I just found this....

Wow - fantastic! Thanks for sharing this memory.

I remember the "Year of a Million Dreams" and all the various giveaways Disney did. This Dream Fastness was a nice surprise - letting you get on every ride with it as fast passes. Our family received a partially-used one from another family that was headed out of the park for the day, and it was nice of them to share it with us. We used the remaining 1 or 2 tear-offs. To this day, 25+ years later, I look for ways to create that same type of surprise/joy by gifting something to a family each time we visit WDW.

That year of surprises created a lot of good will. Disney would do well to repeat it.

Thanks again for sharing!
That was a great year. I remember our family receiving them when we got off of Space Mountain. We also like to bring joy to others in the parks when we can. Today, though, it often comes in the form of a family standing looking for a table while holding trays of food and no tables to be found. “Come share with us. We will be getting up in a few moments.”
That was peak Disney parks. We never won a thing, but loved the feeling in the parks, with people hoping something would happen to them.

I joked every morning that we might get tapped to stay in the castle that night. Now we wake up and brace for the impact of how much Genie+ will cost.

I'll just let that sit there.
Definitely brings back memories! We got them in MK on our first day of our trip and then got one at HS on the second day of our trip! Year of a Million Dreams was definitely one of their best events. Definitely peak Disney.


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