Is there anything you hate about DVC?

It’s expensive. But worth it for us. We brought our kids and our youngest and her friends for years and stayed in 2 bedrooms. Now we are empty nesters, we stay in studios a lot. Best of both worlds.
I believe they are actually more expensive, not cheaper.
It depends on what you are comparing it to. A room at BCV is cheaper, even with TVM than a room at the Beach Club. But if you just want a room on property, value resorts are cheaper....and off-site is cheaper yet. Add in risk and the way DVC tends to change your Disney experience, and it's pretty easy for DVC to be ALOT more expensive than a regular room, while convincing you you have a bargain.
It depends on what you are comparing it to. A room at BCV is cheaper, even with TVM than a room at the Beach Club. But if you just want a room on property, value resorts are cheaper....and off-site is cheaper yet. Add in risk and the way DVC tends to change your Disney experience, and it's pretty easy for DVC to be ALOT more expensive than a regular room, while convincing you you have a bargain.

Funny how that works. Disney math?
It depends on what you are comparing it to. A room at BCV is cheaper, even with TVM than a room at the Beach Club. But if you just want a room on property, value resorts are cheaper....and off-site is cheaper yet. Add in risk and the way DVC tends to change your Disney experience, and it's pretty easy for DVC to be ALOT more expensive than a regular room, while convincing you you have a bargain.
True, but I thought it was obvious that I was comparing apples to apples, not Disney deluxe resort to the Days Inn.
True, but I thought it was obvious that I was comparing apples to apples, not Disney deluxe resort to the Days Inn.

I don't think you can compare apples to apples. A DVC room isn't a room at the BC. There is no daily housekeeping included. Cancellation policies are different. Check in and check out are different. You don't get two real beds. Any comparison between DVC and any other unit is apples to kumquats or bananas or oranges - and even a cash DVC booking compared to a points DVC booking is a Red Delicious to a Granny Smith.
In 2012, when I became a member, AKV was selling for $125 per point and OKW was selling for $100 per point for contracts through 2057. At the time, I opted for theme over points. In hindsight, I wish that I had opted for points because it would have yielded an additional 2 - 3 nights in a studio per year.
Personally, I hate the new attitude that Disney has towards DVC members.

Things I don't like that have happened rapidly after we purchased in 2016 (25 point add on change was already in effect when we bought our 1st contract):

1. They jumped from a 25 point add on for all benefits to 75 and now 100. I had told my friends how wonderful DVC was, and by the time they were ready to commit they needed the 75 direct buy for full benefits. It was just sad because they didn't take years or anything to think about it.
2. Maintenance fees just keep rising, and they seem to be picking on resorts that look "too appealing". We own at SSR and AKL. We bought in at SSR first and own most of our points there. When we bought in 2016 dues were $5.44 a point, 2017 was $5.60, 2018 was $5.86, and 2019 took the big jump to $6.40... now 2020 will be $6.77. 2019 and 2020 have seen crazy raises making our dues $1.33 more a point in FOUR years. I know minimum wage has increased, but there are also a lot of owners at SSR, so I don't like the current increase pattern.
3. Cast Members seem to not be as well trained in Disney manners. I know they get tired of dealing with all the crazy things they see, but our trips have been way less magical lately. :(
4. Less housekeeping for DVC members. Not a big deal if our dues didn't keep skyrocketing.
5. It seems like instead of being thankful for loyal customers they want to find ways to punish us. Why do we not have full access to all of the season passes that FL residents have?! Isn't that the point of DVC's "Welcome Home!" So, why can we not get the same perks as people who live in the same state as Disney World?
6. I don't like how the 1-bedrooms are such a poor point value compared to studios. I wish they would make things more even between those two rooms. Studios are constantly gone because they are such a good deal and usually sleep the same amount of people as a 1-bedroom.
7. I don't like what they did with the 2020 point chart. DVC should try to be above reproach. They shouldn't start making their members their accountability partner.
8. What they did with the resale market and having DVC 2.0 is ridiculous. In my book, it made them a bunch of liars. We did the DVC tour, and were told that buying into DVC allowed you to book at any DVC resort. That was the whole theme of DVC. Now, they have done 2.0 to devalue their resale market because it was too good. Stupid. It also ruins buying in at future resorts.
We have been DVC members since 2000 and I do love my DVC. With that being said I am not happy about the new point allocation that was just put out by DVC. I may be in the minority for feeling that way but it's now going to cost me more for the same trip I have been taking for the past several years and that doesn't instill a warm and fuzzy feeling in me. It makes me think I need to sit back and just see how it goes. I may have to rethink my whole plan going forward. Time will only tell. I guess part of my problem is I don't like change, I need time to adjust and weigh it all out.
No regret about buying into DVC (2001). We did consider buying more points 15 plus years ago, glad we didn't. What I dislike is:
1. Difficulty booking any other resort other than our home resort. We have not had any luck booking a non home resort at the 7 month window.

Funny that this is your experience - I haven't been able to get our home resort, but have been successful getting other resorts less than 7 months.
The new point charts.

The fact that a buyer of your points in not a DVC member. That shouldn't be the case. I should be able to sell what I purchased, and that includes membership.

You don't get enough towels at OKW.

The Snacks aren't more readily available at the EPCOT lounge. It's hit or miss.
Just my personal opinion, but if you cannot buy enough for at least a 1 Bedroom, not sure DVC should be an option. DVC is a Timeshare, a luxury. If money is so tight that cannot afford more than a studio, is this the best use of one's money--just my opinion.

1 BR are essentially double the price of a studio. In the summer, I would need about 400ish points to stay in a 1 BR for my family of 4 for our 10 day trips. While it would be nice, a 400 point contract would have costed me 54K CAD for a resale contract at SSR, and I would be paying $3600 CAD in 2020 for maintenance fees. Very quick analysis tells me that would cost me long term about $672 CAD per night on average. Studios cost around $336 CAD per night long term. Thats a big difference

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