Is it wrong to put trash in your neighbor's trash can?


Once I was walking my dogs a long way away from home. One did his "business" so naturally I scooped it up in a baggie. Hmm. A long way home. So I took the initiative and disposed of the offering in a nearby bin. I was sue that the owner would understand (it was hardly going to fill the whole bin up) and I found it far preferable than stinking my car up with doggie-leavings.
The problem is that a small bag of dog poop has a tendency to fall to the bottom of the can and, in my experience, stays there after the trash pickup since it doesn't have enough size/weight to get flung out of the can with the rest of the trash. So now your neighbor has someone else's dog poop squished and smelly in the bottom of their trash can.
To the people who are okay with it, what if someone drops a half empty pepsi can in your trash and all that liquid runs out on garbage can making it super sticky? Are you cool with that?

For me, I put myself in the receiving end. It depends. In the case I mentioned, I would be fine with it. I would certainly extend the courtesy of my bin being used when I wouldn't be sticking my head in it and finding out what was in it.

On the other hand, I wouldn't be too happy with people fly tipping in my bin willy-nilly. If you could feasibly use your own bin, do so. But I'm not going to bite your head off if you need the extension of courtesy.
They are but she’s saying her neighbors were closer to her own. How did the neighbor know who threw garbage in her bin? That’s my question

I have a bunch of neighbors with security cameras so they would know who did it. Maybe OP' neighbor has them.
We have odd laws here, mostly to prevent the homeless from digging through the trash. The trash cans here belong to the county who do the trash pickup. Anything in them is not yours, it is the county's, so nobody around here would even bat an eye. We have 3 cans here, trash, mixed recycling, and green waste. Especially with green waste it is very common for neighbors who have more green waste than space in their 90 gallon can to walk the street on the day before trash day and find a can with space in it to put their lawn clippings/yard waste in.
Sorry, I think its wrong. And I always wish I could use other peoples cans when I walk my dog. I hate carrying her little poop bag until I find a park trash can lol But I don't ever, because its not mine to use and its a service they pay for.
Wrong and rude. One of our neighbors put a huge bag of trash in our trash can that smelled!! It left no room for the trash we had planned to put in OUR trash can. I took it out and brought it over to their yard. Their trash can was full so I just left it in their driveway. I would never dream of doing this. If I needed more room I would buy a other trash can. Again, rude and no excuse.
Sorry, I think its wrong. And I always wish I could use other peoples cans when I walk my dog. I hate carrying her little poop bag until I find a park trash can lol But I don't ever, because its not mine to use and its a service they pay for.
That is very common here too. Give the number of "no poop or pee" signs in people's yards around here, I think they would be delighted to have someone use their trash can to put dog waste in rather than leave it on the lawn.
I love these threads because they bring up things I never dreamed would bother people. We live in an area with no trash rules, so that could be part of the reason. People could be putting trash in our cans and I would have no idea because I never take out the trash and if I did, I would never pay that much attention. We have people steal our trash all the time, but I am not sure we have people putting it in. I would rather people walking by would put their trash in our can than drop it on the ground which they do all the time. We live within walking distance to 2 c-stores and people are always dropping their pop cups on the ground. I would rather they use our can, than drop them on the ground.
That is very common here too. Give the number of "no poop or pee" signs in people's yards around here, I think they would be delighted to have someone use their trash can to put dog waste in rather than leave it on the lawn.

Funny you should mention that. It's a real problem here. People take their dogs out for walks out on this circuit (we call it "The Windmill" - guess why) and when their dogs do the dirty, they scoop it up and then leave it stashed either hanging from a tree (!) or concealed in a bush. Gross, right? Usually there are bins on the path just for situations like this, but sometimes you are between bins and badly need to slam the dunk, as so to speak! That's when I make the executive decision to use the closest facility, under the assumption that were it be me on the receiving end, I would understand. Trust me, it's the last thing I'd actually WANT to do, but if it were my bin, I'd understand.
That is very common here too. Give the number of "no poop or pee" signs in people's yards around here, I think they would be delighted to have someone use their trash can to put dog waste in rather than leave it on the lawn.
Silly me---I think dog owners should neither leave their dogs' waste out in other people's yards (or in parks, on sidewalks, etc) NOR place it in other people's trash bins. Carry your own bags, scoop up after your pet and then take it home to dispose of it in your own bin---your pet, your mess to deal with.
Who knew garbage and dog poop was such a big issue?

Not only would I not care in either instance, I wouldn't know. I also wouldn't know if someone put a half empty drink can in it and got it sticky. The can stays at the end of the drive. We take our trash to it.
Silly me---I think dog owners should neither leave their dogs' waste out in other people's yards (or in parks, on sidewalks, etc) NOR place it in other people's trash bins. Carry your own bags, scoop up after your pet and then take it home to dispose of it in your own bin---your pet, your mess to deal with.
Nothing silly about that.
Who knew garbage and dog poop was such a big issue?

Not only would I not care in either instance, I wouldn't know. I also wouldn't know if someone put a half empty drink can in it and got it sticky. The can stays at the end of the drive. We take our trash to it.
We are not permitted to leave our trash cans on the curb. They go out the night before after sunset and are removed the next day before 5PM.


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