How young is too young for a baby? *Update*

I would not even consider taking a trip with a 5-6 week old - especially if it is your first and especially not in August. A 5-6 week old cannot handle August heat, not to mention the germs that he/she will be exposed to. Most likely, you will not be in any shape to take a trip like that either. If I remember correctly, my first ob/gyn appointment after giving birth to each of my kids was around 6 weeks. No way would they have given me an all clear for a vacation to disney before that. Nursing my first took longer than 5-6 weeks to get comfortable and that was with a gazillion pillows propped up in the right position, LOL!
aside from the baby not having vaccines yet,
you may not be up to it.

LIke others, my first recovery (no c-section) was less that pleasant, I could not imagine going to WDW at that time.

Second time around it was easier, but still with a 5-6 week old, you are still up at night and tired.

Save the trip for another time
My first baby was my easiest, and I think I hit bottom at 5 weeks, because I really didn't realize how bad sleep deprivation was going to be. My other babies were more difficult, but at least I knew what I was getting into. She was actually a very good baby, and cried only when she needed something. The next one never slept more than an hour at a time, and cried most of his awake hours. I also had one with colic, who cried steadily from midnight to 4 am every single night. The perfect time to travel with a baby, for me, would be when they're 6 - 10 months old, not walking, but sleeping through the night, able to eat some tablefood, on a regular nap schedule, and able to really engage.
We took DD at 2 months old. But there's no way I could have handled it at 5-6 weeks. She would have been fine, but I would not have been. I had a c-section and my recovery isn't super fast. She was over 11 lbs and a 41 weeker, so definately not a preemie! You never know how your recovery will go and how healthy your baby will be until the time comes. We went at the end of May/start of June and it was in the 90's some days. August is hotter. She and I dealt with the heat just fine. She simply nursed more frequently if she was hot. (She was in the sling so it made it easy). With a first baby, you might not feel comfortable nursing in public at that age - there are baby care stations, but it's too much work for me to trek to one most times.

Taking a 2 month old did mean a lot of stops for diaper changes. (6+ poopy diapers at that age for her a day!) And frequent feedings. But it really wasn't that hard. However, I wouldn't have chosen to go that young had I been given a chance. Though I could handle Disney with her, it was still tough on my body at that point.

*Germs aren't a big concern of mine with healthy full-term newborns. I figure no one is going to be touching them, especially when they're in the sling. They don't touch everything and put it in their mouths quite yet. The biggest contributer of germs at that point are germs that come from me and what I encounter. So simply washing my hands frequently has always been enough.

Also, keep in mind that first babies usually come after 40 weeks, making your baby even younger.

Edited to add: I see a pic of a child in your siggy, so I'm not sure if this is your first. If it's not, then you have to consider the time and energy spent with the older child. For that trip with a 2 month old, we also had a barely 3 year old. The barely 3 year old was MUCH more challenging than the baby. We went back when the oldest was 3.5 years old and the second was 9 months and it was much easier. (And also went with a 6.5, almost 4, and 9 month baby and it was an excellent trip). I'm not opposed to taking babies, but there's no way I could handle a 5-6 weeker due to my rough recoveries. My 3rd recovery had complications - to the point that I couldn't walk down a single stair until 6 weeks!
We went this past August, and DD was 3 months old. She slept the majority of the time, and it was pretty easy. But at that point, we were on a pretty regular schedule, and we had finally gotten the hang of breastfeeding. At 5 weeks, we wouldn't have been ready. And the heat was almost unbearable.

Another thing to consider is that sometimes it takes a few months to conceive. If you got pregnant next month, then you'd be too close to your due date to travel safely. Most OBs don't allow patients to travel after 32-36 weeks. I'd make sure that my tickets were refundable.

As PPs said, Disney will always be there. Good luck to you and DH!
Don't put your life on hold for a baby that hasn't been conceived yet, much less carried to term. You can always cancel the trip. I wouldn't buy non-refundable airfare if I was trying - at least, not until 90 days out when I knew as best as I could.

This. Exactly. We've been trying since our easily-conceived 6 year old was 9 months old. We never ever once expected that it was going to be difficult, since DS was a first-try, but here we are. The things we haven't done, all in hopes that I wouldn't be able to travel or we'd have a baby too young, could fill a was only once we figured out what was wrong, a bit over a year ago, that we stopped purposely putting things off.

Get either the refundable airfare or with an airline that gives you credit (as long as you aren't booking so far in advance that credit would not do you any good). Get room-only reservations so you can cancel later than you could with a package (though of course you would most likely know sooner than 5 days out if you were about to have a newborn). Buy tickets separately. etc etc etc.

Make the plans, but know that it might be best to cancel them.

My baby that age was in a sling right up at my chest so he wasn't being touched, and I am not concerned about germs in general anyway (though I do wish people would stop coming to the Y while actively sick), so it's not so much the baby I'm concerned about (especially since my cousin, who lives in FL, took her second baby to WDW very very early...after all, they live in that heat, so where's the difference...but for her it's a 2 hour drive, not a big deal trip), but it's the parents. You just never know how you're going to react and what the baby is like. If you happened to live in Anaheim or Orlando and felt great and could just go on a whim, that's one thing.
Our first disney trip, we went with an almost 3 year old, almost 2 year old....and a 6 week old. We traveled with friends who had a 10 week old, and an almost 2 year old. We had a ball. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
The babies were in the slings from morning to night, I nursed everywhere. With my three we even had a single stroller. My oldest skipped (yes skipped) from morning to night. The 2 year old was in the stroller and the baby in the sling.
That trip, we never even made it to the baby care centers, no need for them.
I think its up to you. I could of handled a trip with any of my babys at 6 weeks. When my first born was 10 days, we drove cross country with her. It was fine, we took our time, I went slow, it was fine.
I don't worry about germs, my babies nursed. And we wash our hands, but nothing more than that.
Babies, espically at that age are so portable, and sleep so much, that it was fine. She was almost like not having a baby there at all, she just slept most of the time. At night, she slept in bed with me, I nursed when she needed to, never even got out of bed at night.
It can be done, and it can be a fun magical trip.
Plus the characters LOVE little babies!!
Get the insurance, if you have to push it back, do. But, don't think you can't do it, only you know your personality, and if you could do it.
My son came to me as a foster child. We had a trip planned and paid for so I hadn't planned to take a tiny baby, but did. He was six weeks old. I put him in a Baby B'jorn and off we went. He slept pretty much the whole trip and it was WAY easier than I thought it would be. We went the end of September and it was miserably hot and humid and he did just fine. Here he is.


I wouldn't have any issues taking a baby that young. People mention germs, but I'm wondering what kind of germs the baby would catch. He/she would not be touching handrails, door knobs, etc and the child would not be putting things in it's mouth, so I guess I wouldn't be that concerned. Your baby will be exposed to airborn germs the moment it is born in the hospital, every time you take it to church, the grocery, etc, so that's not a huge concern, in my opinion. As far as baby not having shots yet....well, none of my children have shots at all and we've been to WDW several times with no adverse events. The youngest baby we've taken was 11 weeks old. The baby was in the sling the whole time, slept and nursed just fine. As long as you can take it easy, I think you'll do just fine, and so will baby.

I say go ahead and plan your trip, try for baby :lovestruc and relax. You can always change your dates.

Have a good evening!!!

Now....I better get my popcorn going popcorn::....I'm sure people will have issues with my advice as I've gone against what most people say....:rolleyes1
My son came to me as a foster child. We had a trip planned and paid for so I hadn't planned to take a tiny baby, but did. He was six weeks old. I put him in a Baby B'jorn and off we went. He slept pretty much the whole trip and it was WAY easier than I thought it would be. We went the end of September and it was miserably hot and humid and he did just fine. Here he is.



Oh my gosh! He is sooo cute! Your daughter is adorable too!

I have a special place in my heart for those who take care of foster children. Thanks for all you do! :flower3:
For me, the only issue that I would have would be the heat.

We travel a lot, and have traveled with young babies. I have had 3 c-sections, the youngest that a baby was when we had a trip was 3 weeks old, and I had just come out of the hospital for a different medical issue. While we didn't go to Disney, it was a very busy trip.

If you keep an open mind, and realize that you will have to make adjustments, and are able to get out of the trip if needed, then I would go. DH and I are very much go with the flow and make changes/adjustments as needed.

If you do go, I would highly suggest that you do baby wearing. Look into your different options, and you can even try to get DH on board with this as well, you can split up the baby wearing time, and you could also plan to have a stroller where he could lay flat in. I have seen battery powered fans for strollers, and a blanket over the stroller is agreat way to keep sun out (we drape it so that the sun stays out but breezes are able to flow).

Good luck to you!
I would not hesitate to take a baby.

Now a toddler, thats a different story. Disney pump us full of images of happy youngsters discovering the magic. Well when my son was two the magic invoked a tantrum of such proportions I am still recovering 15 years later. I still like to rib my son over it!:goodvibes

Seriously, I would never take a toddler to WDW ever nor would I reccomend it:rotfl:
I would not hesitate to take a baby.

Now a toddler, thats a different story. Disney pump us full of images of happy youngsters discovering the magic. Well when my son was two the magic invoked a tantrum of such proportions I am still recovering 15 years later. I still like to rib my son over it!:goodvibes

Seriously, I would never take a toddler to WDW ever nor would I reccomend it:rotfl:
For me, the only issue that I would have would be the heat.

We travel a lot, and have traveled with young babies. I have had 3 c-sections, the youngest that a baby was when we had a trip was 3 weeks old, and I had just come out of the hospital for a different medical issue. While we didn't go to Disney, it was a very busy trip.

If you keep an open mind, and realize that you will have to make adjustments, and are able to get out of the trip if needed, then I would go. DH and I are very much go with the flow and make changes/adjustments as needed.

If you do go, I would highly suggest that you do baby wearing. Look into your different options, and you can even try to get DH on board with this as well, you can split up the baby wearing time, and you could also plan to have a stroller where he could lay flat in. I have seen battery powered fans for strollers, and a blanket over the stroller is agreat way to keep sun out (we drape it so that the sun stays out but breezes are able to flow).

Good luck to you!

I wouldn't take a baby that young because s/he wouldn't have had many vaccinations yet. And they are very vulnerable. A baby under 6 weeks is hospitalized if they get a fever and their little immune systems are underdeveloped.

My baby is 3 months and I would consider taking her. But not before then.
I would not hesitate to take a baby either. We live in Florida so the heat is what it is....I took my now 5 year old when she was 3 weeks old and it was one of the best trips we had.
Thanks everyone for your replies!!! I am just thinking ahead and wanted to hear a variety of peoples imput, as I like to plan way, way out lol. I have not bought plane tickets or anything for that matter with the exception of my deposit for our trip. Thanks again, I love my Dis family!!!
I would not take a baby that young due to the heat. Babies do not sweat as efficiently as we do. I'd be so concerned about gauging babies temperature and watching for dehydration it would make the trip miserable. You would also need to bathe the child in sunblock to avoid skin damage.
How about going in Fall instead?
You would also need to bathe the child in sunblock to avoid skin damage.
I'd simply keep the baby out of the direct sun. I wouldn't use sunscreen on a newborn that young. When DD was 2 months old, she spent nearly the entire time in the sling. I could position the extra piece of material over her head if we were in the sun. (I had a thinner sling. It wasn't hot for her. Though she wouldn't sweat, I would and that helped to keep it cool. Despite me sweating more where she was in the sling, I didnt' feel any hotter). Hats works well for those who will keep it on. Despite the heat, it really wasn't an issue. She simply breastfed more often. Breastmilk adjusts as well as their nursing pattern so a thirsty newborn will get breastmilk with a higher concentration of water. I'm not sure of the logistics of extra heat and formula. But breastmilk will keep your child from getting overheated as long as you feed on demand and offer often. Don't forget to drink a lot yourself however. Even without the heat, I drank 5-6 liters of water a day for the first four months! I was always thirsty.
My husband and I are trying for a baby. With that being said, we have a scheduled trip for August of 2011. The baby would be around 5-6 weeks old. Am I crazy for even considering it?

How do you know the baby will be 5-6 weeks? I am assuming you are not pregnant because you say you are trying for a baby? You may be pregnant by Aug or you may not. Would you want to travel at 7, 8, 9 months pregnant?


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