Is this good?


Earning My Ears
Sep 24, 2000
DH and DS are taking me to WDW for my birthday. Big treat staying at the Polynesian! (Ohanas is our very favorite restaurant.) I was able to get a garden room for $200/night. Is this the best rate I can get for my dates of 2/8 - 2/16? Thanks!
Sounds like a great rate! Is that before or after tax?

Regular rates for that time would be $299/night plus 11.5% tax.
That sounds great! Where did you get the code to get that rate.

I like Tokelau for a Garden View room. It is steps away from the quiet pool and close to the beach.

I was really shocked when I got the rate because I found it on the Disney official web site. I used the Winter Thaw promotion. I just checked and it's no longer offered, but there is now another promotion starting on February 17 through early April. Thank you all for the feedback. I am very excited about the trip. It marks the 30th anniversary of my very first trip. (Yikes! I still have a hard time with counting that many years!) -- Carol


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