In Every Run That Must Be Done; There is an Element of Fun (comments welcome)

3 Days Until: Arboretum Bud Break 5K

I’m still not quite in running shape (although I might’ve been willing to try if it were nicer out). But I did do 51 minutes of easy walking on the treadmill to keep my legs used to moving.

Can everyone send nice weather wishes out into the universe for Sunday morning? I’d really prefer to not run in the rain. I only need it to be dry from like, 7:30am-10:00am—is that so much to ask??

2022 workout data to date: 108h 49m 16s of exercise; 47,010 active calories burned; 57,336 total calories burned
2 Days Until: Arboretum Bud Break 5K

I’m feeling somewhat better today. I walked 2.68 miles on the treadmill. I might try running tomorrow, but it’ll have to be on the treadmill because of rain. I still need better weather for Sunday’s race!

I heard from Disney today about the headphones I had forgotten in my room at Coronado that got pocketed before the person sent to find them had a chance to get there. I had sent an email to guest services a couple days after I got home explaining the situation, and not really expecting anything to come of it. But they called today and asked me to go over the situation again, and then asked when and where I had bought the headphones, and for how much, then said they were going to send me a check for that amount! Sadly, it’s only about half the cost of the overpriced replacements I had to buy at the airport, but still way better than nothing.

2022 workout data to date: 109h 52m 51s of exercise; 47,286 active calories burned; 57,720 total calories burned
2 Days Until: Arboretum Bud Break 5K

I’m feeling somewhat better today. I walked 2.68 miles on the treadmill. I might try running tomorrow, but it’ll have to be on the treadmill because of rain. I still need better weather for Sunday’s race!

I heard from Disney today about the headphones I had forgotten in my room at Coronado that got pocketed before the person sent to find them had a chance to get there. I had sent an email to guest services a couple days after I got home explaining the situation, and not really expecting anything to come of it. But they called today and asked me to go over the situation again, and then asked when and where I had bought the headphones, and for how much, then said they were going to send me a check for that amount! Sadly, it’s only about half the cost of the overpriced replacements I had to buy at the airport, but still way better than nothing.

2022 workout data to date: 109h 52m 51s of exercise; 47,286 active calories burned; 57,720 total calories burned
It’s nice to hear that Disney’s doing something to make it right. There’s so much negativity lately, thanks for sharing a positive!
1 Day Until: Arboretum Bud Break 5K

Well, I didn’t end up running today. But I did get almost my full 5 scheduled miles in. I walked 4.75 miles on the treadmill while watching Moon Knight.

The weather for the race tomorrow is going to suck. But I’m going to do it anyway. It better be a nice shirt!!

2022 workout data to date: 111h 29m 18s of exercise; 47,671 active calories burned; 58,270 total calories burned
Arboretum Bud Break 5K

It was 42°F and sprinkling for the whole run. And I started a couple minutes behind everyone else because I cut my timing too close, not realizing that I had to get a bib and attach a timing chip to my shoe before the race. I’ve never done a timed race at the Arb before, and they didn’t provide any details ahead of time. But I didn’t finish last, so I’m okay with it.

It was a really boring race because spring is so slow this year and there wasn’t much to see (other than many many earthworms on the road) My headphones died halfway through, but I was able to keep my intervals going by cranking up the volume on my phone.

2022 workout data to date: 112h 8m 18s of exercise; 48,055 active calories burned; 58,720 total calories burned
Congrats on your race! It’s too bad the course wasn’t prettier. I guess the arboretum usually looks a bit more colorful this time of year?
19 Days Until: Women Run The Cities 10 Miler

I still feel like yuck, but since I did alright at my race yesterday, I decided I could get out and do my run today. I got the official results of my race, and I came in 61/75 overall, 40/52 gender, and 11/14 in my age group. These results might be slightly off, since they didn’t have a starting mat, just a finish line, so everyone’s time was based off whenever they said “go” even if the person wasn’t at the start line at that moment (like me).

Today’s run was fine, but I went out way too fast.

After my run, and after dinner, I went out to find some of my furry friends. I found one unnamed chipmunk who was hanging out on Nacho’s stump.

And I found Gus, fresh out of the dirt (but luckily for him, not mud)

2022 workout data to date: 112h 38m 25s of exercise; 48,320 active calories burned; 59,036 total calories burned
18 Days Until: Women Run The Cities 10 Miler

This cold is just kicking my butt. I can’t get a full night’s sleep. I did not go out for a run today, choosing to do my seated dumbbell workout instead. I did manage to get through the spinning room of doom this morning and join Club runDisney, so that will make future race weekends more exciting (or at least cut down on all the standing around time that kills my feet)

I went out to feed chipmunks a couple times, but didn’t get any pictures because the chipmunks were pretty shy. They get nervous on windy days—I wonder if it’s because they can’t hear their surroundings as well?

2022 workout data to date: 113h 12m 33s of exercise; 48,574 active calories burned; 59,316 total calories burned
17 Days Until: Women Run The Cities 10 Miler

I think I might be on the other side of this cold thing—just don’t ask me to talk, and especially don’t ask me to sing. I was trying to sing in the car while my grandma and I were driving home from picking up dinner and no sound would come out 🫢😅

The weather is finally getting to be spring-like, and I was able to get out for a run. I made a conscious effort to keep the first mile to a reasonable pace, and actually succeeded.

I was also able to spend a lot of time outside with my chipmunks. King was up on his tree:

Can’t see him? Try the zoomed shot:

He prefers to eat while clinging half to his tree and half to my hand.


There was also this friendly little one who hasn’t found his name yet.

And Patch was particularly active today, starting his day before 10am (which is early for a chipmunk)


I’ve decided that this chipmunk is called Albert, because the spruce tree he lives under is called a “Fat Albert”

There were a number of other chipmunks who came for food, but were too shy for the camera. The little buggers know where my door is, and have figured out how to get my attention. Patch was sitting on a resin squirrel that sits on the patio outside my door this morning, waiting for me to come out and feed him. Another chipmunk came to the door and stood up to look for me. I do not feed chipmunks on the patio because I don’t want them to start swarming the door every time it opens.

2022 workout data to date: 113h 58m 55s of exercise; 48,990 active calories burned; 59,811 total calories burned
16 Days Until: Women Run The Cities 10 Miler

Well, I did not get to run today. My cold has moved out of my head, but now I’m coughing more. I was talking to my grandma and started coughing to the point I got dizzy, so I decided that running was probably not the smart choice for today.

Patch was waiting on the squirrel again today.

I observed some interesting critter dynamics today. I had reached the bottom of the bucket of nuts, and as anyone who eats nuts knows, the bottom of the bucket has a lot of crumbs and dust, so I dumped it out in a little pile on the lawn in the backyard. I did this in front of Patch so he’d know the food was there. After I went back inside, I watched him eating the nuts. Also watching him? A blue jay. A blue jay was impatiently and noisily watching Patch eat, but did not attempt to chase him away. After Patch left, the blue jay moved in, until another chipmunk ran up for their turn. Then the blue jay hopped back and let the other chipmunk eat. Another blue jay came, and also did not interfere with the chipmunks eating. So apparently chipmunks outrank blue jays in the woodland social hierarchy?

2022 workout data to date: 114h 22m 23s of exercise; 49,180 active calories burned; 60,041 total calories burned
15 Days Until: Women Run The Cities 10 Miler

I could (mostly) breathe today, so I went for a run after work. I was trying to take it easy since I was a lot slower the last time I was able to run in 70°F sunny weather and I didn’t want to overdo it. Also, I’ll be getting up and going for a long run tomorrow morning.


2022 workout data to date: 115h 23m 41s of exercise; 49,697 active calories burned; 60,662 total calories burned
14 Days Until: Women Run The Cities 10 Miler

Well, I should’ve done 2 things before my run this morning: 1) I should have taken some Aleve to prevent soreness in my back and 2) I should have gotten out of bed earlier so there might have been fewer cyclists on the trail—some of them really whip around you close when they pass.

The weather was nice, the trail was good and flat, and I was doing ok until the last 3 miles. Then my lower back started hurting and I had to walk a bunch, as evidenced by the splits. But even with all that, I was only about 4 minutes slower than the 10 miles I ran two weeks ago.


I earned my pretty May One Run virtual medal and shirt (and I’m really glad I didn’t do this one in-person, since it was cold and rainy and I was sick last Sunday—the 5K race I did run was bad enough. Right after I got cleaned up from my run today, we went out to my great aunt’s house to split and re-pot succulents to sell at their big garage sale that we do every year.


After I do my stationary bike workout tomorrow, I will officially break 500 deliberate exercise miles for 2022 so far, over half of which are running miles.

2022 workout data to date: 117h 44m 26s of exercise; 50,846 active calories burned; 62,051 total calories burned


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