Isn't it nice to be home???


Has a heart bigger then all of
Aug 18, 1999
Ok, I can settle down now!!!!

Feel much better! :D :) ;)

Hi guys!!!
Hi GLo,:)
Yup, can "go home" again!
Whew! It is nice to be home again. It was great to see the familiar pages pop up this morning. At least with everyone being down, I won't have to kill myself to catch up with what I missed! Now let's see if we can get this convention planning started! Yippee!!
glo hands Patrick his fave beer, and sits him in the

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p ;)
LOL Patrick :D
At lease I'm not the only one who's confused anymore! :)
Ok, sorry glo, I posted on the other post. AND, yes, there's no place like home! I feel like we've been away so long. It's nice to be back.
I am sitting here still long to you think it will take before it sets in. Maybe once I complete this first post, it will stop.

I am so glad we are back up....I wonder how many days worth of posts were lost inr estoring from the back-up. I noticed Frank lost 4 posts.
I am sitting here still long to you think it will take before it sets in. Maybe once I complete this first post, it will stop. :)

I am so glad we are back up....I wonder how many days worth of posts were lost inr estoring from the back-up. I noticed Frank lost 4 posts.
It's great to be back on the DIS! I wonder if during those 3 days, Linda and Marsha got LOTS of convention details ironed out? :D
Hi Glo! Hi everybody! Wish I could say I got a lot of work done while the boards were down...

...but I didn't. :D
LOL Disneycub!! I just found other boards to post on! LOL :)

Great to be back! :)
hi guys I am sp glad to see you all here again!!!!

Hey Steve darling I added you to my IM!!!!
Oh thank goodness we're back :bounce: :bounce: For some strange reason I still wasn't able to get to the boards until just now (3:40 pm AT). But it sure is great to "see" you all again !!!!!
It Is wonderful to be back. :wave:

Just a moment, I need to do some smilie stretches here:

:bounce: :eek: :jester: :rolleyes: :p :tongue:

Don't think I am getting :crazy:

It is bc e-mail doesn't seem to have the same emotional quality than posting here:jester: This is just like become tridimensional again !


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