HRH or PBH Reservations Confirmation


Mar 22, 2001
Does anyone know if after making reservations, you are supposed to receive anything in the mail other than just the "book number". We made reservations in early January for 4 nights at HRH starting on Monday, March 26, 2001, and time is running short. Also can you use your HardRock "All Access" membership if you joined, but haven't received the card yet?

Looking at the message board here, there has been little mention of "All acess". Lots of talk about Loews First, AAA, and Entertainment rates, but has anyone taken advantage of Hardrock "All Acess" to see how it actually compares?
Check it out at <>. Sounds like a pretty good deal. Wish I had joined sooner. e
Sorry about that, the URL didn't come through. Will try again: u
I received a written confirmation the day before I left even though I had my reservation for a couple of months. I was worried when I hadn't received it but upon checkin all they asked for was my name. I know if you're worried about it they will fax it to you, they offered to do that for me. The Hard Rock is awesome!
Could you possibly repost the URL again i tried the one you posted but it said page not found.
anyone else have the URL for the All Access info?



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