I have been dealing with a very bad toothache


Crazy For The Mandalorian
Dec 18, 2020
This weekend has been hard for me because I'm currently dealing with a toothache and I don't know what to do? I have been having trouble eating because every time I eat I get pain and so I have been eating soft foods. I also had pain because a crown fell out of my mouth and it's difficult for me too. My mom keeps trying to take me to the dentist but I don't want to for fear that I will get hurt and also because of pandemic rules. The worst thing is I have to take salt each night which I dislike a lot. I hope my toothache goes away soon and I feel better
Dentists have all kinds of ways to prevent pain when you need something fixed.

Your mom is right. You need to go to the dentist. Nothing else will fix what's wrong.

The longer you wait, the worse the pain and damage could get. Please don't do that to yourself any longer.
It will probably get worse. Go to the dentist.

My son recently waited too long and his tooth/gums was so infected it had to be treated and then either a root canal or tooth had to be pulled. He chose getting it pulled. Now does he get an implant? He does not go for routine 6 month clean up/check. Had he done that, this could have been avoided.

The dentist found a tiny little cavity now but he has no pain. Okay, leave it alone long enough and guess what the result will be.

Nothing is 100% safe but what are the consequences of avoiding doctors/dentist, tests, etc.?

What are you doing with the salt? Gargling and spitting it out I hope? You don't want to go down a road further than that. I would choose the dentist. Good luck.
I agree with the posters above
That needs to be seen by the dentist. Dentists have been seeing patients throughout the pandemic , and quite honestly (at least here), it is one of the cleanest places around.
I feel your fear, I’m honestly one who doesn’t sleep the night before, needs an Ativan to relax. But to put it off only worsens what might be a bad infection , and can be dangerous.
You can do this, make that appt, you will feel 100x better once you start the road to feeling better after
I have been gargling with salt and it seems to calm down the toothache but then it comes back and the worst thing that's hard for me to eat is hot dogs because when I bite into the hot dog I get huge pain and also my cheek is swollen too and at first I thought my tooth that used to have my crown was loose but it's not. But I had some ramen noodles with pork and it was easy to chew. But I still have a fear of the dentist and I keep telling my mom to get me a new dentist because the last time I visited the dentist I got terribly hurt during a dental operation and now I got to take more salt in my mouth which as I mentioned I dislike a lot. I hope my toothache goes away fast because I can't stand pain
Does your mom know you have tooth pain? I am sure she must see your mouth is swollen. There are good dentist out there/ask around or ask your primary. I don't know your age but I would also have your mom check to see if a Pediatric dentist will see you. My daughter went to her Pediatric dentist up to her college years. She has had a ton of work done by the dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon.

Hope you feel better.
If your cheek is swollen, you have an infection. You need to go to the dentist NOW. This is very serious. You will end up needing more serious dental work the longer you put this off.

Take control of your fear and look after your health. Dental health is tied to heart health. You can cause a heart infection by waiting too long on this.
If your cheek is swollen, you have an infection. You need to go to the dentist NOW. This is very serious. You will end up needing more serious dental work the longer you put this off.

Take control of your fear and look after your health. Dental health is tied to heart health. You can cause a heart infection by waiting too long on this.
THIS, and and abscess more than likely
Ask your mother to look up and search dentists , there are many who are caring and compassionate
I used to be the same way. I hated going to any kind of medical office. I just wanted to wait and see if it went away on its own.

So I found therapist that understood what I was going through. She really helped me talk through what I didn't like about visiting the doctor's office, helped me to advocate for myself, explain what I was going through. I took it really slow and now I have a lot less anxiety about visiting a doctor's office. I also have a great therapist that I can talk to about other things.

Maybe see if that's an option.

I hope you feel better soon 🤗
I thought my toothache was better but tonight I still have it and it's bothering the heck out of me and it's gotten so worse that I am considering going to bed early. I was forced to eat chicken nuggets today but it made my pain worse and I used to have snacks at night but the only thing I can eat that's soft is cheese. My mom still wants to take me to the dentist but I still don't want to go because of my fear of getting injured. I still have to gargle with salt though and I dislike it. I wish my toothache would disappear like magic and go away
Seriously, please go to the dentist! They have options for mild sedation so you can be more relaxed for any procedure. This is not something to fool around with- and it isn’t going to go away on its own.
I thought my toothache was better but tonight I still have it and it's bothering the heck out of me and it's gotten so worse that I am considering going to bed early. I was forced to eat chicken nuggets today but it made my pain worse and I used to have snacks at night but the only thing I can eat that's soft is cheese. My mom still wants to take me to the dentist but I still don't want to go because of my fear of getting injured. I still have to gargle with salt though and I dislike it. I wish my toothache would disappear like magic and go away

You are already injured. You need treatment. You are going to lose that tooth if you don't go to the dentist, and the effects of that will be worse than the toothache you are dealing with.
Please get taken care of! Don't let this develop any further. Dental Fear Central is a great resource. Years ago, when I needed a root canal, I was terrified not of the actual procedure but of the anesthetic shot that it required. I had no idea at that time that such things as topical numbing gels exist exactly for this very purpose--to prevent routine dental injections from being painful! Make sure you dentist liberally applies the gel and allows it time to take effect. Be sure you can feel numb. Then ask them to inject slowly and you shouldn't experience that issue (should that be a concern of yours, I am in no way saying it is). Just as an FYI, there are also topical creams and sprays for routine medical shots out there, also something I learned from Dental Fear Central. I never had a true dental fear. I've been blessed overall with great dentists. I sure wish as a kid especially I had known about the cream. The longer you wait the harder getting treated will be and also the more work might be needed. Prayers for you that by now you have gotten this resolved. :hug::cheer2:
Dental pain can go from painful to ragingly painful. It’s not going to get better. Even if your body overcomes the infection and it settles down for a while, it will come back if left untreated.
Go to the Dentist! Late replying so hoping that has happened. But go to the dentist!!!!

I have severe dental anxiety (with a very bad gaga reflex) --- if I could be sedated to have my teeth cleaned, I probably would. The office knows about my dental anxiety and usually have someone stationed just to be there for my emotional needs. Just taking x-rays takes 3 people --- one to get the bite thing in, one to keep me calm, and one to hit the button as fast as they can before I gag/choke and the bite thing moves. You or your mom just need to discuss your needs with the office up front. I also always bring either my stuffed pluto or duffy bear so I have something to hold and clench my hands around the entire time. It does help.

In 2020, I had a terrible tooth ache. Went in and turned out I had an infected tooth. After numbing, they did some pre work to ease the pain. I was sent home with antibiotics and an appointment a week later for the full root canal. Again, I was scared, but between the numbing and the gas, I was still pretty lucid, but much more relaxed the whole time.


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