I LOVE Comedians with Guitars......You didn't tell me that part...

Welcome home! I am glad to hear you had a great trip! So sorry to hear about Skips hip! Hopefully this will be the last one and he heals quickly! You will just need another Disney trip after he heals to let your frustrations out!
Welcome home! I am glad to hear you had a great trip! So sorry to hear about Skips hip! Hopefully this will be the last one and he heals quickly! You will just need another Disney trip after he heals to let your frustrations out!

How was your trip. I should've gotten you cell number so I could've texted and met up. I met a lot of great people on this trip.
I'm awake. Boy that nap was great! :cloud9:

I hear you. I had a heavenly :cloud9: nap yesterday after we got home from running errands. I woke up just long enough to have a bite to eat and go to bed for the night. I needed it really bad too. I hadn't slept well since the time change 2 weeks ago.

So now you're rearing to go with your TR, right? :teeth:

I love the first few teaser shots! Can't wait to see the other 5548!
How was your trip. I should've gotten you cell number so I could've texted and met up. I met a lot of great people on this trip.

It was good but went by VERY fast! Four days is not enough time. I actually strolled over to the AOA on the 12th to check it out after my friends left, and looked around a bit for you just in case! I know I thought of it after you left! I did meet up with Tim though at the 5K. 99% sure I am going back next November for the Wine and Dine half and Definitely going to Disneyland for the half in August/Sept!
A Nap! That's what I'm gonna do this week. I only have 2 days of work, so nap, DIS time, and some picture editing is all I have planned!

I hope this next hip surgery is what finally fixes all Skip's pain and issues. You guys deserve to have it over.
It was good but went by VERY fast! Four days is not enough time. I actually strolled over to the AOA on the 12th to check it out after my friends left, and looked around a bit for you just in case! I know I thought of it after you left! I did meet up with Tim though at the 5K. 99% sure I am going back next November for the Wine and Dine half and Definitely going to Disneyland for the half in August/Sept!

I am trying to remember what I did on the 12th. LOL I will have to look at my pictures to remember. I know we did the Christmas party and I think we got to the park around 3, but I can't remember what we did in the morning...I think AK. Thats sad that I can't remember a week ago already. :confused3

A Nap! That's what I'm gonna do this week. I only have 2 days of work, so nap, DIS time, and some picture editing is all I have planned!

I hope this next hip surgery is what finally fixes all Skip's pain and issues. You guys deserve to have it over.

Sounds like a fabulous plan. I think we are going to see Wreck it Ralph on Wed.
When I last left off I had just finished drawing Pluto in the animation class......

After my drawing class I went in search of Lisa and found her sun bathing. I showed her my picture and told her I was going to head back to the room and put it away. I think I barely walked about 15 steps away and it started raining. There was a mad rush of people jumping out of the pools to a dry spot, which I found kind of funny. They were wet and now they are avoiding getting wet.







You can kind of see the rain in this picture.


I headed back to the room and found these cups. I guess someone from the fish extender group left them and Lisa had brought them in. We were not part of the official exchange, but signed up to get any extras since many people said they had made too many items. I was shocked at how much stuff we actually received and I am thankful to all those kind hearted people.


While in the room I decided to get a few more pictures of different things in there.









And I went out to the veranda to admire how beautiful and peaceful the ocean was.




If it was 11/5 then it wasn't us. We were on the Disney Dream that day. If it was 11/9 then yes we were there and we were trying to find a quick way to Grand Floridian as the bus just pulled out and we missed it so we went looking around for the Mk bus. We ended up waiting for the next GF bus and were late to our party.
We also went a few other times after that date and we did use the boat then.
I did not have good transportation mojo this trip.

Yes, the 9th!!! We tried to take the boat to DHS after being at Epcot(from the boardwalk), it took forever!!!!!! We went the 9th to see the Usborne Lights!!!
I did take the boat around 6ish. I was on my way to the Beach club around 6ish I think.
I had Claire, my niece and my Uncle with me then.
And another thread I am caught up again! :woohoo:

May I add that you make me very homesick for the Disney ships! ;) :goodvibes
I did take the boat around 6ish. I was on my way to the Beach club around 6ish I think.
I had Claire, my niece and my Uncle with me then.

Yep it was around then because we were just getting to DHS a bit early inhopes of riding TSM before the lights were lit. It did not happen.
That is funny everyone ran for cover when it rained when they were already wet:laughing: I know I can't stand to get water in my eyes though so if its raining hard enough to make me keep wiping my eyes I get out:blush:
I have to laugh at your comment about wet people afraid of the rain. :rotfl: This always astounds me and my son and I have this running joke about it. Like when we are at the beach and the first rain drop falls and people start packing up. :rotfl:

Nice detail pics.

Have a great Thanksgiving!
And another thread I am caught up again! :woohoo:

May I add that you make me very homesick for the Disney ships! ;) :goodvibes

You go girl!
You are much faster than me. I am slowly but surely starting to read the TR's now, but this week is crazy yet again.

I love the Disney ships. I wish I could afford to go about once a month.

Yep it was around then because we were just getting to DHS a bit early inhopes of riding TSM before the lights were lit. It did not happen.

It was us then most likely. :thumbsup2

That is funny everyone ran for cover when it rained when they were already wet:laughing: I know I can't stand to get water in my eyes though so if its raining hard enough to make me keep wiping my eyes I get out:blush:

I know. I can understand your point though too. But the kids, who could care less, they can just stay in. It wasn't lightening or anything.

I have to laugh at your comment about wet people afraid of the rain. :rotfl: This always astounds me and my son and I have this running joke about it. Like when we are at the beach and the first rain drop falls and people start packing up. :rotfl:

Nice detail pics.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

I wait for storm conditions before packing up. LOL. As kids we used to love to swim in the rain. The water seemed warmer when you did.
You are the only kind one, one update to catch up with! But then again, I know what was keeping you from updating:lmao:

That is funny, running out of the pool from the rain. I loved running around in the rain as a kid.

So, where's your picture of Pluto:rolleyes1 We drew Mickey @ DHS, and it's not good.:sad2:
You are the only kind one, one update to catch up with! But then again, I know what was keeping you from updating:lmao:

That is funny, running out of the pool from the rain. I loved running around in the rain as a kid.

So, where's your picture of Pluto:rolleyes1 We drew Mickey @ DHS, and it's not good.:sad2:

I am sooo behind. I started tackling a really long one on another board I am on 2 days ago and still have like 10 pages of it to read.

I did post the picture....Did you not see it? It's a few pages back I bet. I also need to go and check my handy dandy links on the first page. I don't think I have updated it in a while.
While hanging in the room, Lisa arrived. She said it rained pretty hard for a few minutes and she just decided to get out of there.

We flipped on the TV. I think I decided I needed a short nap and told Lisa to wake me in ½ hour if I fell asleep.
Before I knew it I heard my name and was told to get up. I had totally conked out. Lisa said I had even started to snore. I could see why too. I had my head on high pillows and the position I was in made me bend at the neck putting my chin almost on my chest&.so basically I was cutting off my air supply.

We decided it was time to get some lunch.

These arent the best pictures because I took them with my point and shoot.



They had a lot to choose from today too.








After lunch we had planned to see Brave in the Buena Vista Theatre. Brook had told us to save her a spot as she wanted to see it too.
We headed off for a potty break first.



We were lucky and had grabbed sweatshirts before going. That theatre is VERY cold. It also got packed very fast. We watched for Brook and never saw her. It got to be standing room only and we gave up looking.
I was shocked at how cold it was in there, but others mustve been there before because many people brought in blankets and curled up together under them.

The movie was good. This was Lisa's first time seeing it and she enjoyed it. We used to go to Disney movies a lot together as I would take my other 2 kids and she would come along to see them. I used to make fun of her because she would cry in almost every movie. I seemed to have softened a bit because I now tear up as well. When the lights came up we quickly dried our eyes and headed out.

We stopped off in the room to drop off our sweatshirts and I took a picture of some of the treats we had received so far.


We went up on deck and sat for a few minutes and saw a plane.


My guess is that we were near Cuba.

We ran into Brook and she wanted to go to the Quiet Cove to get a coffee drink and so did Lisa.

We ran into this guy on our way.



Brook had said that they had tried to come to the movie but it was so packed that they just walked by and gave up.

Inside the Quiet Cove Café I took pictures while the girls made their orders. (I dont drink coffee).




They had one named for Toledo, which I thought was odd. Toledo isnt really known for its coffee that I know of.





I am sooo behind. I started tackling a really long one on another board I am on 2 days ago and still have like 10 pages of it to read.

I did post the picture....Did you not see it? It's a few pages back I bet. I also need to go and check my handy dandy links on the first page. I don't think I have updated it in a while.

Ugh, me too. I've just started "trying" to catch up this morning...I haven't gotten too far.

I just found it! You did a great job!! I can't wait to embarrass myself and show my Mickey off.:worried:

We loved Brave! In fact I'm finally getting around to having Kadence's friend party for her birthday, John's going to put up his big 90 inch screen and Brave is the movie. It will be the easiest party! Snacks, cupcakes, movie with popcorn and home they go!!:cool1:
Kadence just said Claire should come! LOL So if your not doing anything on the 30th at 4:30 to 7.......:lmao:
Ugh, me too. I've just started "trying" to catch up this morning...I haven't gotten too far.

I just found it! You did a great job!! I can't wait to embarrass myself and show my Mickey off.:worried:

We loved Brave! In fact I'm finally getting around to having Kadence's friend party for her birthday, John's going to put up his big 90 inch screen and Brave is the movie. It will be the easiest party! Snacks, cupcakes, movie with popcorn and home they go!!:cool1:
Kadence just said Claire should come! LOL So if your not doing anything on the 30th at 4:30 to 7.......:lmao:

I'll send her. She just asked today when she can see Kadence again


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