Is anyone else waiting.... By Kathy T


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
Subject: Is anyone else waiting....
Author: KathyT.
Date Posted: 04-27-01
Didn't get me pin swap yet.....
Is anyone else waiting?

I sent mine out but have heard no response..Hope I didn't forget to send a note?

Kathy T. :rolleyes:

Subject: me too..
Author: megaelch
Date Posted: 04-27-01
i got mine, but my wife sent out her swap and did not receive hers.. we tried to cantact the partner but no response..lets wait a few more days...


Subject: Pin swap dilema
Author: disneyboysmousehouse
Date Posted: 04-27-01
I received my pin from the swap, but no email address to notify the sender. The note said from Taylor (I think) dizfamily (Michelle's daughter). Thanks!! It's a cute little LE pin of what appears to be a ballerina dressed in blue. She is wearing a hat that looks like a peacock or some kind of bird. Anyone have any idea who this is or represents?

I have not heard from the person I sent a pin too.
So I do not know if it was received or not. If Barbara (Mousefan) is out there, please email me an let me know if you received your pin. Thanks..

Author: Mickey527
Date Posted: 04-27-01
Just to let everyone know. This pin meet timing was really bad and I will remember for the next one. Alot of people were either out of town when the letters came out or were leaving the day after. School vacations fall around this time so expect delays.
I have heard from a few people who were going away and I tried to notify those who's pins were going to be late but I didn't hear from everyone.
I hope everything will be settled by next Friday and if not I will start writing letters. Peggie


Subject: disneyboysmousehouse....
Author: dizfamily
Date Posted: 04-27-01
sorry about not including an e-mail addy! That pin was from my daughter, Taylor. I'm glad you like it. That pin is the ballerina from the Disneyland 45th Anniversary Parade of Stars.

Listed on pinpics under "dizfamily"

Author: dizfamily
Date Posted: 04-27-01
I got my pin swap pin, but my daughter hasn't received hers yet. She anxiously awaits the mail every day.

Listed on pinpics under "dizfamily"

Author: Lady Kat
Date Posted: 04-27-01
I'm still waiting for my pin to arrive too...keep running to the mail box ...ever hopeful...fully expect to see the mailman wearing a new disney pin any day now! lol

Don't forget that most of us mailed our pins out the day after tax day too. Don't think we swamped the post office, but bet the last minute tax filers did.


Subject: Thanks to the hat and
Author: pintrader
Date Posted: 04-27-01
his bride. I got a lovely 3 D rhinestone encrusted slipper on a blue tasseled pillow. 5 little stones are missing but you have to look awfully close to notice.

It is a brooch style pin that I am certain is not yet on PinPics.

Thank you so much John and luck in you pin survivor competition



Subject: Didn't get mine either........
Author: lovingthemouse
Date Posted: 04-27-01
but chatted with Peggi and she assures me it will arrive soon. Love those lbe's in my mailbox!!!


Author: dizfamily
Date Posted: 04-27-01
My daughter got her pin today! Thanks, Melissa! (You didn't put your DIS user name on here, though.) She loves it! She was so excited to get her own LBE. :)

Listed on pinpics under "dizfamily"


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