening’s edition of the Tonight Show:

Oprah invited me to be a guest on her show :banana::

….and apparently it was being broadcast back home on TV! ;)

We were SUPER excited to see the AMAZING statue of our beloved Sheldon Cooper….huge Big Bang Theory fans that we are. My Steve-o played it cool for the photo, but he was a bit giddy when he first spied Jim Parsons just sitting around, apparently waiting for us to get there :).

Jake enjoyed a ride in Shrek and Fiona’s onion carriage:

….and Steve busted a move with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John (lol….I wasn’t supposed to post this picture in my report, so if you’re ever asked, you’ve never seen his before :ssst:….wink wink, nudge nudge ;)).

Jake found himself in a restricted area in Jurassic Park:

….and I climbed aboard Elliott’s bicycle for the ride of my life:

We saw classics like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, the unforgettable and amazing Stephen Spielberg, Katniss from the Hunger Games, Jennifer Lopez, Channing Tatum, and even the Royal Family (who of course got an entire, elegantly decorated room all to themselves):

We rounded out the Tussaud’s experience with some all-time favourites, including Johnny Depp (Steve wouldn’t let me get beside him for a photo….he thought my drool might melt the wax :rolleyes2 :laughing:):

…..Samuel L. Jackson (Jake is a HUGE fan!!)…..

…..and Will Smith.

Not surprisingly, one of the world’s most famous love triangle…..Jennifer, Brad, and Angelina…..were some of the final statues before we exited to the gift shop. They are forever all over the tabloids, so they might better be at Tussaud's, too.

I have to say…..this attraction exceeded our expectations: by A LOT ::yes::. Had the three-attraction deal through Merlin (The Eye, Sea Life, & Tussaud’s) not been so crazy cheap at $35 per person (each individual admission is $25 per entry), we probably wouldn’t have bothered with tickets to this venue in the first place. Since it was significantly less expensive to buy the 3-attraction pass versus tickets to the two places we really did want to visit (Sea Life and the Eye), it was a no brainer to buy the multi pass and give Tussaud’s a try. It turned out to be a genius move, ranking as Steve’s favourite among the three venues and #2 for both Jake and myself (and a “close #2”, for that matter).

Next up: our adventures at Sea Life Aquarium :fish: :fish: :fish:.
This place looks amazing!! I've been to the one on Clifton Hill before, but being able to interact and pose with the wax figures is just awesome! Hopefully they update the one in Canada to allow it :thumbsup2
Some of those are great, but sometimes they seem to miss the mark. Why does Angelina Jolie look like a repurposed Celine Dion?

A fun diversion for sure though. Maybe I should be looking for some discounted attraction tickets for 360 for our March trip. We are trying to keep costs down this year, but that surely isn't in the range of Universal or Disney?
You can buy your own "wax hands"??? That sounds a little creepy and quite icky!!! But the rest of the tour looked AMAZING. This is on my "to-do list" for when we go in December. I just seem to keep adding on more and more days in my mind to our trip. Hehehe.
I am all caught on your report. I wanted to cringe when I saw you pull into the Days inn again ??? I guess that wont happen again.
I dont know how you stay so trim eating all those yummies !
Cant wait to see whats next ?/ Gator feeding, mini golf, TGIFridays ???
Thanks for the great info on Madame Tussaud's...I was looking into this museum on our Dec trip and just couldn't fit it in. But will def plan to check it out the next time we go to Orlando. I think my kids would love it!
Looks like you had a great time! I am impressed with how realistic some of those are!
I can't wait for the next instalment :)
No one wanted a picture with the Queen and Wills and Kate (and whoever that other guy is) ;)

I love the Shrek and Fiona figures with the carriage
This place looks amazing!! I've been to the one on Clifton Hill before, but being able to interact and pose with the wax figures is just awesome! Hopefully they update the one in Canada to allow it :thumbsup2

The Orlando Tussauds blows the Niagara one away ::yes::. I too hope that this inspires some change at the Falls location :thumbsup2 . I know it would be a huge investment and cost, but they have the tourism numbers to make back their money.

Some of those are great, but sometimes they seem to miss the mark. Why does Angelina Jolie look like a repurposed Celine Dion?

A fun diversion for sure though. Maybe I should be looking for some discounted attraction tickets for 360 for our March trip. We are trying to keep costs down this year, but that surely isn't in the range of Universal or Disney?

Yeah, the Angelina figure was less than impressive. Kind of disappointing that she was one of the last people you'd think they would want you leaving with one of their best representations sticking in your mind (not one of the worst).

I think the price has gone up a tad since we bought our tickets last spring. We paid $35 for the 3 attractions, but I think current price is $39. Still an excellent value, though, and well worth it. I think you could get the Eye/Tussauds/SeaLife and Legoland (with transportation) for $99.

You can buy your own "wax hands"??? That sounds a little creepy and quite icky!!! But the rest of the tour looked AMAZING. This is on my "to-do list" for when we go in December. I just seem to keep adding on more and more days in my mind to our trip. Hehehe.

I'm with you on the creepy factor for the wax hands. Not the kind of souvie that I want to take home from my vacation :rolleyes2 . They were selling quite a few of them though, so I guess not everyone is as put off at the thought as we are. What the heck would you do with them after you brought them home? :confused3

I am all caught on your report. I wanted to cringe when I saw you pull into the Days inn again ??? I guess that wont happen again.
I dont know how you stay so trim eating all those yummies !
Cant wait to see whats next ?/ Gator feeding, mini golf, TGIFridays ???

Surprisingly, we didn't feed ANY gators this trip! :scared1: Nor did we visit TGI Fridays. We did mini golf though, but that's later int he trip. Next up will be Sea Life, and the following day.....the character breakfast at Ohana, followed by Downtown Disney.

And nope, the Days Hotel is off the list....for a long, long time. I am good at holding a grudge :rotfl2:.

I definitely wouldn't describe myself as "trim", but swimming is my antidote for our dietary sins. Thank goodness I only live 2 blocks from our local Y. The pool is my best friend :teeth: .

Thanks for the great info on Madame Tussaud's...I was looking into this museum on our Dec trip and just couldn't fit it in. But will def plan to check it out the next time we go to Orlando. I think my kids would love it!

:thumbsup2 It's great for pre-teens and teens especially. All their favourite people all in one place!

Looks like you had a great time! I am impressed with how realistic some of those are!
I can't wait for the next instalment :)

The Tussauds artists are far better at art than I am. All I could think of as we toured through was that someone crafted these wax figures by hand, and they are so realistic I was expecting them to blink. I, however, can't even draw a stick man straight :cool: .

Well, it's settled now--we're definitely visiting Madame Tussaud's to our trip in May!

:woohoo: Yay! I think you'll really like it. I thought we'd be in and out of there in 20 minutes....I was shocked at how long we milled around!!

No one wanted a picture with the Queen and Wills and Kate (and whoever that other guy is) ;)

I love the Shrek and Fiona figures with the carriage

Oh yes, we got a photo with the Royal Family....I just wasn't thrilled with it. I look funny in it o_O . Here it is, you can laugh with just turned out odd looking.

The other fellow is Prince Harry. We Canadians have to keep up on our Royal Family knowledge ... its a condition of our citizenship ;) .
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