I finally found an answer to film and airport x-rays!!!

As an x-ray technologist I can tell you that film is much more vulnerable to damage AFTER it has been exposed. Unexposed film can take much more x-ray exposure than the exposed. But, I think that if you take the normal precaution to watch that your film has not been scanned more than 5 times you will be fine.
This is from the Kodak web site:

ROCHESTER, NY, Aug. 11 -- With the summer travel period in full swing, Eastman Kodak Company reminded people traveling by airplane to carry photographic film and one-time-use cameras on board to avoid inadvertent damage from exposure to high intensity security scanners.

"A growing number of airports are installing high intensity X-ray scanners to inspect checked baggage for security reasons," said Matthias Freund, president of Kodak's Consumer Imaging products and services operations. "These newer systems will damage unprocessed film, which will not be seen until the pictures are developed. The same holds true for one-time-use cameras."

To avoid potential for damage, Freund advises travelers to pack film and one-time-use cameras in their carry on luggage. Scanners used to inspect carry on items are safe for most consumer films, but caution is advised if multiple passes through these scanners is necessary. Generally, lower speed films should not go through scanners more than five times. When traveling with higher speed films 800 and above travelers should ask for hand inspection.

The photographic industry and its trade organizations have been working with the Transportation Security Administration in the U.S. and other government agencies around the world to ensure that travelers can transport photographic materials conveniently and with confidence. To that end, signs have been posted to advise consumers to pack film and one-time-use cameras in carry-on luggage and there have been efforts to share this information through the news media.

In addition to following these travel tips, consumers should consider processing exposed film locally before returning home.
Alex, that clears that up.
What about putting our cameras with film in them through the scanners every time we board the ship at ports? Some of our film could go through the Disney scanners several times. Any danger from them?
I would count that as a time that the film went through a scanner. The ship uses a similar if not the same device as what is used at the airport. One thing to remeber is that when you get off at the port they do not scan anything. They do however scan everything when you board the ship at the end of the day.
well,i had my films in the camera and in a regular film box ex-rayed at least 20 times while we were on the cruise,and my pictures came out perfect even ones in the underwater camera.so do not worry.nothing can happen.


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