I am counting on you guys for info on Sunday about BCV!

Terry S

<a href="http://www.wdwinfo.com/dis-sponsor/index.
Aug 9, 2001
My guide just reminded me his days off are Sunday and Monday he said will call me on Tuesday regarding BCV. So I am counting on the DIS to find out all the details. I can wait until Tuesday to actually start the purchase, but I can't wait until then to find out the details. So I will log in first thing Sunday and I hope I can count on you guys for details. Thanks in advance.
on a related note on this subject: how is DVD annoucing BCV information? Are they having a press conference, press release or just a meeting with the guides and then as people call thier guides the info gets out?

Any ideas?

Just wondering if I should be scanning the press release wires on Sunday or try to call my salesguide.

How will the BCV be announced, and isn't Sunday a wierd day to announce it?? The DVC office is closed, and I don't think any guides work in the parks, do they?? I hope they do more than just put it on the DVC site, it is always difficult to log onto.

What if the whole thing sells out on Sunday:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Looking for that presale incentive, Hope it's a good one.:bounce:
Hate to rub it in, but us Rams fans have something else to fixate on this Sunday! :D
Sorry, GRANNY, it's the PATRIOTS who will be going to WDW after Sunday night:D :D :D :D ........
Brady or Bledsoe that is the question.

The answer Troy Brown is going to Disneyworld.

Pats 24 Rams 20

I too am looking forward to the BCV information.
Originally posted by Johnnie Fedora
How will the BCV be announced, and isn't Sunday a wierd day to announce it?? The DVC office is closed, and I don't think any guides work in the parks, do they?? I hope they do more than just put it on the DVC site, it is always difficult to log onto.

What if the whole thing sells out on Sunday:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Looking for that presale incentive, Hope it's a good one.:bounce:

I believe the sales office is open on Sunday.

I don't understand why everyone is so anxious to get their order in right away. It's not going to sell out in one day, one week, one month. With the downturn in the economy, one year is even unlikely.
Debbie B... I am not saying I want to get my order in on the first day, I just want to know the details on price and incentives on the first day, I am not really good about waiting for things.
I was referring to more than one comment on this board worrying that they may miss out if they don't get their order in next week. It's not going to sell out that fast, no need to worry.
Don't forget that BCV needs to be licensed in the different states. I believe NY took several months after sales began before folks could buy through the mail. I'm not sure how many states were available in the beginning.
I'm with Sgtpet on this one!!! It's going to be a nail biter that's all I can say!! The Patriotss are killing me however... Every game I'm on the edge of my seat... They are always so close... I swear they do it on purpose to drive me personally crazy!!!
Okay, well I certainly wouldn't want to inturrupt anyones game! So if you could post before the game or maybe at half time I would really appreciate it.

Specifically, I am wondering about price per point, incentives and if you buy a large # of points and split into several contracts do you get these incentives with each contract. Oh, also if Michigan is an approved state yet. Thanks in advance.
Terry, my guide is calling me on Sunday, so I will post as soon as I hear something- although I expect someone else will have info before me. As far as the rush, I think there are some reasons to think about buying in the next month: buy before the price increases, closing will be in order of contracts received allowing you to bank/borrow sooner, being able to make holiday ressies as soon as they accept DVC ressies. Maybe these are valid and maybe not- I guess it all depends on how the economy will affect peoples purchases. Also wonder how hard it will be to get into BCV at the holidays this year. I'm hoping that I'll be able to use my BWV points at the 7 month window, but I imagine several hundred other people have the same idea. I guess it all depends on when BCV owners will be able to make ressies. If they start in March and have a large initial selling, then maybe Christmas/New Years ressies will be tight.
I know that there's a lot of excitement about BCV;) ;) ;) . However, if you like the area, I feel that you can get a MUCH BETTER deal on a BWV resale IF you want to extend the effort.:). There are a number of BWV resales available RIGHT NOW for $62-$65/point. Remember, you can offer a lower price. Each deal should be evaluated independently for its banked points, etc.

GOOD LUCK............
Kem330.... Thank you.

EROS... For me its not just the area, its the Beach Club. I have stayed at the Boardwalk and just don't feel that the Boardwalk is as peaceful as the Beach Club. (JMO) I really enjoy sitting on the quiet white sand beach on the glider looking over at the lights of the Boardwalk. This way I am close enough to the Boardwalk that I can walk over there if I want to and then come back to the quiet of the beach. So, for me it is not the Epcot area, it is the Beach Club.
Eros, You're absolutely right, financially BWV resales are a better deal. We bought one a year ago with 00 and 01 points and with closing costs included they cost $64/point. We've stayed at BC since it opened and were concerned we would not like BW as well. We were pleasantly surprised how much we did like it. However I have to say we missed SAB and I think that's what it's all about here. With pool hopping restricted at holidays (the time we usually go) BCV is the only way to go. The $1650.00 difference between $64/point (inc closing costs) and $75/point for 150 points turns out to be $42.31/year for 39 years.
Sure hope they're still selling at the end of April. That's when we will know if DD is going to the expensive private school or not. Yes, we want her to go to the wonderful private school, but BCV would be a wonderful consolation prize! Diana
While we were at HH last week, A subliminal message on the DVC channel suggested to me that if I was going to buy BCV, the month of Feb would be a good month to do it. Hum....I wonder if there will be an incentive??

;) ;) ;)
I talked to a supervisor yesterday and he said he'd be working on Sunday and encouraged me to call him for the details. I must be one of the few people not dying to know. We want our 50 pts at VWL but December is sold out. Guess we'll think about BCV, if we have to.
Anyway, I asked him if the info would be on the DVC website and he said no, but there would be a mailing with general info and we'd be encouraged to call our guides for the specifics.
I agree with kem330 that the distinguishing factor between the BWV and BCV is SAB. The price difference is very small when considering the number of years you will be spending at your home resort. We have held out for BCV instead of doing a BWV resale primarily because we love SAB so much, but also, my DH loves the more old-fashioned, relaxing charm of the BC and Beaches and Cream. He also believes that BC is closer to Epcot, which we love to visit as often as possible in the evenings for Illuminations (my favorite part of WDW.)

All of this being said, I do love the atmosphere at BWV every bit as much as BCV. There's something about the colorful atmosphere at BWV that brings back happy memories from my childhood. And I think the Flying Fish Cafe is one of the nicest restaurants in the park.

BUT I will always be able to cross the bridge to the boardwalk if I joine BCV, but I will not always be able to use SAB if I'm not BCV, so the pool was the deciding factor.

If we didn't care about the pool, we would probably go with BWV. It is a really nice resort and, as mentioned, you can get some good deals now.

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