I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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It's hard to convince people who have grown up or bought into the myths about credit cards, e.g., that they're evil, you'll ruin your credit, go into debt, etc. As long as you treat credit like cash, spend only what you would on credit cards as you would buy in cash, pay off the statement in full at the end of every month (some even go in to pay off every week), you can use credit to your advantage. Cash doesn't earn you anything on the money you're spending anyway so you're leaving a lot of value on the table, whereas credit cards come with signup bonuses and rewards for that spend.

When you apply for a credit card, almost all issuers will conduct a hard pull or inquiry of your credit report(s). Personally, a hard pull causes my credit score to drop 2-5 points temporarily. That's negligible! My credit scores fluctuate that much month-to-month just from changes in my balances from regular spending. And if your score is excellent (over 800+) or even very good (~750+), a 2-5 point drop will not affect the rates you get for loans or anything else. (I've never heard credit scores affecting car insurance rates.) A hard pull remains on a credit report for 2 years, but the effect of a hard pull dissipates in a few months.

Credit scores go up and down for a number of reasons, from changes in your credit card balances, to credit utilization ratio (how much balance you have vs. amount of available credit on your card accounts), to the average age of your accounts (the higher AAoA, the better). If you're opening a new personal credit card, you'll take a small hit from the hard pull and your AAoA will drop a little, but you're opening a new account that will increase your available credit lines, and assuming you don't spend any more than you usually do, that would have the effect of lowering your credit utilization ratio, which tends to increase your credit scores. A business card like the CIP will not appear on personal credit reports, so you won't get the benefit of having that biz card's credit line increasing your available credit, but it also won't lower your AAoA, and any balance you put on that biz card also won't count against your credit utilization ratio. For example, when I was paying most of our expenses through Plastiq (when it was still coding 3x) on the CIP, I was barely using my personal cards and the credit utilization ratio on those personal cards was like 1-2%. My score slowly went up from ~800-810 to ~830-840. My scores still hover around the high-810s to mid-820s now.

Thank you for explaining all of that! We both do pay off all of our balances each month. We treat credit cards very similarly. He told me about the hard pull staying on my credit report he thought for a year. But I am going to share with him want you said about the score only changing for a short time.
I think he could benefit from a CIP, so itā€™s worth me sharing this great information.
Dessert sounds amazing but I have done a complete diet change...down just over 41lbs in 2 months. I guess maybe one won't hurt. I have heard calories don't count at Disney.

Congratulations! Any secrets or tips to pass along? I know that there aren't really any secrets but it seems like no matter what I do, this weight doesn't want to leave. As a friend told me, eat less and move more is the only thing that works. Maybe I need to tell myself the more I move the more CC's I can apply for.

My DD has become quite a hotel snob and remembers the trips we take her on as much for the hotels we stay at as the things we do.

I can attest to this with my own. I sometimes ask my DH "are we just setting them up for failure when they are older and can't stay in the nice hotels". My youngest told me the other day "I don't do hotels with doors on the outside"...umm Ok, princess.

On a different note, my CIP referral points for DH's card are pending :cheer2: .Now, I met the spend several weeks ago. When will those go pending? Is it at the next statement close?
Some car insurance does use your credit rating as part of their rating process (well, probably most, especially the big national guys) but a change a few points either way won't make much of a difference in the premiums.

Yes, opening a bunch of credit cards will effect your score BUT only affects your score negatively if you drastically increase your utilization percentage, or forget to make timely payments (the same as if you had one card). Generally many people's score increases as their overall credit available increases but utilization stays the same, so the percentage used is lowered, and/or they get biz cards that don't report to your personal report so your spending shifts there which also would reduce your utilization rate. Inquiries will give you a temporary hit, but depending on your profile when you begin it should be 10 points or less and rebound within a couple months. My score long term hasn't changed since starting this game. It takes a dip a few points here and there but always rebounds in 2 months or so. Offhand I don't recall being below 820 and hover near 840 most months - same as before I opened 10 cards in the last 2 years ( mix of biz and personal). I know I'm tame comparatively speaking, but the heavy hitters have chimed in here with the same as I recall.

If you are a responsible credit user now, becoming a churner has little to no negative effects. For many people it has a positive effect. If the temptation to spend extra to meet MSR exists, or having multiple cards is too confusing and payments are missed, then becoming a churner could negatively effect your score and should rethink trying the game.

Thank you for that information too. I did lower some of of my current credit lines on a few cards because I thought I shouldnā€™t have so much CL or I wouldnā€™t be approved. So I really am not sure what my percentage is. My credit score is usually around 805-815. The first thing I did when I set up our new accounts for my DH and me was to turn on auto pay and to pay statement balance in full. This is what I do with all my current cards and plan to do the same with any new ones I open so I donā€™t take a chance of forgetting a payment.
My youngest told me the other day "I don't do hotels with doors on the outside"...umm Ok, princess.

She needs to meet @wanderlust7 's DS who points out popcorn ceilings in hotel rooms with dread. :rotfl2:

On a different note, my CIP referral points for DH's card are pending :cheer2: .Now, I met the spend several weeks ago. When will those go pending? Is it at the next statement close?

Are you sure you've met the MSR? The SUB on a Chase card should go "pending" within a week of the qualifying charge posting to the statement.
Honestly I don't recall the exact dates they post the FL resident rates. I want to say 6 - 10 weeks before sailing, but I could be way off (it's been years since we've booked a DCL cruise).

They ask for some form of proof of residency (I showed my driver's license) when you check in. Just be prepared to have a qualified form of proof with you if you book (they will tell you what's acceptable to show).
We are actually going to get licenses tomorrow. I literally just booked the appointments lol
Are you sure you've met the MSR? The SUB on a Chase card should go "pending" within a week of the qualifying charge posting to the statement.

Umm, yeah no. Since posting that, I was talking with DH who proceeded to double check my math and then tell me "Umm, you haven't met the spend yet, you're $700 short". I told him that couldn't be, I've checked the spend several times. This is not the first time my math skills have been off, good thing I married a guy with a finance degree! :rotfl2: Unfortunately, or fortunately, it won't take long for me to finish the spend, and I've still got like a month left to do it. Thank you though, its good to know the points go pending fairly quickly.
Umm, yeah no. Since posting that, I was talking with DH who proceeded to double check my math and then tell me "Umm, you haven't met the spend yet, you're $700 short". I told him that couldn't be, I've checked the spend several times. This is not the first time my math skills have been off, good thing I married a guy with a finance degree! :rotfl2: Unfortunately, or fortunately, it won't take long for me to finish the spend, and I've still got like a month left to do it. Thank you though, its good to know the points go pending fairly quickly.

Just make sure to meet the MSR at least a week before the statement closes to give the SUB time to go pending, then post with the close of statement. Or else, youā€™ll be waiting another month.
I use my CSR for the travel insurance benefit. (Which I used last month!) I think if you use the CIP, the insurance might only be valid for business travel.
The fees code as travel so, yes, you will earn points on the cost of the fees.

Cool, thank you

Yes you'll earn points on those fees. As for what card to use, your CIP should work since the terms
don't state the entire fare needs to be charged to the card. That's a selling point for the Chase cards since some cards add that limitation. But definitely read the benefits guide for each card as you get it. The CIP does have some differences for car rental insurance being a business card. For domestic trips it's only covered if it's a business trip. For international it covers personal as well. For general trip delay/cancellation/ etc they don't call out a difference so you should be good to use it on a non biz trip without getting the 3rd degree if you have to file a claim :) Some DPs in the thread of successful claims from the CIP.

Oh good to know; thanks. The only trip I am planning at the moment is for Japan, so I will read the benefits guide carefully, but as far out as that trip is, who knows how many additional cards (with additional benefits!) we might have by then????
Congratulations! Any secrets or tips to pass along? I know that there aren't really any secrets but it seems like no matter what I do, this weight doesn't want to leave. As a friend told me, eat less and move more is the only thing that works. Maybe I need to tell myself the more I move the more CC's I can apply for.

I can attest to this with my own. I sometimes ask my DH "are we just setting them up for failure when they are older and can't stay in the nice hotels". My youngest told me the other day "I don't do hotels with doors on the outside"...umm Ok, princess.

On a different note, my CIP referral points for DH's card are pending :cheer2: .Now, I met the spend several weeks ago. When will those go pending? Is it at the next statement close?
You just reminded me to check and dhā€™s referral points are pending too!!
Just make sure to meet the MSR at least a week before the statement closes to give the SUB time to go pending, then post with the close of statement. Or else, youā€™ll be waiting another month.

Thank you, I forget about all these fines details. The next statement closes July 2nd so I'm not going to see them on that statement. Thats a bummer but its my own fault. Lesson learned, have DH double check all my "I think I'm done spends".
Donā€™t forget the electric water pageant goes by every night. The music is so funky and quirky, we would run to the balcony to watch each night (had a 2 bedroom at boulder ridge). You can get great views by Geyser Point.
Weā€™ve actually never seen that before! Weā€™ll have to check out geyser point because weā€™ve never eaten there. Weā€™re doing all kinds of new things this trip. Thereā€™s literally something new at Disney every time we go
Yes, I saw that when I pulled up Ventana's website. I didn't notice it on the Hyatt app, and I've never given much consideration to staying at the Ventana if I had to pay cash. We've eaten at a lot of the restaurants in Carmel, so very likely! I hope they stick around, because it seems Carmel gets a little more commercialized every time we visit.

Moss Beach? We've been tide pooling there and its great. Also planning to do some tide pooling around the Monterey Peninsula in a few weeks.

Yes, I think that's it. Amazing when you get a really really low tide day. As for the restaurants, one was opened when I was a kid, so it's been around for a long time. One when I was a teen I think, and one maybe 10 years ago. They are there to stay. My cousin's family has been living in Carmel for as long as I can remember, and her husband, brother and son are all in the restaurant business there. Carmel beach is actually my favorite beach in CA.
That is amazing!!!! I have lost some as well, not that much and not that quickly, and am suddenly having a hard time keeping it off. Not sure if my body suddenly realized it's going to be 50 next month, and said, HA, jokes on you or what LOL. But at Disney all bets are off. No way I can not eat all the yummy stuff, and with so much walking, I cannot be hungry, or I will get shaky and hangry :-)
Alternate Day Fasting...some really good videos out there about the subject and I even bought my first book in over 20 years. It is amazing what your body can do. Longest I have gone without food (ANY CALORIES) since starting is 96 hours. I have never felt better and my energy is through the roof. This naturally lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. I can go on and on...what a life changer and sustainable for the future.

ETA: taggeing @kidsfirsttrip & @chattadisser for the explanation.
Alternate Day Fasting...some really good videos out there about the subject and I even bought my first book in over 20 years. It is amazing what your body can do. Longest I have gone without food (ANY CALORIES) since starting is 96 hours. I have never felt better and my energy is through the roof. This naturally lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. I can go on and on...what a life changer and sustainable for the future.

ETA: taggeing @kidsfirsttrip & @chattadisser for the explanation.
My husband is a big believer in fasting (one day, intermittent, etc. He's at the tail end of a 72 hour fast right now).

Glad you've found something that works for you!
Weā€™ve actually never seen that before! Weā€™ll have to check out geyser point because weā€™ve never eaten there. Weā€™re doing all kinds of new things this trip. Thereā€™s literally something new at Disney every time we go

I love the electric water pageant!! :love: The somewhat cheesy, but nostalgic, music brings me right back to being a kid. I love being at WDW after dark and before there were fireworks every night, there was the electric water pageant.

Of course, its a matter of taste, I just mentioned this to DH and he rolled his eyes...water pageant hater :faint:
Iā€™m pleased to report my first successful month with Serve. My account is down to $0 and my statement should close July 1 or 2, so no fee coming! Now to just wait until it closes and then I can ramp back up again for the month of July. :flower1:
Nice we did our first big trip 2 years ago sans kiddos. They were really upset and cried and everything. We did 5 nights I think. Going to Cancun with 2 other couples for 4 nights in the fall- I think (hope/pray) they will be better this time! Lol!
Personally Iā€™d stick with the 30k a night room. It sounds fabulous but thatā€™s a lot of other points I could find a good use for.

120k URs is a lot, but I am a sucker for a great hotel room.

I've never stayed to the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay, but we often pass by it on our way down the coast. (Strawberry picking in the summers and pumpkin patches in the fall are a ritual for us.) I'm sure the resort is lovely, but I've always found the immediate surrounding area to be far from luxurious, and the traffic backup on the weekends can be brutal.

As for the Ventana, it's a splurge in itself and I don't think I'd spend any more for a suite. Those extra 30k points are nights elsewhere at some of Hyatt's most luxurious properties.

Thanks for not being enablers. šŸ¤£ I'm going to stick to the standard room. Now, if the suites had incredible ocean views like some at the Post Ranch Inn, all bets would be off!

I'll add one last thing. My DD has become quite a hotel snob and remembers the trips we take her on as much for the hotels we stay at as the things we do.

I'm the same way from the trips my parents took me on as a kid. I remember the great hotel room we had in Nice with the loft. And I remember the creepy, dark hotel with the uneven bed legs (my mom tells me it was in Switzerland). Even now, I find the place we stay influences my memories of a trip a lot.
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