I was not allowed to use rocking chairs at Baby Care Center

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It's a rule at Disneyland too, but they are more lax about it there. They will allow bottle feeding if no other nursing moms need the chair you are using. If they are busy and you are the only mom not nursing and one comes in, you have to give up the rocker and move. I did a combo of breast and bottle feeding. I would nurse first and then take the bottle out of the cooler bag and give my son the bottle next. Luckily he didn't mind cold bottles!

I actually think it's a fair rule. You can feed a bottle anywhere at WDW. Nursing moms deserve some privacy if they wish. Of course everyone would like to relax, but those centers are not meant to cater to every single parent with a baby at the parks.

Actually, as being 'baby care centers' I would think they ARE meant to cater to every single parent with a baby in the parks. I think it is horrible that a bottle feeding parent would be turned away. My goodness, what next - only cloth diapering parents allowed to use the changing tables there??

If I still had a bottle feeding baby - you could count me among those calling LOTS of managers/supervisors to complain about this one. Bottle feeding parents already get a lot of flack - this is just one more slap in the face.
I forget which park(s) had just the community room instead of the really private rooms with the doors but I like the community room better...it felt much less sterile and doctor's office like...almost like nursing in a family room which was much more comfortable. And I agree that those are called BABY care centers and having a quiet place to rest and eat should be offered to both nursing and bottle feeding mothers. On one hand, I understand reserving a private space for a nursing mother who requires privacy (this was me in the beginning, I just couldn't whip it out and if I had to I'd be too uncomfortable to get a decent letdown) but then why not have the big room full of rocking chairs for everyone? :confused3

It would be an extreme disservice to get rid of the baby care centers and I probably wouldn't go again with our second child if that were the case until they weren't nursing.
Just one thing, not sure how they should handle it if a dad wanted to bottle feed in the "nursing" room. :confused3 I had absolutely no problem nursing in front of men, or whoever, but might some of the moms who prefer the privacy of the nursing room be uncomfortable with this? Just thinkin' out loud.

From memory, Dads aren't allowed in the room and there was a sign saying so. The rooms are for people who want the privacy of breastfeeding who aren't comfortable to do it around other people for what ever reason.

The women didn't need to be rude about it, and I think they maybe they could put one aside for bottle feeding. But generally, I agree the rooms, should be left for nursing mothers.

I am sorry you felt discrimated against, I hope it doesn't taint your trip too much.

I'm as big a lactivist as you can get (though I was never into nursing in public b/c DS thought I should be a flasher), but I think it's absolutely UNfair.

Rocking and feeding are about the BABY. Sitting comfortably is just as much for the baby as for the mother. Being in a quiet room is about the BABY.

This is absolutely unfair, and I have half a mind to write them about this (WDW and DLR), because I hate the idea that a baby is being treated differently, and has to eat in a louder environment than normal, just because for whatever reason they aren't being fed from the biological source.

And if I have another baby and use one of those rocking chairs (though honestly I hate most rocking chairs and DS was too long to be comfortable nursed in one) and hear such an outrageously rude thing being said to someone, I will get up and I will invite that woman in to use "my" chair.

DITTO! And VERY nicely said!:thumbsup2
oh horrible. My little one is 2 now and I still use the baby care center for changing him if I am near there. I like the larger changing stations.

I also feed him something while there and will probably use it again. I would have no problem with a parent wanting to bottle feed a baby there. I personally like the BCC in Epcot the best. They have always been really helpful to me.

SO sorry you had to go through this.
I think everyone needs to take a step back and think about it. Disney can't make everyone happy all the time. I am sure they get lots of complaints about nursing moms in the parks (we see complaints on here!). Disney cannot do anything about that - they have to allow nursing. Although it is not a stated purpose, the nursing rooms give nursing moms a place to go. Disney of course would prefer this - trying to make as many people happy as possible. They have to give incentives for using this space such as quiet, rocking shares, and AVAILABILITY. A nursing mom is not going to take time out of their busy Disney schedule to make a trip to the baby care center if all the chairs are already taken by other moms who aren't nursing. Space is limited. I can understand why the OP was not happy. But, they are not trying to upset her, they are trying to ensure there is room to nurse in there so fewer moms nurse in the parks. I'm not necessarily happy about that - again I am all for the moms who nurse in public - but it is what it is. And, I admit, I was uncomfortable nursing in public so it was nice having a semi-private place to nurse.
This actually doesn't bother me at all. As a mom who exclusively bottle fed (by choice), I had no problems finding cool, quiet places throughout the parks to feed my son and that was on a June trip when he was 3 months old. We did use the baby care centers often, but there were lots of other places we fed him too with no issues. My son could have cared less about the rocking chair, he just wanted FOOD :lmao:

Just my personal opinion, but I think the nursing moms would need something like this more than bottle feeding moms. I don't think it is right that you couldn't use the room if there was plenty of availability, but I do not have a problem with nursing moms being given first priority for something like this.
I am so sorry this happened to you, how awful!!
I am very lucky that I have not yet had issues nursing, but not every mom is that fortunate, and it certainly shouldn't mean that they can't have a nice quiet and comfortable place to feed baby.
Nursing moms who are uncomfortable feeding in public can bring nursing covers and nurse in the room with bottle warmers right?
I don't think one group should be given privilege over another.
This actually doesn't bother me at all. As a mom who exclusively bottle fed (by choice), I had no problems finding cool, quiet places throughout the parks to feed my son and that was on a June trip when he was 3 months old. We did use the baby care centers often, but there were lots of other places we fed him too with no issues. My son could have cared less about the rocking chair, he just wanted FOOD :lmao:

Just my personal opinion, but I think the nursing moms would need something like this more than bottle feeding moms. I don't think it is right that you couldn't use the room if there was plenty of availability, but I do not have a problem with nursing moms being given first priority for something like this.

I also bottle-fed by choice & I think this is very unfair. If you want a nice, dim, quiet chair to feed your baby - you should get one. Not get treated like you're second class. Breastfeeding doesn't make you special & if you're not comfortable doing it, don't do it. Not get a special room just for you & those like you. If it's for feeding - it's for feeding, however that might be done.
I also bottle-fed by choice & I think this is very unfair. If you want a nice, dim, quiet chair to feed your baby - you should get one. Not get treated like you're second class. Breastfeeding doesn't make you special & if you're not comfortable doing it, don't do it. Not get a special room just for you & those like you. If it's for feeding - it's for feeding, however that might be done.

Really? Is the motivation really to make bf mothers more comfortable than bottle feeding mothers? Or is it to try to limit the amount of nursing in the parks - which receives tons of complaints? No one can make you feel second class but yourself.
Really? Is the motivation really to make bf mothers more comfortable than bottle feeding mothers? Or is it to try to limit the amount of nursing in the parks - which receives tons of complaints? No one can make you feel second class but yourself.

I agree....I really don't think they offer the rooms to make the moms more comfortable. I also think they do it to cut down on the breastfeeding in the parks. I am sure they get tons of complaints (not that anyone should care, but I am sure they get plenty of complaints). I think we all forget at times that Disney is a business and they do these things not because they are "nice people" but because it makes business sense to do it. Keep the guests happy without seeing breastfeeding moms all over the place, keep the breast feeding moms comfortable so they use the rooms, etc. Not saying it is right or wrong, but it is more of a business decision than anything else.
One thing we're forgetting, like so many things at the World, the BCC are sponsered by another company.
I don't know how long the baby care centers have been there, so I can't say the purpose for them. If they're a newer installation (like within 10yrs), then they may well be to help keep nursing mothers out of the park. But, if they've been there longer, I highly doubt that is the motivation because breastfeeding wasn't nearly as common then. The big pro-bf movement is a fairly recent phenomenon. The majority of the older generations bottle fed.
I agree....I really don't think they offer the rooms to make the moms more comfortable. I also think they do it to cut down on the breastfeeding in the parks. I am sure they get tons of complaints (not that anyone should care, but I am sure they get plenty of complaints). I think we all forget at times that Disney is a business and they do these things not because they are "nice people" but because it makes business sense to do it. Keep the guests happy without seeing breastfeeding moms all over the place, keep the breast feeding moms comfortable so they use the rooms, etc. Not saying it is right or wrong, but it is more of a business decision than anything else.

Agree and as I said earlier if too many people are using them and staffing begins to get expensive then it will be bye-bye for the baby centers. I am actually surprised they are still there.
While I was in Disney with my 4mth old baby, I exclusively pumped. I went into baby care center in MK and was told I could use the Nursing Only Room to pump as there were outlets there. I went in and it is a small room. I felt completley exposed as there is no way to really cover up while pumping, unlike breastfeeding where your breast is kind of covered by baby etc. SO I explained my situation to woman working in baby care center and she sent me over to First Aid which is next door to baby center. The nurse on duty showed me to a private room where I was free to pump. It was so nice! They really made sure I was comfortable. I again did this at Hollywood Studios and Epcot. Went straight to First Aid was allowed to pump in private.
The Nursing Only Rooms should be used for nursing mothers only. I would not want it overcrowded with non-nursing moms. It would be so crowded. I DO feel that they should have rocking chairs in the main room though.
Just my experience and opinion....
This actually doesn't bother me at all. As a mom who exclusively bottle fed (by choice), I had no problems finding cool, quiet places throughout the parks to feed my son and that was on a June trip when he was 3 months old. We did use the baby care centers often, but there were lots of other places we fed him too with no issues. My son could have cared less about the rocking chair, he just wanted FOOD :lmao:

Just my personal opinion, but I think the nursing moms would need something like this more than bottle feeding moms. I don't think it is right that you couldn't use the room if there was plenty of availability, but I do not have a problem with nursing moms being given first priority for something like this.

:thumbsup2I do agree with you. I also chose to bottle feed both of my children and it never occured to me to go feed DS or DD in a nursing room. I assumed those were for mothers who needed more privacy to nurse and didn't want to nurse out in the parks. Extra rocking chairs in the main room would be helpful to some people, but the rooms should be reserved for nursing moms.
wow that's crazy. not only to have such a silly rule, but also for that family to be sitting at MK watching TV.. Seriously, I think you can do without TV for a few days. or go back to your room. You shouldn't have to have that chaos when you are trying to feed your baby.
:thumbsup2I do agree with you. I also chose to bottle feed both of my children and it never occured to me to go feed DS or DD in a nursing room. I assumed those were for mothers who needed more privacy to nurse and didn't want to nurse out in the parks. Extra rocking chairs in the main room would be helpful to some people, but the rooms should be reserved for nursing moms.

I also agree with this:thumbsup2
Sorry, I guess I'm missing the big picture. :confused3
The Baby Care Centers are so far out of the way, it never occured to me to use them unless we were in the area. They came in SUPER handy when it took 2 day for Magical Express to get one of our bags to us...the bags with the weeks supply of diapers and wipes! So I bought a few of the diaper kits from the baby center to tide us over (and it was a good thing I overpacked the carry-on!) There are so many dark quiet place in the park to feed a little one, all it takes in a little imagination. some of the opinions expressed here are tantamount to complaining that those in wheelchairs get special entrances to the attractions. After all, they are already seated and so don't have sore feet from standing in line.
The Nursing rooms are not there to maker anyone feel "special" or "better" than anyone else. If you feel that way, YOU have attatched those feelings. Disney cannot prohibit breastfeeding in the park, so they provide an alternative, hoping some will choose to use it.
Also, keep in mind that those stations are sponsored by a FORMULA company, and quite possibly not the formula that you have in your bag.
What an insult not to let you use a rocking chair! Disney, you should be ashamed of such a policy. I too tried so hard to breast feed, and had to turn to bottles at 3 months for son, and 6 months for daughter as had so many challenges - very touchy subject for me too. It's like they are rewarding those moms that have an easier time to begin with. So many friends told me how easy nursing was, that supply equals demand, can feed baby anywhere - no bottles, no hassles. Well, it didn't go the way that my friends said it would at all. So I went and paid big money to lactation consultants, etc.

Well, this is another bad Disney policy that should be eliminated.

Also, while I'm at it - have a few more recommendations for Disney to make their park more kid-friendly:

1) Provide a booth to print up wrist tags for children that read: IF LOST, call: #####. Many parents would be happy to pay $3 for such a tag made for their child. My kids are now 4 & 6, don't get lost much anymore, but a few years ago when they were toddlers, one would run one way, and one the other, and I'd rush around like a mad woman trying to find one kid, then finding my crying hysterically daughter with a security guard looking for me, or my son running out into parking lots with another mom intercepting him from danger. I ended up ordering wrist tags on-line, but Disney should provide these.

2) Also, Disney - please take away the hidden "smoking areas" and put the smokers in a clearly marked and enclosed air filtering structure, so kids don't have to cough their way through a walkway filled with smokers. We always saw the tiny sign that read "smoking area" when we were already in the middle of the smoke - a horrible set up. Even the CM's complained to me about how Disney moves the smoking areas around without telling them. My kids and I were sick with asthma the rest of trip after being subjected to smoke a few months ago. The smoking areas, the way they are currently set up along a pathways, are detrimental to the health of all those visiting the park, and acts as terrible display for our kids to have to see bunches of people puffing away. Please enclose the smokers in a well marked structure that has some kind of air filtering system, so that everyone else can enjoy their day at the park. All the cigarette smoke inhalation we had to endure from our last trip was the biggest complaint of our entire trip.

Thanks for the laugh this morning, the funniest post I've read all day!
1. Disney DOES sell ink pens, so you can write your name and number on your children's forearm if you are paranoid. I've taken my kids to DL solo since they were 2 and 1.5, and never did it dawn on my that Disney owes me an ID badge.
2. The smoking areas are CLEARLY maked with signs, and on the maps, and are in pretty out of the way places. If something made me so sick, I would locate where it is, and go out of my way to avoid it, not walk through it and complain later. I hope you don't ride on Autopia or breathe on the freeways or anywhere else in public, because there are so many toxins in the "fresh air" we all breathe on a regular basis. Or is it the concentration of smoke? Maybe Disney should do away with the smoking areas all together, so the second hand smoke is less concentrated in the smoking areas.

I'm sorry if my post got so long and rambling, but the entitlement attitude that is penetrating every corner of our society is slowly leading to the ruin of everything that I hold dear!
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