How many times will you rain on my parade?-a wet (and sometimes funny) first ever TR

day Made!!! i needed this I can't find enough things to entertain me I'm going nuts with only a few days left until disney time!!Also....i love the pic of when you guys met winnie the pooh at DHS you look aewsome in that,I never would've known u were sick if u didn't say so! Oh and I've pretty much decided for you that u need to go to disney with wendy in November kay thanks :thumbsup2
Hey everybody!

I'm back to work and finished of my vacation but I'm hoping to try and keep this thing going. I think I just needed some rejuvenation.

Last Thursday I attended Beauty and the Beast the LIVE stage show. OH. MY. GOD. It was unbelievable, just out of this world.

We had floor seats, second row. The orchestra was right in front of us. I was in awe at the show itself. The girl who played Belle was an absolute cookie cutter fit for the part.

During "Be Our Guest" when Lumiere says "tie your napkin round your neck, cherie, and we provide the rest", they handed Belle what looked like an adult sized bib, which at first looked like a lobster (being from the east coast at first glace I thought it was their way of giving us some East Coast love) but NO! It was Sebastian!!!!!!! OMG my brother and I giggled so much at that.

The transformation at the end was so captivating. I still get chills thinking about it.

Then yesterday (Sunday) my parents and I went to see a local production of Les Miserables which again was absolutely amazing.

It's just incredible all the local talent we have here. My brother was in it (can't remember his character's name, it was a smaller part but he was one of the ones who were mic'd). Again, the production gave me chills and it's the talk of the town. So proud of my brother!

Well, just thought I would check in. I need to start writing some more trip report so I can keep my DIS presence up. I feel like I abandoned you all and I'm sorry :(

See ya real soon!
So much for keeping up on things, huh?

I don't think I've turned my computer on once in the last few months. I'm currently at work (shhhh don't tell anyone!) and seriously need some time at this.

I'm going through Disney withdrawl.

Well, well, well, what have we here? A post from Amy! Huh? Ohh I'm really... well not scared.

Yes, the soundtrack from Hallowishes is in my head right now. But I'm alive and I'm here


So I'm sitting here at work thinking that I should pick up where I left off. I have really rough notes on my phone that I can pick from. So it might be fuzzy but here we go:

Day 3 part 3: A magical way to end the day!

So, after a nice (and wet) day at HS we headed back to our resort to freshen up. I can't remember what park we had originally planned that evening but it was closing earlier than I thought; and the Magic Kingdom was open for EMH so we hopped on the MK bus and headed over.

By this time the sun was starting to set but I could hear music.

What kind of music?




The Main Street Electrical Parade kind! It was JUST starting! We climbed up on the steps of the train station and positioned ourselves to watch the parade go by!

When the parade was over, a lot of people with young kids started leaving the park. I suggested that we head for some rides and do some attractions while the fireworks were going on cause we already had the dessert party booked for later in the trip.

Well, let me tell you, that was one of the best decisions we made the entire trip!

We zipped over to adventureland and headed to the Tiki Room.


I hadn't done this attraction on my first trip but I knew the song from hearing it and really wanted to do it. It was only about a 3 minute wait so we just had enough time to watch a bit of a pre-show and find our seats in the empty theatre. There was the 3 of us on one side; and a family of 4 on the other side... that's it!

I have to say that although I see how it's aged and a lot of people skip over the attraction, I really respect it for the technology and how advanced it was when it was first opened. I enjoyed the singing birds, flowers, and in the end the Tiki Gods. OMG didn't expect that. I was giddy as a schoolgirl watching that show.

From there, we RAN, and I mean, RAN to pirates, ran through the empty queue, thought we took a wrong turn, but ended up at the boat launch with only a few people ahead of us and we got on the boat that was directly in front of us and we were off!

When Pirates was over the crowd that had been watching the fireworks was dispursing and we saw some people around. We sat in the gift shop for a bit and then got some pirate photopass pics done and decided to call it a night.


Not before stopping at one last spot for a late night snack


Well, that's all for today folks.... You'll just have to wait until next time.. which will HOPEFULLY be this week! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Day 4 part 1: Why, it's Mary Poppins!
Hello to my fellow Dis-ers who probably wrote me off completely, I apologize. The only time I really have a chance to post is at work. When I’m home I’m either just popping in for a few minutes or just going to bed, hanging out with my wonderful boy, etc.

But I’m covering for a vacation this week and it’s a little more boring here than it is at my regular desk, and since I uploaded pictures to flickr last night for this purpose, not only will you have a new post but you will have it with pictures! WOOHOO!!!

So back to the story....

Day 4: Part 1: Why, it’s Mary Poppins!

One place I really wanted to go was 1900 Park Fare. More specifically, the Supercalifragilistic Breakfast. Although it only got one vote (mine) when we sat down to do our ADR’s, it was one that was at the top of my list, once the three of us discussed it we all decided that it was a must have. One of my brother’s (and my) favorite movies growing up was Mary Poppins. The buffett looked standard, but good; the characters were supposed to be good so why not? It’s something new! And… I really wanted to try the Strawberry Soup!

I can’t remember where we bussed to from our resort, but I do remember that we took the monorail to the Grand Floridian.


I know it's fuzzy but it's the only picture I have of the 3 of us on the Monorail.

We may have bussed to Epcot if I remember correctly because we approached it from the far side to the Magic Kingdom, but we’re talking about almost two years ago! Gasp!

I remember getting out of the Monorail and just being in awe of the beauty of the resort. I was amazed at how white everything was, how clean. We made our way inside and stopped at a small shop where I picked up some cough drops cause I was still feeling pretty lousy. We made our way downstairs and looked around, I didn’t want to sit on the chairs because I thought they were too ornate but I ended up sitting down anyway. We arrived about 30 minutes prior to our reservation so we could look around.


And this is what we look like while waiting cause we are super early:


Again, a bit fuzzy but the look on their faces is worth the chuckle. :rotfl2:

Eventually we made our way over to check in. It was shortly after that we were called to do our Photopass pictures and from there we were taken in to the dining room almost immediately.


Wow is the only thing I can say to describe it. Just wow.

We were seated towards the middle, not far from the buffet. Our server came to see what we would like to drink and it was explained to us that all the characters would be around to every table.

I know mom had coffee but I don’t remember what David and I had. I remember the coffee thing for a reason.

We took our time with the buffet, the characters were making their way around. I wanted to have a little bit of everything so I made sure to take small plates. Before we knew it, Tigger was by and so was Alice, who made sure to tell us to say hello to the mouse in the teacup.

The Hatter was not far behind. He was BY FAR the best character interaction I have had. He asked us if we were enjoying our tea party, mother mentioned to him that she was having coffee, in fact.

“COFFEE?!?!?! I’m highly inSALTed!” is what he exclaimed while he took the salt shaker off our table and sprinkled it all over himself. OMG He was awesome. I'm just sorry I didn't have a video running on my phone.

A few minutes later, Mary Poppins was on her way over. My brother in the most amazingly accurate Bert voice said “Why, it’s Mary Poppins!” Well… she loved him from that moment on. Who says you need kids to enjoy character meals? Pffft I say. I think that’s when David’s attitude towards Character dining really did a 180 and he was happy I talked them into 1900 Park Fare.

The food was great, the characters were fantastic and with full bellies we decided to slowly wander around to find the Photopass counter to have the picture linked to our PhotoPass+ before we headed back to the Monorail station.

So where exactly did we head to? You’ll have to find out later!

Coming up: Day 4: Part 2: You will not only do it, you will do it with a smile on your face.
Ok, I know. Two posts in one day. Three posts in one week?! WOW!

Well it's like this, I fell wayyyyyy behind on posting but I've been typing them out all week just waiting to upload the pictures to flickr so I can use them in my TR so here you go. Consider it making up for lost time???

Day 4: Part 2: You will not only do it, you will do it with a smile on your face.

After our adventure was over at 1900 Park Fare, we hopped back on the Monorail and headed to.... the Magic Kingdom! When we entered the park, the Move it, Shake it, Celebrate It! parade was rounding the bend, after we watched that, we headed to Adventureland; starting with Fast Passes for Jungle Cruise.

This is where my memory gets a little fuzzy but I think before we grabbed the fast passes I caught out of the corner of my eye a sign that stated the wait time for a meet and greet with my favorite pixie, Tinkerbell. Mind you, the wait time was 35 minutes. The conversation that happened is still fresh in my mind though!

Let’s just say that my brother was wayyyyy less than impressed that not only I wanted to see Tinkerbell, but I was willing to wait 35 minutes.

My mother was less than impressed at my brother’s attitude towards me and my Tinkerbell obsession.

And I, being the peacemaker, was going to skip it to shut everyone up.

That was, until my mother got stern, and by stern I mean in your face, take hold of your shirt and said through her teeth: “not only will you wait the 35 minutes so your sister can meet Tinkerbell, you’re going to do it with a smile on your face”. Yeah, that stern.

To put it in perspective:

Mom was all like


and I was all like


and david was all like


Get it?

So after I met Tinkerbell…


And Periwinkle…..


(I know my eyes are closed in this one I'm really bad for that!)

Mom decided that she wanted to meet a Fiary as well so she got in with Periwinkle.


We made our way to Splash Mountain. The wait time was only 35 minutes so we decided to go standby, Which David thought was a huge deal. The lineup seemed to go at a fairly good pace, and though I’m sure it was close to 35 minutes, it only seemed like 20 or so, and he only complained a little.

I sat in the 4th row and David and Mom were in the 3rd, we had a good ride, and mom and David were scared to death about the upcoming plunge. The ride photo caught it PERFECTLY!


After they recovered, we grabbed fast passes for Big Thunder and headed to Hall of Presidents which I hadn’t done on my last trip. It was really hot outside so an inside, air conditioned attraction with seating…. so it was a go. I was glad I saw it. I’m no patriotic American (I am Canadian) but I am happy we did it and moved on.

When we got out of HoP we decided that we were going to skip Big Thunder and Mom tried to give away our fast passes. We would rather someone use them than go to waste. She tried 3 different groups. The first couple said they appreciated it but had reservations; the second group looked at her like she had 2 heads, and the third group ran away from her like she was trying to sell them something. Anyway, we tried to be nice.

From there we checked the wait time on a trip on the Liberty Belle. This was one of those things my mother absolutely had to do at Disney World. It was hot, I was tired, and not feeling good, and it was about to set sail in 5 minutes so we hopped on and found a spot on the top deck. I was getting super overheated so I had a seat but we enjoyed the ride.

After that we were starving, so we went into the Columbia Harbour House and grabbed some food. Downstairs was packed but when we got our food we went upstairs and were pretty much alone. We took a seat and ate. I snapped a couple pics while we ate (very boring ones so I'm not posting)

We were overlooking Haunted Mansion. The wait time went from 5 minutes to 25; and then made it's way back to 10 mins, so we hurried up and rushed out to hop on our Doom Buggy.

Since the interactive queue was installed AFTER my last trip, we took the left line and went through the graveyard. I just wanted to do it to say I did. It was pretty neat I have to say!

We squeezed into 1 Doom Buggy (bad idea for 3 adults) but enjoyed it!

I have to say, one of the rides mom was most nervous about doing the entire trip, was the Haunted Mansion. I tried to convince her that her chicken of a daughter, moi, loved it and it actually wasn’t scary at all. After we rode it she was fine. This was the first of 3 rides on the Haunted Mansion for us, so as you can tell, mom got over her nervousness pretty quickly.

But where did we go from there? Our bellies were full and we were singing the tune from the ride… did we head towards Main Street? Adventureland? Tomorrowland? Fantasyland?

You’ll just have to check back again to see…

Up next: Day 4: Part 3: Magic Kingdom Must-dos
YAYYYYYY the triumphant return of my beloved Scotian,how I have missed you here!!!I'm so glad you decided not to abandon this tr for all eternity.I really hope you stick with us girl!!!
New reader here! Found your report and have enjoyed reading it through. Looking forward to reading about what happens next!
YAYYYYYY the triumphant return of my beloved Scotian,how I have missed you here!!!I'm so glad you decided not to abandon this tr for all eternity.I really hope you stick with us girl!!!

Thanks, chickie!! I know it seemed like I was really giving up but I have a new push on to keep this going and finally finish it, even though it is almost 2 full years after the trip!

New reader here! Found your report and have enjoyed reading it through. Looking forward to reading about what happens next!

Welcome! So glad you could join in on my little adventure! I look forward to more posts! (I already have the next 3 drafted, but I'm afraid to post tooo much at once!)
Wow, would you look at that! Actual updates!
Hahaha hope you finish it this time! :P

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
New here:wave2:

I cant wait to go on Splash Mountain in just a few months!

Your trip looks like it was so much fun and your brothers impression of Bert must of been awesome! I am also a fan of the interactions with the Mad Hatter! :lmao: That is how he always make me feel.
New here:wave2:

I cant wait to go on Splash Mountain in just a few months!

Your trip looks like it was so much fun and your brothers impression of Bert must of been awesome! I am also a fan of the interactions with the Mad Hatter! :lmao: That is how he always make me feel.

:welcome: to my TR!!

Just a few months? Awww, so jealous!

We did have a blast on this trip.

My brother can do voices like nobody I know, he's very talented. The Mad Hatter was the best!
When I left off we had done Haunted Mansion, which my mother claimed she wouldn't do (prior to the trip) but she thoroughly enjoyed it! YAY!

So which way did we head? To Fantasyland, of course! First things first it's a small world. The lineup looked sooooooo long for isaw but it actually went by really fast!



After that we ran (and I mean RAN, cause it was spilling out) over to Mickey's Philhar Magic!


It was a few minute wait outside the theatre for the show to start so we sat on the floor with a small group of kids and did Disney Trivia with a Cast member, that was lots of fun!

After that we walked around a bit



We decided to then take Alice and the Mad Hatter's advice and take a spin on the Teacups. I had one rule. DON'T SPIN THE WHEEL. All three of us were ready to be sick just with the ride motion itself.




Hello, Mr. Mouse!!!


When we got off the teacups mom asked what we were going to do next. I had one request: Dumbo. If we did nothing else in the park the whole day, I wanted, no, NEEDED to go on Dumbo.

So off to Storybook Circus it was for us!!


This is when I realized the detail that was put into the pavement under our feet! It's incredible!


We grabbed our Tickets for the flight...


And headed inside to the indoor play area. It's really dimly lit in there, but really cool at the same time. I like the fact that we could sit off to the side, chit chat about our day and upcoming plans, and stay cool while we waited for our ride.


and then it was off to ride the amazing Dumbo! OMG This was my 6-year old moment. As those of you who read my PTR remember (and those who haven't can click here to read that post) I didn't get to ride Dumbo on my first trip. I'm really glad, though, that this was a first for all 3 of us together. We hopped into our Elephants, took obligatory photos, and were off!


The picture of mom and I in our Elephant was taken by David and I don't have a copy of that at the moment :(

The look on David's face during the ride, however, was absolutely priceless. Like he had no cares in the world! I was so happy to finally have my turn on*Dumbo*that I almost didn't notice the rain that started *grumble*

After Dumbo, we couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces. We decided that a trip on the WDW Railroad was in order and headed over to the station, we waited at the gate as the trail rolled up.


From there we took a tour around the world, and what an amazingly relaxing time it was. We ended up going 1 1/3 around the world, and got off the train at the Main Street Station after doing a full tour around the park.

Since we had skipped Photopass on the way through Magic Kingdom earlier on, we stopped at almost every one on the way down Main Street. This is when we encountered the BEST Photopass Photographer EVER!

As our turn came around there were 2 or 3 (I can't remember) people off to the side that were skipping along the sidewalk, which gave him motivation to extend his arm to me, and we skipped down the street singing! We had so much fun during our "photo shoot" as it felt like. What an extraordinary addition to the already superior experience of the Magic Kingdom!


We headed to the castle again, took some photos and snuck back to Fantasyland


Grabbed some Fast Passes


Took some pictures


And of course we had to take a spin on the carousel!


From there we were all tired so we headed to the front of the part to hop on a bus back home....

Will tomorrow be full of rain like today was? You'll find out in...

Day 5: Part 1: A sunny day, finally?
You guys are all so cute on Dumbo and the carousel and the teacups.

I told my mom that next time she and I are in Disney together I'm making her ride Rock n Rollercoaster. NO WAY she says. So I said to her, "You going to let your sister show you up???" :rotfl2: (She said yes, she was. :rotfl: )

Love those photopass pics. (Sometimes I get the disc out and look through all of them -- yours too!)

Twice in one day again! WOW!

Well since I'm off today I figured I'd post twice. Hope you enjoy my next chapter....

Day 5: Part 1: A sunny day, finally?

We decided the night before not to put in a wake up call. I only slept until 7:45 and apparently I snored all night according to David. I would normally dispute this but I was sick and stuffed up the entire trip.

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day!

We went to the EPCOT bus stop, the bus stop was very busy this morning. While waiting in line I realized I forgot our PhotoPass+ Card back in our room and David offered to go back to get it, so we ended up having to wait for the next bus but that was ok.


First things first, Spaceship Earth



I really do like this. Part way through the ride got stopped and we were stuck looking at this for about 5 minutes


But that’s ok. Now when I listen to the Spaceship Earth soundtrack I always think about when we got stuck on the ride, probably waiting for a wheelchair-to-ride vehicle transfer.

From there we HAD to get Fast Passes for Soarin. Decided to watch Circle of Life and headed to World Showcase from there. We took a peek through Canada and found the Circle Vision theatre. The CM at the entry was from Ontario and we talked to her for quite a while. Learned she wanted to attend MSVU.

We didn’t have time to watch the film now as we had reservations at Le Cellier.



I was really impressed that they sing O Canada first thing before guests are seated for their meals when the restaurant first opens. We talked to some of the other guests and before we knew it we were taken to the dining room and seated in Saskatchewan. Even though Appetizers aren’t on the dining plan we HAD to try the Cheddar Cheese Soup so shared a bowl and paid out of pocket for it.


Puts it into perspective!

The lighting is horrible inside there, or I would have taken lots of pics. I took a few but they didn’t turn out very well.

I had the Striploin steak and of COURSE, Crème Brulee. It wasn’t the best steak I’ve ever had but I finished my whole Crème Brulee and half of my brothers because he said it was too sweet.

After our meal it was time to head back to The Land and use or Soarin FP’s. When the ride vehicle rose my mother near broke my arm she got really scared; but then she relaxed and really enjoyed herself.

When Soarin was over we signed up for the Behind the Seeds tour. We had a little bit of time to spare before our tour and a boat was just about to leave for Living with the Land so we rushed over and did the boat tour through the greenhouse, It was really interesting and I loved spotting the hidden mickeys.

From there we decided to watch the Circle of Life movie to waste some time... and then I took this of mom and David on the way back to wait for our tour.


We had a seat back by the tour registration/check in desk where I was typing notes from the day into my phone and then this showed up:

Detwiler traveled to the Congo this past summer to see the species in its habitat, a 6,500-square-mile forest between the Lomami and the Tshuapa Rivers in the central part of the country. “After searching for several days in the most densely populated lesula habitat, I finally got a glimpse of the species on the last day in the forest,” Detwiler said in an FAU news statement. “After the excitement of confirming the new species in the genetics lab, the chance to see the lesula in its natural habitat was especially gratifying. The fact that we are just finding a new species of primate in this area of the Congolese rain forest in the 21st century indicates that there is still so much to learn. We are very lucky that we found the lesula while there is still time to save it, and the discovery fuels the drive to raise awareness about and support for conservation of this incredibly diverse ecosystem.”



Soon enough it was time for the tour! Ashley was our tour guide, and she was awesome! She was an intern in the Entomology Lab? (I probably have that WAYYYY wrong)


In the first room of the tour she taught us about good bugs and bad bugs and how we need both of them. She talked a lot about the different ways they grow produce and the part bugs play in it all. Then she asked us who wanted to release ladybugs in the greenhouse. Well hell yes!


They were frozen and sleeping but once you held the vials in your warm hands they started to wake up. She told us to release them in one of the greenhouses so we did.

We got to touch the sensitive plant (wicked!) and they had cucumber that was grown in the greenhouse there to try. I don’t like cucumber so Mom had my share. There was plenty for everyone so they were very generous with it.

We walked through a few of the greenhouses, learning lots of different things along the way. She showed us a 9 lb lemon (that was actually 7 ½ lbs haha) and we got to see how they turn vegetables into Mickey shapes! Very easy actually….


When we came around to where the gators and fish are, we had a chance to feed the fish (if we wanted) which was more like taking a handful of stuff and chucking in into the tank all at once and seeing them go nuts.

We did see a few hidden Mickey's along the way


In total there were probably 12 of us on the tour.

Once that was over, we went to take a 5 minute breather at Sunshine Seasons where we just sat at an empty table to figure out our gameplan.

This seems like a great time to have a break here.

So what was our plan? You’ll have to find out in…
Day 5: Part 2: You wanna do what? (times two)/Don't be a stick in the mud

Bye for now... :wave2:
You guys are all so cute on Dumbo and the carousel and the teacups.

I told my mom that next time she and I are in Disney together I'm making her ride Rock n Rollercoaster. NO WAY she says. So I said to her, "You going to let your sister show you up???" :rotfl2: (She said yes, she was. :rotfl: )

Love those photopass pics. (Sometimes I get the disc out and look through all of them -- yours too!)

:rotfl: Poor Bertha, letting my mom show her up. I think if MY mom can do it, YOUR mom can do it.

I did look through all the photopass ones today actually. It's fun re-living it.
I will one day try the Behind the seeds tour maybe when my kids are older, it looks like a lot of fun!

And YAY!!! A sunny day finally! :cool1:


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