In Every Run That Must Be Done; There is an Element of Fun (comments welcome)

Springtime Surprise: Pre-Trip

I managed to get everything packed, although I had to take something out of my big suitcase and squeeze it into my race gear carry-on to make sure I wouldn’t get dinged for a heavy bag (I am apparently bringing approximately 5 pounds of shorts for wearing in the parks 😂😂)

I only ran about a mile and quarter last week—I stopped early and walked home because I was getting a pain in my foot and wasn’t about to risk anything. The pain was gone by the time I got home, so I think I’m fine. The rest of my runs were cancelled due to yard work. It’s mulch season again, so I got to go buy 20 bags, and then haul them around the yard the next day for my grandma.

I’ve been able to spend more time with my chipmunks.
Here’s King


And Rocky

We had a big rain storm on Wednesday, before I went for my shortened run, and we got a great rainbow right in our back yard
It’s mulch season again, so I got to go buy 20 bags, and then haul them around the yard the next day for my grandma.
We usually get a cubic yard (I think?) of mulch delivered in a big pile in our driveway. My husband chose us doing this rather than getting bags and putting it out more piecemeal, so he gets to use the shovel and wheelbarrow and put it all out in the yard. This year he did it in just one day! Not really sure how.... but I might rent him out for a small fee + travel expenses. :rotfl2:
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 1

Today got a slow start because A) I didn’t even get to my resort from the airport until midnight, and didn’t go to bed until 1, and B) I forgot my phone charger cord, and thought I could get away with using the super short cord that came with my PowerBeats, but it popped out of the wall usb socket and my phone was only at 45% this morning, so I had to buy a cord at the resort store, and then wait for the stupid thing to charge.

Anyway, as is tradition for me, I spent my first park day at Magic Kingdom. I bought G+, booked a LL for Jungle Cruise (always an easy one to get a slightly later time right away in the morning) and an ILL for Tron. I got to MK about 10:15, and headed for Cosmic Ray’s, because I didn’t have any breakfast except for a few pretzels and some gummy bears because that’s what I had in my room (see Point A above) Then I headed to Philharmagic, and while I was in that queue, I booked my 11am LL for Buzz (trying to stay near Tomorrowland for my Tron ILL)

Did Buzz, booked a LL for Haunted Mansion to overlap with my Jungle Cruise LL, and scored 736,800! Hopped on Peoplemover with a less than 10 minute wait, then over to the Laugh Floor with a 10-ish minute wait. Timed everything perfectly to get to Tron shortly after my ILL window opened, rode it (with some guy that was whining that they wouldn’t let him wait for row 2 🙄🙄) Then headed to the Plaza ice cream parlor for a brownie sundae. My next LL window opened, so I booked Pirates to overlap with the back half of my JC/HM hour.

After that, it was off to Jungle Cruise, and I arrived just couple minutes early. Got on, got a so-so skipper and a so-so group of guests. Headed to Haunted Mansion, right on time, rode that; headed to Pirates, rode that, and got a direct shot of water in the cannon fight! So happy I don’t wear glasses anymore, now random splashes of water are refreshing, instead of irritating (though I could do without it going right in my ear 😄). After that, I was having trouble finding a good LL. I could’ve done standby for Big Thunder, because it was only showing 20 minutes, but it was getting closer to parade time, and I didn’t want to get stuck on the wrong side of it, so I decided to head out.

I hopped a monorail to the Contemporary, and just missed the Disney Springs bus 😡 Waited around for the next one, and when I got to DS, I headed straight to the Lego store. I had my eye on a couple sets, and since I can get 10% off with my AP, and pay with Disney GCs that I get 5% off from Target, I was gonna save some significant money. I had thought, based on an answered question from PlanDisney, that I could ship the Lego sets home from my resort. But TIL: nope, you can’t do that (apparently they’re a third party store 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️) You can ship from the Lego store, and I’ll be doing that as soon as I work up the energy to haul my 27 lbs of plastic back to DS, but I’m very irritated in the meantime.

I had a wonderful interaction with a front desk employee here at Pop who tried to help me solve the problem, and talked to a bunch of people, made a bunch of calls, and was equally bewildered by the fact that Disney stores won’t ship DS Lego Store purchases. Abby has been given a cast compliment, and will be alerting her leadership that some more specific guidelines need to be made available to the general public, especially if PlanDisney is going to be answering questions on the subject.

And yes, it’s possible that my entire savings on the purchase may be eaten up by shipping costs, and if it looks like that will be the case, I will probably return them and just order direct from the Lego website. But, for a while, I got to be one of those people that certain people are jealous of (and certain other people just shake their heads in disbelief at), walking around with my giant, yellow Lego Store bags.

I’m now all settled into my room at Pop, not even remotely tired, but trying to wind down so I can try to get to sleep early for “Sunrise” Yoga tomorrow (sunrise in quotes, since sunrise is 6:57am tomorrow, and I’ll probably be back at Pop and waiting for the dining hall to open by then)
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 1

I’m now all settled into my room at Pop, not even remotely tired, but trying to wind down so I can try to get to sleep early for “Sunrise” Yoga tomorrow (sunrise in quotes, since sunrise is 6:57am tomorrow, and I’ll probably be back at Pop and waiting for the dining hall to open by then)
Moonlight yoga?

And if they were to do it at HS, they could do Yoda yoga...
Sign up for that, I might.
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 2

I started the day by going to yoga at Hollywood Studios. It was good. There was a guy on the mat behind me that just ran Boston on Monday, and he’s doing the challenge this weekend. I told him he was doing Dopey (or almost Dopey) in the wrong order 😄😄

I headed back to Pop after yoga and took something resembling a nap until it was time to get dressed for the expo. I caught the first bus and zipped right into Platinum headquarters, then down to shopping before it opened to the VQ folks. I didn’t find much that interested me, so I just got the race pins and the weekend pin. Then I did my picture with Lilo up in the Platinum headquarters, and headed to the vendor expo.

I wanted a gold Sparkle Athletics visor for my Tink costume, and was hoping to pick up a patriotic ruffle skirt for my Stars & Stripes 5K in June, but they didn’t have it at the expo (but I ordered it from their website on the bus ride back to Pop) I looked at the Goodr sunglasses that were available, and didn’t see any that jumped out and screamed “buy me!”—which is ok since I just got a new pair in the mail on Tuesday before I left home 😎😎

I grabbed a Mickey pretzel on my way out, and headed back to Pop to drop my bag off. Then it was off to Animal Kingdom…once I finally caught a bus! I got to the stop just as the driver closed the door, and I was there and waving at them, but I was completely ignored. I was like “that was extremely rude!” Then I sat on a bench in the shade until the next bus came.

I had bought an ILL for Flight of Passage, but made it later in case the expo took longer than anticipated, so I did something I never do: went to Asia first. I hit up the single rider line for Everest, and then started walking toward Africa and Pandora. I stopped for a hot dog and chips, and a couple birds swooped in from the river and almost took my head off! I never even saw them, but felt their wings (or the wind from their wings?) on my head.

I checked the wait time on Kilimanjaro, and it was just too long for me, and I just missed the noon showing of Festival of the Lion King, so I had to find a shady spot to wait a bit in Pandora for my LL window to open. It finally did and I rode it, and I can tell a difference in the quality now that I don’t have glasses anymore. I can see it much better now.

After that, I poked around in some shops on the way out, and headed for the Epcot bus. Man, do they punish park-to-park hoppers at AK! It felt like miles and miles and miles to get to the Epcot stop.

At Epcot, I had an ILL for Cosmic Rewind, but, like the one for FoP, I made it later, so I had time to kill. Spaceship Earth was a walk-on, so I did that. Then I wandered around the Festival shops and topiaries from the front, to Mexico, and around as far as America (because I wanted to see the Dapper Days pop-up shop—which was cute, but I didn’t buy anything) I was tired and roasting by then, so I went into The American Adventure. I had about a 10 minute wait to get into the show, but at least it was air-conditioned. I almost nodded off in the theatre, and I never do that!

By the time that was over, it was time to trudge all the way up to the front again for Cosmic Rewind. I got “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” which was disappointing, since that’s the worst song of the options. I wandered through the Creations shop, but didn’t buy anything, and headed toward the International Gateway and the Skyliner.

I was more than a little annoyed when I got to my room and found that Mousekeeping had invaded, despite my declining their services. I hate having to unmake the bed all over again, and they messed up all my towels (which were all hanging up, so they shouldn’t have taken them anyway)

I got my 5K gear all set up and tried to get settled to sleep. It was pretty much a failure, I never sleep well before the first race (which is all the more reason for me to do my back-to-back MNSSHP/W&D5K plan this fall; if I’m only going to get 3 not-great hours of sleep anyway, might as well skip it entirely!)
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 3

It’s 5K day!! I set my alarms a little later than I ought to have 2am and 2:10am, and this didn’t make it to the first bus, or probably even the second bus, since the first left at 2:45, and mine didn’t leave until almost 3. But I discovered that the shorts I wore under my cute skirt on Thursday did not fit me properly in certain areas to prevent chafing, so I had to spend extra time this morning covering the wounds so I didn’t make them worse while running.

Anyway. I got all dressed, except for the wings, and headed to the bus. I was the last person to get a seat— the party in front of me had to get off because there were four of them and apparently not four seats (even counting the one I grabbed). I remembered by the shorts I grabbed for today are not in my usual running lineup—the pocket opening is way up on the hip and it makes it really really hard to get my phone in and out, even when I’m not also wearing a freaking tutu. Also, I should have waited to put my wings on until after security, since they set off the the thing and I got pulled aside, along with just about every other Tinkerbell that came through. This really irritated me because security is never neat digging through my bag.

Anyway, I finally made it to the pre-race area, and didn’t even bother looking to see who the characters were, because I knew there would be a ton of people in line and I just wasn’t in the mood. I headed for our light post, and eventually I was joined by @TheExpert , and later @flav . We hung out for a while, and then headed to our corrals. I found a spot to sit for a while, and then it was time to stand up for no particular reason, since the gate was still closed. Then it was time to surge through the gate and head to the start line. I ended up somewhere a the back of the front (or maybe it was the front of the middle?) and started at 5:08. I wish people that intend to walk right from the start would make sure that they start right on the edge of the course, instead of in the middle. All in all, it wasn’t particularly congested anywhere, but I always seem to find the pockets of annoying people 😁😁

I wanted to try to stick to my intervals, but couldn’t hear the alerts for most of the race and just kind of did whatever. The first character stop was the Three Caballeros right when we got to World Showcase, but the line stretched at least to China so I was like “nope, that’s not happening!” I think it was worse than the line for the triple princess stop at the Princess 2022 5K. Next was Incredibles in America, and I couldn’t see how long the line was because the end was in the dark down the path to the backstage area, so I skipped that too. I was surprised that there wasn’t a stop in France. I also skipped the Angel and random experiment stop by Canada because of the line, but finally stopped for Daisy. The lighting was apparently terrible, I had to do a lot of tweaking to get the picture to this point, and I’m still much redder that I ought to be.

Next, I stopped for the shot with the Nova Corps ship, since that’s a new race pic opportunity for me. Of course, SE chose that moment to be less than spectacular in its lighting effects 😄😄

I skipped the Captain Hook line because I have shot with him and Smee from W&D 2022. Then I was almost at the finish! I tried really hard to find and keep an open pocket to get a good finish pic, and it worked (for a change!)

As I posted in the Springtime thread, it’s so nice to be back with PhotoPass folks with race-course experience! I have so many good pictures!

After I made my way through the finish chute and the whole maze back to the gear trucks, I grabbed my bag and looked for a spot to sit down. Then I saw that there was space on the bleachers towards the character photos—I didn’t have to sit on the ground! I was so excited! I had time to kill, since I finished at 5:55, and the buses wouldn’t even start until 6:30. So I sat down, got my bib off, changed my shoes, and ate my snack, with the hydration boost-enhanced bottle of water. I checked out my run data, and figured out that this was my 4th fastest Disney 5K, both by moving time (42:56) and overall time (47:17)

After a bit, I headed toward the buses and had to wait a million years (or possibly 15 minutes, I don’t know the difference) There was a whole cheering section, complete with cowbell, waiting for us at Pop, which was cool. I headed back to the room to get all my sweaty stuff off. I washed my hair in the sink, grabbed a lightning lane for Tower of Terror between 9 and 10 am, set an alarm on my watch, then allowed myself to doze off.

I got up and got ready to go about 9. There was a little line for the skyliner, but when we got to Caribbean Beach, most people were headed for Epcot. I did my ToT LL, and booked my next one for Midway Mania. I had time before my LL to hit Star Tours, and I got some of the new scenes! I started with pod-racing, which is obviously not new, then got the mission from Cassian Andor, and met up with Ahsoka and the space whales.

I headed over to Midway Mania and scored 117,000, with an accuracy of 50%. I also booked a post-lunch LL for Runaway Railway. Then went to Sci-Fi for lunch, and I think they’ve changed some of the clips since last spring, so that was cool. I watched Muppet Vision after lunch, and then walked over to Runaway Railway. I was running out of energy, so I just booked a LL for the 1:15 show of Indy. After that, I hopped on the skyliner and went back to Pop. I grabbed some food from the food court, got everything ready for the 10K, and tried to get some sleep.
There is obviously an art to getting good race shots...and you have mastered it! Me, I skew towards "b1tch face". I don't think I have ever had a race picture that like....ever.
There is obviously an art to getting good race shots...and you have mastered it! Me, I skew towards "b1tch face". I don't think I have ever had a race picture that like....ever.
I learned in my first Disney half at Princess 2022 how much difference smiling for the cameras made in how I felt. I was in tears of misery coming onto Main Street, but once I made it further into the park and there were photographers, I started fake smiling because I wanted good pics. And then the fake smiles became real, and I became less miserable.

And then I took the inserts out of my shoes while in line for Cinderella and Charming after Cone Alley and the misery disappeared entirely 🤣🤣
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 4 (part 1)

10K day!!

I caught the second bus from Pop, which left at 2:46am and arrived at Epcot at 2:59. Since I was dressed as Lilo & Stitch, I made sure to jump in line for a picture with them as soon as I got to the start area. And good thing I did, since runDisney used my picture in their 10K FB post!!

I started at the front of the second wave of B, at the exact same time that I started the 5K. I stopped for Little John, because he’s a new character for me.

I don’t remember a whole lot about the race, which is sort of typical for Disney 10Ks for me; 5K day is really exciting because it’s the first race, then 10K day, all the sleep disruption of vacation is starting to set in and I just run to get it over with (but I do have fun).

As usual, I saw chipmunks and stopped for a picture.

Then I stopped for Judy and Nick, because they were in a good spot to stop before the final push to the finish line.

I got some good course pics again

And even managed to get an open space for my finish line pic!

I find it wonderfully hilarious that my mileage came out to 6.26 for the race that I carried Experiment 626 with me 😁😁 This was my 3rd fastest Disney 10K by moving time and 4th fastest by overall time (1:55:55)IMG_7613.jpeg
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Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 4 (Part 2)

After the race, I headed for the bleachers again to sit down and eat breakfast, and that’s when I spied this walking heatstroke 🥵🥵 What a madman!!

After breakfast, I headed back to Pop and decided that it was just too hot to contemplate a proper park day, especially in my Dapper Day dress. So I decided to chill in my room and only go to Epcot for a quick, see-and-be-seen walk around World Showcase before heading over to Hurricane Hanna’s for the meetup. World Showcase is in desperate need of shade. I got a couple pictures taken, and bought a parasol at the Dapper Day kiosk in America. I like that my Magic Shots fit together, having Donald in Japan and Daisy in Italy.

There were a lot of great-looking outfits, and I got some compliments too. I made it around the world a little faster than I thought I would, and had time to kill walking around Beach & Yacht Club. Eventually I went and found a shady table at Hurricane Hanna’s and waited for somebody to show up. I knew @akrosie was on her way, and some other people had definitely chosen to skip. It ended up just being me and Rosie, and we spent an hour or so talking, and then rode the Skyliner to Caribbean Beach, where I headed to Pop and she headed to HS.

I got some food from the food court and settled in for the night.
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 5 (Part 1)

10 Miler day!

I got up and got ready, and caught the second bus from Pop, which left at 2:49am (the first left at 2:39, and I only missed it by like 3 people) I got to Epcot at 3, and hopped in the line for Baymax when I got to the start area. They really need to work on the lighting for the pre/post-race photo ops, I had to do a bunch of brightening to get it to this point.

I started in the second wave of B again, a whole minute earlier than I started the two previous days. My first character stop was Rescuers in America. It was Bernard when I got there, but Miss Bianca swapped in while I was in line (which was adorable—they stopped and kissed when they passed each other 🥰🥰) This was a long line, but it was a good point for a break, and I’ve never gotten either of the Rescuers before.

The next thing of note came toward the end of the stupidest part of the course: the path between Boardwalk and Hollywood Studios. I was running all the way on the left, going as fast as possible without crowding the person is front of me, when this woman tried to pass me on the right and almost shoved me into the hedge! Then, a little further on, she managed to push past me (without so much as a by-your-leave, I might add) and then got mad at me when I said, not even really intending for her to hear me, “just suck it up and go slow for a minute, geez.” She said, as she was weaving through the walkers on the right, “just let me run at my pace!” As if the rest of us aren’t trying to do the same darn thing?! I responded that she almost shoved me into a shrub, and she denied it, and then disappeared. I passed her as she was stopping for the Donald photo op.

My next stop was Darth Vader, which also happened to be right when the Ballon Ladies started, so it was nice to know I had a whole 5K on them. That was also when I had time to check the boards and see the leaked character list, which gave me the goal of: make sure I had plenty of time to stop for Barbossa.

They really need to get something more than ambient noise in Galaxy’s Edge—can’t we at least have the Cantina band on a loop or something? I do enjoy running through TSL, because it’s the emptiest I ever see it 😄😄 Nothing much happened for a while, just putting one foot in front of the other and not running into other people. I ran down the cloverleaf after Hollywood Studios because it was a good place to gain some time, and the angle of the road favored my left ankle (unlike when we go up the cloverleaf before Epcot, which is torture and had to be walked).

After I got down on the highway. I decided to take it easy for a while. I spent more time walking than running, and then strolled, almost leisurely, while I ate the waffle from my pocket. Somewhere in there, I also stopped for a picture with Monterey Jack.

I started going a bit faster, until the aforementioned cloverleaf before Epcot. But once I got to the straightaway, I hopped into the grass on the left hand side and ran up the hill for a while. And then walked a little while, and then ran down the hill, mostly in the grass. Just before the sharp right, I stopped to catch my breath and take a pic with Meeko.

The it was time to go up the hill. The fun thing for me about this part is that my watch hit 8 miles somewhere just over the crest of the hill, and that meant that according to my watch, I’d officially run 150 miles in Disney races!! Due to all the accumulated overages, I won’t hit the official official 150 Disney miles until the 2.5 mile point of the Wine & Dine 5K this fall (I’m at 147.5 official race miles currently) Which also means that when I hit mile 7.7 of the Marathon in January, I will have 200 official runDisney miles. Which also means I’m a nerd who spends too much time figuring out random things to get excited about.

Anyway, I ran down the hill into the Epcot bus area, then walked a little bit. But then there was a kid with a Mickey hand and a sign that said something like “high five for a speed boost” so, of course, I had to go over and get a speed boost and zoom around the corner into the backstage area. I did some walking and running, totally ignoring my actual intervals (because I could barely hear them anyway). Then, finally, I heard “Pirate’s Life For Me” and knew I must be getting close to Barbossa’s photo op, and I was totally shocked to see Capt Jack there too. I put on a burst of speed to get to the end of the line, and had a nice breather until it was my turn (though the line was much shorter than I was expecting, and moved pretty well)

This was my last stop, and I powered through Epcot the best I could. It was mostly the sun and warmth that was sapping my energy, rather than cumulative fatigue, or even foot pain like previous challenges. I got to the finish, and got a good picture again (3 for 3–yay me!)

Once I made it though the finisher’s maze, and collected 2 lbs of hardware (seriously, could the Stitch medal have been any heavier??) I grabbed my bag and headed for the bleachers again. Why have I never thought to sit on them before? I ate my food and drank all my liquids, hung out for a bit, and then made my way to the bus. This was my second fastest Disney 10 Miler by moving time, and third fastest by overall time (3:15:48)
You got so many great character photos! And I love that your ran over to get a speed boost from the kid with the Mickey hand. You probably made their day!

What is up with that lady? Like everyone didn't want to run their own pace? That's just not always possible, especially on that tight path.

I find the lack of characters in Galaxy's Edge disturbing. At last year's Springtime 10 miler they at least had characters up on the catwalks, and I took a photopass with some ship there at Wine and Dine (not a huge Star Wars fan but I was dressed as Pilot Figment so I felt like I should stop).

I realized I miscounted my mileage and will hit my 100th RunDisney mile during either the 5k or 10k at Marathon weekend depending on whether you count this past Marathon weekend's half half as a full 13.1 or not.
Springtime Surprise Trip: Day 5 (Part 2)

I’ll start with my on-course pics, since there wasn’t room for them in the last post.




I love this pic because the woman behind me looks like she’s my shadow or something—the photographer managed to catch us both in the exact same position

Finally, lest anyone think that all my course pics are amazing, here’s the obligatory Mike Wazowski shot 🤣🤣

After I got back to the resort and took a bath, I decided to take a nap before heading to Magic Kingdom for Dapper Day. Since it was still hotter than the devil, and I wasn’t bothering with G+, I chose to prioritize short wait and good AC. So after a couple castle pics, I started with Laugh Floor.


Then I decided that I needed some food, and got some fries at Cosmic Ray’s. I wanted a hot dog, but didn’t realize that they took those off the CR menu since last year. Next up was Carousel of Progress. Then Philharmagic. I was planning on doing Tiki Room, but when I passed Haunted Mansion, the wait was only 30 minutes (and wasn’t even that long in reality) in a nice shady queue. Plus, I could tell they had a good photographer assigned there and I wanted pictures.


After Haunted Mansion, I started heading toward the exit, because I knew with travel time, and the annoying DS bus transfer, it was going to take forever to get to Typhoon Lagoon. I got back to my room, got changed, and packed a bag with dry clothes. I finally got there, and got my wristband (the person put it on super loose and I was afraid I’d lose it), a towel, and a locker. I found a chair near the wave pool, and headed in. That water was so warm! After a while, I switched over to the lazy river. That water was…less warm. But dang, when I went under the waterfall, it felt like a strong massage on my legs and back. After a full loop, I went back to the wave pool.

By this time, the day guests were gone and it was a lot emptier, so I decided to go further out to where I’d have to tread water to wait for the waves. This was a great workout that kept my leg muscles moving, but kept weight off my feet. After a while, I headed back to shore to get some food. Even though there was free popcorn and ice cream, I decided I needed real food first, so I bought a hot dog and chips. I also grabbed a box of popcorn. After dinner, I went back to the lazy river while my food settled.

After another full loop, I went back to the deep part of the wave pool one last time. Then, after I got tired and dried off, I hung out at the dance party for a little while before I grabbed an ice cream to eat before I packed up. I snagged a final box of popcorn on my way out and caught a bus to Disney Springs. The it was time for the quarter mile walk from the exit of DS to the Pop bus stop. They really really need to make a shortcut to get out to farthest stops. Or at least rotate and punish some other resort guests with the long, long walk 😄😄


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