Island Tower at Polynesian Villas & Bungalows

I left the original author attached at the top of this photo, because I don’t want to be disingenuous. I did not find this concept art from the early ‘70 … I lifted it from Facebook 😆 now that that’s out of the way. I can see the similarities…
This is the best OG Poly video

Seems like another life, the lagoon looked like the greatest spot to swim and do water sports.
I had never seen this. It’s incredible how much fun and adventure was permitted before fear and lawsuits became so important.
I also wonder at what point they shut it down completely because that man made lake became too dirty/infested with snakes and gators. But it looks like it was an absolute blast.

That version of Poly I would buy direct in an instant.
IMHO, the resale restrictions have really dampened the product. Maybe it’s just me since we’ve owned since 2007, but I would never have purchased a contract with restrictions knowing that if I had to get rid of it, that I would take a huge bath.

I mean, everyone says that always plan to keep it forever, but if that were the case, there wouldn’t be so many resales. I mean, life happens. Resale restrictions have really devalued the product.
I agree, and I’ve said it many times. Resale is what keeps DVC above the “timeshare” stigma. Maybe it doesn’t show up on paper to Disney, but it definitely does to me.

I mentioned it in another thread but it bears repeating—by selling contracts that are 20% shorter, even if they sell the contracts for the same price they essentially get to recognize the revenue 20% faster, which is a 20% boost in yearly revenue for the contracts that they do sell. There is a ton of financial incentive for them to add on to existing associations when they can get away with it. It wouldn’t have worked with BRV (possibly just for legal reasons), but they’ll have no trouble selling PVB out again, and I’ll be pretty surprised if they ever sell add-ons to existing resorts under new associations if they can get away with adding them to existing ones.
But then the value of hedging inflation isn’t there (as much) so the value goes down. If break even is 10-15 years, that means now only 15 years or so left to actually start seeing the savings instead of 35 years worth of saving.

the only problem now is figuring out where to buy resale at.
That is one great problem to have. :)

I had never seen this. It’s incredible how much fun and adventure was permitted before fear and lawsuits became so important.
Not just at Disney. ;)
One of my favorite parts of Poly history is/was the wave machine. I believe Tikiman posted when PVB first sold that it was still there. (On the island?)
I don't think there's any basis to believe that selling without re-sale restrictions undercuts direct sales. The restrictions are a relatively new thing and they've never had trouble selling direct points on Disney property without restrictions.

GFV sales surely didn't suffer when they sold big pine key with no restrictions, even though everyone could just use re-sale points to stay there if they wanted.

Meanwhile every resort that they've sold with re-sale restrictions has been slow to sell. There's always been plenty of (mostly valid) excuses for Riviera sales, but with each passing disappointment (cabins, Disneyland Tower) it's getting harder not to acknowledge the correlation. Riviera sales have mostly recovered as time goes on, but it's no longer the only test case to look at.

If/When this Poly tower sells restriction-free points like hotcakes, what do you think is the takeaway for DVD?
lol I see my point still wasn’t clear enough. I really am too wordy and bad at explaining myself clearly. No worries, this isn’t the time or place for this off topic discussion anyway. (Though feel free to DM if you want the actual thing I wrote out as a response but deleted because I realized it’s really irrelevant to the topic here lol or not! I’m tired of hearing (seeing?) myself talk, I’m sure others are too 🤷🏼‍♀️)
My guess is no, other than try to make a connection between the cash rates and what might be a point range.

IIRC, The info for VDH last year did not come out until after they had cash booking had begun.

My guess is late June to early July before we get more info. I think it will be found in the declarations from the OCC site and posted here before DVD announces.
Wait how can they allow people to book if there’s no other information? What if I want a studio and we’re a family of 5 but it only sleeps 4? Don’t they need to tell us all that? Occupancy and sleeping arrangements, at least?
Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, but I agree with Tom Corless when he flat out roasted Disney hard about this lobby design a couple days ago. IMHO, he was spot on!
I do that too often myself. lol
lol I have a whole notes section of responses that have never seen the light of day. I think it’s a good exercise to get my thoughts out, make sure I’m not crazy, of course (maybe a little crazy) and leave them there because sometimes it really is prudent to not respond.

I call it growth 😌
lol I have a whole notes section of responses that have never seen the light of day. I think it’s a good exercise to get my thoughts out, make sure I’m not crazy, of course (maybe a little crazy) and leave them there because sometimes it really is prudent to not respond.

I call it growth 😌
I do the same thing
pages in notes, usually to see if I have anything really to contribute.
Mostly everything I write there has already been stated by someone else, which is why my “latest activity page” is mostly full of reactions.
I do find I learn a lot reading from everyones input, (very thankful for all those that do post)
This is why I said I am still in shock as this strategy to do some and not others..meaning building it as a new addition as way to say “well, it doesn’t count as new” for restrictions.

It does devalue the message and TBH, leads me away from future direct points since RIV is my top resort and I can get that resale for a lot less.

But, it is what it is and now I know for sure it’s not a home resort for me.
Agreed! But, if Reflections comes back, and is announced sometime in the next year or so, I’ll certainly feel alot better about my direct point purchases as a means to stay at future resorts.
So… we’re going to learn a lot more before cash bookings start on June 4th, right???
While I doubt we get every last tidbit of information, I think it’s likely we’ll get confirmation on room occupancy and some artistic renderings of said rooms before the June cash booking dates open. Like a few have said, people will need to know this in order to book the properly sized room to fit their family. Points chart, quick service (please!), lounge, etc more likely to come after mid-June.

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