I outran Snowmaggedan & then ate too much! (w/pics)


I wanna go back ... when can I go back???
Jan 22, 2006
Hi all! Second dining report here. I am not very witty and will just throw this out there. DH and I tend to go to and eat at the restaurants we like over again but we did try two new ones this visit! The parks were cold, rainy and not crowded (except MK the first day) so we were able to do all we wanted to do and enjoyed our food too! We did mainly TS lunches except for arrival day and last day. We did not do the dining plan. I TRY to avoid desserts and like appetizers so the plan doesn't meet our needs in that respect. Hope you enjoy!

Seeing if I remember how to add pictures:
Hopefully this is one of DH and I (cold Epcot day!)


Next will start the reviews. We ate at The Wave, Captain Cooks (Poly), Tony's Town Square, San Angel Inn, ESPN Club, Yak & Yeti (counter service) and 'Ohana.
Well, snow was headed for Northern Va and since we were driving, I took another day off of work and we began driving down on Friday -- early! Thank goodness as we would have never made it out if not. My sister lives in Florida so we just imposed on them for another day! The drive down was uneventful and we got to hear from friends about all the snow!

We got to WDW early afternoon on Feb 7 (Superbowl Sunday).

CAPTAIN COOKS: We each had a single burger and shared fries at Captain Cooks (Poly resort). They had this Light Pomegranate-Lemonade which was delicious!


The burger was pretty good. (Order under the side menu if you are at the Poly!) and each came with either chips, steamed veggies or broccoli slaw. I got the steamed veggies - how healthy with the fries :goodvibes. The fries were very good! DH enjoyed the broccoli slaw - not in this pic but you will see later. (Cost for most of our counter service meals was $20-$23 - since we paid those cash (not charged to room), I didn't keep track)

From last year to this year, the sides (slaw/veggies) are MUCH smaller --

Although it was cold, the water was warm and we swam before getting ready for dinner at The Wave. This restaurant was new to us.

THE WAVE: We were seated immediately. Our table was nestled by a column and I felt there was plenty of room between the tables (by WDW standards). Our waitress was attentive.

The meal began with multigrain bread - delicious! We each had an organic Pale Ale too. (This was an interesting beer - hard to describe - a little bitter but good).

DH had a salad with oranges and avacado. I had the "moon" cheese pear (and apple) salad. Both were good. I didn't expect to like either salad but I did!



Filet was next. Cooked perfectly. It comes with a shredded potato and cheese timbale (what I would call it - not on the menu that I could find) and a small pat of bean paste. DH replaced his bean paste with carrots - they were very good too!


The filet was cooked perfectly for each of us. By the time the meal was completed, we were too full for dessert. Timing was perfect. The restaurant became very empty as the Superbowl had started. By the time we returned to our room, it was the third quarter!

We loved The Wave and would eat there again in a heartbeat! :thumbsup2

Cost for The Wave - with two beers each and the tip was $130.88.
Great reports. We had a cold trip too, and I think there is something magical about being able to snuggle up with your SO without getting sweated on :hug::rotfl:
Great report on the Wave.

We ate here in December and fell in love with it :) Glad you enjoyed it too. Your pictures make me long for Disney food again. Two years can't come soon enough for me. Thank you for allowing me to live vicariously through you for a while :rotfl:

Can't wait for more food porn and fun!! :thumbsup2
Monday 2-8-10 at Magic Kingdom. Everybody must have slept in. We had a great morning. The only thing we had to fast pass was Peter Pan. Rides were walk on! We especially enjoyed the refurbished Hall of Presidents. Very impressive. We finished Big Thunder Mountain in plenty of time to make it to Tony's Town Square -- EXCEPT, we didn't realize the Superbowl MVP would be there and an impromptu parade was formed. We somehow wormed our way across Main Street and made it close to our (lunch) reservation time. We did get to see the MVP from our vantage point on the steps of Tony's. Well I saw a glimpse of him!

One of the things I wanted to see this year was Lady and the Tramp footprints! Here they are!


By the way ... the Goofy statue that used to be near Tony's is gone! :scared1:

Tony's Town Square: This is not a gourmet feast. But it was pleasant and filling. Service was quick and our glasses were filled promptly time after time. We enjoyed a garden salad and I had spaghetti with meatballs. (I ate only 1/2 meatball - too much onion in them). There was crostini with the entree. I liked when they had soft bread sticks better - I am not a crostini fan. DH ate the rest of my meatballs and his baked ziti which was very tasty! We shared the walnut-lemon curd cake. I remembered it from our visit on our 21st anniversary and wanted to relive the moment. It was very different - moist and flavorful!




We had a lovely view out the porch window -- and another nice meal. It was comfortable and warm at Tony's. Here is a picture of the window near us:


Total for Tony's with tip was $66.20.
Dinner that night was at Captain Cooks again. Although in other years we ventured out to other CS locations, we were worn out (getting older!) and stayed close to home (Poly).

Hamburger again for me. Udon noodles for DH. There is chicken in the noodles. The noodles were not as good this year as last year. The sauce was a little less sweet and they tasted greasy -- not horrible but just not as good as we remembered. I watched this show on McDonalds the night before we left and just craved hamburgers - finally got it out of my system by the second burger! Note the broccoli slaw that DH ate. He shared the fries too.



Counter service at Captain Cooks was jammed the entire week. Plus people did not eat in the outside porch area because it was sooooo cold. We finally realized that the meal could be packaged up and we carried it back to eat in our room! Imagine that! (only took four trips to learn that!) -- then we could eat in jammies too! (Sorry we are boring - no night life for us!). I mean ... there was a NEW "House" on that night! HA HA!
Epcot 2-9-10 ... aka "The lonnnnggg coldddd rainnnnn"

Morning was fine. We did make the attractions we wanted to. It was extra magic morning hour and boy we used it to our advantage. I rode Soarin' for the first time - I LOVED IT! Didn't make me sick or scared -- I sometimes have trouble with IMAX type attractions. Anyway ... except for DH being trapped inside Test Track - I decided to sit one out ... we had a fun filled morning. Then the rain started, but we were headed for our lunch at San Angel Inn.

San Angel Inn. It was WONDERFUL! We were seated just two tables away from the Volcano. The tables are VERY close together but perhaps because of the dark atmosphere - people did not talk loudly (as is usual in a Disney venue) and so the sound was very muted and wonderful. Our waiter Manuel was very attentive and even tried to help me say my meal's name in Spanish ... OMG -- I was horrible and he must have wanted to laugh! :rotfl2: We each had a drink - margarita for me, and DH got the local mexican draft -- and the chips and (mild) salsa were tasty. I remember another poster saying they were store-bought variety -- well tell me the store because these were not Tostado brand by any means!


We each got a shrimp cocktail which was many shrimp in a spicy sauce. I am not so much into spicy but it was good and DH finished my sauce off using the chips!


DH had rib-eye tacos and I had grilled chicken and rice -- Don't make me say it in Spanish please!! :eek:



Everything tasted very good. Pacing was great. My drink was good (and strong!) ... and I was feeling mighty happy by the end of the meal. No room for dessert. Total for San Angel Inn with tip was $97.68. Here is my hold the camera and take a pic of us shot! Well, I didn't cut off DH's head at least!


OH MY RAIN RAIN RAIN after that.

PS... there are NO trolls in Norway except in the Maelstrom ride. Do not believe the Hidden Magic of Disney on that one! And poor DH looked and looked for me getting soaked in the process! We took our drippy selves back to the Polynesian and enjoyed a nap. We were going to be in Epcot the next day too and were hoping for better weather!
Well ... the rain stopped and we had a late supper at Captain Cooks. We took our meal back to the room. Tonight I had the cheese flatbread and DH had a burger. We shared a Polynesian salad which had some feta and pineapple on it with a light citrisy dressing. It was large enough to share. In the picture, I already split it up! I liked the flatbread better this year than last year. I thought it was very good! We had Nesquick to drink.




Later that night, the wind started and it got even colder!
Loving your report, sorry you had cool rainy weather, that flatbread at Capn Cooks looks great.
02-10-10 Epcot - Day 2

COLD COLD COLD -- I wore my heavy winter coat and felt so good in it. DH is never cold and wore his regular old sweat jacket which had managed to dry overnight (ok with a little help from the hair dryer). We had planned to look closer at World Showcase today as we have never spent enough time there. Also our plan was to walk to the boardwalk since we had never been there either. Since World Showcase opens a little later than the rest of the park, we did Spaceship Earth, Test Track (twice) and the Nemo ride before heading around to Norway for a snack. I forgot to take a picture! :mad: This time we got a sweet pretzel to share. DH drank milk and I drank "Nescrape" but at least it was warm! The pastry was tasty (rhymes!). I think I like the almond pretzel better ... or schoolbread but a sweet is a sweet and it kept us going!

Me in Morroco (not eating -- ha ha)


World Showcase was EMPTY -- never saw it like that! We just missed meeting Marie (the cat) but got to see her walking away -- I laugh because DH says "don't you want to try and run her down?" ... and I said "NO -- she needs her break" -- I had visions of news headlines about crazy cat woman tackling a WDW cat character! We perused the countries and saw many areas we had overlooked before. Then we walked towards the boardwalk from the International Gateway and onto lunch at ESPN Club.

ESPN CLUB: We each had a cold brewskie and shared Mucho Nachos for 2. Thinking we would eat "light" after that, we ordered a hot dog each. The waitress said later it was her fault but she should have told us they were HUGE hot dogs. I could only finish a small amount of mine. Everything was hot and tasty and I would LOVE to eat there again. This meal was about $45. I liked the atmosphere but glad we got to sit at a little table with real chairs. There are high tables with stools too. We left there stuffed to the gills!



We walked back to Epcot and visited Club Cool to sample a few sodas. Obligatory BEVERLY Face included.



Then we left Epcot after riding Spaceship Earth one more time.
No dinner that night - I was tooooo full. I did drink a Nesquick milk and DH had some fruit.

OMG -- my DH's hair looks so funny in the Beverly pic -- the wind messed it up - it usually doesn't look like a "bowl" cut! HA HA
Hollywood Studios - 2-11-10.
Weather was sunny but cold again. There were many people in thin clothes and no jacket. I don't know how they stood it! We went on the standard attractions, very much in anticipation of our favorite restaurant. Mama Melrose gets mixed reviews. We have never had a bad meal or bad service there. No exception this time either. We arrived at opening with reservations. They were turning people away.

Mama Melrose:
The menu changed in September and they no longer had DHs favorite Eggplant Napoleon :sad1: but not to worry - the steak sounded good! I believe they have added a ravioli that sounded good too. DH went with the sirloin steak and italian potatoes and I went with the chicken parm. DH tried the Italian draft (very good!) and I had Sangria -- oh fruity goodness! We also had ceasar salad. Warm bread served with oil is brought to the table. Our waiter was very nice and talked about the cold weather and was very attentive to us.






DH had dessert - the hazelnut honey cheesecake which I had to taste for reporting purposes only - :) - very nice!

My chicken was tender and I felt a larger portion than last year. The sauce is more sharp than other Disney pasta sauce (I liked it!). I did taste DH steak and it was tender and had lots of flavor. The reduced port wine sauce was excellent! We really enjoyed this meal too. And will be back -- someday! Total at MM was $116.40.

We went to the Beauty and the Beast show after lunch and then waited in line for R&RC one more time before leaving HS behind.
Yes ... room for supper - late - but good:


Flatbread again for both of us. I also got the potato soup. It was very good and still warm when we got back to our room but about 4 tablespoons worth. I mean --- it could be a little larger -- I never saw such a small container of soup -- not like I NEEDED more to eat but ... it is the principle of the thing! It looks bigger in the picture - but it has a false raised bottom!

You can see the fruit we shared too. And a couple of Mich Ultras brought from home. Instead of $7 each ... they were only $1 from home!

Rain expected on our last day ... would it arrive?
Last day - Animal Kingdom 2-12-10.

Rain ... well ... it held off until lunchtime. We were able to get to EE and ride with little wait and no rain pelting our faces. We went to Dinoland ... saw our favorite bird show (Flights of Wonder) before grabbing a quick lunch at Y&Y counter service ... We each got an order of egg rolls and fried rice. They are not entrees and may be considered snacks on the DP (not sure of that). We were eating light since 'Ohana was going to be our dinner.


Then we visited some kitties:


We said good-bye to Asia and Animal Kingdom and farewell to WDW parks until next time ...




Thanks - had to slip in some other pictures. By the time we left the rain was starting to come down hard. But we had a fine time! Dinner at 'Ohana next!
Evening 2-12-10. Well, I thought surely no one would be giving up a seat during Wishes at 'Ohana and was prepared to be waiting extra time. But NO ... our last magical happening. We were seated by the large window with an unobstructed view of Wishes in the darkened room. WOW --- it was Wonderful!

'Ohana is a little loud but I think Kona is worse (though I like the food there!). We had eaten at 'Ohana in 2006 and enjoyed it. The service was actually BETTER this time with an attentive waitress and lots of opportunities for more meat items (which I was too stuffed to eat more of!).

I did have a Mai Tai and DH had a beer. Pineapple bread was served. Then there was a salad with lime dressing - great! Next were wings and won tons and sauces. There was peanut sauce, sweet and sour sauce and hot mustard sauce. I didn't remember them being all that good last visit but I really liked them this time. I tasted a wing and it was good - DH loved them and ate them all. The won tons were good. Then there were noodles and broccoli -- good. Next were meats - I ate 10 of those large peel and eat shrimp. I hate messy foods - except for peel and eat shrimp - bring on the yukkiness!!!! They give you warm cloths to wipe your hands with. I tasted the steak - it was tender. No turkey -- they really didn't bring it around to us and I had enough! I did save room for dessert! This was the end of our magical day -- and the end of our trip.










Our total for 'Ohana with tip was $80.01 -- We paid for our drinks at the bar which were about $14 (plus tip).

We got up early the next day and headed home for the cold and snowy North (near DC). Our neighbors had actually shovelled our drive so we could get in! Very nice.

The next day I took a pic of DH by one of the four piles in our court.


Thanks for all the comments so far -- if anyone has questions on food, the Poly, or anything ... let me know. You can PM me also if you want. Thanks for letting me share our food fun. I am still full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great thread :goodvibes

Does anyone else think that the cardboard cartons they put the food in at Captain Cooks need some kind of paper liner? It is odd to me that they just put your food in the plain cardboard box!! (maybe I am just being a food prude)? :rotfl:
Great report! I always love reading trip and dining reports of "adult" trips. We have two very high maintenance little princesses, so our vacations are much different than others I see on here. I love my girls, but I also love to live vicariously through reports of long dinners, adult beverages, and lack of character dining experiences. :)
Thanx for the great report & pics!

Couple of questions:

Where are those footprints at Tony's? (Gotta look for 'em next trip!)
Are the wings at Ohana the same or similar to Kona's sticky wings? (Love 'em!)
The footprints are at the bottom of the second set of steps in front of Tony's. They are not difficult to find. (I swear I am half-blind and I found them so you should be successful!).

We have not had the wings at Kona but I do not think they are the same. I think the sticky wings have a different kind of sauce on them - a darker teriyaki kind of sauce -- just from the looks in other food porn pics!


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