I have a question!


<Font color=red>CoMiC ReLiEf<br><font color=purple
Aug 19, 1999
Well, actually two questions.

Number 1.: How do you get the little picture under your user name, and

Number 2.: How do you get your message to have different colors, fonts, and text size in the same post w/o having to put in the codes yourself?

Does anybody know?

Hi Kiki,

The little pictures under user names are known as avatar.
In order to select an avatar you go to user cp. Select edit options. Select change Avatar (the very last option) and you can choose one from the list or import your own.

Second, in order to put in different colors, fonts, and text size in a post without having to put in the codes yourself, you simply click on the headings at the top of the text box. Then put the desired words or letters that you want in a certain color.

For example if you wanted one word blue and the other orange, click on the COLOR scroll down bar and click on blue and type your text. Then hit OK. Click on the COLOR scroll down bar once again and click on orange, type your text. Then hit OK, and it should come out as two different colors.
Hi There!

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. :D
I understand the avatar part (except my picture didn't show up), but I'm still confused about the font options. What do I do if I want the word 'Disney' in huge font, arial font style, and sky blue? Would I have to put the codes in myself there?
You could either put the codes in yourself, or you could cut/paste the text (In your case Disney) into each individual style box. :bounce:

As for the photo not showing up, if you are using a custom image, make sure that you have the "Yes" checked under custom avatars.

Good luck! :)


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