If you have a Dec Birthday...

NYE baby here... I hate it. I NEVER had a birthday party... never got just a "birthday present" there was always one gift kept aside from my christmas presents give to me for my birthday.. it sucked.. still does. :sad2: The older I get the more I hate it. I'll be 31 this year... 31 years with out a party, real presents, no school cupcakes none of that :( I sound like a whiney baby but I make up for it thru the kids.. they get all of that! Sometimes I go overboard but oh well! They'll get what I didn't!princess:princess:pirate:pirate:Oh yeah the latest any of their birthday are is October so we are good with not having to worry about! :thumbsup2
My oldest was born on 12-19-73. We did a couple of things to ensure that she was able to celebrate her birthday:

We always wrapped her birthday gifts in BIRTHDAY paper, and not CHRISTMAS paper. Christmas presents were completely separate! We always had a FAMILY birthday party for her on the 19th, as it was nearly impossible to schedule a regular birthday party with same-aged friends. (School was out, families travelled, bad weather,etc.)

At about age five, we started having a HALF-BIRTHDAY party for her on JUNE 19 for several years, mainly during elementary school. The weather was good, kids were out of school for a couple of months instead of a couple of weeks, the pool was open, etc. Birthday cakes were decorated saying something like "Happy 6 1/2 Birthday"...up to about age 11 or so. Most times, I made the half-birthday cake, but some years I would order it from a bakery. Many quizzical looks and raised eyebrows when ordering a HALF-BIRTHDAY cake!

This worked for us, and for her!
First, let me say...hey, Tina & Kerri!! :)

To the poster who just had a baby on the 7th...my son was 10 on December 7th and we have always found that his birthday doesn't tend to get looked over because of the holidays. It seems like it's enough time in advance that people aren't yet overly stressed with Christmas mania. He generally has a party on his birthday or within a day or two. I am almost positive that he has never gotten a combo gift or a gift in Christmas wrap from anyone. Maybe his seems far enough out from Christmas, though, because of my daughter's bday (read on)?

I thought about not doing the tree until after his birthday to differentiate it, but then...my daughter will be 9 ON Christmas Day, and we can't wait until after hers to put the tree up!

What I hate most about her 12/25 birthdate is that she doesn't have her own special day. Christmas is special for EVERYONE and sure, it makes her unique to have the day as her birthday, but I think she'd love it more if she had a random day any time near Christmas that was her own day, ya know? As it is now, we try to do a party as close to her bday as we can. Last year we did the 29th, this year it was the 18th-19th (slumber party). She takes birthday treats to school before Christmas break and she gets to choose dinner some time the week after Christmas (can be something at home or out). It's slightly more complicated with us because I am divorced and because Xmas is a holiday AND her bday, she has to spend some time with her dad then too. So, fitting it all in can be hard. But, she wakes up to balloons, streamers, a birthday banner, cake and presents on her birthday. We stop the Christmas celebration in the middle at the big family get together and sing to her and let her blow out candles. She gets distinct separate birthday gifts. I had a migraine on December 19th when I was pregnant with her and the dr. sent me to the ER with preeclampsia fears (I'd had it with my son and his birth was a result of an induction because of preeclampsia.). In the end, we were sent home, but every year, I can't help but wonder how different it could be for her if she'd been born that day. Or, the 29th...I was scheduled for a routine induction on the 29th because my dr. was on call. But, of course, I didn't make it until then. There's a huge part of me that wishes she would've held out for that day too, so it'd be her own. Finally, her due date was January 4th and to me, it seems light years away from Christmas, so that she would indeed have her own day. Sigh. Ah well, we spoil her rotten and she's extremely excited right now...just 3 days until she's 9 and 3 days until Santa!
My DM, DMiL, and I have birthdays in December and January. Here's what we do:

  • Never give a combination gift.
  • Never give a Christmas-themed birthday present.
  • Never wrap the birthday gift in Christmas paper.
  • Always acknowledge the birthday in a special way.



Christmas Eve birthday here, my mother was famous for wrapping my gifts in Christmas paper or turning it inside out. Used to drive me crazy. My mother also bought a christmas tree when I was 15ish and I was so mad!

The only time I had a b-day party was when for my 13th at the beginning of December. Growing up we usually spent my birthday at my grandma's and the first couple of hours were celebrating the birthday with cake then it transitioned into christmas.

Now that I'm married, DH is very good about keeping my birthday separate, and I make sure we have a supply of birthday wrapping paper on hand. Then we go out to an early dinner before the restaurants close and come home and watch movies. Just the way I like it! :goodvibes
I have a question for those of you that don't want a combo gift. What if its a really expensive gift and the only way to get what you want is to combine the gift? When DS was 14 all he wanted was a laptop. I don't spend that much at Christmas or at birthdays, but I could get it if I combined his birthday and Christmas gifts (his birthday is in Oct). We talked about it and he said he was ok with waiting until Christmas and getting just the laptop as that's all he wanted. He never acted at upset and was thrilled to get the laptop on Christmas Day.
I think it's fine if the bday person is ok with it.

It was sad to see my DS's face at his party (last weekend) when MIL told him he'd have to wait until Christmas to open his present. I know it hurt his feelings that she thought his birthday wasn't special enough to warrant a gift, even a small one.
My bday was on Dec 8th and my dads is today. I don't even start thinking about Christmas until after my bday. My family never gave me any gifts wrapped in Christmas paper. I did get a combo gift when I was younger (a sweatsuit- I got the pants for my bday and the top for Christmas)-GRRRRR. I will never forget that. I do also make a huge deal out of my bday (parties and such) because I swear my bday is its own holiday:cool2:
My mother was Dec 20th...she always told me, every year, that she never got a separate birthday gift when she was little, always a combo gift.

So when my daughter was born on Dec 24th, I always had her birthday party on the 24th and put the Christmas tree up after they went to sleep! We began putting the tree up earlier when she was 8 or 9, but still had her birthday celebration on Christmas Eve.

Years later, she had to work on Christmas Eve and everyone said, "oh, you must have gotten gypped". She said that she didn't know what they were talking about. I said thank Grammy! LOL.

I thought about the half birthday, but my other daughter was born on June 24th.

My husband's birthday is Dec 31st, 2 minutes to Midnight...he thinks all these parties are for him!:laughing:

Merry Christmas :santa: and Happy New Year!:wizard:

Both me & my DSIS have December birthdays - me 12/31 :eek: & DSis 12/17. We each always had a small family party - that was it. Birthdays were better when I became an adult ;) got to ring in the New Year big time!
My DD5 got to go to Disney for her birthday. Can't beat that. She turned 5 on 12/13 at DHS.

As for something special for a 10yr old. I gave my oldest a photo shoot with her friends at JCPenney's. She loved it and they each got a picture as a souviener. She did other things, too, like a skate night and dinner out.
Another December 19th baby here! I am an only child, and my parents were always very good about making sure my birthday was kept separate from Christmas. Although, I love Christmas, so I really didn't mind if my presents were wrapped in Christmas paper, or if my cake was red and green, or especially if we did something "Christmas-y", like go to the Nutcracker. The only thing that bothered me was the combo gift from extended family or friends. I mean, really? Can I hand someone a gift for their July birthday and say, "This is your Christmas present, too."? I don't think so!!!! ;)

Yes, you totally can do that, and I do!!!

And I didn't know you were a 12.19 baby, too!! We went to Cheesecake Factory by Penn Square on the 19th, and the wait was CRAZY!! Somehow we got skipped twice, so we ended up with $50 in free appetizers. :thumbsup2
My bday is Dec 20 and the only rules for me is to acknowledge my birthday and DO NOT give me a combo bday/xmas gift. I tell everyone if they are going to be giving me a combo present expect the same no matter what time of the year their bday is! lol

yup, same here. My b-day is Dec 30th, so my rule is you better wish me a happy birthday before happy new years.

The tradition for the last 5 or 6 years is that the birthday person gets to pick the menu for the family sunday dinner either right before or right after the big day and i make them whatever dessert they choose. Well, a couple of times I've had to put my foot down and ask for a sunday dinner on a non sunday night, since the sunday before was too close to christmas and the sunday after was technically the next year!
DD turned 7 on the 19th. We always have had her party with friends the weekend before her b'day - its typically fine - those that we want to come show up. LOL This year we did it really early 'cause her dad couldn't be there any other weekend 'cause of work - so we did it Dec 5. It was fine - but her b'day completely snuck up on me 'cause I wasn't used to it being so close to Th'giving! Almost didn't get the invites out in time - had to hand deliver some & even 1 on the day of the party (TACKY! LOL)

I have always done a completely separate party - & gifts (we give @ least 1 on the party day) & cake (we usually make a lame looking one!)

My MIL came to her party - & didn't bring a gift 'cause she wanted to wait to give her gift ON her b'day - so naturally I had to meet her ON dd's b'day as well:eek: .

This year was a paintin pottery party & dd's friends got to choose what kinda plate to paint & they all chose Reindeer! Oh well - so much for keeping it nonChristmas themed.

And ya know on her b'day all we did was shop all day! :scared1: I thought about it briefly once - but since MIL was with us she was hunting shoes so we did that all day & I got some gifts too. Poor dd. She did get to pick her b'day lunch out & her dad met us for lunch & we opened a few more gifts -so she was okay I guess. I'll have to be more careful next year though.
My DS turned 2 on Dec 17 and I've been determined to do everything I can to make sure his birthday doesn't get lost in the Christmas season. I kept the family room "Christmas free" with no decorations, and I put up a banner and streamers and balloons to make it his birthday room. We've talked to our close friends and family about helping us make his B-day special so they know to use b-day wrapping paper, b-day cards, etc. There's been a few folks who gave him "combined" gifts or used Christmas gift wrap, but it's not the norm so far, and right now he's still too young to know the difference. At this point, he just thinks he's on one big present spree, since we've had birthday celebrations with various friends and family for a week and now we're doing lots of Christmas gatherings. He's pretty convinced he gets to open more presents every other day! :laughing:

My birthday is Jan 14, and you'd think it would be far enough away from Christmas to escape these problems, but no. I got the dreaded combined b-day/Christmas gifts, or stuff wrapped in Christmas paper, or worst of all - Christmas items bought on clearance. Seemed like every year I'd get two or three stuffed animals dressed in red and green or santa or elf clothes or something like that. It was awful when the clearance tags were still attached, too, even if the price was removed.

When DS gets older, I'll let him decide when he wants to celebrate his birthday, but I'll make sure it's clearly his birthday celebration and nothing else.
As a child, my mom always had her b-day combined with Christmas (she was born 12/23). She HATED that. Never had a separate special day.

I was born 12/30 - and she always made sure I had a separate special birthday... I appreciated that. My daughter was born 11/27 - which is well before Christmas, but often runs into Thanksgiving... but I always make sure she gets a special birthday that is all about her.
I just wanted to add we did not always avoid the Christmas colors for DD's partys. This year we did Green, Red & White balloons & it looked great. We had snowman plates & napkins.

We did a Candy Bar for her guest to make a goodie bag with Christmas candy. It was a BIG hit & everyone was talking about it at school the next day...which is like getting in the newspaper for highschool:laughing:

Last year we did hot pink poinsettias & pink Christmas Balls on a minni tree. We carried the pink theme for most the food.

We embrace the time of the year yet put a spin on it.

My had a fall baby & spring baby too. I ussally go with those time of the year.
Yes, you totally can do that, and I do!!!

And I didn't know you were a 12.19 baby, too!! We went to Cheesecake Factory by Penn Square on the 19th, and the wait was CRAZY!! Somehow we got skipped twice, so we ended up with $50 in free appetizers. :thumbsup2

You do?? You are my hero!!!! :thumbsup2

I would almost think that $50 in free appetizers at Cheesecake Factory would be worth the extra wait! I love that place. My DD had back surgery in Dallas on the 14th, so she was still in the hospital on my birthday. Not the best way to spend the day, but my husband took me to dinner at Pappadeux while my parents stayed with her. We sat at the bar, and the bartender must have sensed my stress, because he made me the strongest margarita I think I've ever had! I wasn't quite as stressed after that...;)
My B-day in beginning of Dec. and I always got..."here's a little something for now, you'll get the rest at Christmas"... "no, you can't have a party, we're too busy and the weather might be bad."....
However, DH Birthday is Christmas Day so everyone felt bad for him and made a big deal for him. :confused3

Even now, DH and I both make a big deal out of each others' B-day and make it separate. We also celebrate 1/2 birthdays at our house, so June is a fun month for us too! We did that because DS10 birthday is the end of Nov. and we wanted a reason to celebrate another time of year... funny, then DS3 & DD3 were born on MY 1/2 Birthday!

Never use Christmas paper, even if you turn it inside out!
Don't use red or green on the cake!
I have actually received a card that was printed with "Happy Christmas-Merry Birthday"..... didn't like it!
You do?? You are my hero!!!! :thumbsup2

I would almost think that $50 in free appetizers at Cheesecake Factory would be worth the extra wait! I love that place. My DD had back surgery in Dallas on the 14th, so she was still in the hospital on my birthday. Not the best way to spend the day, but my husband took me to dinner at Pappadeux while my parents stayed with her. We sat at the bar, and the bartender must have sensed my stress, because he made me the strongest margarita I think I've ever had! I wasn't quite as stressed after that...;)

Absolutely! :laughing:

Aww, hope she's feeling better!! :flower3:
I have a question for those of you that don't want a combo gift. What if its a really expensive gift and the only way to get what you want is to combine the gift? When DS was 14 all he wanted was a laptop. I don't spend that much at Christmas or at birthdays, but I could get it if I combined his birthday and Christmas gifts (his birthday is in Oct). We talked about it and he said he was ok with waiting until Christmas and getting just the laptop as that's all he wanted. He never acted at upset and was thrilled to get the laptop on Christmas Day.

With my Birthday being Christmas Eve and our Wedding Anniversary being 12/21, I can very well answer this one.

If DH buys me a really expensive gift, that is fine, but get me something else for each of the other two. I don't care if you buy me a $5.00 DVD or a new package of dish towels or a homemade coupon for a foot message. The gifts aren't about how much you spend on them, but that you recognize each one as an important date.
I have a DS just turned 9 with December 12 birthday, DH has January 2 birthday. My DS 7 years will turn 8 on Christmas day!!!!:santa: So our house is very busy this time of year!

We always do a combined party for the kids early in December. If we waited until closer to DS 7's birthday I'm afraid no kids would be able to come. Also we always have it in our house since the weather around here can be very bad I don't want to book a party place and have no one show up!

Birthday presents are always wrapped in Birthday paper. We don't skimp on birthday presents just because Christmas is coming. Each boy gets most of their presents at their party, and we save one for their actual birthday. Birthday presents go by the fire place. Not under the tree. On DS 9's birthday he gets to choose where we go out to eat. On DS 7's birthday we go out either Dec 23 or Dec 26th since most places are closed on Christmas day.

By the time we get to DH's Jan 2 birthday we are so tired of birthday cake that we usually have cookies or something else.:rotfl: I do make sure to get him a decent birthday present even if we have overspent on the boys birthdays and Christmas. I guess I'm lucky my birthday is in the summer!

OMG - you could almost be my SIL!! :rotfl2: My brother's birthday is the 27th, his DS1's 9th birthday was on the 12th, his DS2's 8th birthday is on the 23rd, and his DD's 6th birthday is on Feb 18th. How odd that his fam's bday dates are so very close to yours!

As the big sis I did always feel so sorry for my brother getting a Christmas/Bday combo gift. On one hand it was usually a really cool/more expensive toy than what I would get but, on the other hand, he then had nothing to open on his birthday and for that I felt sorry for him.

As the dear auntie, I do make sure that the kids get separate gifts (wrapped in appropriately themed paper!) and we always get the family together (we all live close by) on the weekend closest to each of their birthdays - this year on the 12th for DN9 and on the 19th for DNalmost8. It does kind of mildly suck that ALL of their birthdays fall so very close to Christmas - ouch on the pocketbook but, on the other hand (there is always "the other hand" isn't there? :laughing:) the deals are great this time of year! I can usually get them something that would be out of my price range during the rest of the year. I already have my niece's gift for her mid-Feb. bday.


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