I'm a Veteran!

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Congrats!!! In no time, you'll be passing the 100 mark and then you'll be shocked at how quickly you'll hit 200. We all know it's because these boards are addictive, and so far Pete hasn't offered any of us a 12-step program to overcome it! :D :D :D


<font size="2"><font color="#F0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font></font></font)
Way to go Valerie Ann! I keep telling my DH I can't be as obsessed with WDW as he thinks I am because I haven't achieved Veteran DIS status yet. But I hope to achieve your grand stature someday before too long. Be seein' ya around the boards!

. . . Well, what do you know? I posted this reply and saw that I'M now a DIS vet. Yee-ha!

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands
Congratulations!!! I still have a ways to go.

<img src=http://lisasclipart.bizland.com/images/anisimbanala.gif>
How many postings do you have to have before you become a veteran?

I think it's 75 posts to become a DIS veteran? It's been a while for me and the funny thing is, how can I be a DIS Veteran and I haven't been to Disneyworld yet? (2 more weeks to go!) At any rate, since participating in the boards here, I've helped my friend plan and book his first WDW trip in July at Coronado Springs Resort. He thinks I'm some kind of expert!
Hi, Valerie-Ann! :) This is a great topic for the Community Board, so I transferred it over there. To view further replies, click here.

Debi, co-moderator of the
<a href="http://wdwinfo.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&s=40009993&a=corfrm&cf=87009194">Disney Tips Board</a>
Cast Members Only board
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"You can never run from trouble. Ain't no place that far."
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