Is two days enough time to see both parks for a family of 6?


Aug 18, 1999
We will be at Universal in mid-August. We have 4 children (13, 10, 7 and 1yo) so we would be interested in probably about all of the rides (from kiddy for the baby to thrill for the big kids). We're not real big on shows since the baby has a hard time sitting through them. We like to start early in the morning (early entry when possible) and tour until after lunch/very early afternoon. We could then return for a few hours in the evening if we needed to.

Will two days be enough time to see both parks considering that we don't tour all day long and will be doing the baby swap on rides (which "wastes" time, but we don't have a choice)?
If we need another day I can plan on that, but need to make the hotel ressies, so I need to plan this out now.

Thanks, Linda
Two days should do it if you're not planning on shows, but if you have the flexibility (i.e., $) for a third day, I'd say go for it! You don't mention when you're planning to go, but if it's during the summer, you could spend hours just at the Curious George playplace - kids of all ages have such a blast here; it's like a mini water park! Have fun.

1967, 1975 Disneyland
1977 - WDW Contemporary
1980 - WDW off-site Best Western?
1985 - WDW off-site condo/suite
1990 - Tokyo Disneyland
1995 - WDW; Marriott World Center
2000 - WDW; Holiday Inn Family Suites
If you're staying on an on-site hotel (which I seem to recall you posting elsewhere you are), two days is plenty to do everything. We did everything in two days last time we were there easily, without waking up early to get there exactly at opening and without staying until anywhere near closing time. Of course it was only two adults, but considering the slack we had in our schedule, if you work just a little harder it still should not be a problem, even with the new system for FOTL.
I agree two days should be amble time even with a large family. My family of 5, went in Feb. 00 and saw both parks in 2 days.

Darryl G.

Golter Family Trips
March 98, February 00, Sept 00 (No Kids)
I think that I have it figured out. We'll stay for 3 nights at the HRH (Sat-Tues)and get 3 day passes. We can go to the early entries on Sunday and Monday and then on Tuesday we can either go to one (or both) of the Universal parks or, if we've had enough we can save one of our days for a future visit (they're good forever, aren't they?) and head on over to WDW, go to a water park, or just bum around. Sound ok? Unless, of course, I change my mind AGAIN!



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