I have a question!


Earning My Ears
Apr 28, 2001
Hi! I have a question that I hope you all can help me with. My family and I and some friends of ours are heading back down to the Orlando area on the first of June. Since we'll be eating quick and 'cheap' in the parks everyday, we don't want to do the same for dinner. I guess what I'm looking for are the names of themed restuarants in the area. One that pops into my mind if Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville. I'm not looking for something very expensive, just something in the inexpensive to moderate price range. If you guys could help me, I would be eternally grateful! Thanks a bunches!!!

If you are going to one of the Universal Parks I would suggest:

Hard Rock Cafe
Nascar Cafe
Latin Quarter

Beware that wait times can be very long right after the parks close. Plus you have those pesky on-site guests like me cutting in line all the time increasing your wait time for a table. Sorry.


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