I suspect Riviera must not be selling as well as they hoped it would


DIS Veteran
Feb 16, 2008
A couple of weeks ago, I reached out to Disney. I wasn't yet a member (still not technically, but I've passed ROFR on a contract now!), and I was curious about buying a Riviera contract.

I told this guide that I was aware that the listed minimum purchase for non-member was 100 points, but I didn't want that many points at Riviera. I only wanted 75 at most.

I asked if it would be possible to buy less than 100. He said no.

I asked if that would ever change for Riviera. He said no.

I thanked him for the information and told him I'd be shopping on the resale market then.

Last night, he left me a voicemail saying "good news! They're now going to allow non-members to purchase as few as 75 points at Riviera." Hmm....
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It's hard to say. I know that they have relaxed minimum buy-ins in the past, both for current and non-current members. When I asked about buying two 75 point contracts and two 25 point contracts, I was told that I couldn't buy any 25 point contracts because the minimum was 50 points. My guide knew this meant that I would buy less points, but she said they were told it was a firm rule at the time. I know that I could've pushed it by asking to get supervisor approval or waited to purchase as those rules tend to loosen up, but we ultimately decided to stick to 175 points and 3 contracts rather than 200 points and 4 contracts.

All of the first deeds are starting to show up on the OCC website. I have no idea if it is higher than normal for a new resort, about average, or lower than average. https://dvcnews.com/ will publish a sales report and analysis in a few weeks, I would guess. I don't know if I am hoping that sales are brisk or slow as molasses. If slow, there is at least some hope that the resale restrictions will be removed. Time will tell.
I wouldn’t read too much into it.

$14,100 plus closing is still a lot of money, so maybe they were losing too many people walking out of the sales center?

More likely, Disney is just reverting back to their standard practice of “overselling a resort” by way of selling small contracts against larger accommodations.

With an estimated 25% standard views, competition for those studios will be fierce. Small contract holders may find they’re not getting that magical experience they were sold on.

But back to your point, I’m pretty confident sales have been robust. Tim and Wil at DVCNews will likely have a report out shortly, not that early sales will be any indicator of long term success either way.

Riviera has a lot going for it. The biggest being “not 2042” - which I wouldn’t underestimate. Barring negative macroeconomic shifts, I’m sure sales will move as well as any other WDW resort; probably better than CCV.
I wouldn’t read too much into it.

$14,100 plus closing is still a lot of money, so maybe they were losing too many people walking out of the sales center?

More likely, Disney is just reverting back to their standard practice of “overselling a resort” by way of selling small contracts against larger accommodations.

With an estimated 25% standard views, competition for those studios will be fierce. Small contract holders may find they’re not getting that magical experience they were sold on.

But back to your point, I’m pretty confident sales have been robust. Tim and Wil at DVCNews will likely have a report out shortly, not that early sales will be any indicator of long term success either way.

Riviera has a lot going for it. The biggest being “not 2042” - which I wouldn’t underestimate. Barring negative macroeconomic shifts, I’m sure sales will move as well as any other WDW resort. Probably better than CCV.

We posted at the same time. Hahaha!
I think that’s a decent assumption OP. They tend to do things like that when sales are not what they expected or would like them to be.

And thus starts the circle again of small point owners all wanting studios in the lowest point requirement periods.
I think that’s a decent assumption OP. They tend to do things like that when sales are not what they expected or would like them to be.

And thus starts the circle again of small point owners all wanting studios in the lowest point requirement periods.
But now that the resale scourge has been addressed, who will Disney blame next when “members” complains about not being able to book a studio with their direct points?!
Every time a guide calls me I make it a point to say "You'd be making a sale right now if the resale restrictions were removed..." I'm hoping the slow drip of complaints about resale restrictions get somebodies attention higher up at Disney.
It's never been 100 minimum as far as I know. I went last week and the gal again told us it was a 75 point minimum. It sounds to me like he gave you the wrong information, and left you the VM saying "they're now making the minimum 75" to cover his own mistake. I too would have bought more direct without resale restrictions.
It definitely feels like they’re shooting themselves in the foot with the resale restriction. Yes, I bought anyway, but I bought less than I would have without the restriction to mitigate risk.

Also, the boards are filled with people who say they’d buy RR direct if the restriction was removed. Do they really not realize that the resale restriction was more a deterrent than a selling point? I, for one, have no plans to use my RR points anywhere except RR. I bought direct because the incentives were good, and I like what I’ve seen about the resort. The fact that I can use these points elsewhere at 7 months isn’t all that appealing when paying direct prices.

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