How to make nieces first time special


Apr 26, 2000
As a Christmas surprise for our 2 nieces (9 & 11), my wife & I along with our 2 DDs offered to take them with us to WDW in June. They have never been and are now very excited. They live about a hundred miles from us and I was hoping for some tips to make their wait more exciting. I already sent them a planning video. I was thinking about every few weeks dropping something off in the mail but not sure what to send or do. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!!
I believe they make a guidebook just for kids, with the rides rated by kids. That might be a great trip planner for them. If you live near a Disney store you can get money changed into "Disney dollars" that they can use there for souveniers, food, etc. You might want to plan something special for when you're there, like breakfast at Cinderella's castle, I would think the girls would enjoy that. Have fun!
We are taking my nephew (7) on his first WDW trip in late April/ early May. Since he has never flown, we picked up a small toy airplane last time we were at the airport. We have also started giving "Disney Rewards" - Disney Dollars for 100% on his spelling test, ect. We normally buy him a small toy when he is with us, but we are trying to use it as a lesson in saving ..... you can pick out a small toy or put the $$ in your disney fund. We also have a WDW Countdown Calender.... each week when he comes to stay with us, he and DH mark off the days 'til DISNEY! Last time we were at Disney we also bought matching shirts for us to wear on the first day.


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