I'm starting to soften toward Aulani

Interesting that you think Aulani would be more difficult to access if it was on a different island. I disagree. Driving on the other islands (and we have had rental cars on all the major islands) is definitely easier on the less crowded ones. Granted, there are several islands where it's easy to get on some pretty shall we say "rustic" roads, but a lot easier to drive and explore than Oahu. Each island has several populated areas, but none are quite as populated as Honolulu. The Lahaina area of Maui comes closest to that, but still not a city setting.

I know there are plenty of "rural" areas on Oahu, but they are still heavily populated and traffic is definitely an issue. Most of the Oahu traffic is from the airport and around to the northeast side and again down the middle of the island. The portion of the island Aulani is on is relatively lightly populated.

I think the reason I said Oahu was the least "Hawaiian" is because the high rises etc. prevent you from enjoying the true nature of the islands. I saw a recent photo of Waikiki beach from the sea, and the beautiful old PINK Royal Hawaiian Hotel was so tiny next to all the big new high rises. It is true that you wont find all the familiar fast food chains and Starbucks as much on the outer islands, but in my book, that's a good thing. Our last trip, we stopped at a local farmer's market on Kauai and bought some wonderful produce for our meals in our timeshare in Princeville.
I didn't mean driving on the other islands is difficult, I meant that you are more likely to have to take another flight to get there. HNL is the major airport of Hawaii, and many airlines fly there first, then you have to take yet another plane ride.

As many have said, while Waikiki does exist, Aulani has nothing to do with it, and is completely in it's own little world.

As far as rural and heavily populated, those don't really go together. You can't be rural and heavily populated, but we're getting off the rails here. I found that driving north (H3 I think) quickly got you into beautiful remote areas and then after getting to the middle of the island (and a military town) it went completely rural, no houses anywhere, just open views of pineapple fields, then eventually you got to the northern shore and traffic was busier as people went to the beaches. Reminded me of the mid-west or some areas of Upstate NY.

I was told by many that Oahu is just a city, etc, and was very pleasantly surprised.
I didn't mean driving on the other islands is difficult, I meant that you are more likely to have to take another flight to get there. HNL is the major airport of Hawaii, and many airlines fly there first, then you have to take yet another plane ride.

As many have said, while Waikiki does exist, Aulani has nothing to do with it, and is completely in it's own little world.

As far as rural and heavily populated, those don't really go together. You can't be rural and heavily populated, but we're getting off the rails here. I found that driving north (H3 I think) quickly got you into beautiful remote areas and then after getting to the middle of the island (and a military town) it went completely rural, no houses anywhere, just open views of pineapple fields, then eventually you got to the northern shore and traffic was busier as people went to the beaches. Reminded me of the mid-west or some areas of Upstate NY.

I was told by many that Oahu is just a city, etc, and was very pleasantly surprised.

Hilo and Kona are also major airports you can fly directly into from the mainland, and yes, you would have to take a flight, because you can't take a cab!:lmao: I find those interisland flights to be a lot like taking a shuttle bus.

I want to hear what you have to say after you've stayed on one of the other islands.;)

I have no doubt Aulani is going to be beautiful and much like AKV in that it will be more of a destination resort where you stay put to enjoy the resort rather than the rest of the locale. Since we are the kind of people who like to be on the go and not sit in one spot, I guess that is my major concern about going to Aulani. I can easily put 600 miles on a rental car driving around on a volcanic rock (one of the outer islands).:)
Hilo and Kona are also major airports you can fly directly into from the mainland, and yes, you would have to take a flight, because you can't take a cab!:lmao: I find those interisland flights to be a lot like taking a shuttle bus.

I want to hear what you have to say after you've stayed on one of the other islands.;)

I have no doubt Aulani is going to be beautiful and much like AKV in that it will be more of a destination resort where you stay put to enjoy the resort rather than the rest of the locale. Since we are the kind of people who like to be on the go and not sit in one spot, I guess that is my major concern about going to Aulani. I can easily put 600 miles on a rental car driving around on a volcanic rock (one of the outer islands).:)

Yes, you can fly directly into Hilo and Kona, but with less choices. Honolulu has over 4 times the amount of aircraft based there, and about 9 times more passenger traffic, so it is, overall, easier to get to than the other islands. Certainly a factor if you're Disney and looking at where to build (like 30 outside of a major Florida city).

I'm certain the other islands are beautiful. But, there's nothing to be concerned about with Aulani's location, I think they may have picked the best possible place in Hawaii....the most accessible island, but away from busy Waikiki. And when you are at the resort, you really have no sense of where you are, you just see the ocean or the mountains and lots of cool resort. You're in a Disney bubble.
Yes, you can fly directly into Hilo and Kona, but with less choices. Honolulu has over 4 times the amount of aircraft based there, and about 9 times more passenger traffic, so it is, overall, easier to get to than the other islands. Certainly a factor if you're Disney and looking at where to build (like 30 outside of a major Florida city).

I'm certain the other islands are beautiful. But, there's nothing to be concerned about with Aulani's location, I think they may have picked the best possible place in Hawaii....the most accessible island, but away from busy Waikiki. And when you are at the resort, you really have no sense of where you are, you just see the ocean or the mountains and lots of cool resort. You're in a Disney bubble.
And that's great if you go on vacation to sit in one spot at one resort the entire time. We don't do that. As I said a couple of posts ago....We like to "go" and "do".
The ride from HNL to Aulani took about 30 minutes when we landed around noon our first day (and there was road construction on the main highway out towards Hawaii near Kapolei)

We drove completely aroudn the island one day and the traffice was not bad at all.

We've never been to the other islands so we have no comparison, but the only time traffic was bad was when we did that complete circle of the island, we came back through Honolulu at about 4:30. But still the traffic was nothing like it is here around Chicago so we didn't think it was very bad.

I made it from Aulani down to Pearl Harbor in about 12 minutes at 6:40 AM.

The lagoon is marvelous.

We did go down to Waikiki one day. That was kind of so-so. Shopping was nice, but the beaches were nicer on the North Shore.
FWIW, we just got back from a short trip to DLR. We stopped by the DVC sales center since they had model Aulani rooms and since we bought ther in May we wanted to check them out.

We went to the center, told them who we we were and that we just wanted to see the rooms, handed over our card and waited for a Guide to free up.

Well, he must not have been told the details because after just a few minutes of looking at the scale model of the resort he said something like, and so many rooms will be DVC there's no reason to worry about buying there to get the room you would want.

We were sort of stunned. Even if it's true, why would a sales guy say that? If he knew we were owners there, it's immaterial and would not give us positive feedback. If he thought we were buying, certainly it's the wrong thing to say. It was almost as though he was getting ready to pitch another resort, but we cut him off before that and explained we owned at Aulani.

With all the DVC kiosks everywhere in the parks, we just assumed they were pushing Aulani big time. Maybe we're wrong?

BTW, the rooms are absolutely beautiful.
Personally, I think O'ahu is a nice mix of rural and city. It's where about 90% of the population of the whole state live, and most of us like it. ;)

My favorite "other" island is Big Island. I love Hilo and the volcano!
The ride from HNL to Aulani took about 30 minutes when we landed around noon our first day (and there was road construction on the main highway out towards Hawaii near Kapolei)

We drove completely aroudn the island one day and the traffice was not bad at all.

We've never been to the other islands so we have no comparison, but the only time traffic was bad was when we did that complete circle of the island, we came back through Honolulu at about 4:30. But still the traffic was nothing like it is here around Chicago so we didn't think it was very bad.

I made it from Aulani down to Pearl Harbor in about 12 minutes at 6:40 AM.

The lagoon is marvelous.

We did go down to Waikiki one day. That was kind of so-so. Shopping was nice, but the beaches were nicer on the North Shore.

EXACTLY! It certainly is NOT going to be as bad as Chicago or even Minneapolis, but your first part of that sentence says it all. If you have never been to the other islands, you have no idea what I am trying to say or what you might be missing.

I think some of the most enjoyable times we have had in Hawaii have been on Maui, Kauai, and the big island of Hawaii when we were driving on those rustic roads exploring a wonderful island and it's scenery. Nothing on Oahu can compare to the road to Hana on Maui, the east coast of Hawaii and the volcanos, or the north shore of Kauai. To me THOSE are the real Hawaii and Oahu is the commercial Hawaii.
I think some of the most enjoyable times we have had in Hawaii have been on Maui, Kauai, and the big island of Hawaii when we were driving on those rustic roads exploring a wonderful island and it's scenery. Nothing on Oahu can compare to the road to Hana on Maui, the east coast of Hawaii and the volcanos, or the north shore of Kauai. To me THOSE are the real Hawaii and Oahu is the commercial Hawaii.

Try thinking of Aulani slightly differently ... more like visiting an island on an island. As WDW is to Central Florida, Aulani is to Oahu: a destination. When considering Aulani, base your plans around "downtime" at the resort and immediate Ko Olina environs rather than "launching point for major exploring." Try onsite activities like snorkeling, paddle boarding, power walking & yoga. Stretch, breathe, relax ... play in the water ... enjoy simply being there and in the moment.

-- bwvBound
Related experiences: Multiple trips to Hawaii (Big Island), Oahu and Kauai. Have done lots of exploring on each of these islands and well as 25+ countries and all 7 continents. Have also recently enjoyed 8 days at Aulani with little outside exploring. All good ... just different!
Consider making Aulani the portion of the trip for only you and your DH to celebrate your anniversary. Take the family to Maui for your anniversary celebration and then stay for another 4 days (or longer if you wish) for the two of you at Aulani. Enjoy the spa, visit the Arizona Memorial, snorkel at Hanauma Bay, just do some fun things for the two of you.

Hope you have a great anniversary celebration Diane. And if you're not thrilled with staying at Aulani, don't. Stick to your original plan of going to Maui.
And that's great if you go on vacation to sit in one spot at one resort the entire time. We don't do that. As I said a couple of posts ago....We like to "go" and "do".

It sounds perhaps that you're not really concerned with Aulani anyway, so there no reason to be disappointed in where it is. If you want to go to Hawaii, and stay with Disney, Aulani is in the perfect spot. If you want to just have a place to sleep at night, there are plenty of other options. We certainly didn't stay in one spot, I can't do that everyday either. We did 4 excursion days out of the 7 we were there, and kind of wished we had more time to just take in everything the resort (and the island) had to offer. We could certainly have plenty to do on the island the next time we're there, but we may do a one-day package to another island.

Yes, there is traffic towards Honolulu during the morning and afternoon rush hour, mostly morning. But as others have confirmed, the rest of the island simply isn't like that. Honolulu is where most of the population of the entire state of Hawaii lives. There are pluses and minuses to that. The pluses being that population comes with amenities (easier access, more choices to get stuff, great cell phone coverage, etc).
Hi Diane,
I completely understand your thinking regarding Aulani. We spent several years staying at the Outrigger Waikiki and the Royal Hawaiian because we enjoyed the people watching and the activity of that area. We visited all of the Oahu sites multiple times and enjoyed them. Then we discovered the other Hawaiian islands and quit staying on Oahu. When Disney announced Aulani we were disappointed that it would be on Oahu because we really have no interest in staying on that island anymore. But now that I see what a beautiful resort it is, and being curious enough to want to see it, I would also love to stay there for a few days. Unfortunately DH's health issues have made the long flight too risky, so last year was our final Hawaii trip (and we probably should not have chanced last year). If I were in your shoes I would spend 4 or 5 days at Aulani and then another island, but if you are tied to a 7 day RCI stay and want to do 2 - 1 week stays then I guess I would probably do 7 days at Aulani. With some members of your party being newbies to Oahu, I think the joy of experiencing Oahu sites with them will outweigh inconveniences like traffic. And you will still have a week on a neighbor island to have a more "natural" Hawaii feel.
Have a fantastic trip to my favorite vacation spot on the planet!
It sounds perhaps that you're not really concerned with Aulani anyway, so there no reason to be disappointed in where it is. If you want to go to Hawaii, and stay with Disney, Aulani is in the perfect spot. If you want to just have a place to sleep at night, there are plenty of other options. We certainly didn't stay in one spot, I can't do that everyday either. We did 4 excursion days out of the 7 we were there, and kind of wished we had more time to just take in everything the resort (and the island) had to offer. We could certainly have plenty to do on the island the next time we're there, but we may do a one-day package to another island.

Yes, there is traffic towards Honolulu during the morning and afternoon rush hour, mostly morning. But as others have confirmed, the rest of the island simply isn't like that. Honolulu is where most of the population of the entire state of Hawaii lives. There are pluses and minuses to that. The pluses being that population comes with amenities (easier access, more choices to get stuff, great cell phone coverage, etc).

You didn't read my posts carefully, I HAVE BEEN TO HAWAII and Oahu enough times to know where everything is and what to expect. I also CAN stay using my DVC points on other islands if I choose to exchange to an RCI resort.

No, I do not just want a place to sleep. I want a NICE place to sleep that i can call "home' for the time I am there. For that reason, I do think Aulani will serve my purpose while I'm in Oahu. I just don't intend to spend multiple vacations to Hawaii in Oahu. I would be more likely to do as I've done in the past....Spend 2-3 weeks on one or several of the other islands and 2-3 days on Oahu on either end of the trip.
Hi Diane,
I completely understand your thinking regarding Aulani. We spent several years staying at the Outrigger Waikiki and the Royal Hawaiian because we enjoyed the people watching and the activity of that area. We visited all of the Oahu sites multiple times and enjoyed them. Then we discovered the other Hawaiian islands and quit staying on Oahu. When Disney announced Aulani we were disappointed that it would be on Oahu because we really have no interest in staying on that island anymore. But now that I see what a beautiful resort it is, and being curious enough to want to see it, I would also love to stay there for a few days. Unfortunately DH's health issues have made the long flight too risky, so last year was our final Hawaii trip (and we probably should not have chanced last year). If I were in your shoes I would spend 4 or 5 days at Aulani and then another island, but if you are tied to a 7 day RCI stay and want to do 2 - 1 week stays then I guess I would probably do 7 days at Aulani. With some members of your party being newbies to Oahu, I think the joy of experiencing Oahu sites with them will outweigh inconveniences like traffic. And you will still have a week on a neighbor island to have a more "natural" Hawaii feel.
Have a fantastic trip to my favorite vacation spot on the planet!
BINGO!!!! Thank you, Jean! You "get it"!!! I have been very interested in how nice Aulani looks, but for the long flight, I'm not interested in spending the greater part of my vacation there. :thumbsup2
Okay, so as soon as my 7 month window rolls around, we are going to try for a 2 bedroom at Aulani. In the meantime, I'm going to start an RCI search for a week in a 2 bedroom on one of the other islands. I'm going to leave it somewhat open, but I'm hoping for something on the west side of Hawaii. I'll take Kauai or Maui too if that's what's available, but our family wants to do the volcanos.
Awesome, Diane! Can't wait to read your review.
I don't know if Wyndham Kona Hawaiian is RCI, but it is really nice and just a short walk to downtown Kona for meals and shopping. We also loved the Wyndham we got after the resort we booked got flooded in the Tsunami last March. It was the Wyndham Mauna Loa Village and I don't know if it is RCI or not. If I were lucky enough to go back I would stay there for cash. It was really reasonable and immaculately clean. It is right near Kona Coast resort.
I'll bet that you are getting excited as the date for booking gets closer!
Okay, so as soon as my 7 month window rolls around, we are going to try for a 2 bedroom at Aulani. In the meantime, I'm going to start an RCI search for a week in a 2 bedroom on one of the other islands. I'm going to leave it somewhat open, but I'm hoping for something on the west side of Hawaii. I'll take Kauai or Maui too if that's what's available, but our family wants to do the volcanos.

Diane, I'm with you on Aulani. I'd do the same thing. Debating if we want to try HI again in 2013.

Poking around in RCI, there was a bulk deposit of Wynhdam Kona Hawaiians just put in through summer of 2013.
With 4 or 5 days at Aulani, you won't be disappointed. As others have said, it's a destination in itself. Enjoy your time there and enjoy everything it offers. :thumbsup2
Well now my problem is to figure out how to get the correct use year points held for my 7 month booking window. I don't want the exchange to take them, because the exchange will be in my next use year. ( a stay that spans across the use year boundary). To make sure those 2012 points and part of the 2013 points are available for my Aulani reservation, I think I'm going to have to reserve something now at OKW for approximately the same number of points so any exchange for March 2013 will take the remainder of the 2013 points and dip into 2014 if need be. I'm afraid if I don't do that, they will use too many 2013 points for the exchange, and I wont have enough to do the Aulani portion from the correct use year.:headache:
Well now my problem is to figure out how to get the correct use year points held for my 7 month booking window. I don't want the exchange to take them, because the exchange will be in my next use year. ( a stay that spans across the use year boundary). To make sure those 2012 points and part of the 2013 points are available for my Aulani reservation, I think I'm going to have to reserve something now at OKW for approximately the same number of points so any exchange for March 2013 will take the remainder of the 2013 points and dip into 2014 if need be. I'm afraid if I don't do that, they will use too many 2013 points for the exchange, and I wont have enough to do the Aulani portion from the correct use year.:headache:
Diane, I had to do a dummy reservation also one time. Do it!

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