In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

Good Morning everyone!

I actually went to bed early last night and I am sooooooooo tired.... Its ridiculous! Buffalo Chicken from last night is not reacting well... Too spicy I suppose and I really should have known better than to dip the chicken in the buffalo sauce in addition to whats already on it... Stupid Franks Red Hot Sauce... Sooooo good but sooooo killer....

As for the 11th... I was still in high school at the time... ( I know I'm a youngin)... I had gotten to school early and I remember people coming into school saying the trade center had been bombed... Later we obviously came to find out that was not exactly the case. We spent the day going from class to class watching the news... I remember I left with friends that day and for some reason we had to go to Blockbuster and we sat on the floor in Blockbuster watching the President address the nation. It was a weird day to say the least... One I will never ever forget.
E - Thank you for the pic - it is beautiful...and sadly...with all the crud in my life...I did not think of the date today when I woke up...had not thought it was anything significant until I saw the pic...then it the 11th today?


Well, I can't take the credit. Although I wasn't oblivious about this date (I was thinking just the other day, wow, 9/11 is coming up), I still had to ask Liz why she was so bummed 7 years ago. I somehow didn't make the connection that it has been 7 years. Seven.

Liz--your post was truly beautiful and brought back many of the emotions of that day.

As many of you know, I am from NY originally, just north of the city. Most of my high school friends moved to the city after college. 3 members of my graduating class were lost in the Towers. Also, one of the planes originated from here in Maine. My friend's brother was on the second plane.

Most of my worry and memory of that day were of my brother, who works for ABC News in Manhatten. I was talking to him that morning when the first plane hit the first tower. As Steph said, at first people thought it was some freak accident. And because of that, my brother was dispatched to the Trade Center with a camera crew (he is a producer). Then, once we knew that this was an act of terrorism and a second place had hit the second building, all we knew was that my brother was right the Trade Center. There was no communication coming in or out of NYC that day. No land lines. No cell coverage. We had no way of knowing if he was safe or not. At 9pm, he was able to get on AIM and let me know he was ok. Of course we were grateful. But to this day, he has never spoken of what he saw. He was there and got it on film. Not the planes hitting the towers and not the towers collapsing...but what happened in between. During the fires. He saw the people. He never turned in the film to the station. He has never watched it. It sits on a shelf above his desk at home, a silent homage to those who suffered.
I wanted to post about my run separately.

Long run--done! 9 miles. And it was OK. A little hip pain for a while, but I did it and it felt good and I still feel good. No pain, no fatigue, and all 10 toe nails. :lmao: So that helps my confidence a bit.

Erica: The offer still stands. I don't have anything going for the 21st so far. I will come and huff and puff along beside you if you need me. You CAN do this. You have run the distance even if you don't feel you have run the miles. The race atmosphere is contagious. If they have pacing markers, stand near the one you feel is best for you and start talking to people. I met the nicest woman from Cape Elizabeth at B2B and she was wearing a bright pink running skirt. I had on my bright green WISH shirt. Either she lead up the hill or I did and we focused on each other catching up at the top of the hill. It was great. I run with my SIL and she pushes me out of my comfort zone!! You CAN do this. Taper madness is a beautiful thing, just stay out of stores. :rolleyes1

Thank you so much, Lisa, for the offer. You are too kind! But this is something I need to face myself, if that makes sense. I can't really put more words to it than that. I am sure counting on the race atmosphere, though! :lmao: Everyone says that will make a huge difference and I hope that is true.

Ok, and now what do we do after a long run??? Pedicure! Yes, I am off to get a shower first and then a pedicure. Have a great day, babes!
Erica: I do understand, fully. I did my first half in WDW, alone. All alone except for my WISH friends. I flew down alone, stayed alone and toured WDW alone. My mom drove over from Tampa for the race but she never really saw me finish, she just said she "thought" she saw me finish. She left right after the race was over. So, I do understand.

Trust in yourself and your training. You WILL do fine and you CAN do it. You can do more than you think, just believe in yourself.

Enjoy the pedicure.

I have to say all the 911 stories are very moving here. They bring me to tears and make me feel very guilty that I was holding my bundle while others had nothing. :hug: to everyone. We were definitely all touched in some way that day.
wow. Liz and Erika, you guys lived with the terror I only heard about.

We watch the Today show every morning. And I was watching coverage after the first tower hit. In my living room. I supposed I had something else to do, but...

Then I saw the second plane hit. It was so horrific and confusing. I called my husband and he and a coworker came up to the house and just stood and watched. We watched all day.

Molli was in Kindergarden. I wasn't sure if I should go get her. We live close to an atomic plant. Well, it's down the pike in another town. It's an excellent place to cause distruction if that is what you're looking for. It was on everyones mind.

I didn't know anyone directly affected.

Remember how all the tv stations were showing the same thing, or silent, for even a week afterwards. Even MTV halted. I'm kinda annoyed that the View and everything else is on like normal. Seems wrong to me.
Hi all....

I don't have much time to write the post that is in my heart right now due to work, but I wanted to send a quick note to say that I have read all of your recent posts and am thinking of you all today... Humanity can be an awesome thing when it wants to be and an awful thing when it wants to be. Here's hoping for a world where humanity continues to prove how awesome it can be.

I'll be travelling this afternoon and am hoping to do a proper post when I check into the hotel and get settled. (I even brought work out clothes and a walking DVD to do each night while I'm there)

Liz - can you send me info on donating to your triathalon... I would love to help...

Talk to you all later... so much to post and so little time....

Love and prayers for you all,
Hi all -

I am so thankfull for all of you sharing your thoughts and memories...because I know that I will be sharing these stories with my kids tonight...there are events you live through and there are oral memories you can pass on to others through the stories you share..I know that they will all be moved by the experiences from all of you...but Treyner will esp. be touched by the first hand aftermath of Liz and E.

He has had an idea of a tatpoo for 3 or 4 years now...something to commemorate 9/11 and will probably get it after soccer this fall...

Found this article about Treyner's want for a tattoo...

When You Didn't Personally Know Them
If you’re getting a memorial tattoo for someone you didn’t really know, like a fallen soldier or something to symbolize the many lives lost in a tragedy, it presents a special challenge. Think about what best depicts that person or the tragedy in a positive light, and a way that would be considered honorable to others who would have been affected by the same situation.

Whatever design you come up with, the final decision is yours since you are the one that has to live with it. But if you've taken the time to honor the person aptly, the tattoo should bring fond memories and honor them until you leave this world yourself.

For him it is the standing together as one thought process that pushes him...for team sports ...for his individual best...for his thoughts of joining the military...(his BF is already inlisted with the Marines and he goes to many PT events and activities.)

Tonight we will probably watch one of our movies made about that is something we have just done...we also make sure we eat as a family matter sort of a reminder of what is important and where our values at their core lie.

I am glad I asked about that day...I think it brings home some connections we all have in spite of distance, age and life choices...

Thanks again.:grouphug:
Munky - I have to say, I am glad your back. I enjoy your posts. And yesterday you said something to the effect of feeling behind on your weight loss. Let me tell you. You are already a superstar. You've lost so much already.

I myself have only just begun. Even though I was here all this time, I didn't click till July. And even after that, I struggle. But, I think of EriKa and how she just totally made the committement to find time to exercise. Not have it be the last thing on the list and a possible edit. It holds much priority on her list and I am trying to live that way.

Now that I feel changes in my body from the exercise, and am making it a daily priority (praying for continued success) I need to emulate Liz. She lost her weight by changing her eating habits. Pretty soon, I'll be Kat and have the dang thing down. Food. Check. Exercise. Check.

Speaking of Kat, girl, you really need to make an appearance.

Dawn, I'm super proud of you. 7lbs is AWESOME!

EriKa, :cheer2: on the run. I'll of course be sending positive thoughts your way to help calm the jitters.

And Liz, I can't wait to hear how you did on Sunday. You'll probably have the best time, cause that's how you roll. You are doing a good thing.

My sister and I rode 5 miles on the bikes today. :woohoo:
I was in Maine during this, not NY, and that is a big difference. Liz lived it and her town has been re-living it all week. Here in Maine, it wasn't even in the news until today.

Being NY...was different than being anywhere else. So I can't really compare my experience to Liz's or my brother's or anyone else who was there that day. THEY lived it.

#1 Name and Family you care to share plus a little about your weight struggles/programs you are on:
Lyz (31) Hubs (31) Molli (12) Maddi (5) Marvin (dog 10). I am not on any specific program, unless you count Wishing. The goal is to count calories and exercise daily.

#2 What are some of your trigger foods?
Chocolate, breads, sweets and well pretty much I can turn anything into an eating binge without much effort.

#3 What form of excersize (activity) would you love to do but have limmited yourself from due to weight/confidence? ( PG...:rotfl2: )
Swimming in public, with :scared1: people I know.

#4 Occupation (if legal)
Construction office. It's just me. Jack of all that is paperwork related.

#5 What do you want to achieve from a healthier body / lifestyle?
Me! I want to find me. I want to feel confidence and shop till I drop. And feel worthy of it all.

#6 If you could celebrate with anything when you reach/ed goal, what would it be...or what would it have been?

Wear scarves and fashion forward clothing. Enjoy my life in the moment cause I'm not preoccupied with the "now me".
I was in Maine during this, not NY, and that is a big difference. Liz lived it and her town has been re-living it all week. Here in Maine, it wasn't even in the news until today.

Being NY...was different than being anywhere else. So I can't really compare my experience to Liz's or my brother's or anyone else who was there that day. THEY lived it.

I know. But, you can't minimize not knowing of your brother.
Munky - I have to say, I am glad your back. I enjoy your posts. And yesterday you said something to the effect of feeling behind on your weight loss. Let me tell you. You are already a superstar. You've lost so much already.

I myself have only just begun. Even though I was here all this time, I didn't click till July. And even after that, I struggle. But, I think of EriKa and how she just totally made the committement to find time to exercise. Not have it be the last thing on the list and a possible edit. It holds much priority on her list and I am trying to live that way.

Now that I feel changes in my body from the exercise, and am making it a daily priority (praying for continued success) I need to emulate Liz. She lost her weight by changing her eating habits. Pretty soon, I'll be Kat and have the dang thing down. Food. Check. Exercise. Check.

Speaking of Kat, girl, you really need to make an appearance.

Dawn, I'm super proud of you. 7lbs is AWESOME!

EriKa, :cheer2: on the run. I'll of course be sending positive thoughts your way to help calm the jitters.

And Liz, I can't wait to hear how you did on Sunday. You'll probably have the best time, cause that's how you roll. You are doing a good thing.

My sister and I rode 5 miles on the bikes today. :woohoo:

Thanks!!!! I missed being here and I am so glad I am back! I know I've done well and I am trying to keep telling myself how great I'm doing but I do have my moments where I don't listen to my own very good advice... LOL... I'm getting better and like my hub says I've done so much that even a minor setback isn't such a biggie in the long run... On the plus side my stomach isn't killing me anymore... Carrots and guac for lunch today... Was gonna go to Red Robin for dinner but we moved that to tomorrow so we can go with my co-worker and her man.... Its lookin like La Choy Beef Chow Mein and sticky rice for me tonight... :)

Why isn't anyone on AIM?? I am stilll sooooooo lonely... LOL....


P.S. I still hate work!! :surfweb: :rotfl:
It is odd that people don't mention much about it anymore except on the day. There hasn't been much mention here except for some controversy about the memorial here. Today there was mention on the news and stuff and they were airing the names and such. Its sad how quickly a lot of people forget it happened, no mention of it in my office at all..
Hi guys...

Can I ask a favor?

Can you all post pics of your before/after accomplishments...again...(steph I know you just did...but if we can get them all in a chunk...we can link us to them via the intros....

I mean...trying to find them even for me...throughout all these an inspirational hard and I have them listed...anyway -

What do you think of having them by our bios at the beginning of this thread?:confused3
Hi guys...

Can I ask a favor?

Can you all post pics of your before/after accomplishments...again...(steph I know you just did...but if we can get them all in a chunk...we can link us to them via the intros....

I mean...trying to find them even for me...throughout all these an inspirational hard and I have them listed...anyway -

What do you think of having them by our bios at the beginning of this thread?:confused3

Not a problem :)

Before This was December 2007/Jan 2008:



Now (sort of) Most of these are June and July 2008




I didn't even realize how much different I look until I compare these side by side...
Gosh, you guys must be sick of seeing these by now...These are my before and "in progress" pics. I still have 10 pounds to go from here.



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