I love credit cards so much!

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Great pics! I love it!

Our guide said that they think that particular stone was split by lightening ages ago. It's such a fascinating place. We really, really enjoyed our one day in Scotland and I hope we get the chance to go back some day - for a longer visit. It's such a beautiful place with so much history.


It really is an amazing country. I love how the landscape differs so much depending on where you are at the moment. I also love the history aspect.

I have a friend right now who is in Scotland now after only discovering Outlander this year. I couldn’t believe she had never read it before. I started Outlander and then the series. when it first came out (working at library while in school and came across it). It was good that when I met my non travel loving husband he was ok with going to Scotland. He just assumed it was because of my maiden name. Little did he know...

Seriously though my somewhat secret 5 year travel plan is to get us to Scotland again with points/miles. It is one country I need to revisit. If DH wants to bring the girls that works, if not I am good with that too. I just want to go back! :)

Oh my! You had to wait for each book to come out?! Geez, I'm glad I started it later in life since I got to binge read the series. I actually prefer listening to it to be honest. Davina Porter is one of the best narrators I've ever heard. She really makes the story come to life.

That is what we are doing this summer. Going back using points and miles. I love visiting there and told DH that when we retire, I'd like to be able to go every year and stay for a month if we could. Might take points and miles to do that too.

It really is an amazing country. I love how the landscape differs so much depending on where you are at the moment. I also love the history aspect.

Oh my! You had to wait for each book to come out?! Geez, I'm glad I started it later in life since I got to binge read the series. I actually prefer listening to it to be honest. Davina Porter is one of the best narrators I've ever heard. She really makes the story come to life.

That is what we are doing this summer. Going back using points and miles. I love visiting there and told DH that when we retire, I'd like to be able to go every year and stay for a month if we could. Might take points and miles to do that too.

I know I have an audio book or two. I suppose I should give it another try some time. Lucky you, going back!
Though my California friend says that JIB is not for burgers it is for tacos.

That's not true. As I think they only have one type of taco on the menu though they are cheap. JIB is more known for an extensive menu and the drive thru being open 24 hrs back when the only other was Taco Bell. I think they also have always had breakfast stuff you could get all day. It's really the hit the drive thru after the bars kind of place. They have decent chicken sandwiches but I generally only go there for the shakes because they mix them fresh and it's the closest place that has them.
So I booked a Rental Car using URs - thanks to those who answered my questions about it a few weeks ago here.

I decided that I have a crap-ton of URs...can't use them at 1.5x towards Disney right now (and maybe not ever)...might as well get the max value on our Sea World rental car for November.

When I previously had a stash of URs back in 2016 I transferred all of them to Southwest sooooo this is the first time I've ever actually used URs this way. Good times my friends, good times!
That's not true. As I think they only have one type of taco on the menu though they are cheap. JIB is more known for an extensive menu and the drive thru being open 24 hrs back when the only other was Taco Bell. I think they also have always had breakfast stuff you could get all day. It's really the hit the drive thru after the bars kind of place. They have decent chicken sandwiches but I generally only go there for the shakes because they mix them fresh and it's the closest place that has them.

Yes, the bolded above. It's where we always went in high school after a party. Always got the tacos. They tasted pretty good back then! Yes, a very 'varied' menu.
Fun Discussion Question:
Which "churning high" do you find best/most exhilarating?
1) Approved for the card (you like me, you really like me!)
2) Receiving the card (yay the mail is here!)
3) Meeting the MSR (i.e. completing the last purchase to finish the MSR!)
4) Seeing the bonus points post/go pending (whew...they didn't shut me down or use the T&Cs against me, lol)
5) Redeeming the points (not the physical act of traveling, rather the on paper act of redeeming, lol)

Any thoughts??? Figured this might be a fun discussion for our group here :)

I'm super late answering this, but for me it's easily #5 plus the actual act of traveling. I like having points balances and figuring out how to blow them on fun travel, then actually taking the travel. Everything else is a means to an end and nothing else really feels as good as doing the thing I started churning for in the first place. :-)
Sometimes I have the attitude that “some things aren’t worth getting out of bed for” LOL. This one still might be in that camp for me haha. I think it’s a result of being in sales in banking and my attitude towards my bonus and compensation as a whole lol.

This is me at times...

It goes back on your card. You have to link a credit card on RMN. Then once you charge one of the RMN offers on your linked card it triggers the cash back to your card. I don’t think you have to use PayPal. I’m not sure what that’s about.

But just in case was wondering what card are most linking? Is there a better card?
I had applied for a US Bank Business Edge cash card ($200 bonus plus $200 bonus for employees with $1000 MSR) and finally heard back yesterday that I was not approved with the following message via email: "We were unable to approve your application based on the information you provided. You will receive additional information on your application request via U.S. Mail in 7-10 days." I also had a call yesterday from US Bank from someone in their fraud department. Should I call them back and try to recon or just forget it and move on? Really don't know much about US Bank other than they're difficult to be approved for.

Also I tried for an Amex business card again this morning and got the pop up again. I had put some (not a whole lot) of spending on my two Amex biz cards and my statements just closed and was hoping that would do the trick but I guess not. I honestly didn't have a lot of passion around the card I was trying for, but it's killing me to not have an MSR because I'm planning on doing a small dvc add on and also we need to buy an elliptical machine. I guess I just need to focus on maximizing the cards that I have since DH isn't budging so far on the CIP I'd like him to get. :sad1:
Was able to do RMN at Kohl's and HD today, still need to get to CVS. Weird thing at Kohl's though. I didn't get a filler, just the gc. Used my AS biz and it approved but on the cashier's screen it asked for the CVV which she didn't know what it was. So she rips open the back of the starbucks card, thankfully it's for me and not a gift otherwise ugh! trying to find this number. She finally says she doesn't understand and I told her that's the number on the back of the card which I gave her. She input it and I signed and all was done. I've never had an in store purchase ask for that though and I'm wondering if anyone else that bought just a gc at Kohl's has had that happen. I don't really mind since they ask for it online anyway but at the same time I do mind that they required it.

I had the same thing happen on just one of my transactions. I thought it was really weird as well. Neither of my transactions at Kohl's ever went to pending.
It will be interesting to see what happens with my RMN purchases. I only have one card linked to RMN. I selected the cash back offers for Walgreens, CVS, Home Depot, Staples and Kohl’s. I hit all those stores this morning but tonight nothing was showing as pending. Then I realized you have to link to card each offer (duh). So I did that after the fact. All the GC charges are pending on my CF. Hopefully it will still work.

I did the same thing where I forgot to check RMN before heading into Staples. Made a $200 GC purchase and the offer was spend $140 get $7 back. I linked once I got back in the car, but it never went pending.
I had applied for a US Bank Business Edge cash card ($200 bonus plus $200 bonus for employees with $1000 MSR) and finally heard back yesterday that I was not approved with the following message via email: "We were unable to approve your application based on the information you provided. You will receive additional information on your application request via U.S. Mail in 7-10 days." I also had a call yesterday from US Bank from someone in their fraud department. Should I call them back and try to recon or just forget it and move on? Really don't know much about US Bank other than they're difficult to be approved for.

Always recon after a denial. There's always a chance - even if it's not very large - to get your application approved. Especially because you received a call, it makes me think it's possible there's just something they're seeing they need verification for, and maybe you'll be lucky and be approved once that's cleared. I would definitely call them back.
Would I earn Hilton points on a stay booked through the UR portal with my CSR points?

50,000 URs now pending on my CSR!!! Wow I’m on cloud 9 - a successful Double Dip now complete. Super pumped guys... :) :) :)

Congrats :cheer2:and you reminded me to check for P2s 80,000 URs and :cheer2:...they posted

u made me check... and its there too!

Joining the points party - my CSP points went pending too! Yay!
then yes, it should work. you should be in the clear. CFU should be able to drop to $0 cash advance though, i think only the premium cards are $100.

it sounds like it should work all around.

the bold part is what i think covers it. if its listed on spg.com, should work.
my guess is if ur confusing the use of gift cards at each property is throwing u off. Seems like Marriott gift cards cant be used at an SPG hotel.
I think I am confusing the two things... for one, I'm having a tough time doing a search and coming up with good articles explaining this card and benefits- for another I think I'm mixing it up bc so many here are talking about the luxe tc and a marriott gc to get the credits..... Ok thanks... I guess I'm majorly confused about upgrading and the timeline for bonuses/AU DD the bonus possibly.
Fun Discussion Question:
Which "churning high" do you find best/most exhilarating?
1) Approved for the card (you like me, you really like me!)
2) Receiving the card (yay the mail is here!)
3) Meeting the MSR (i.e. completing the last purchase to finish the MSR!)
4) Seeing the bonus points post/go pending (whew...they didn't shut me down or use the T&Cs against me, lol)
5) Redeeming the points (not the physical act of traveling, rather the on paper act of redeeming, lol)

Any thoughts??? Figured this might be a fun discussion for our group here :)

For me it's close between #1 and #4, but I think seeing the bonus points post might come out a little ahead. While I did really, really enjoy traveling to WDW mainly on points last week, I don't like looking at my lower points balances now!
Since I just finished putting almost $5600 on my SPG Lux to meet the spend of $5K I have been watching these accounts as often as 4-5 times per day. That feels like a whole lot to me so I can't imagine doing it 10 times per day.

But I digress. Again. In trying to figure out how to quickly get rid of the spend, I paid 2 bills with speedpay which required small fees. No big deal. So, first I watched them go pending immediately 6 days ago. Then I saw them both paid on the water and electric websites the following day. But still pending on Amex. Yesterday morning both disappeared from the pending but did not post. My balance due jumped to just under 5K. Then the smaller payment posted a little later in the day. This morning still waiting for the larger ($600+) payment to post. It's missing from pending. The electric company has their payment. Without this posting I am $8 short of minimum spend.

Anyway, I'm sure it will post soon. But I think it's really weird that there would be no sign at all on the website of a $600+ charge for up to 2+ days that the credit card has paid out to the merchant.

I'll be watching this one all day until it posts. I don't quite get why they would post one charge but not the other, especially since it has paid out. Is it possible they could 'see' my prepayment of 3-4 times my electric bill??? Or is using speedpay perhaps making them look sideways at my transactions? Speedpay is Western Union, I believe and is what our local electric and water use to accept credit card payments.
So I booked a Rental Car using URs - thanks to those who answered my questions about it a few weeks ago here.

I decided that I have a crap-ton of URs...can't use them at 1.5x towards Disney right now (and maybe not ever)...might as well get the max value on our Sea World rental car for November.

When I previously had a stash of URs back in 2016 I transferred all of them to Southwest sooooo this is the first time I've ever actually used URs this way. Good times my friends, good times!

I also started with transferring URs to SW. And I just booked a rental car for the first time with the CSR yesterday (have done hotels though). Still a little nervous about picking it up because it's my card and DH is the driver, though I know other people have done it without a problem. Had to book a long weekend to FL in Jan for DH and I, because I felt the need to use the CP as much as possible. It's like when you buy a disney annual pass and end up planning way more trips than you otherwise would have. :D So SW points, CP, URs for car, and free stay at mom's vacation house. Plus parents are retiring in Dec and offered to watch the kids. Good times.
Yes, I understand that, but in order for me to do that I have to rebuild my credit and y'all seem really smart when it comes to credit cards, so I thought I would ask, I would love to start leveraging CC rewards for large returns in the form of travel points too.... We have a trip to Disney in December, Vacation plan in July, a wedding for son in Sept, and I am planning on booking a 14 day land cruise to Alaska in 2020, I have a better job and a better handle of our finances now and thought y'all could help a girl out.. :) I am still young and have time to learn. :)
Hi there. I’m not sure if anyone answered you yet, but there is a site you can google...fico forums. There you will find just the info you are looking for.
I’m the meantime, possibly look at discover. They have a 1% cashback debit and you could put those savings towards your trips. Also, they are supposed to be a good company for teens getting their first card, so maybe they’d approve you a card with a small limit to start and you just grow from there. A secure card is a good option if not.
Also, you can start saving Disney gift cards that you purchase at a discount towards your trips. Just follow the gift card thread for that info.
Good luck!
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