I Hate Winter!


<font color=blue>Will work for a chance to live at
Feb 24, 2001
Okay, I'm officially in my 'I Hate Winter' mood--it's 8 below zero on my backporch and we have 7 inches of snow! This is Middle Tennessee for goodness sakes!

Let's keep talking about FW, cause it's the only thing keeping me from going crazy!! :crazy:
actually its quite cold here in Sunny Florida as well but thank goodness no snow, heading over to the RV show.....
Northeast CT has been in the deep-freeze all week, and I work second shift, so when I come home at midnight - brrrrrrrrrrrr:eek:

Hang in there, only 2 months until spring :)
My sister in law lives in Miami and she called this morning to tell me how cold she was!!! :bounce: With the wind chill (never thought of that happening in Florida!;) ), it felt like it was in the 30's!:eek: Considering it was 9 here this morning, my heart bleeds for her!;)
It's pretty cold here just north of Boston. Hopefully, we're all planning trips to FW so the cold doesn't bother us too much.
It was -17 here this morning and it has warmed up to -14. All I could think of all day was Florida.We have defintely decided to make plans to go back to FW this summer.:p
I called and ordered our tickets for Cirque du Soleil today :Pinkbounc

It helped a little to think about the July heat, since the wind chill made it feel like 15 below zero today :eek:

Hope you're all keeping warm wherever you are.
It's a balmy 6 degrees here in North central Montana with 18 inches of fresh snow & lots more to come during the next few days! Will have to rely on snowmobiles to have the superbowl party! :teeth: Oh well.....it IS winter! That countdown is looking better every day!!! I cannot WAIT to get to FW!!!!

We dropped to -25 on Sat and only -10 today but have over 3' of the white stuff on the ground. get off a snowmobile trail around here we'll come get it in the spring. So far the farmers almanacs been right on the money. We're going to be dumped on in Feb.
My mom called from Bisby AZ last night she's crying to the wrong person it was 50 and raining.
Then again I live in Vermont for a reason. If I can't get out the door I'll worry (since I made it out after xmas and 3 1/2' I guess I'll make it)
Oh won't it be nice to be in Disney Na I like winter.
We also had -15 here in our corner of Maine...sat at work and planned out our route...bought the new Unofficial book yesterday...hard to believe it will be at least 50 when we go down in March!!!We have been VERY spoiled here in the last few years...payback time I guess...supposed to "warm" up to the teens next weeks...yeah, break out the bikinis!!!:smooth:
Well, I still hate winter! The snow melted, it got up to 61 degrees two days ago, and now it is going down to 5 tonight and we just three inches of snow in the last 3 hours! And to top it off, we had to go push the teenager's Mustang out of the ditch and back on to the driveway!

Oh, well, at least I made it to the grocery today (maybe that is a Southern thing--run to the store to stock up on unneeded things whenever snow is predicted. Quite a social event here!)
You know, that's one thing we northerners would just as soon not share with the south..then where do we go to thaw out!!! Where's global warming when we need it...JUST KIDDING!!!! This is what I remember from my childhood...it would get so cold that they wouldn't dare let us go out for recess...guess that's happening up here now...but at least we used to dress for winter 40 years ago...now the kids think they are put upon if they have to wear a coat...mittens and hat? You've got to be kidding???
Yep it's just not cooooool to dress properly anymore. Luckily the girls at least have nice snuggly hats, scarves & gloves that are fashionable!

-25 here last night with a windchill of -84...brr

I feel for all of you northerners, that's why I moved here 15 years ago:p

But, I must say we haven't had cold down here like this, this consistent since I've lived here (I remember the below 0 temps very well when I lived up north). When you live here and it's 90 3/4's of the year the 40s feel pretty cold, but man last night we had wind chills in the teens. I know visiting northerners don't even appreciate that no matter how cold it is at home.

And I know Orlando gets even colder and all's I keep hoping is that it's not that cold for our trip in 3 weeks at FW! I have family meeting us there from Atlanta so I'm hoping it'll be warmer than the 50s (I mean it is FLORIDA!). The campground is chillier than the rest of the world too. I only wish the cabins had fireplaces (wouldn't that be neat!!)-but there's always the campfire and the WL fireplaces. Up until our last trip in December I could never appreciate "warming up" in front of those fireplaces. But, December was yuck (cold, rainy and dreary in WDW) and there was nowhere better to be than sitting on a rocker at the WL in front of the fireplace:) on those yuck days!

But, if it is cold we'll just hope for sunny days -at least if the sun is out in Florida it REALLY warms things up.
Here in Illinois it too is cold & 7 degrees tonite.We have relief in site though off to Ft. Wilderness this Friday to sun and mouse.:cool: :smooth: :p :bounce: Plan to stay 6 nites and enjoy the nicer weather.( anythings better than 20degrees.:eek: )
Hey, you've got the right attitude!! We got up to 30' yesterday and it felt like heaven!! Of course we are back to the deep freeze today! Got acouple of inches of snow last night, so now everything is sparkly and cold!!! Just hope we can chip the camper out of the snow bank when March gets here!!!:confused: Nance
As I drove into work this morning watching the temp go to -13 degrees, I recalled that I havent heard anyone harping about global warming recently.
Today would probably be a bad day to bring it up !


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